Chapter 82 Grandma once said that the light of the sun is enough to illuminate everything, including the tiny dust!!!

Just as the voice of the insect repellent team member fell, everyone heard a sound effect: “Cast! Off! (Burst armor)”

Su Tian’s five people followed the sound and saw that directly behind the insect repellent team, a yellow-dominated Kamen Rider was slowly approaching.

“Kamen Rider TheBee (Royal Bee)”

On the side of Su Tian, Meng Sangchen and Bai Yanyan exclaimed together.

This Kamen Rider is none other than Kamen Rider TheBee!

And it’s TheBee just after the armor explosion!

“The mechanical knight has arrived!”

“Big guys get out of the way, on both sides of the bridge!”

“Cooperate with the mechanical knight to destroy the alien insects!”

After TheBee appeared, Team Zhou immediately yelled at the others.

When the other team members heard this, they immediately retreated towards both sides of the bridge according to the order of Team Zhou, and Su Tian and the five were already at the edge of the bridge,

“Mechanical knight?”

“Is Kamen Rider TheBee a mechanical rider?”

A trace of doubt rose in Su Tian’s heart, and at this time, the Kamen Rider TheBee had slowly begun to accelerate towards the group of alien insects, in fact, it mainly rushed towards the scarab alien insects that had shed their skin.

The unskinned alien worm can be destroyed for the firepower of the insect repellent team, only the shedding and adult cockchafer alien insect cannot be dealt with by these ordinary members of the insect repellent team.


“This is the Mechanical Knight?”

“Isn’t it Kamen Rider TheBee?”

Pi Xiang smacked his lips and complained.

And now there are no longer only Su Tian and the others around, but also other members of the insect repellent team who leaned over, and when they heard Pi Xiang, a recruit, say this, they immediately whispered: “Under the TheBee armor, it is an artificial intelligence mechanical body specially developed by the research department of the insect repellent team!” ”

“I am not afraid of pain, nor do I know how to exert myself!”

“And most importantly, after a dead one, it can be repaired in the shortest possible time and then brought back to life!”

“You are a recruit, you even dare to complain?”

“Hurry up and attack those unskinned alien insects!”

As soon as this remark came out, several people were suddenly shocked in their hearts, artificial intelligence mechanical body?

Under the armor of that Kamen Rider TheBee, it turned out to be a robot?

“19 is not true! It doesn’t feel like an inanimate mechanical body! ”

Su Tian denied this idea in his heart, I don’t know if it was due to the bonus brought by [All Knights Adapt to the Physique], Su Tian could feel that the Kamen Rider TheBee, who had just passed by with himself and others, was definitely alive, and under that TheBee armor, there was a breath of life.

“But looking at this person’s tone, it doesn’t look like he deliberately deceived us!”

Su Tian glanced at the members of the insect repellent team who had just reprimanded Pi Xiang and went into battle,

“So it’s… He was also deceived by others! ”

“Or have the people of the insect repellent team been deceived?”

Su Tian is very confident in his feelings, so there is only one possibility, the members of the insect repellent team, at least these team members in front of him have also been deceived!

“Clock! Up! (Ascending/Superaccelerating)”

While Su Tianzheng was thinking, that Kamen Rider TheBee directly entered the Ascension!

Fighting with the cockchafer alien insects, Su Tian can roughly feel that the strength of this Kamen Rider TheBee is very good, which is not at all a level TheBee compared to Su Tian’s time in the martial arts examination, and She Yuanlong who was in the martial arts examination.

However, the strength of the cockchafer’s alien insects is also relatively strong, resulting in a while, the two can not distinguish the winner, and without the cockchafer alien insects, those unmolted alien insects are not so threatening, under the leadership of the Zhou team, other team members gradually eliminated the unmolted alien insects one by one, and not long after, only the last two unmolted alien insects were left, and there were also casualties on the side of the insect repellent team members,

“Clock! Over! (End of acceleration)”

The sound sound sounded again, TheBee’s figure and the cockchafer alien insect appeared in everyone’s field of vision again, and the condition of the two looked like they were five or five, and no one took much advantage.

“Not good! Shoot quickly! ”

“Those two alien insects are going to molt!”

Team Zhou’s slightly panicked voice sounded, I saw that behind the cockchafer alien insect, the only two juvenile alien insects began to turn red, and a lot of heat began to rise around the body, what Team Zhou said was timely, after the other team members reacted, they immediately raised their guns and shot,

“Huh… Duh… Duh…”

A large number of bullets shot towards the two alien insects, but just as they were about to be shot, a blue figure blocked these bullets were cockchafer alien insects, and it was precisely because of the blocking of the cockchafer alien insects that the two companions behind it had successfully completed the molt, and these two freshly molted alien insects looked very similar, only one was white, while the other was brown, with the characteristics of a snail.

White Snail Alien and Brown Snail Alien Worm!

“It’s not good!”

After these two alien insects molted, the expressions on the faces of the insect repellent team members, including Team Zhou, became solemn, and there was only one mechanical rider on their side, TheBee, and it could be seen from the battle just now that TheBee could deal with at most one cockchafer alien insect.

But the other party has three molted alien insects.


It seemed to notice the solemn mood of Team Zhou and others, and in the sky, dark clouds gradually swam by, and heavy rain suddenly fell!

“Hum… Hum…”

The cockchafer alien worm made a few insect sounds at the two snail alien insects, and the two snail alien insects nodded, and then heard two “Oh! ”

The sound of the two snail alien insects entered the super-acceleration state together, the two snail alien insects rushed towards Kamen Rider TheBee, and the cockchafer alien worm who had experienced a hard battle before was unhurriedly walking in the direction of the insect repellent team, the members of the insect repellent team saw this and immediately pulled the trigger, but those bullets basically had no effect on the cockchafer alien insects that had molted.

And it just so happened that the direction the cockchafer was heading was the side where Su Tian’s five people were,

“Looks like action is necessary!”

“I don’t want to be killed instantly when it goes into superacceleration!”

Next to Su Tian, Meng Sangchen said lightly, and then put down the light machine gun in his hand and took off the helmet on his head, just as Meng Sangchen was about to transform, he heard a sound of flapping wings, and saw a red mechanical insect appear in the sky, “This is… Kabuto insect instrument? ”

Meng Sangchen was stunned, and also recognized the identity of this mechanical insect, and then everyone heard a voice sounding at the back of himself and others: “Grandma once said that the sun is great because dust can illuminate it.” ”

Looking at the sound, Meng Sangchen, Bai Yanyan, Pi Yu and Pi Xiang saw Su Tian’s right index finger slowly pointing to the sky, and at the moment when Su Tian pointed to the sky, the dark clouds in the sky actually dispersed at this time, revealing the shining sun, and the rain stopped at this moment! In the next second, the Kabuto insect instrument that appeared flew straight to the side of the insect repellent team under the gaze of everyone, bypassing everyone, and was held in his hand by Su Tian, who was at the back, “Transform!” ”

Su Tian held the Kabuto insect instrument in his hand, his eyes flashed, and when the words fell, the Kabuto insect instrument was inserted into the knight’s belt around his waist by Su Tian,

“Hen! Shin! (Transformed)”

A mechanical voice sounded, and Su Tian’s body began to be covered with Kabuto armor, and after a breath, Su Tian turned into Kabuto Rider! Kamen form.

“Sleeping, the rain has stopped? That recruit pointed his finger to the sky, and then the rain stopped and the sun came out? ”

“What recruits! Don’t you see that he is Kamen Rider? Or Kamen Rider Kabuto! ”

“No, humans can’t have the power of Kamen Rider!”

After Su Tian’s transformation, the words of those insect repellent team members around him came into Su Tian’s ears, and Meng Sangchen also planned to transform, in the presence of foreign insects, Meng Sangchen still felt that it would be slightly safer after the transformation, only to see him take out his own drive, this is a very peculiar belt, the two sides of the belt are like grips on a motorcycle!

“Kamen Rider Accel (Kamen Rider Police Rider)… After seeing the drive in Meng Sangchen’s hand, Su Tian muttered in his heart that the origin of this belt was the belt of Kamen Rider Accel! ”

Sure enough, in the next second, Meng Sangchen took out a red Gaia memory.

Accel Memory!

Press the button on Accel’s memory and a sound sounds: “Accel! (acceleration)”

“Change… Body! ”

Meng Sangchen said, inserting the Accel memory in his hand into Accel’s belt,


At the moment of insertion, the sound of the locomotive roaring sounded, and then Meng Sangchen turned the grip on Accel’s belt, “Accel!” (acceleration)”

Gaia’s memory sounded again, and at this moment, red special effects began to appear around Meng Sangchen, similar to the energy of flame tires, which condensed on Meng Sangchen’s body, and soon, a mainly red Kamen Rider rescued appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, Kamen Rider Accel! Debut!

“Kamen Rider? Another Kamen Rider? ”

“Still a Kamen Rider I haven’t seen before!”

“No, why can they become Kamen Riders as humans?”

Meng Sangchen’s movement when he transformed was not small, which once again caused a discussion among the surrounding insect repellent team members, and Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu and Pi Xiang, who heard these discussions, chose to change their bodies temporarily, and it is not difficult to know from the discussion just now that in the cognition of this group of insect repellent team members, it seems that humans should not master the power of Kamen Rider, and it seems that they should become mechanical riders like that Kamen Rider TheBee.

Su Tian naturally heard these discussions, but Su Tian didn’t care, there were two reasons why Su Tian first transformed, one was that he didn’t want to get rainy, yes, it was that simple.

As for pointing to the sky just now, the rain disappeared, and then the sun came out, this scene was also unexpected by Su Tian.

The second reason is that Su Tian does not feel that staying in this insect repellent team must be correct!

Gut feeling!

The cockchafer alien worm was also confused at this time, and suddenly there were two more Kamen Riders, originally he let the two snail alien insects to fight with Kamen Rider TheBee, just to bully these ordinary humans, and now two Kamen Riders suddenly appeared among these humans, who to reason with.

“I’ll fight him!”

Meng Sangchen said, taking the initiative to walk towards the cockchafer alien worm, since it has transformed, then it must be done, although I don’t know what the clearance task is, but in Meng Sangchen’s opinion, killing the alien worm can always increase a little contribution value, even if it is not cleared, the score will look better, but in the next second, Meng Sangchen heard a sound effect sound from his back: “Cast!” Off! (Burst armor)”

Knowing that it was caused by Su Tian, Meng Sangchen was about to turn his head when another sound sounded: “Clock!” Up! (Ascending time)”

Immediately after that, Meng Sangchen felt a wind sweeping past him, and then when he reacted,

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

Then I heard the sound of three explosions!

The cockchafer alien worm and the white snail alien worm and the brown snail alien worm who fought against Kamen Rider TheBee were all buried in the explosion at this moment, “Clock! Over! (End of acceleration)”

The red knight reappeared in everyone’s sight, blue eyes, and on his head was the unicorn that marked 550 sex, Kamen Rider Kabuto! Knight form!

“The strength is very strong, and he actually killed three alien insects at once!”

Meng Sangchen, as well as the two brothers Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu, all looked at Su Tianxing at the two snail alien insects that had just molted, and their strength was not very strong, only the cockchafer alien insects were stronger, but the players who could eliminate the three alien insects in this instant could not be underestimated although they had Clock! The reason for Up, but also enough to prove it

Strength is strong.

“Cut, pretend what! I can do it too! ”

“I knew I would change first…”

Although he recognized Su Tian’s powerful strength in his heart, Pi Xiang, who was his younger brother, couldn’t help but whisper, and only after glaring at him as Pi Yu just now did Pi Xiang close his mouth.

“K…… Kabuto! Kabuto appeared? ”

“And an unknown Kamen Rider!”

On the other side of the bridge, Team Zhou looked at Su Tian and Meng Sangchen with round eyes, “The people above the insect repellent team issued an announcement,”

“If you encounter a human with the power of Kamen Rider,”

“Be sure to recycle Kamen Rider’s power!”

“When Kabuto’s strength just now…”

Team Zhou was a little hesitant in his heart, and an order was issued above, but just now Su Tian destroyed three alien insects in an instant, so that Team Zhou did not want to give the order to attack, but the next second, someone in the insect repellent team shouted: “Attack!” Humans can’t have Kamen Rider powers! ”

“Their Kamen Rider must be recycled!”

“And they don’t have to be human!”

“Have you forgotten the alien worm that stole that insect instrument not long ago?”

The person who spoke, after speaking, took the lead in pulling the trigger at Meng Sangchen, and there was a leader, and the other members of the insect repellent team pulled the trigger as if they had found a reason, but they all subconsciously aimed their guns at Meng Sangchen, as for the reason… Naturally, it was also due to Su Tian’s feat of bursting three alien insects in an instant just now.

Meng Sangchen was also confused, why did he hit himself, but he didn’t have time to think, so he could only jump and jump out of the encirclement of these insect repellent team members, but as soon as he jumped out, Meng Sangchen found a yellow figure attacking him, it was Kamen Rider TheBee!

Now Meng Sangchen was a little angry,

“Huh… You all think I’m a bully, don’t you? ”

“Then I’ll let you see what real strength is!”

With that, Meng Sangchen took out Kamen Rider Accel’s exclusive weapon, the engine blade.

Wave at TheBee! Another wave in the direction of the insect repellent team!

Two powerful sword lights swung out, but I don’t know if it was a problem with the angle being misaligned, or because the engine blade was too heavy, these two sword lights did not hit the target head-on, but only hit TheBee and the insect repellent team members in front of them.

However, the power was huge, and the explosion sounded: “Boom!!! ”

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