You seem to be weak!

This is not Su Tian’s ridicule of Gao Chungui

Rather, a fact!

The feeling that Gao Chungui’s strength gave Su Tian was really weak!

Su Tian estimated,

Even She Yuanlong’s kind of goods,

In terms of strength, they are all stronger than the high purity and nobility in front of them.

This is not to say that in terms of strength

Kamen Rider TheBee is stronger than Kamen Rider Big Tooth

Instead, the suitability of She Yuanlong and TheBee is higher

So you can unleash more of the power of Kamen Rider TheBee!

The compatibility between high purity and Kamen Rider Big Tooth is low,

Only a very small part of Kamen Rider Daiya’s strength can be used

“You guy!!!”

Hearing Su Tian’s words, Gao Chungui’s face sank

On the face under the armor of the big teeth,

There was a hint of anger.

“It’s so arrogant!”

Gao Chungui took out the ‘Death Summoning Machine’ again,

And draw a card from the card box on the belt,

Looking at Su Tian, he said


“I admit that your strength is very strong, even the strongest opponent I have ever met.”

“But although the strength is strong, it must also be able to fight talents!”

After that,

Gao Chungui put the card in his hand into the ‘Death Call Machine’.

The sound of the card reading sounds:

“Freeze! Vent! (Freeze Fall!) )”

With the end of the sound effect,

A frosty aura appeared under Su Tian’s feet

And instantly enveloped Su Tian.

“Haha, it can really freeze!”

Seeing that Su Tian did not move, Gao Chungui was ecstatic

After a loud laugh, he said:

“I didn’t expect the effect of this card to be so perverted.”

“In this case, wouldn’t my ranking be improved a lot?”

“Even within 100,000?”

Gao Chungui originally had no intention of defeating Su Tian

I use this card just to try

it out

Because he wasn’t sure if the effect of this card was useful to Su Tian.

I didn’t expect the result to be unexpected.

Gao Chungui even began to fantasize

With this card, he raised the ranking to less than 100,000.

Come to your senses,

Gao Chungui looked at Su Tian, who was frozen, again


“Let you be arrogant, overturn the car!”

With that, Gao Chungui pulled out a card from the card box again

and insert it inside the ‘Death Call Machine’.

“Advent! (The Covenant is coming!) )”

The sound effect sounded,

A tall figure appeared

This figure is tall, with blue and white striped armor on his body

Strong under both arms


It’s a pair of giant tiger claws!

White tiger-type bipedal walking monster,

It is also a contract beast of Kamen Rider Big Tooth,

Death Tiger!

After summoning the Death Tiger,

Gao Chungui commanded the Death Wild Tiger to attack Su Tian

At this time, although Gao Chungui was proud, the vigilance in his heart was not reduced

Let the Death Wild Tiger test it first

What if Su Tian is pretending?

The Death Tiger is large, but not slow

In the blink of an eye, he came to Su Tian

The tiger’s claws on his wrists are raised high

Wave down!

In the distance,

Gao Chungui looked at this scene with bated breath

“Near, near…”

The tiger claws of the death tiger are getting closer and closer

Just when Gao Chungui thought that this blow was stable,

The next second of the picture made Gao Chungui’s heart beat wildly

I saw Su Tian, who was originally stationary, put the ‘Garuru Saber’ in his left hand in front of him

The right hand rests on the hilt of the ‘Garuru Saber’

The wolf’s head on the other side of the handle was aimed right at the death tiger in front of it.


I saw Su Tian push forward!


A wolf roar suddenly sounded from the open mouth of the wolf head.

The sound wave of this wolf roar turned into a circle of blue light waves

Erupts outward from the wolf’s head.

The first to be affected by this light wave was the Death Wild Tiger closest to Su Tian

The Death Wild Tiger was directly swept away by this powerful fluctuation

Blue lightning-like energy constantly exploded on his body.

Gao Chungui in the distance is also very uncomfortable now

This wolf howl is too strong,

Gao Chungui only felt as if his ears had been hit by a giant hammer

The pain is incomparable

How could Gao Chungui, who was already injured, resist this heart-wrenching feeling

When even if he falls to his knees,

His hands were on the armor of his ears, constantly shaking.

“Freeze Fall is indeed a bit perverted.”

Su Tian continued to increase the wolf howl on the head of the ‘Garuru Saber’


At the same time, he sighed secretly in his heart.

Freeze Descend This card can instantly freeze the contract beast of the opposing knight in the original book

And in [Knight’s Century],

Not all Kamen Riders have contract beasts

I don’t know if that’s the reason

It caused the freezing to fall directly on Su Tian

But the good thing is,

Su Tian’s strength is strong,

Coupled with the fact that Gao Chungui cannot exert the true strength of Kamen Rider Big Tooth,

Just let Su Tian in such a short time

Broke through the freeze.

“It seems that we will have to be more cautious in the future!”

After eating a long and a wise, Su Tian understood more about the words that the lion fighting the rabbit also used all his strength

Even if the opponent’s strength is weaker than his own,

It should not be taken lightly

Of course,

This does not mean that Su Tian will act cautiously in the future.

Caution is kept in mind

It’s not about making you cautious in the face of enemies

It’s about letting you face the enemy

If you attack, you must use all your strength

Press the enemy directly to death!

The enemy can’t be given the slightest chance to turn over!

Shoot ruthlessly, and the aftermath should be stable!

Thoughts flashed through my heart

Seeing that the time was almost right, Su Tian turned the ‘Garuru Saber’ in his hand horizontally

Placed in front of the Kivat Bat III on his waist

Kivat Bat III opened his mouth to bite the blade of the ‘Garuru Saber’

The sound sound came from the mouth of Kivat Bat III:

“Garulu! Bite! (Garuru bites!) )”

Blue energy spread from the mouth of Kivat Bat III to the blade of the ‘Garuru Saber’


Su Tian picked up the ‘Garuru Saber’

The right hand and left hand together hold the handle of the ‘Garuru Saber’

Then exhale slowly.


One turn of the knife!


There was another wolf roar, and scarlet air currents emerged

Night is falling again,

Su Tian’s back,

A full moon shone brightly, emitting a white moonlight.

Under this full moon,

Su Tian’s figure stood proudly!

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