Su Tian talked with the admissions office teacher of Tianlu University for a long time before hanging up the phone.

“New quests… [Competitive Rankings]!”

After hanging up the phone, Su Tian muttered in a low voice.

Coming up with a new copy to attract new students can be said to be very bold.

There are not many freshmen with an S grade or higher in a class

It should be a maximum of dozen,

And the admissions teacher just said that the school will be in a month

That is, at the beginning of the school year,

Choose three of the highest freshmen in the competitive rankings!

There is another meaning in this sentence!

That is if you want to be selected

Successfully improve the ranking to less than 100,000 within a month at least

Because at 100,000,000,000,

will be displayed in a ranking

Tianlu University can be ranked statistically!

Enter within 100,000, and it is still in the Great Cheyenne Country Arena, which has the largest gold content

This is not an ordinary high requirement!

You know,

Some colleges and universities require graduation

It is also only required that students graduate from college

Enter within 100,000 people at a time!

Note! Not keep!

It’s just one entry!

As you can imagine,

This is a requirement for entry eligibility to obtain a new copy of Tianlu University

Very high!

“However, you can try!”

In the conversation just now, Su Tian had basically promised that the other party would choose Tianlu University

Without him!

The allure of new copies is simply too great!

“But in that case,”

“This little goal of mine is going to be mentioned up!”

Su Tian set a small goal at the beginning within a month

Raise the arena ranking to within 100,000,000

And now,

It can’t just be 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,0

And even further!

Make up your mind,

Su Tian planned to simply eat something, and he went to the arena to open [Competitive Ranking].

At the same time,

Great Cheyenne Country,

One of the largest cities in the Great Cheyenne Country, the City of Clouds!

A villa with more than 2,000 square meters

“Mr. Bing, this is what you want!”

A secretary with a bumpy figure and a beautiful appearance

Respectfully handed the information in his hand to Qian Ying, who was sitting in front of him.

Looking at the figure sitting on the chair in front of him,

A trace of confusion and reverence flashed in the eyes of the female secretary!

Absolutely beautiful appearance, absolutely strong authority, wisdom beyond age!

These are the people in the city of clouds and tides to describe the people in front of them

He was only eighteen years old

He created the number one company even in the city of clouds

Her gestures made the female secretary feel like being led

The female secretary knew that her sexual orientation was very normal

But when you see the person in front of you,

The heart’s beating rate still can’t stop accelerating.

“General Manager Bingyan… It’s too sassy! ”

The female secretary sighed in her heart

On the opposite side of her,

It was Bingyan who had entered the copy of the martial arts examination with Su Tian

However, at this time, Bingyan is no longer a student outfit at that time

Instead, it was replaced by a set of professional clothes

It looks like a peerless face with a light makeup

The cold expression makes people look at it at first glance,

The four big words ‘iceberg beauty’ inevitably rose in my heart.

Long hair coiled at the back,

It’s hard to imagine,

This very royal sister-style dress will appear on the body of an eighteen-year-old girl.

Looking down, Bingyan’s upper body is dressed in a smart feminine suit

The lower body wears a professional short skirt,

and black stockings that wrap your fair and attractive legs.

At the bottom are high heels that make people love and hate.

“Just that?”

Bingyan took the information handed over by the secretary and frowned

Words without emotion come out of the mouth

The tone was indifferent, but obviously with a hint of dissatisfaction.

The female secretary panicked, and immediately lowered her head and explained:

“President Bing, this candidate named Su Tian doesn’t have many activities in his usual life.”

“After I came out of the orphanage, I just worked part-time in addition to going to school.”

“So his information is relatively simple…”

As a person who has been with Bingyan for a while,

The female secretary’s heart was very conflicted

Just like now,

Looking at Bingyan’s cold and frosty face,

The female secretary was both scared and addicted.

I’m afraid because Bingyan is like an iceberg to anyone

If you make a mistake, Bingyan will definitely not show mercy

Even a female secretary who has been with her for a long time.

And the addiction is because of the charm of Bingyan!

The charm here is not just about looks and looks

There are also aspects of identity, charisma and so on.

While the female secretary explained,

Bingyan was also looking at the information in her hand.

Information about Su Tian!

After the martial arts exam, Bingyan returned to the company she founded

And let the female secretary check this martial arts examination,

Information on a person named Su Tian with an S grade or above

There are not many candidates with an S grade or above

Plus having a name, it came out as soon as you checked it.


What disappointed Bingyan a little was that

Su Tian’s information looks very ordinary

In addition to being handsome, the experience is similar to that of other students

Going to school, working part-time, etc….

“Is this really that Su Tian?”

Bingyan whispered

Looking at the picture of Su Tian in his hand,

But the figure of Kiva armed with a Pasha Merlin gun comes to mind!

“Ice Boss! Ice total! ”

The female secretary’s call pulled Bingyan’s thoughts back

“Ice President!”

“Madame said that your results in the martial arts examination this time…”

Madam, is Bingyan’s mother,

He is also the head of the Bing family!

The female secretary’s subsequent words were not spoken

Bingyeon also knows what it means,

This time, Bingyan only got a score of B+ in the martial arts test

Mainly due to the time of the Wu Kao copy,

Important things, such as finding the real Situ Hong, killing spider alien insects, flies alien insects, etc

All were done by Su Tian,

Bingyan’s rating did not break A!

And the score breaks A,

In order to safely enter the top universities of the Great Cheyenne Country

With a B+ grade, you need some special tools to get into a top university.

“You tell her I don’t need that kind of help!”

Bingyan didn’t even think about refusing directly

Her pride did not allow her to take shortcuts

Bingyan touched the knight’s coat of arms on the back of her right hand

There is a coat of arms similar to a unicorn.

Kamen Rider Kabuto’s coat of arms,

“I will enter the top 100,000 of [Competitive Ranking] within a month!”

“With my own strength!”

As mentioned before, the one-month vacation at the end of the martial arts exam

It is to give a chance to candidates who have good strength but failed in the martial arts examination

Bingyan plans to take advantage of this opportunity

With your own strength, enter the top universities!

Even if the difficulty is not small, Bingyan believes in herself,

What others can’t do, that’s someone else!

She Bingyan, she will definitely be able to do it!

He stroked the Kabuto coat of arms on the back of his hand again

Bingyan seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but rise.

He said to himself in a voice that only he could hear:

“When the time comes, if we meet,”

“I think you’ll still say I can’t play Kabuto?”

“He actually said that he would teach me…”

At this time, Bingyan did not notice the female secretary who was stunned on the side

For the first time,

This is definitely the first time!

The female secretary was sure

This is the first time Bingyan has smiled

At least the first time she saw it!

“Could it be because of this Su Tian?”

The female secretary was not stupid, and instantly thought of Su Tian who Bingyan let herself investigate.

But then, a lot of doubts arose in the female secretary’s heart:

“This Su Tian is also handsome, does he have any background.”

“Although the score of the martial arts test is S+, it is not the only one!”

“Even, his Kamen Rider is still Kiva.”

It’s not that the female secretary looks down on Kamen Rider Kiva,

It’s because, among [Knight Century] players all over the world,

Use Kamen Rider Kiva to rank the strongest in the arena

It’s just mid-top.

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