Chapter 64: King’s Enthronement, God’s Human Walker!!

[Player Zhong Wu invites you to enter the quest King! ], Accept it or not? 】

The sound of [Knight Century] sounded in Su Tian’s ears, “King? ”

Su Tian repeated the name of this copy in surprise.

Although there are many that can be called king, such as the king of Aophi Enoch in the mouth of Xiaoqi before, Kamen Rider Kiva obtained by Su Tian, Kamen Rider DarkKiva who has never appeared, Kamen Rider Blade (sword) Emperor form, Kamen Rider 0O0, and the Demon Time King who symbolizes absolute power, etc… can match King or have a relationship with King, and the name of the copy can generally indicate something, “King’s words,”

“That is… The new Kamen Rider that Hain is talking about is likely to be this King? ”

Su Tian suddenly thought that Ye Yao had said to himself that the difficulty of this copy was not low, and among the players who failed, the players who walked to the back met a new Kamen Rider and failed.

“Kamen Rider who can be called King!”

“It’s really interesting!”

A glint of essence flashed in Su Tian’s eyes.


Su Tian just got Tatsulot (Demon Emperor Dragon)! It just so happens to be King.

Thoughts flashed quickly in his heart, and Su Tian clicked the amine button of agreement.

After clicking agree, the prompt of the [Knight Century] light brain sounded in Su Tian’s ears:

[Coming soon to enter the quest King…]

【Loading successful! 】

[Reminder: Players have five minutes to view the basic information of this quest.] 】

[After five minutes, it will randomly descend into the dungeon.] The prompt sound was similar to the last time, and as soon as Su Tian’s mind moved, a copy information panel appeared on the panel in front of him, which was the basic information called King copy this time.

[Copy name: King! 】

[Quest background: “Thirty years ago, humans and Fangire (tooth and blood) were one.] ”

There was a fierce battle that cost both sides dearly, and Fangire’s King disappeared.

“At this point, Fangire entered an era without King rule, and the world was even more chaotic.”

“Until recently, there was a word in Fangire that King would come into this world again,”

“At that time, King will lead Fangire to wage a war of extermination against humanity, and Fangire will rule the world!”

“And the human side also attaches great importance to this, saying that it will stop at all costs to prevent the appearance of King, or kill the King who appears!”

“The balance between the Human 900 and Fangire is getting more and more delicate.”

[Total number of quest players: 6.] 】

[Quest time limit: unlimited.] 】

[Quest mission content:? (After selecting the clearance route, you will get the corresponding mission content)]

[Ding, player Su Tian triggers the quest “King! ”

of clearance route selection! 】

[The choice is as follows: (1), King’s accession to the throne! ]

(2), God’s earthly walker! 】

Su Tian was slightly surprised when he saw this, this copy seemed to be similar to the last camp choice! The two choices of King’s enthronement and the god’s human walker are obviously to divide the players into two queues.

“But this looks like a lineup battle for the final battle for survival.”

“Just one more choice?”

When Su Tianzheng was puzzled, he suddenly found that these two options seemed to be expandable, click expand, and the information of the two choices appeared.

[King’s enthronement: The road to becoming king is full of thorns, do you have the determination to become king? 】

[Dungeon Clearance Mission: Ascend the throne as King! ] 】

[Tips: Choose the path of ascending the throne as King, you will have no teammates! ] 】

[God’s Human Walker: My existence is to give your life to the gods (God)]

[Dungeon Clearance Mission: Stop King’s accession to the throne! ] The information of both options is very easy to understand, and the first task to choose is to become a King!

And on the road to becoming King, you are destined to be lonely! So if you choose, you are only one person!

But the second option is different, and if you choose the second, the task becomes to prevent King from ascending the throne.

There is no limit to this!

That is to say, a total of six players, if only one person chooses the first King’s enthronement, and the other five choose the second, it is five to block one person, so this is a lot more likely, it is possible that five gods and human walkers can block a King candidate.

It is also possible that 4 gods of human walkers are blocking a candidate for King and a candidate for King.

And so on…

“Is it possible that everyone chose King’s enthronement or that everyone chose the gods and earthly walkers?”

Su Tian seemed to have thought of this interesting situation, and a look of interest appeared in his eyes.

However, no matter what others choose, Su Tian has already made a choice in his heart! King’s accession to the throne!

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Tian chose this path that was destined to belong to him.

[Player Su Tian chooses the clearance route King’s enthronement! ] 】

After the prompt of the light brain sounded, Su Tian found that the copy information panel had changed.

【Player: Su Tian】

[Current copy: King! 】

[Quest clearance mission content: Ascend the throne as King! ] 】

[Teammates: None! ] 】

It was very simple and clear information, but it was because the content of the clearance task was too simple, which made Su Tian’s brows wrinkle slightly.

Ascend the throne as King, so what exactly is to be done?

“Is it as the background says, leading Fangire (the tooth and blood ghost) to rule the world?”

“Or kill all those earthly walkers who choose gods?”

After thinking about it, Su Tian felt that these two possibilities were not very likely, if it was just like this, then among the players who entered this copy before, someone would definitely clear the level.

At this time,

【Knight Century】The prompt of the light brain sounded: [The time has come! ] 】

[Now start teleporting players to the quest world, the teleportation location is random! ] 】


Su Tian was wrapped in light, the next second.

[Teleportation complete!] 】

Opening his eyes, Su Tian found that he had arrived at the copy world, and found himself sitting on a dusty, but domineering chair, looking around, this is an empty room, there is nothing around, except for the surrounding walls, there are weird graffiti.

“Here it is…”

Su Tian frowned, looked down, and found that the clothes on his body had changed and turned into a hospital gown!

Not only that, but he was actually tied to a chair by iron chains, “This copy actually has an identity?” ”

Su Tian sighed deeply, and every time Wang Xiaoming went to a world in his mind, he would also have an identity arrangement.

“I remember,”

“It seems that in the [Knight’s Century], the difficulty of the quest has reached a certain level.”

“There will be some special cases,”

“Such as… Now this? ”

Su Tian looked at the hospital gown on his body and was a little stunned.

This particular case only appears when the quest is very difficult, so it is generally helpful to the player, but he has now become a patient.

How can patient identity help?

And most importantly, he is still bound by chains, even if he is a patient, he will not be bound by chains under normal circumstances! Just as Su Tian was puzzled, two voices talking suddenly sounded outside the door.

“Doctor Zhang, this mental patient is really strange,”

“He actually said that he was King!”

“But we obviously checked, he doesn’t have Fangire blood on him at all!”

It was a girl, who seemed to be a nurse.

The nurse, known as Dr. Zhang, responded, “So he’s mentally ill and insane.” ”

“It’s not too early now, you can go back first!”

“I’m going to work overtime today!”


The nurse answered, and then the sound of high heels that were fading away sounded.

With the bonus of [All Knights Adapt to the Physique], Su Tian had good hearing and heard the discussion between these two very clearly.

Subconsciously complained in his heart: “What nurse wears high heels?” ”

“I saw it in the movie…”


At this time, the door of the room was opened, and Su Tian looked at the sound and saw a handsome man with gold silk glasses walking towards him with a smile on his face.

Obviously, this man is that Doctor Zhang, and Doctor Zhang walked up to Su Tian and stopped here, “Su Tian? ”

“Is that your name?”

“It’s a shame, it’s a mental illness to be so young.”

“Still fantasize about being King?”

“Not to mention, this chair is made of a good look.”

Dr. Zhang held a document that should have recorded the patient’s information, and said to himself, because the current Su Tian was sitting on the chair like a throne, and Dr. Zhang was in front of Su Tian, muttering quietly, so if you look from the side and block out the sound, it is like a retainer reporting things to Wang.

Well, if you ignore the chains on Su Tian’s body.

“I’m not mentally ill!”

Su Tian didn’t want to listen to this Dr. Zhang chanting here all the time, Dr. Zhang was stunned, looked towards Su Tian, just met Su Tian’s eyes, Dr. Zhang’s heart was suddenly shocked, this look… So familiar?

“I said, I’m not mentally ill.”

Su Tian repeated again, Dr. Zhang reacted from the sluggishness, shook his head slightly, and secretly said how could a human have such a look, “Then how do you prove that you are not mentally ill?” ”

Dr. Zhang’s face was still the trademark smile, and he smiled at Su Tian.

When Su Tian heard this, he was happy in his heart and asked rhetorically: “Then how can you prove that I am mentally ill?” ”

The smile on Dr. Zhang’s face was shocked,

“I’m a doctor, I said you have, you have it!”

“Then I’m still King, aren’t you, as a subordinate, supposed to obey King’s orders?”

Su Tian’s words were like a hammer, hitting Dr. Zhang’s mind hard, and Dr. Zhang’s pupils shrank significantly,

“No, he’s just a human, he’s not King!”

“Yes, he’s just an ordinary human who fantasizes about being King.”

“I sent it after checking it above…”

Doctor Zhang comforted himself in his heart for a while, sorted out his mood, and Dr. Zhang’s face regained a smile and said to Su Tian: “Whether you are a mental patient or not, it doesn’t matter now!” ”

“The important thing is…”

“You are like an ant now, let me handle it!”

Dr. Zhang said, pushing the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand, the next second.


Colorful patterns appeared on Dr. Zhang’s face.

Seeing this, Su Tian did not have the slightest surprise on his face, but showed a faint smile.

“How? Can’t help it so soon? ”

“Are you trying to make a move against your King?”

In fact, the moment Dr. Zhang opened this door, Su Tian noticed that this Dr. Zhang was not a human being! It’s a Fangire.

Su Tian guessed if this was after he obtained Tatsulot (Demon Emperor Dragon),

【Full Knight Adaptation Physique】Give yourself the ability to feel the breath of Fangire next to you!

“Huh… That’s ridiculous! Mankind! ”

“I actually think I’m King!”

“Don’t you know? King has been gone for more than thirty years! ”

A hint of mockery flashed on Dr. Zhang’s face,

“But it’s okay,”

“After all, you’re just blood food sent to me from above.”

“It’s so good, as long as you are loyal to the undead bird legend puppet beast,”

“You can have endless life energy to enjoy,”

“The most important thing is… Not yet to be discovered! ”

Doctor Zhang raised his hands slightly, sighing, the legend of the undead bird puppet beast? Legendary puppet beasts?

Su Tian was slightly shocked in his heart!

For this kind of strange person, Su Tian, who has seen the Kiva theatrical version in his previous life, is no stranger, and the legend says that the puppet beast race does not belong to any race, and has a variety of shapes and shapes!

It’s just that the undead bird legend puppet beast in the mouth of this chapter doctor seems to have never appeared in that theatrical version.

But think about it, this copy world is not the world legend puppet beasts of the theatrical version, and it is impossible to appear in the theatrical version.

“You a Fangire, offering loyalty to the undead bird legend puppet beast Su Tian is quite curious in his heart, the legend that the puppet beast is a more conceited existence than Fangire (tooth blood ghost), because he and Fangire both want to dominate the world, so they are generally hostile to each other!”


“You, an ordinary human being, are you actually not afraid?”

When Dr. Zhang heard Su Tian’s question, he did not answer, but looked at Su Tian in shock, since Su Tian knew that he was Fangire! And still tied, even not afraid?


“Oh, forget it, it’s not comfortable to talk like this!”

Su Tian’s heart moved,


With a sound, I saw that in the space above Su Tian, a mechanical bat appeared out of thin air, it was Kivat Bat III!

After the appearance of Kivat Bat III, it was directly “Gong! ”


With two sounds, he knocked the chains on Su Tian’s body open,

“This… This is…”

At this time, Dr. Zhang was pointing at the Kivat bat Ш Shi flying in the air with a look of disbelief.

“This is King?”

“Nope! No, it’s not the same as King’s…”

At first, Dr. Zhang thought that Kivat Bat III was the one he remembered, but soon found that the color was not the same, although it was different, but Dr. Zhang also knew that Su Tian was not an ordinary person, and the pattern on his face moved, and the next second, Dr. Zhang turned into a blue-dominated monster, Octopus Fangire!

Fangire, the octopus who revealed his true body, roared fiercely: “Human boy, where are you sacred?” ”

“It’s just a king passing through this world, remember it for me.”

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