Chapter 74 DarKKiva, Green Hat King, Ice Astronaut Thrown as Trash!!

In the sky, golden thunder and purple lightning converged, all converged on the Degas heavy hammer raised by Su Tian, at this time, Su Tian, who was holding the Degas heavy hammer, just saw the Yan Yu swung out of his right fist below, under the armor of the Demon Emperor Kiva, a trace of gold flashed in Su Tian’s eyes

Then he saw Su Tian smash the Degas hammer in his hand towards Yan Yu below.

“Shila. Zila… Zila…”

When Su Tian swung the Degas Hammer, the power of the lightning on the heavy hammer reached its peak at this moment.

With the power of Wan Jun Thunder, it smashed heavily on Yan Yu’s fist.


At this moment, the golden-purple crossed lightning collided with the black giant fist.

At this time, the most shocking thing is the ice astronaut on the ground and taking in all this!

“This… No wonder this quest didn’t have players clear the level! ”

“This huge Kamen Rider is actually so strong?”

“Not true! Crouch, lost? ”

Ice Universe is still lamenting the powerful strength of Kamen Rider Arc (Kamen Rider Evil/Evil King) that Yan Yu has become, thinking that he found the reason why this copy has never been able to clear the level, but in the next second, Ice Aerospace saw that Kamen Rider Arc, which he thought was very strong, was actually beaten by Su Tian with a Degas hammer and punched away?

Also, why does the lightning on Su Tian’s Degas hammer look so handsome and cool?

Time returned to the previous moment, at the moment when Yan Yu’s fist and Su Tian’s Degas hammer came into contact, powerful energy burst out from the place where the two touched, and then, Yan Yu felt an unstoppable huge force coming from his right fist, and when he reacted, Yan Yu’s body flew backwards uncontrollably, however, Yan Yu’s punch was not weak, offsetting some of the power of Su Tian’s Degas Hammer, plus Kamen Rider Arc’s body size was there, so, Yan Yu flew upside down and only flew upside down for a few meters before falling to the ground.

But the pain in my body is real!

And after Su Tian threw Yan Yu away, he returned to the ground, and there was still a remnant of lightning on the Degas hammer in his hand, putting the Degas hammer on the ground,

“Sure enough, as one of the last obstacles to the clearance mission!”

“The strength is much stronger than players like Dracula!”

Su Tian looked at Yan Yu who got up from the ground, and silently sighed in his heart.

Su Tian felt that if players like Dracula and Ice Universe faced the Kamen Rider Arc that Yan Yu transformed into, it would be very difficult to win!

After all, not everyone has [Full Knight Adaptation Physique].

The talent of [All Knights Adapt to Physique] can not only allow Su Tian 753 to get the combat awareness and battle memory of the real Kamen Rider, but also strengthen Su Tian’s body all the time, which is also the main reason why Su Tian is getting stronger and stronger.

“Snap… Syllable…… Snap…”

At this moment, a sound of clapping came, Su Tian, Yan Yu, who had just gotten up, and Ice Astronaut not far away all looked along the sound, and saw a blond boy and a black silk royal sister with a bumpy figure slowly walking towards this side.

If the dead glass snake Fangire was still there, he would definitely recognize that the two people who came were the new King and Lord Butterfly he had been waiting for!

“What a nice place!”

“I didn’t expect to meet three Kamen Riders here!”

Bian Yansi walked to the battlefield and put down his hands that were applauding just now.

“An impure legendary king of puppet beasts…”

“??? with Kamen Rider Kiva”

Bian Yansi first put his eyes on Yan Yu’s body, although there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, he still felt disdain for Yan Yu in his heart because Yan Yu did not have the power of the legendary puppet beast at all now, and then Bian Yansi put his eyes on Su Tian’s body, his pupils shrank slightly,

“Butterfly, what’s going on?”

“Why is Kiva’s power in that man’s hands?”

Bian Yanji frowned and asked the black silk royal sister beside him.

When the butterfly heard this, she replied in her extremely seductive voice, “King, about Kiva, this matter is not very clear. ”

“Forget it, no matter how he got Kiva’s!”

Seeing that the butterfly could not answer, Bian Yansi said directly: “Just talk about Kiva back!” ”

“After all… This is the power of King! ”

“As the new King, I don’t allow anyone else to touch the King’s things.”

Bian Yanshi’s tone cannot be refused when he speaks.

As Fangire’s new King, although Bian Yanji is not old, he is very confident in his own strength!

After gaining the power of DarkKiva, Bian Yanji couldn’t wait to find someone to test his strength, so he asked the three glass snakes Fangire to help him find an opponent, but the military next to Bian Yanji, that is, this woman named Butterfly, said that Bian Yanji is still only the king of Fangire! Not the king of this world!

If you want to become the king of this world, you must kill all the other Kind candidates!

So the butterfly asked the three glass snakes, Fangire, to find King’s candidates first, pretend to submit, and then offer them a rumor, and it was those King’s candidates who made the wrong decision to borrow the hand of others to get rid of them.

But in the back, Bian Yansi still couldn’t help it, so he came here!

“It seems that the little snake is dead!”

Bian Yanji scanned the surroundings and did not find the figure of the glass snake Fangire,

“But it’s okay,”

“To be able to sacrifice the lives of three Kamen Riders for me!”

“That little snake is also considered to be dead!”

For the life and death of the glass snake Fangire, Bian Yanji does not care.

“King of Fangire?”

“Huh… It turned out to be a junior! ”

“At this age, when Lao Tzu was fighting, I’m afraid you were still drinking milk!”

After Yan Yu saw Bian Yansi and the butterfly appear, the anger that was originally caused by Su Tian’s beating suddenly subsided, and he even had the mind to mock Bian Yansi.

“The scum of the legendary puppet beast even dares to say something unkind to me as a king!”

“Butterfly, you go and teach him a lesson!”

Hearing Yan Yu’s mockery, Bian Yansi glanced at Yan Yu expressionlessly, and then ordered the butterfly beside him, the butterfly nodded, and colorful patterns appeared on her face, and the next second, she became a butterfly Fangire!

With his wings behind his back, holding a black twisted long sword and rushing towards Yan Yu, after letting the butterfly Fangire attack Yan Yu, Bian Yansi looked in Su Tian’s direction again, muttered for a while, and Bian Yansi said, “I’m curious…”

“Is Kamen Rider DarkKiva strong, or Kamen Rider Kiva strong?”

Which is stronger, Kamen Rider DarkKiva or Kamen Rider Kiva’s Demon Emperor form?

Su Tian, who had experienced his previous life, naturally knew the answer to this question, DarkKiva is stronger!

Kamen Rider DarkKiva’s appearance is basically the same as Kiva’s Demon Emperor form, but it has combat power far superior to the Demon Emperor form.

But it also depends on who uses these two forces.

“DarkKiva is indeed strong enough!”

“But can you use the full power of DarkKiva?”

Su Tian looked at the blond boy in front of him and said slowly.

Su Tian has not seen the green hat king in the original work, but Su Tian can be sure that the new king in front of him, that is, the Bian Yan Si, is not as strong as the green hat king!

This is a premonition, a premonition brought by [Full Knight Adaptation to Physique]!

“Huh… Can you use the full power of DarkKiva? ”

Bian Yansi sneered and said, “You can know if you feel it!” ”

Speaking, Bian Yanji slowly stretched out his right hand, and as Bian Yansi’s voice fell, he heard “Oh! ”

With a bang, a mechanical bat very similar to Kivat Bat III appeared! This is the second generation of the Kivat Bat I, the famous Kivat Bat family.

Ben Yanji catches the Kivat bat I flying in the air! Placing it on his left hand, Kivat Bat I opened its mouth and bit it!


“Whew… Whew…”

Black patterns appeared on Bian Yanji’s hands and continued to appear on his face.

Like the ability of the Kivat Bat Ш World, this is Kivat Bat I injecting Active by lightly biting the qualifier! Force! (reactivity),

Activate the Demon Emperor Power of the bitten person to complete the transformation! Feeling the Demon Emperor Power in his body being activated, an intoxicated smile appeared at the corner of Bian Yanji’s mouth, and black chains appeared around his waist, and these black chains turned into a black belt, “Transform!” ”

With the word transformation spoken by Bian Yanji, Kivat Bat I was hung upside down on his belt by Bian Yanji, and in an instant, a green light shone on Bian Yanji’s body, and Darkiva armor was attached to Bian Yanji’s body, Kamen Rider DarkKiva! Debut!

The overall armor is generally dark red and black! Similar to Kiva’s Demon Emperor form, the breastplate in the middle still has three Demon Emperor Stones to provide energy, and there is also a cloak on the back, in the setting, DarkKiva’s cloak can invalidate all attacks in the world, and the skin defense is 3 times that of Kiva’s Demon Emperor form.

“Sleeping? Crouch! ”

“Another Kamen Rider?”

“Make no mistake…”

At this time, the ice astronaut on the side no longer knew how to describe his mood when another Kamen Rider appeared!

This quest turned into Kamen Rider with two replica characters! And it seems that this Kamen Rider DarkKiva is even stronger!

The reason why Ice Aerospace felt like this before Bian Yanji made a move was mainly because of the battle between Butterfly Fangire and Yan Yu!

Looking at it fixedly, Ice Aerospace found that the butterfly Fangare and Yan Yu actually fought back and forth, and a subordinate could fight back and forth with Yan Yu, so in the eyes of Ice Astronaut, as the king of the butterfly Fangire, the strength of Bian Yansi is even stronger!

“No, I can’t stay here!”

“I have to hide first!”

Ice Universe suddenly reacted, although he is not being targeted by others now, but it is still very dangerous, the purpose of Ice Astronaut to come to the Supreme God Envoy is to lure out Su Tian, the king of the enthronement player, so that Ice Aerospace did not expect that in addition to Su Tian, there were two powerful Kamen Riders who came out, at this time Ice Aerospace also knew the reason why other players did not clear this copy, so Ice Aerospace planned to hide first, and then come out to pick up the bargain when there is an opportunity later.

Thinking like this, Ice Astronaut observed several other people while cautiously retreating outside the battlefield.

Butterfly Fangire and Yan Yu were fighting, so they didn’t notice the movement of Ice Space, but Su Tian and Bian Yansi noticed Ice Space’s movement to escape from the battlefield.

For the idea of ice spaceflight, Su Tian guessed that it was nothing more than hiding in the dark, and then making a move when the time was right, most [Knight Century] players would not give up the opportunity to clear the level, so ice space would most likely not completely escape.

And Bian Yansi is different, he doesn’t know that Su Tian and Bing Yuhang are not people from this world, “Do you want to escape?” ”

Bian Yansi looked at Su Tian directly opposite, but what he said was ice space,

“Want to survive in King’s hands!”

“Escape! It’s useless! ”

Bian Yansi said, his right hand was raised, and the direction he was facing was the direction of Ice Space, Ice Aerospace had been paying attention to the movements of several people, and when he saw Bian Yansi raising his finger to himself, Ice Astronaut’s heart suddenly froze, this action… So familiar?

In the next second, Ice Astronaut suddenly found that at Bian Yansi’s feet, a dark green pattern slowly emerged, this pattern Ice Aerospace felt very familiar, because he had seen it not long ago, only then it was golden, and now this one is dark green! DarKKiva heraldic seal enchantment!

“Isn’t it, again?”

Ice Astronaut spat loudly, and then accelerated its speed, wanting to escape,

“It’s useless, you can’t escape!”

Bian Yanji chuckled, his right hand shook, and the DarkKiva heraldic seal enchantment under his feet instantly appeared, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the foot of Ice Space, erected, and reflected on Ice Space’s body, “Zila… Zila… Zila…”

Scarlet lightning flashed on the DarkKiva heraldic seal enchantment and hit Ice Space’s body.

“Ah… Belch! ”

Ice Astronaut screamed out, but then found that it didn’t seem to have the golden seal enchantment pain before, could it be that his defense power was high?

When Bing Yu was puzzled, he suddenly felt that his body began to fly uncontrollably in the direction of Bian Yanji.

“Three Kamen Riders!”

“It’s a bit too much… Let’s solve one first! ”

Bian Yansi said lightly, and then I saw his body turn, facing the ice astronaut flying towards him, and was about to release the killing, suddenly!

Bian Yanji was surprised to find that a golden Kiva heraldic enchantment that was twice as large as his DarkKiva heraldic seal enchantment appeared, this Kiva heraldic enchantment was extremely domineering, directly smashing Bian Yanji’s DarkKiva heraldic seal enchantment, and then binding the ice space that had just been freed.

Ice Space: “…”

He naturally knew that this seal enchantment was Su Tian’s handiwork, and after struggling for a while, Ice Astronaut found that he couldn’t break free, but it would make the golden lightning more irritable, so he directly shrugged his head and muttered: “Tired, destroy!” ”

“I was thrown around like trash by others.”

The heart of resistance in Bing Yu’s heart was completely extinguished,

“Kiva! You are good! ”

“Dare to snatch prey in my hands as King!”

Seeing that his target was robbed, Bian Yansi was immediately furious, and his DarkKiva heraldic seal enchantment was destroyed in public, making Bian Yansi feel humiliated.

When Su Tian heard this, he raised his eyebrows lightly, and chuckled: “Rob your prey?” ”

“I’m sorry, you and him… It’s all my prey! ”

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