Chapter 72: Kamen Rider Arc! The undead bird legend puppet beast that obtains the power of King!!

“Sure enough… Is that the person just now? ”

Bing Yuhang looked with bated breath and saw that in front of Shifang Ye, the person still had this residual red suit on his body, and this person was the Yan Yu that Bing Yu had seen before.

Ice Universe secretly followed Yan Yu to the training area of this Supreme God Envoy.

And saw Yan Yu enter the underground of this training area! At that time, Ice Aerospace was just suspicious, but now it is certain that Yan Yu! Not human!

Now the flame on Yan Yu’s body is the best proof.

The flames on Yan Yu’s body were burning, but Yan Yu didn’t seem to see it, and I saw him open his hands and raise his head with an intoxicated face: “Success!” Hahaha, I made it! ”

“I finally gained the power of King!”

“This power… It’s so comfortable! ”

After Yan Yu finished speaking, he saw the flame momentum on his body soar, and in the blink of an eye, he wrapped Yan Yu whole,


The flames dispersed, Yan Yu has changed from a human posture to a strange posture, the strange person who appeared in front of everyone’s eyes is mainly red, and most hideous faces are different, Yan Yu’s strange posture, the face is actually handsome, in addition, the most attractive thing is the pattern on Yan Yu’s body! Originally, most of them were red patterns, but! If you look closely, you will find that there are a little black patterns wriggling on top of these red patterns, as if they have just been added.

“This is Fangire”

Ice Aerospace was stunned, Yan Yu’s way of appearing was still a little different from Fangire, “It’s not Fangire!” ”

“It’s a legendary puppet beast!”

Just when Bing Yuhang was puzzled, a low magnetic voice came from behind him, and Bing Yuhang was suddenly shocked, turned around vigilantly, and saw Su Tian, who was about three meters away from him.

“Who are you… Why is it behind me? ”

Ice Aerospace seems to be really frightened, and the voice of the speech is not deliberately suppressed at all, this is not, as soon as Ice Aerospace finished this sentence, then Yan Yu found the movement on the 19th side,

“Who’s there?”

Yan Yu’s eyes looked sharply in the direction of Ice Space, “Big… My lord? ”

“I’m telling you, it’s Kamen Rider hiding there!”

“He doesn’t mean anything to you!”

“And let me sneak up on you,”

Shifangye, that is, the glass snake Fangire who collapsed to the ground in fear next to Yan Yu, lay on the ground, and directly sold the ice space in his mouth!

No way, the glass snake Fangire is now the closest to Yan Yu, and he can clearly feel the coercion on Yan Yu’s body!

If you don’t show weakness, I’m afraid you will be pinched to death directly!

He didn’t want to die, he had to wait until King arrived, when the time came…

“Adult, I’ll tell you!”

“This kid didn’t have a good heart, he actually let me come here to sneak attack adults just now!”

“If I hadn’t deliberately hesitated to delay time, I’m afraid I would have really fallen for this man’s scheme.”

The glass snake Fangire explained to Yan Yu flatteringly, “Huh? ”

Yan Yu just glanced at the glass snake Fangire faintly, and then said again in the direction where the ice space was: “I know you are hiding there, come out!” ”

Since it has been exposed, Bing Yuhang walked out directly and helplessly, of course, when he walked out, he did not forget to look at the rear where Su Tian was, this look, obviously let Yan Yu see that there were still people there!

Su Tian didn’t want to hide, and came out very generously, “Oh! It turned out to be you! ”

“And… Kamen Rider Kiva! ”

The moment Su Tian and Bing Yuhang walked out, Yan Yu recognized it!

Su Tian did not deliberately hide in the previous battle, so Yan Yu had seen Su Tian in the video, and Ice Space, Yan Yu was even more impressed, and the reason why Yan Yu came here was because Ice Aerospace suddenly came to the Supreme God Envoy, which made Yan Yu feel the pressure!

The glass snake Fangire is a little confused at the moment, why is there a person behind Ice Space?

“There are actually people!”

“Oooo King, when are you coming! ”

The glass snake Fangire cried in his heart, but his steps quietly moved behind him.

Yan Yu on the side noticed the movement of the glass snake Fangire, frowned, and said, “You just said that you want to sneak up on me?” ”

The glass snake Fangire immediately stopped moving, sneered and bent down: “Adult, it’s not me!” ”

“What I just said is that the person asked me to sneak up on you!”

“I strictly refused!”

The glass snake Fangire pointed in the direction where the ice space was, seemingly afraid that Yan Yu would not believe it, and the glass snake Fangire said again.

“Adult, don’t look at this person who looks ordinary,”

“But he’s also a Kamen Rider!”

Hearing this, Bing Yuhang’s face turned black, what does it mean to look ordinary?

Although compared with Su Tian on the side, there is indeed a big gap, but it is also better than your glass snake Fangire!

And Yan Yu suddenly became interested after hearing the glass snake Fangire say this: “He is also Kamen Rider? ”

“Yes! It seems to be… It’s called Kamen Rider…”

The glass snake Fangire seemed to be recalling the name of Kamen Rider that Ice Astronaut had turned into, but he couldn’t say it for a long time.

“Kamen Rider AgitΩ”

“You scum, you can’t even remember your King’s name!”

Seeing the glass snake Fangire, Ice Astronaut’s face sank, and said coldly.

After speaking, he crossed his hands in front of him, and the next second, a circle of change appeared on Ice Astronaut’s waist.

Ice Astronaut pressed his hands on both sides of his belt and said loudly: “Transform!” ”

The light appeared on the ice spaceman’s body as armor, with gold-dominated armor, red eyes, and overlapping horns on the head armor.

In the middle of the golden breastplate is a sage stone pillar symbolizing AgitΩ! Kamen Rider Ajita! Earth form!

Seeing this, Su Tian on the side frowned frivolously, this knight owned by this ice space is actually Yajituo, who has done all the bad things!

“Bad review!”

“This high beam is not enough light!”

Su Tian shook his head slightly and commented in his heart. Doing bad things is a meme, this meme is not the real Kamen Rider Yajituo, but that Wang Xiaoming has become Kamen Rider Yajituo, Wang Xiaoming when doing bad things, his favorite use is Yajituo’s card As for why…

You may understand when your belt is ripped off and you are almost kicked to death! After successfully changing into Kamen Rider Yajito, Ice Universe did not attack Yan Yu at the first time, but looked at Su Tian with an afterglow vigilantly,

“He’s not changing?”

“Or not… I’ll sneak up on him later? ”

“Finish him off before he transforms?”

Seeing that Su Tian did not have the action of transformation, Bing Yuhang began to calculate in his heart, and after thinking about it, Ice Aerospace still chose to give up this idea, not to mention whether he could successfully kill Su Tian, even if he killed, there was a stronger existence in front of him.

Bing Yuhang looked at where Yan Yu was.

“Huh… It’s really Kamen Rider! ”

After seeing the transformation of the ice space, Yan Yu sneered and said slowly: “Do you know why I want to cooperate with this ridiculous supreme divine envoy of mankind?” ”

“Just to get the power of King!”

“And now, King’s power has been completely absorbed by me!”

“That mechanical bat has also surrendered to me!”

As soon as these words came out, the glass snake Fangire beside Yan Yu was suddenly shocked in his heart, and subconsciously blurted out: “Impossible!” ”

“The new King has been born, and he has also received the recognition and assistance of Kivat Bat I!”

“Unless your bloodline is stronger than the new King,”

“Otherwise, you can’t get the approval of Kivat Bat II!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the glass snake Fangire felt remorseful.

But the words that were said were like water that was poured out, and they could not be recovered, and Su Tian, Ice Astronaut, and Yanyu King all used light to put light on the body of the glass snake Fangire.

“New King?”

“You’re talking about your Fangire King, right?”

Yan Yu slowly walked up to the glass snake Fangire and said, “However, I’m not talking about your Fangire’s King. ”

“Rather… Legend has it that the king of puppet beasts! ”

Yan Yu looked at his hands, felt the power coming from his body, and a trace of obsession flashed in his eyes!

He Yan Yu cooperated with humans for this day!

The underground of this training ground is a secret room specially built by Yan Yu, and there is a hole in the sky below, and it is under this that Yan Yu absorbed the power of the legendary king of puppet beasts through some special means!

And that mechanical bat!

“Legend of the king of puppet beasts?”

Ice Astronaut and the glass snake Fangire paused, both of them were a little confused, and Su Tian, who had not spoken all this time, was also slightly surprised in his heart, this Yan Yu in front of him was obviously the undead bird legend puppet beast in the mouth of the octopus Fangire!

According to Yan Yu, he had absorbed the power of the legendary king of puppet beasts, wouldn’t that mean that Yan Yu could become… Su Tianzheng was thinking about it, when he saw Yan Yu slowly stretching out his right hand, a meaningful smile appeared on his face, and said in a deep voice: “Let you take a look!” ”

“It belongs to the power of the legendary king of puppet beasts!”

As soon as Yan Yu’s voice fell, the three of Su Tian heard “Oh! ”

With a sound, a white mechanical bat appeared next to Yan Yu out of thin air, and Su Tian recognized the identity of this white mechanical bat!

ARC! Kivat!

Like Kiva’s moonbats, they belong to the Kivat family.

And in ARC! Kivat!

After appearing, Yan Yu opened his mouth slightly: “Transform!” ”

In an instant, a black belt appeared around Yan Yu’s waist, ARC! Kivat! Flapping his wings and flying to the belt! Then I saw Yan Yu slowly floating into the air, ARC on his belt! Kivat!


With a bang, a huge dark gold five-ring pattern popped up, and these five rings slowly moved in the direction of Yan Yu, and on the way, the five rings slowly changed into a huge dark gold pattern! In this dark gold pattern is the coat of arms of Kamen Rider Arc (Kamen Rider Evil)!

The dark golden Arc coat of arms turned into fragments and wrapped Yan Yu.

These fragments turned into Kamen Rider armor on Yan Yu’s body, and this Kamen Rider is huge!

It is more than twice as tall as Kamen Rider Ajito, who has become an ice astronaut! The armor on the body is mainly black, the hand armor and eye armor are a solemn dark gold, the shape of the eye armor is somewhat similar to Kiva’s, and there are chains around the chest armor, and the most striking thing is the head armor, where there are two backward eye corners, making it look like a descended demon king.

Kamen Rider Arc! (Kamen Rider Evil / Evil King) is here!

“This… This is…… What Kamen Rider? ”

“Why is it so big?”

Ice Cosmos’ eyes were round, looking at Kamen Rider Arc, which was equivalent to multiple of himself, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

In [Knight Century], the Kamen Riders that have been known to players are all about the same height, and there has never been such a tall Kamen Rider Arc! Ice Astronaut knows that he has met a new Kamen Rider!

“No way!”

“I can’t be the main point of attack!”

“He must be brought in too!”

Ice Aerospace looked at Su Tian on the side of 643, calculating in his heart, the Kamen Rider in the copy, but also the existence of what legendary puppet beast he claimed to have obtained, the strength will definitely not be weak, Ice Aerospace will not stupidly run to pick a single pick with Yan Yu.

Su Tian also noticed the gaze from Ice Space, although he didn’t know what Ice Aerospace was thinking, but Su Tian knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

At this time, the panicked voice of the glass snake Fangire came, Su Tian and Bing Yuhang fixed their eyes, and saw that the glass snake Fangire kept begging Yan Yu for mercy, but Yan Yu’s right foot had been raised,

“Big… My lord! ”



With a bang, Yan Yu’s foot stepped heavily on the body of the glass snake Fangire, and the glass snake Fangire directly stepped on it!

After killing the glass snake Fangire, under the Arc armor, Yan Yu pouted disdainfully, he is not a fool, a Fangire! No matter how you say it, you won’t be with yourself, even if the other party is willing, Yan Yu is not willing!

Legend has it that the relationship between the puppet beast and Fangire is not very good! Then, Yan Yu looked in the direction of Su Tian and Bing Yuhang, “Huh… Two Kamen Riders? ”


“Let’s use the lives of the two of you to commemorate the power I just gained!”

After speaking, Yan Yu stepped forward, walked towards Su Tian and Bing Yuhang, and as soon as he stepped on the ground, the ground shook slightly!

This was deliberately made by Yan Yu, and he wanted to see Su Tian and Bing Yuhang looking scared.

Because Ice Aerospace had already transformed, Yan Yu could not see the change in his expression, so Yan Yu put his eyes on Su Tian’s body, Su Tian knew that the legendary puppet beast had the pleasure of watching human sorrow, so he directly ignored Yan Yu’s gaze and said lightly: “The king of the legendary puppet beast is very powerful!” ”

“But you can’t call it king!”

“Because… That power is never yours! ”

After Su Tian’s words, Yan Yu took a step forward, just as Su Tian said, Yan Yu discovered when he became Kamen Rider Arc that there was still a certain gap between the real power obtained and the power he expected.

And the source of all this, in Yan Yu’s opinion, was mainly because he was too hasty to fuse the power of the king of the legendary puppet beast.

resulting in a low degree of integration,

“Even so, deal with you two juniors,”

“It’s enough!”

Yan Yu sneered in his heart, and continued to move in the direction of Su Tian and Ice Space, and now Yan Yu wanted to crush Su Tian and Ice Space, especially Ice Space!

If it weren’t for him, Yan Yu wouldn’t have advanced the fusion plan!

Ice Universe did not know that Su Tian’s words made Yan Yu focus on himself, seeing that Yan Yu was about to approach, Ice Universe directly retreated, wanting Su Tian to withstand the first wave of attacks, Su Tian didn’t look at Ice Space, but slowly opened his mouth and said: “Transform!” ”

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