Chapter 67 Celebrate, King who rules this world! It was born!!

When the grip of the Degas hammer was smashed on the ground by Su Tian, a powerful purple concussion wave swept away like a surrounding area centered on Su Tian, and at the same time, under Su Tian’s feet, the ground began to crumble, and in an instant, a huge Kiva heraldic ground pattern appeared at Su Tian’s feet!


In an instant, I saw purple thunder and lightning constantly roaring on the ground of this Kiva coat of arms at Su Tian’s feet!

And Su Tian, who is located in the middle, is like the thunder god descending into the world! Hold a huge hammer in front of you and punish the filthy people in front of you! At this time, Tian Xian, who was the main bearing object, had only now climbed up from the ground, and he saw this scene as soon as he got up.

His eyes instantly widened, and he muttered in his mouth: “This… This is Kiva’s Degas form? ”

Under the IXA armor, Tian Xian’s pupils were full of purple thunder movie flickering.

This scene in front of him, which was like the destruction of heavenly thunder, made Tian Xian fall into a sluggishness. In my memory, even Dracula, who is known as the world’s No. 1 Kiva, does not have such a great power in Kiva’s Degas form! Directly in front of Tian Xian, Su Tian pulled the lever behind the Degas hammer, and the next second, he saw the surrounding purple lightning frantically drawing on the Degas hammer.

The fist of Degas’s hammer, baptized by purple lightning, slowly opened, revealing the Eye of Truth inside!

“Zi… Multiply…… Zi…”

At the first moment when the Eye of Truth was revealed, the purple Demon Emperor’s power burst out between the whiskers, and all the Demon Emperor’s power condensed in the direction where Tian Xian was, and Tian Xian only felt an irrepressible sense of paralysis emerge from his body, and his whole body stiffened!

At this time, Su Tian had already pulled out the Degas Hammer with his fist closed from the ground, raised it high above his head, and the purple Degas Hammer fist energy condensation appeared along with lightning on the wound of the Degas Hammer, and then he saw Su Tian’s eye armor flash purple light, and the Degas Hammer in his hand smashed straight down, at the same time, the huge fist 19 energy condensation above the Degas Hammer also bombarded Tian Xian, who could not move!

“Dogga! Thunder! Slap! (Degar Thunder Strike)”

Tian Xian wanted to struggle, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t move, so he could only watch in despair as the huge lightning fist blasted towards him!


Tian Xian, who was hit by Degas’s hammer, dissipated in an explosion, and on the ground of the explosion, a Kiva coat of arms emerged, and on top of the Kiva coat of arms, the purple Dega ghost slowly appeared, and then slowly dissipated.

Kamen Rider IXA! Fall!

[Ding, player Tian Xian is dead! ] One less god’s earthly walker! The game continues! 】

The prompt of the [Knight Century] light brain sounded in his ears, and Su Tian took back the Degas Giant Hammer.


At this moment, a roar of a car sounded, Su Tianding looked at it, and saw that the chariot with the symbol of the Supreme God Envoy was driving towards the distance, those five people were the Supreme God Envoy, just five ordinary humans, plus the Supreme God Envoy was an organization that protected mankind, so Su Tian didn’t care too much.

Inside the chariot,

“Captain, how’s it going? I’m quick to react! Start the car as soon as Kiva reacts! ”

“Hurry up, people don’t disdain to chase us!”

The captain scolded a subordinate who was driving, the other party couldn’t see it, couldn’t he see it?

Being able to easily kill Tahyun, who is Kamen Rider IXA, can you imagine what kind of existence it is?

How could they not catch up with a few of them ordinary people?

“However, the task given by Lord Yan is still completed!”

The captain looked at the red gem in his hand, at this time, this red gemstone was no longer as dull as before, but shining with a warm red light.

That’s right, this light has a temperature, especially the captain holding this red gem, you can clearly feel the task brought by this light.

“Captain, are we going back to base now?”

The subordinate next to him asked.


“Go directly to Lord Yan’s research building!”

“If you want to climb up, do as I say!”

“As long as you complete Lord Yan’s task…”

“At least you will be a captain then!”

As a small leader, the captain naturally mastered the skill of drawing cakes, as long as you draw cakes well, it doesn’t matter if you achieve it or not!

For example, now, after hearing the captain’s words, the four subordinates are extremely excited, who doesn’t want to be promoted?

Especially in a high-risk organization such as the Supreme Divine Messenger, the higher the level, the safer it is.

Especially the one who drove among the four, stepped on the gas pedal with an excited face, and said.

“Captain! And brothers, sit tight! ”

“I’m going to speed up!”

…… At the same time, on Su Tian’s side, not long after killing Tian Xian, Su Tian quickly left the battle scene, and not long after leaving, a prompt sounded in Su Tian’s ears again:

[Ding, player Zheng Tianbao is dead! ] Gods of the Human Walker reduced one member of the game continues! 】

Another one dead?

When Su Tian heard this, he was slightly shocked in his heart, a total of six players had actually died a third in a row in just the past day.

“Uh… Although one of them was killed by me! ”

Su Tian groaned in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, players who choose the “God’s Human Walker” clearance route are either not confident in their own strength, or think that this is a better route to clear the level, but!

Players who choose King’s enthronement route must be very confident in their own strength!

And now there is another human walker player who has been killed by the gods, which means…

“Huh? I remember someone within those five people just now saying,

“Tian Hyun’s teammates found King!”

“It seems to be Kiva?”

Su Tian suddenly thought of what the captain of the five said to Tian Xian, who was obviously waiting for his teammate to come, that is, the remaining god human walker player, but the other party did not come, the reason was to find King’s information and find Kiva’s trace.

In the [Knight Century], if you have the power of Kiva and are still very strong, there is only one person!

Dracula, ranked 10,000th in the arena!

“Therefore, Dracula also chose King’s enthronement route.”

“And he also killed that god human walker named Zheng Tianyu?”

Su Tian muttered in his heart, this Dracula Sutian saw it when he just entered the [Arena], and he also knew that the other party was called the world’s number one Kiva! It’s just that I didn’t expect this Dracula to enter this time.

This situation, Su Tian is not very surprised, like the previous life, in the blue star, there are also many universities that will recruit people from other countries, maybe this Dracula entered this copy because of other top universities.

“My clearance mission is to ascend the throne as King!”

“Then obviously, it has little to do with the human walker who chooses the gods!”

“It’s about players who choose the same route as me!”

Su Tian calculated in his heart: “Is it to kill them?” ”

“Or do you…”

The quest clearance task only has a simple enthronement as King and there is no explanation of how to complete the specific words, so all Su Tian can think of is to kill all the objects that will become King!

For example, players who also choose King’s ascension route as themselves, or Ye Yao said before, a new Kamen Rider will appear in this quest! For this new Kamen Rider, Ye Yao already had the answer in his heart at this time, there were only two candidates, one was Kamen Rider DarkKiva!

It is the second generation of armor created for the King of Fangire, and the other is that Kamen Rider Arc (Kamen Rider Evil / Kamen Rider Evil King) is the legendary Kamen Rider that the King of Puppet Beasts once turned into!

Large Kamen Rider!

The reason why there is more of this possible candidate is mainly because Su Tian learned from the mouth of the octopus Fangire that there are undead bird legend puppet beasts in this world!

“Not true!”

“There is another possibility!”

Su Tian suddenly thought of the last possibility, the essence in his eyes burst out, and a smile that Su Tian himself did not notice appeared at the corner of his mouth, only to hear Su Tian muttering in a low voice and continuing: “The last possibility…”

“That’s Kamen Rider DarkKiva, and Kamen Rider Arc!”

The more he thought about it, the more Su Tian felt that this possibility was very likely! Otherwise, how could this copy never pass?

However, Su Tian turned his head and thought of another question, that is, how to find out these two Kamen Riders, Su Tian was slightly silent for a while, and secretly said in his heart: “Now I can only find clues from that Supreme God Envoy!” ”

“Find that undead bird legend puppet beast first!”

Making up his mind, Su Tian began to look for information about the Supreme God Envoy…….

The next day, Su Tian walked out of the high-star hotel where he stayed last night and walked until he came to an alley surrounded by no one around, Su Tian stopped,

“How? Follow you all the way from the hotel door? ”

“Isn’t it out yet?”

As soon as Su Tian’s words fell, a man in a tuxedo walked out of the shadow behind Su Tian, and saw him say in an excited tone: “Congratulations, the king that belongs to this world!” Born! ”

“King! The subordinates have finally seen you! ”

This man looked excited, came to Su Tian feverishly, directly came to a 90-degree bend, and said in a respectful tone: “Subordinate Fangye!” ”

“Welcome to the birth of King!”

When Su Tian heard this, he was slightly stunned, the aura on the person named Fang Ye in front of him was obviously not human, coupled with his name for himself, it was obvious that it was only Fangire!

A Fangire suddenly ran over and said that he was King, which was strange to think about, and used a very simple and bad congratulatory message, but after thinking about it, it can be understood, after all, for this Fangire named Fangye, the best that can be thought of, the most majestic is only to rule the world.

“Why do you think I’d be King?”

Su Tian’s voice came into Fang Ye’s ears, seeing that Su Tian responded to himself, a smile appeared at the corner of Fang Ye’s mouth that bowed 90 degrees, and then he thought of answering Su Tian after standing up, but as soon as his upper body moved, he heard Su Tian’s extremely indifferent voice sound: “Did I let you get up?” ”

As soon as these words came out, Fang Ye’s body suddenly froze, and an imperceptible tyrannical color flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then, Fang Ye’s face re-hung with a smile, and he bowed 90 degrees like this and replied: “Because the subordinates saw King’s battle heroism yesterday!” ”

“To be recognized by Kiva,”

“Apparently, you are our next King of Fangire!”

“Only you can become a king!”

Because Fang Ye’s waist was bent down, he couldn’t see the expression on Su Tian’s face and saw yesterday’s battle?

Su Tian is now almost certain that this Fangire in front of him, called Fang Ye, must have pretended to come and submit!

It’s just that Su Tian can’t figure out who would use such obvious means.

However, Su Tian did not directly tear his skin with this Fang Ye, 387 but wanted to follow the vine and find out the person behind it.


“The subordinate knows that the sudden offense of the subordinate will spoil King’s mood.”

“King should have doubts about his subordinates!”

“So, in order to show the sincerity of the subordinates!”

“The subordinate will offer the position of the last Kamen Rider of the Supreme God Messenger.”

Supreme God’s Messenger?

The last Kamen Rider position? Su Tian instantly reacted, this last Kamen Rider is the last god human walker player!

That is to say, including Su Tian, there are a total of three King enthronement players.

“Do you know the location of the last Kamen Rider of the Supreme Divine Messenger?”

“Hmm! Dear King! The subordinates can take you there now! ”

“No need! You take me directly to the other two King candidates! ”

“Okay, subordinates will take you… Yes? King, you heard you wrong, I’m talking about supremacy…”

Fang Ye originally agreed happily, but immediately reacted, Su Tian was not saying that the Kamen Rider of the Supreme God Envoy was in a hurry, so he straightened his waist and planned to explain it to Su Tian again.

However, as soon as Fang Ye got up, a big hand stretched out and pinched his neck deadly, and then Fang Ye saw Su Tian’s extremely indifferent face.

“Did I say to get you up?”

“Nothing… King, I… My bad! ”

Fang Ambition subconsciously panicked, and immediately explained.

“I’m talking about the other two King candidates, understand?”

Since he knew that Fang Ye had ulterior motives, Su Tian did not intend to be polite, “Understood… Understood…”

Fang Ye nodded hurriedly, Su Tian saw this, only then let go of his hand, grabbed his big hand and left, Fang Ye did not dare to sort out his breathing too much, directly bent his body, and showed a 90-degree angle again.

And quickly said: “King, I can’t be sure of the position of the other King’s candidates,”


“But don’t worry, King, I can take you to find it!”

As soon as Fang Ye finished speaking, Su Tian heard the sound of several cars roaring from not far away, and the next second, Su Tian found that there was a chariot parked at the front exit of this alley, the chariot of the Supreme God Envoy!

However, this chariot is different from what Su Tian encountered yesterday, yesterday’s chariot was extremely heavy, and this time, it was a dark thick cannon muzzle! Just from the volume, you can know that the power must be good!

“I knew you would go looking for King’s candidate!”

Su Tian looked at the sound and saw that in the chariot directly in front of him, a Kamen Rider who was mainly black walked down! This Kamen Rider also has a bat element!

On the belt around the waist is a card box belonging to the same series as Kamen Rider Big Tooth,

“Kamen Rider Night Ride…”

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