Chapter 62 Tatsulot Demon Emperor Dragon, Demon Emperor Kiva Form!!

“Make no mistake.”

“Why is this sword so long?”

In the distance, Bingyan was stunned!

The forty-meter giant sword looks extremely shocking.

“This quest not only features two Kamen Riders who have never appeared!”

“And its strength is still so strong!”

Bingyan can imagine how many people will spend a lot of money to buy a place to enter the quest after the information of this quest is circulated.

At that time, as one of the owners of this quest, Bingyan can definitely get a lot of benefits.

But at this time, Bingyan didn’t care about these, “Su Tian, can you win the victory?” ”

Bingyan is more concerned about whether Su Tian can win, whether he can directly clear the level, and get the reward of the first copy.

In the battlefield, looking at the sword body energy body of more than forty meters extended by the Olga Splitting Sword in Xiao Qi’s hand, Su Tian was slightly surprised that Kamen Rider Orga’s sword was also called the Sword of the Underworld.

The Ford Brad Blade with powerful output.

Theoretically, the range of this sword is theoretically unlimited.

It is definitely more than forty meters, but more than forty meters is also very powerful.

It can only be said that Shiyu’s life energy is too much of a bonus for Little Seven.

The other party released and killed, Su Tian naturally couldn’t fall, and put the awakening flute whistle in his hand into the mouth of Kivat Bat III!

“Wake! Up! (Awakening)”

Sound effects sounded in the mouth of Kivat Bat III.

Su Tian slowly crossed his hands, his body bent slightly, “Phew… Call…… Phew…”

With a heavy breath from Su Tian, a scarlet air flow instantly filled this sky, dark night… Befall!

Everything around was shrouded in darkness at this moment, unlike when Su Tian released the killing, this time the night came to pure darkness!

This is the dark night that belongs to Kiva, to King! Behind Su Tian, a full moon exuding a lonely aura emerged! Su Tian raised his head slightly, and then, his feet exerted force, and the armor of his feet exploded, revealing the scarlet armor inside and the pair of demonic wings, and then Su Tian jumped hard towards the sky!


The ground where Su Tian was originally located instantly cracked, and Su Tian had jumped into the sky at this time, high in the sky, on that huge full moon, an upside-down figure slowly emerged, it was the Kamen Rider Kiva that Su Tian had changed! In the next second, Su Tian’s body rotated, took the posture of a knight kick, and kicked towards Xiao Qi, who exceeded lightning-like speed, and scarlet energy slowly appeared on Su Tian’s legs, Darkness! Moon! Break! (Dark Moon Break)

Seeing this, Xiao Qi on the ground also raised the Oga Splitting Sword in his hand, and the energy sword body of more than forty meters was suddenly pulled up, stabbing towards Su Tian who was kicking towards him in the sky, and in the dark night, scarlet light and golden light met at this moment.


The energy generated by the collision of the two swept away, “Not good! ”

In the distance, Bingyan, who thought that she was at a safe distance, saw this scene, and suddenly sighed in her heart, summoned her Kabuto insect instrument at the fastest speed ever and quickly completed the transformation, changing into Kamen Rider Kabuto’s Kabuto form, and then lay directly on the ground, striving to withstand only the smallest impact.

As an ordinary person, Cheng Yuqiang, who was originally the guardian of Shiyu, although his heart was complicated and abnormal, he also knew that he could not change anything at all as an ordinary person, so when Su Tian and Xiaoqi were fighting, he entered the last stronghold of mankind for the first time and closed the entrance, and luckily avoided the energy shock this time.


The energy impact that sputtered did not last long, because, where Su Tian’s Dark Moon Break and Xiao Qi’s giant sword came into contact, there was already a result, and I saw that the energy sword body of Xiao Qi’s Oga Splitting Earth Sword began to crumble.

“Snap… Snap…”

At first, it was the place where the sword was pointed, and then the place where it crumbled became bigger and bigger, half a meter, one meter, two meters, and Su Tian’s Dark Moon Break also got closer and closer to Xiao Qi, on the ground with the shattering of the Olga Splitting Earth Sword.

“So… Am I still not alive? ”

On the ground, when Xiao Qi, seeing this result, a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he muttered: “However, in this case…”

“I can also go to accompany Sister Shiyu!”

“Sister Shiyu, I’m really sorry!”

“If it weren’t for my ridiculous dream,”

“You… I should be happy now. ”

Xiao Qi’s thoughts flickered, and at this time, in the air, Su Tian’s Dark Moon Break had already shattered most of the energy sword body of the Olga Splitting Earth Sword.

The golden light finally failed under the scarlet light.

Under the armor of Orga, Xiao Qi, looking at the scarlet light that was getting closer and closer to him, his eyes gradually became divine, and since the result was decided, then…

In the next second, I saw Xiao Qi’s initiative to withdraw the energy sword body of the Olga Splitting Earth Sword, the Oga Splitting Earth Sword in his hand fell, closed his eyes, and Xiaoqi spread his hands slightly, as if taking the initiative to welcome Su Tian’s dark moon break.


Su Tian’s dark moon kicked heavily at Xiao Qi’s breastplate, and in an instant, the entire ground was lifted by this huge explosion, and where the explosion was, a Kiva coat of arms that was more than ten meters wide also appeared! The explosion gradually stopped, the smoke and dust generated slowly dissipated and fell, in the Kiva coat of arms, Su Tian was standing majestic, in front of Su Tian, was Xiao Qi, who had returned to the appearance of a child, behind Xiao Qi, there were still the pair of wings, but at this time, the eyes on the wings were towering, as if they were going to close at any time.

Xiao Qi’s body also gradually blurred, appearing somewhat transparent, his hands on his chest, where the point of light that Shiyu turned into condensed, put his hand here, the corners of Xiao Qi’s mouth rose slightly, as if his hand was being held by Shiyu, as if he had returned to before.

“Sister Shiyu…”

Whispering, Xiao Qi’s body finally began to dissipate, turning into extremely illusory gray sand, which disappeared in the air with the breeze.

[Congratulations to player Su Tian for killing the copy boss Xenohua Intelligent Company [i, Y.

[Congratulations to player Su Tian, player Bingyan cleared the dungeon, and will exit the dungeon after a minute! ] 】

After Xiaoqi disappeared, the prompt of [Knight Century] sounded in Su Tian and Bingyan’s ears. Silently looking at the place where Xiao Qi’s disappearing, Su Tian fell into a short silence, although Xiao Qi and Shiyu are characters in the copy, although when others enter this copy again, Xiao Qi and Shiyu will still appear, but!

“This feeling is so real…”

Su Tian muttered to himself in his heart.

Xiaoqi and Shiyu gave Su Tian the feeling that they were not characters in the game at all, or rather,

The quests in Knights’ Century don’t look like game worlds at all, everything seems so real.

Raising his head slightly, the sky that was originally shrouded in the dark night began to appear faint light, in this faint light, Su Tian seemed to see the shadow of a pair of siblings holding each other’s hands, smiling, slowly walking towards the only remaining light! A minute of time passed in a blink of an eye, and as soon as the time came, the scene around Su Tian and Bingyan disappeared, and instead returned to their respective detention spaces, returning to their own detention space, Su Tian’s ears sounded the prompt of [Knight Century] again:

[Congratulations on completing the final survival battle of the novice quest, which took 3 hours and 25 minutes (real time)]

[Start rating player Su Tian’s copy this time…]

[Personal performance: S+ grade! ] 】

[Mission completion progress: S+ level! ] 】

[Player Su Tian’s comprehensive rating: S+ level! ] 】

Not surprisingly, Su Tian’s rating once again reached the highest rating! S+!

Among other players, the second rated should be Bingyan, who also survived to the end, but because in the process, Bingyan has been watching the battle from the side, so the score will not be high there, and the third highest should be the player who belongs to the same human camp as Su Tian, but died, such as Yi Hongchang, etc., although they belong to the same human camp, due to death, the score will not exceed C at most.

As for those players who belong to the camp of Orpheenoch… I’m afraid I can’t even make up 36D.

[Congratulations to player Su Tian, the first player to pass the final survival battle of the quest. ] 】

[Get a special reward: Mystery Pack! ] 】

After waiting for a while, the prompt of [Knight Century] sounded in Su Tian’s ears again, and when he heard this, a trace of joy flashed in Su Tian’s eyes. What is the biggest bonus for this quest?

Isn’t it just to be the first to clear the level and then get the quest reward?

“Mystery Big Gift Package…”

“The things that come out shouldn’t be too bad, right?”

Su Tian muttered to himself, there was a big word, which obviously showed that it was not ordinary, silently opened this mysterious gift package in his heart, and Su Tian waited for the prompt sound of [Knight Century]:

[Open the mystery package…]

[Due to the particularity of the reward, now open the reward matching mechanism for player Su Tian…]

[Mystery Gift Pack Opened Successfully! ] 】

[Congratulations to player Su Tian for getting Kamen Rider Kiva’s exclusive item – Tatsulot (Demon Emperor Dragon)]

Tatsulot! (Demon Emperor Dragon) is actually Tatsulot! Su Tian was ecstatic in his heart, what is Tatsulot? It is itself a small dragon family, transformed by Fangire, who created the armor of Kiva.

Tatsulot can cut the seal of the container imposed by Kamen Rider Kiva’s body, so it becomes the key to awakening Kiva into the form of the Demon Emperor.

In other words, now Su Tian has Kamen Rider Kiva’s Demon Emperor form!

Among all the players of Blue Star, only the Demon Emperor form that Su Tian has now, the Kiva Demon Emperor form that has never appeared in front of Blue Star players! It is also the real gesture of Kamen Rider Kiva!

“The reward matching mechanism… Sure enough! ”

Recalling the prompt sound of [Knight Century] just now, Su Tian praised.

In Knight’s Century, some special reward packs trigger a reward matching mechanism, which will allow you to get the most needed prizes according to the knights you temporarily have.

Of course, there is an upper limit to this prize.

The ratings and rewards have been successfully settled, and Su Tian also plans to withdraw from [Knight Century]. Although more than three hours have only passed in the real world, in the copy world, Su Tian has experienced more than three days! Exit [Knight Century].

Su Tian returned to the nutrition cabin of the nutrition room of Tianlu University again. Opening the hatch and coming out of it, Su Tian felt slimy on his body, which was the nutrient solution in the nutrition cabin.

Fortunately, in the nutrition room, there is a shower room specially to clean these nutrient solutions, Su Tian faded the nutrition clothes on his body, and after a simple cleaning, Su Tian put back on his clothes again, and then walked out of the nutrition room.

“Huh? Su Tian, you also came out? ”

As soon as he walked out of the nutrition room, Su Tian found a group of people waiting in the hall of the nutrition room, these people were naturally the players who went to the quest with him, and Ye Yao, who was the dean of the Tianlu University Combat Academy! What Ye Yao said just now is what Ye Yao said,

“I thought you would go through a long time this time,”

“Alas, I didn’t expect to come out in more than three hours.”

“It seems that this copy is very difficult!”

“Think about it, after all, this is the first copy of the [Knight Century] where a copy character becomes a knight.”

“Moreover, that knight is still a Kamen Rider who has never appeared!”

“But don’t be discouraged, you’ve been Kente for a long time!”

Ye Yao sighed slightly and comforted Su Tian.

In Ye Yao’s opinion, not long after the others came out, Su Tian came out, and Su Tian should not have cleared the customs either.

It was Huo Yao who came out before Su Tian.

As I said before, all players who have experienced a copy cannot say the specific content of the copy to other players who have not entered this copy, so Huo Yao cannot say specific information about Kamen Rider Psyga, he can only say to Ye Yao and others that there are new knights in this copy! For players like Ye Yao who did not enter the copy, he would only know that the player failed and died, and would not know how the player failed and died.

This mechanic is [Knight’s Century] in order to ensure relative fairness between players who enter this quest in the future.

“Ye Yuan, I didn’t fail, I cleared the customs!”

Su Tian didn’t plan to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and said directly.

“I know, and you too… What the? Did you clear the customs? ”

Ye Yao didn’t react at first, but after confirming what Su Tian said, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

The Kamen Rider who turned from a replica character, the powerful new Kamen Rider who appeared, was actually defeated by Su Tian?

“This young man’s talent is really…”

“It’s outrageous!”

“Maybe with Su Tian’s ability, he will be favored by the people of that place?”

“No, I must get one for that quest in a few days!”

“Let Su Tian try it!”

Ye Yao’s eyes glowed as he looked at Su Tian, calculating in his heart, at this time, “One.”

The sound of the door of the room opening sounded, and everyone looked at the sound, Bingyan who came out of the nutrition room, she also came out?

Everyone was shocked, Su Tian did not feel surprised that Bingyan came out after him, after all, the nutrient solution in the nutrition cabin needs to be cleaned, and in terms of cleaning the body, girls usually spend more time than boys, “You also cleared the customs?” ”

Ye Yao asked.

Bingyan nodded, and then said something that shocked the others: “There is more than one new knight in this copy!” ”

“There is another one!”

“That knight’s strength is even stronger!”

“I was able to clear the customs this time thanks to Su Tian.”

Bingyan also knew that she couldn’t say too many copies of the specifics, she could only say this simple information, and when she said the last sentence, Bingyan also looked at Su Tian, and there was a flash of longing and fascination in her eyes.

Strong men will always attract the attention of the opposite sex.

After hearing Bingyan’s words, Ye Yao, who was the head of the Actual Combat Academy, was suddenly overjoyed in his heart, two new Kamen Riders!

That shows that the value of this copy is immeasurable!

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