Chapter 88: Kamen Rider Golden Dou’s news? Fall into hell with me!!

The five players of Su Tian entered the third day of the special quest – the flower language of roses!

On this day, Su Tian, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu heard a news, released by the base of the insect repellent team,

“The mechanical knight is not an artificial intelligence mechanical body, but a special alien worm.”

“The purpose of using mechanical knights is to achieve the way of expelling foreign insects with alien insects!”

“But considering some circumstances, efforts will be made to reduce the presence of such mechanical knights in the future.”

“Try to keep Kamen Rider’s power in our human hands.”

This news is basically that the insect repellent team announced the true identity of the mechanical rider, and apologized to those ordinary citizens, apologized for concealing this matter, and said that they would strive to let humans use Kamen Rider’s power in the future!

However, in this news, the insect repellent team did not explain the existence of the protozoa, but only said that the protozoa was a special alien worm, because for the vast majority of people in this world, they do not know the existence of protozoa.

The three of Su Tian were still a little surprised that the insect repellent team could issue an announcement so quickly, yesterday’s battle, almost all the surviving insect team members knew that the mechanical knight’s body was a protozoa, so the top management of the insect repellent team wanted to hide it must not be hidden, at most delay the time for the news to spread, and now take the initiative to announce it, the effect is obviously better, those ordinary citizens who heard the news also expressed their understanding after learning about this matter and seeing the apology of the insect repellent team!

After all, everyone is human, and normal humans do not have much good feelings for the alien insects that invade this world, and only a very few Holy Mothers condemn the insect repellent team on the Internet after sending this news, saying that alien insects are also life and should be respected.

“Su Tian, can that DarkKabuto really find us?”

Seeing that the time had come to the afternoon, Bai Yanyan asked Su Tian, Pi Yu also looked at Su Tian, from yesterday to now, the three of them returned to the center of the city, it can be said that they did not hide their figures, and found that they must have been discovered by the insect repellent team, but I don’t know why, the people of the insect repellent team did not come to them.

“It’s already here!”

In the face of Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu’s inquiry, Su Tian replied lightly, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu were shocked in their hearts, and immediately looked along Su Tian’s line of sight, and saw that about 100 meters away from them, an extremely familiar face was looking at their side, “Team Zhou?” ”

Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu were stunned, just from the appearance, isn’t this person the captain of the insect repellent team, Team Zhou?

“No, it’s a protozoan that mimics Team Zhou!”

The two reacted instantly, and the mimicry Zhou team walked towards the three of Su Tian with a smile on their faces, because there were basically no people around, so the mimicry Zhou team said after walking to the three of Su Tian: “We meet again, Kabuto!” ”

“And… Two unknown Kamen Riders! ”

As soon as these words came out, Su Tian knew that this mimicry Zhou team must have known about yesterday’s battle, as if he had just remembered, the mimicry Zhou team added: “This is what the termite alien insect told me!” ”

“She’s nearby now, just for some reason!”

“It’s just inconvenient!”

The mimicry Zhou team and termite alien insects actually found the three of Su Tian, just because they couldn’t understand the purpose of Su Tian’s three, they didn’t appear, especially termite alien insects, even now, she didn’t want to appear in front of Su Tian, as for how the mimicry Zhou team walked with termite alien insects, this has to start from after the termite alien insects escaped, to make a long story short, basically the termite alien insects met the mimicry Zhou team protozoa after escaping, because of the relationship between the termite alien insects and the shapeshifter protozoa of Kamen Rider kicking locust before, And the mimicry Zhou team protozoa and Kamen Rider kicking locust shapeshifter protozoa also know, so they are temporarily alone, they are also temporarily in alliance,

“It seems that I underestimated Kabuto last time!”

“You can easily kill that guy!”

The imitation Zhou team took a deep look at Su Tian, Kamen Rider kicked that guy, although it was not comparable to himself, but his strength should not be underestimated,

“It’s good that I didn’t attack him then”! ”

“I didn’t have an idea about the Kabuto insect instrument1, otherwise… 1…… It’s a bit of a hassle! ”

“Oh, I’m the one who hates trouble the most!”

“It’s best if you can kill, if you can’t kill, don’t do it yet.”

The mimicry Zhou team muttered in his heart, when he decided to kill Meng Sangchen, he was 100% sure, but what puzzled the mimicry team was that when Meng Sangchen was blasted by himself, the Accel belt and Accel’s memory disappeared.

“Termite aliens? Actually nearby? ”

Hearing the words of the imitation Zhou team, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu both tightened their hearts, they didn’t want to be killed by the alien worm with super acceleration before they transformed.

“Don’t be nervous!”

“Although she really wants to kill you two, she doesn’t dare!”

The imitation Zhou team said this to Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu, but the imitation Zhou team’s gaze was looking at Su Tian, why didn’t he dare? It’s not that termites are afraid of Su Tian!

“You should be waiting for me, right?”

Team Mimicry Zhou slowly spat out: “But I don’t have anything to ask of you now!” ”

“My sister has been… He’s dead! ”

As he spoke, a sad look appeared on Team Zhou’s face.

After the insect repellent team released the news that the mechanical knight was a protozoa, they killed most of the protozoa in the base of the insect repellent team!

Originally, these protozoa were intended to be used as shapeshifters of mechanical knights, but now that the mechanical knight plan has almost been rejected, naturally those alien insects will not be left.

When Su Tian heard this, he almost didn’t need to guess to know that the mimicry Zhou team was pretending, but Su Tian did not expose it, and gave the initiative to talk to the mimicry Zhou team to Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu, and he only needed to watch the play.

Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu are not stupid, they can see that most of the sad colors of the mimicry Zhou team are pretended, but Bai Yanyan and the two did not speak, in the end, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu and the mimicry Zhou team and termite alien insects are still in a hostile relationship, after all, the three alien worm companions of termite alien insects eliminated Pi Xiang, and Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu also killed those three alien insects!

Therefore, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu also have no intention of cooperating with the mimicry Zhou team, just want to see if they can get some effective information from the mimicry Zhou team, and even if possible, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu want to directly kill the mimicry Zhou team and termite aliens!

The imitation Zhou team killed Meng Sangchen, which is basically unlikely to be the side of humans, so the three of Su Tian quietly watched the imitation Zhou team make a sad state, and the mimicry Zhou team saw that the three of Su Tian had not spoken or performed, and directly said: “You should want to find me today?” ”

“In that case, there is a purpose!”

“Let me think about it, I want to know the secret of the insect repellent team!”

As soon as this remark came out, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu were shocked in their hearts, but on the surface, they did not show it, and Su Tian also pondered slightly, the secret of the insect repellent team?

What Su Tian wants to know most now is information about Kamen Rider Golden Dou, and it is best to determine who Kamen Rider Golden Dou is!

“The secret of the insect repellent team? What secret? ”

Pi Yu still didn’t hold back, opened his mouth to ask, Bai Yanyan also stared closely at the imitation Zhou team, this is likely to be a special copy of the clearance task clue, of course, to grasp, the corner of the mimicry Zhou team’s mouth hooked, smiled: “Tell you yes, but you must first promise me one thing!” ”

“No, you can only say yes if you say it first!”

Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu shook their heads and refused, now the secret of the imitation team about the insect repellent team is only possible to be related to the clearance task, but it cannot be determined, and even if it can be determined, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu do not want to directly agree to the request of the mimicry team Zhou,

“That… Okay too! ”

Team Mimicry Zhou hesitated for a moment and said, “Then I’ll talk about part of it first.” ”

“The secret is, the captain of the insect repellent team,”

“He actually is…”


Before the imitation Zhou team finished speaking, he heard a huge explosion not far away, the direction of the explosion was directly behind the mimicry Zhou team, after hearing this explosion, the mimicry Zhou team’s face changed slightly, and said: “Sorry, let’s talk about it later!” ”

“My temporary allies seem to be in a little trouble!”

After speaking, the mimicry Zhou team quickly rushed towards the direction of the explosion, Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu saw this, their hearts were anxious, almost, what is the chief captain of the insect repellent team?

Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu, whose appetite was hung, looked at each other, and immediately set off to keep up with the footsteps of the imitation Zhou team, but what they didn’t find was that at the moment when the imitation Zhou team turned around, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile that no one saw, and although Su Tian, who had been on the side, noticed that the mimicry Zhou team was hanging his appetite, Su Tian was also curious in his heart what the words that were not said later.

What is the head captain of the insect repellent team?

Mankind? Alien worms? Protozoa? Kamen Rider? Still is…… Kamen Rider Kanato?

When he was puzzled, Su Tian also planned to follow over to take a look, but at this moment, two people wearing insect repellent team combat uniforms walked out from the shadows, one was in front of Su Tian, and the other was in the rear of Su Tian, the insect repellent team member behind Su Tian was closer, and seemed to want to sneak attack Su Tian, and attacked the back of Su Tian’s head with a punch, at this time, the three of them were in human form, but Su Tian had the [All Knights Adaptation Physique] bonus, how could he be hit by the other party, I saw Su Tian slightly sideways just dodged this punch and then quickly struck, holding the fist of the insect repellent team members behind, using his shoulder as a bearing point, and slammed it hard!

A handsome over-the-shoulder fall threw the insect repellent team member to the ground, and when the insect repellent team member still wanted to attack, Su Tian directly punched his helmet, shattering the helmet and hitting the opponent’s head, and the insect repellent team member was knocked out by Su Tian’s punch.

At this time, Su Tian found that these two people actually had belts around their waists! It is the kind of knight buckle that belongs to Kamen Rider kicking and punching!

And not only that, the combat clothes of these two people are a little different, and if you look closely, you will find that there is some thin golden silk thread on their black combat clothes.

“Su Tian! Kamen Rider Kabuto! ”

“If you hand over the Kabuto insect instrument! We may let you go! ”

Even if his companion was knocked unconscious by Su Tian, the member of the insect repellent team directly opposite Su Tian did not panic in the slightest, but said coldly, and when he finished speaking, a mechanical locust jumped from a distance and jumped into this person’s hand,

“Kamen Rider Fist?”

“And still human…”

Su Tian raised his eyebrows, these two people are obviously the Kamen Riders that the insect repellent team said will be turned into humans in the future.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that this news had just been released, and someone could use the insect instrument, which means that these people who can become knights have actually found it a long time ago! It’s just that the mechanical knight’s plan has been implemented before.

“Want me to hand over the Kabuto insect instrument?”

“What if I refuse?”

Su Tian said and suddenly glanced at the insect repellent team member who was knocked unconscious by himself, this person seemed to be particularly confident in his fighting, thinking of sneaking up on Su Tian, but he didn’t expect Su Tian to be more perverted, moreover, since the insect repellent team member opposite was Kamen Rider Fist Locust, then this knocked out should be Kamen Rider Kick.

“Rejection? Then don’t blame me for forced recycling! ”

“But I advise you, if it really comes to the point of forced recycling, you… Will die! ”

“Warmly remind you, my question is different from those mechanical knights!”

“Me! Much stronger! ”

This insect repellent team member is very confident in his own strength, in yesterday’s battle, although Team Zhou saw the general battle situation, but Team Zhou could not see the specific strength of Su Tian, he only knew that Su Tian could defeat the Kamen Rider kicking locust who turned from a protoworm, so Team Zhou reported that Su Tian defeated the Kamen Rider who had changed from the protozoa

Kick the locust, for this member of the insect repellent team, the strength of the mechanical knight from the protozoa turned into a weak is very weak, and it is not enough to defeat such a weak mechanical knight!

“Will it die?”

The corners of Su Tian’s mouth rose slightly, and he said softly: “Then I just want to experience the feeling of falling into hell too!” ”

“So can you please join me… Falling into hell? ”

Su Tian said, stretched out his right foot, hooked the knight buckle of the insect repellent team member who was fainting on the ground, and then raised up, the buckle broke away from the waist of this team member and fell into Su Tian’s hands!

Immediately afterwards, Su Tian kept this knight belt buckle around his waist.

The knight buckle used by Kamen Rider Kick is not the same as the knight belt used by Kabuto Rider, so this is why Su Tian did not use the Kabuto Knight belt directly.

“Falling into hell?”

The team member opposite Su Tian was stunned, thinking that it was the meaning of death, so he smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to fall into hell!” ”

“Leave that kind of thing to yourself!”

After that, the team member opened the knight’s buckle at his waist, then put the fist locust insect instrument in his hand in the middle of the buckle, and said in a deep voice: “Transform!” ”

“Hen! Shin! ”

With the sound of mechanical sound effects sounding from the fist insect instrument, the team member’s body began to be covered by fist armor,

“Change! ch! Hopper! (Fist deformation)”

Kamen Rider Fist! Debut! Seeing this, Su Tian stretched out his hand slightly, and the next second, he heard “Duang!” Duang! ”

The sound of jumping, the kicking insect instrument jumped from a distance and jumped into Su Tian’s hand, “You can really…”

The shapeshifter of the fist looked at Su Tian in shock, he did not expect that Su Tian could really be selected by the kicking insect instrument, originally he thought that Su Tian would transform into a Kamen Rider and fail to kick the sword, so as to use the power of Kabuto.

“But it’s all the same, you will die in my hands!”

After the shock, the fist clenched his right fist and quickly rushed towards Su Tian, because the distance from Su Tian was not too far, and in a few breaths, the fist rushed to Su Tian, and the clenched right fist directly banged Su Tian, “Bang!!! ”

The scene of Su Tian being knocked down that he expected did not happen, but his fist was actually held by Su Tian, who had not yet transformed, with one hand!


Su Tian looked at the fist in front of him, sighed faintly, and said, “Fall into hell with me!” ”

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