Su Tian’s motorcycle is moving forward,

And the ‘people’ who were originally in front of Su Tian all dispersed to both sides

It seems that he is very jealous of Su Tian.


Along the way, Su Tian drove almost unimpeded to the place where the explosion had just occurred

As soon as I came here,

The first thing that caught Su Tian’s eyes was a dark-skinned young man!

“This man…”

“It seems to be called Yi Hongchang, right?”

Su Tian recalled,

recognized its identity,

Also a player.

The one who stood out among the three in order to compete for the last place.

At this time, Yi Hongchang was lying on the ground

Not far from Yi Hongchang, there was the place where the explosion


Su Tian also found that

Yi Hongchang seems to have a little boy about seven or eight years old in his arms?

“Little Seven, are you alright?”

Yi Hongchang asked the little boy in his arms.

The little boy, that is, the child who was made Little Seven by Yi Hongchang, shook his head

It’s okay to signal yourself.

See this,

Yi Hongchang breathed a slight sigh of relief

He also counted on this boy named Xiaoqi to take him to the human stronghold.

At the time of the player’s arrival,

A chase is taking place where Yi Hongchang landed

A little boy is fleeing, and behind him,

It’s an Orphean Enoch!

Seeing this, Yi Hongchang sounded his task

He transforms into Kamen Rider Joker and kills the Orphie Enoch

Saved the boy named Xiaoqi in front of him

And Xiaoqi saw that Yi Hongchang was actually a Kamen Rider,

Suddenly stunned, followed by excitement.

Say that Yi Hongchang is the savior of mankind,

I actually met a savior or something when I came out this time.


Yi Hongchang and Xiaoqi established a brief friendship

Xiao Qi even proposed to wait for Yi Hongchang to go to the human stronghold.

Of course, Yi Hongchang will not refuse,

But I didn’t expect that

Didn’t go far,

Yi Hongchang and Xiaoqi encountered the pursuers again

There was only one pursuer this time

Riding a handsome motorcycle,

When they meet,

This pursuer did not have nonsense, and directly fired a shell from a motorcycle,

Straight towards Yi Hongchang,

Yi Hongchang didn’t have time to transform,

Holding Little Seven and starting to escape,

In the first few seconds of the shell explosion,

Thrillingly threw Xiao Qiu to the ground

Fortunately, neither was injured.

“Not good!”

“The surrounding Ofe Enoch seems to be gathering towards this side.”

Yi Hongchang’s heart sank, and he got up from the ground with Xiao Qi.

At this time,

Because of the explosion, a large number of passers-by slowly approached

It’s just that they are far away

But Yi Hongchang knows,

Now these passers-by don’t know that they and Xiaoqi are humans

If you know….

“What a stroke of luck! Mankind! ”

“You hiding bugs dare to appear here!”

At this moment, a rough voice sounded.

Yi Hongchang’s pupils shrank

Look ahead,

I saw it not far from myself

A burly man is riding on a motorcycle

This man is the same pursuer who pursues them!

A crazy smile pulled out of the corners of the muscular man’s mouth

Laughed coldly:

“The locomotive was stolen, and Lao Tzu’s mood was already unhappy,”

“You two weak humans actually dare to take the initiative to appear?”

The stout man said, and the pattern on his face appeared

The next second,

He turned to a gray-white weirdo

Huge body, heavy leather armor on the body

On the head of that hideous weirdo,

It has a huge horn.

Rhino Orpheno!

After the rhinoceros Offe Enoch revealed his true form,

The locomotive under his crotch sank down

It actually collapsed the ground slightly

This shows the horror of the rhinoceros Ophienoch in terms of weight and strength.

“Human? Those two people are actually humans! ”

“It’s really tiring that humans dare to appear here!”

“Show up, show up, actually dare to mess with Lord Rhinoceros.”

The ‘people’ around the side, after hearing the words of the rhinoceros Offe Enoch

Immediately whispered,

There was a cold light in the eyes that looked at Yi Hongchang and Xiao Qi

But it seems to be because of the rhino Offe Enoch

These ‘people’ did not reveal their Orife Enoch form to attack Yi Hongchang and Xiao Qi.

They didn’t want to upset the rhinoceros Ofiono.

Rhinoceros Orphi Enoch got off the motorcycle


“The load-bearing capacity of this locomotive is too weak,”

“Sure enough, borrowing someone else’s is not good, but I still have my car.”

“That thief actually dared to steal my locomotive.”

“Don’t let me meet…”

Yi Hongchang has been staring closely at the rhinoceros Aophieno

See the rhinoceros Orphie Enoch disembark from the locomotive

And when cursing and cursing,

Yi Hongchangdu is going to take out the Lost Drive and Joker (Ace/Joker) memory!

But then Yi Hongchang saw the voice of the rhinoceros Aophie Enoch stop


Yi Hongchang found that the rhinoceros Ofe Enoch was looking at him blankly

Wrong! It’s to look behind yourself!

Yi Hongchang reacted

Turn around and look,

I happened to see Su Tian, who was also riding on a motorcycle.

“Su Tian!”

“Why are you here?”

Yi Hongchang exclaimed

First surprise, followed by vigilance

Because of Su Tian’s side,

It’s those ‘passers-by’!

Aophi Enoch and Su Tian coexist peacefully?

Su Tian still has the same locomotive as the rhinoceros Aoife Enoch?

“You’re from the Orphe Enoch camp?”

Yi Hongchang’s eyes narrowed slightly and asked.

After speaking, without waiting for Su Tian to respond

Yi Hongchang directly took out the lost drive and Joker memory

Press the button on the Joker memory.

“Joker! (Ace!) )”

The sound effect sounded, and Yi Hongchang also put the lost drive on his waist

“What bad luck! , First met Aophie Enoch, and now met Su Tian. ”

Yi Hongchang sighed secretly in his heart

Drag the Joker memory in your hand into the slot of the lost drive

One thrust!

See when Joker memory is inserted

The purple Kamen Rider Joker’s knight coat of arms emerges in front of the Lost Drive

Layers of purple ripples start from the Lost Drive and spread around.


Yi Hongchang said with a heavy face, and pushed the Joker memory inserted into the lost drive to the side!

“Joker! (Ace!) )”

The same sound sound sounded again

Purple energy ripples began to flicker around Yi Hongchang

Purple lightning-like energy and a large number of black fragments appeared and attached to Yi Hongchang’s body

Formed armor that is generally black.

The eye armor is red, above the eye armor

It is a ‘W’ style silver-white armor.

Look down,

It is a strong and powerful black cuirass,

On the breastplate, there is a slight purple inlay

Make it look extravagant and handsome.

Kamen Rider Joker (Ace)!



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