Chapter 90 Take a good look! The true radiance of the sun! _The secret of the insect repellent team!!

In just a few breaths, those insect repellent team members were seriously injured, only Team Zhou and a few members of the insect repellent team around him were still alive, resisting stubbornly, but the situation was not optimistic.

“Dear Kamen Rider Mr. TheBee…”

The termite alien showed a treacherous smile and said, “It seems that your insect repellent operation is about to fail!” ”

Speaking, the two thick arms of the termite alien insects collided, making a dull sound, and the next second, a large number of dense alien insects came from all directions to the middle ~ surrounded “Huh?” And also? ”

Su Tian, who was watching the play not far away, saw that there were alien insects more than ten meters behind him, which was obviously impossible to continue to stay out of the matter, and the alien insects closest to Su Tian directly began to scream, attracting the attention of termite aliens,


After seeing Su Tian appear, the pupils of the termite alien insects shrank suddenly.

Obviously, for Su Tian, termite alien insects still have lingering fears.

After Su Tian appeared, the steel buckets that the mimicry Zhou team Dark Kabuto and Dai Siyun had changed into that were originally fighting also stopped.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were on Su Tian’s body, under all the gaze, Su Tian’s body moved to the side, avoiding the sneak attack of a green unskinned alien insect behind him, after this alien insect flew into the air, it quickly stabilized its figure, turned around and thought about attacking Su Tian, but the moment it turned around, a slender leg had already kicked heavily towards its head,


This unmolted alien insect was instantly kicked away, and when it landed, “Boom!” ”

With a bang, he was directly killed by an explosion!

“Crouch, crouch, crouch!”

“Su Tian… Su Tian kicked and exploded a foreign worm? ”

Everyone was shocked at this moment, but the most surprised were Pi Yu and Bai Yanyan, as players, Pi Yu and Bai Yanyan saw someone kick the unmolted alien worm for the first time, of course, they had not seen anyone try it before, because all players basically completed the transformation in the first time when facing the weirdos, “although the unmolted alien worm is relatively weak,”

“But… But that’s too perverted! ”

Bai Yanyan even wondered if the one in front of him was Su Tian who had been with them before, and even began to wonder if this Su Tian in front of him was imitated by a foreign insect.

As the party, Su Tian was also slightly surprised, surprised that the alien insect that was kicked by himself was that the alien insect was too weak? Or has his physique reached a new height with the bonus of [All Knights Adapt to Physique]?

Perhaps there may be both reasons, but Su Tian has no time to delve into it, because as the alien worm that was kicked by Su Tian exploded, more and more unskinned alien insects rushed towards Su Tian.

Facing the dense unskinned alien insects around him, Su Tian’s face was indifferent

Everyone saw Su Tian slowly stretch out his right hand, pointing to the sun shining in the sky, because Su Tian’s position was in a higher area, so in the sight of the imitation team and others, Su Tian at this time seemed to be integrated with the sun.

The blinding sun makes people dare not look at it directly!

Only Su Tian’s voice could be heard ringing at this moment: “Look at it well!” ”

“The true radiance of the sun!”

As Su Tian’s voice fell, the sun’s light softened a little so that the mimicry alien insects and others could roughly see Su Tian’s scene, only to see that under the sun, a red mechanical insect suddenly appeared, which was the Kabuto insect instrument!

Under the light of the sun, the Kabuto insect instrument flew towards Su Tian, “Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

After knocking away the unskinned alien insects that wanted to surround him, the Kabuto insect instrument took the initiative to fly to the knight’s belt around Su Tian’s waist, “Hen! Shin! (Transformed)”

A mechanical sound sounded from the Kabuto insect instrument, and the Kabuto armor gradually attached to Su Tian’s body, and in the blink of an eye, Su Tian changed into Kabuto Rider Kabuto, a kamen form,

“Hw… Hmm…”

At this time, the unskinned alien insects that were originally hit by the Kabuto insect instrument attacked again,

“Cast! Off! (Burst armor)”

With the sound of mechanical sound, faster-than-light particles appeared on Su Tian’s armor, and the heavy armor in the form of a mask exploded slightly, and then under the shocked eyes of everyone, the horn of the Kabuto insect instrument automatically pulled to the other side, completing the armor explosion!

The burst armor fragments smashed into the surrounding unskinned alien insects, and in the blink of an eye, all the unskinned alien insects around Su Tian disappeared in the green flames.

During this period, Su Tian’s finger was still pointing to the sun, representing the brilliance of the sun.

Transformation, armor blasting, etc. are just Kabuto insect instruments.

It was as if Su Tian was really the sun god!

“The sun… True brilliance! ”

Mimicking Team Zhou, the two brothers, Meng Baiyun and Meng Siyun, muttered and repeated this sentence in their mouths.

The next moment!

“Clock! Up! (Superacceleration)”

With the sound of this sound effect, everyone heard the sound of explosions one after another, and… A green flame that is constantly burning and quickly extinguishing!

The surrounding nearly 100 unskinned alien insects were all destroyed in this instant!

“Clock! Over! (End of acceleration)”

The red knight figure appeared again, but this time, it had come to the battlefield from a distance!

The blooming green flame just now was Su Tian’s masterpiece! More than 100 unskinned companions of termite alien insects were all wiped out by Su Tian just now!


At this time, other people reacted, and subconsciously exclaimed in their hearts, so many alien insects are gone like this?

Especially the two brothers Dai Baiyun and Dai Siyun also have Clock! The two knights of Up, they know very well how difficult it is to destroy so many alien insects in such an instant! Even if it’s an unmolted alien worm…

“It’s really refreshing my judgment of your strength again and again! Kabuto is under DarkKabuto armor, and the mimicry Zhou team’s eyes are lit up. ”

staring at Su Tian, he was very excited in his heart.

The voice in the heart of the mimicry team muttered: “After the plan is successful, I must put Kabuto…”

“I’m curious about what you didn’t finish saying before!”

Su Tian’s words interrupted the thoughts of the mimicry Zhou team, and the mimicry Zhou team looked along the sound, just colliding with Su Tian’s gaze looking at him, although separated by Kabuto armor and Dark Kabuto armor, but when Su Tian looked at himself, the mimicry Zhou team still couldn’t help but feel a rin in his heart, and his heart was already in his throat.

Curious about what you said earlier? Captain General?

The mimicry Zhou team reacted instantly, and the heart hanging in his heart gradually let go, since Kabuto has a request for himself, then he is the active party

Comforting himself like this, a smile appeared on the face of the imitation team Zhou and said, “Of course I will tell this secret one by one,”

“But before again, I hope…”

Team Mimicry Zhou paused at this and glanced in the direction where Zai Baiyun and Dai Siyun were before continuing: “I hope to get the TheBee Insect Instrument and the Steel Bucket Insect Instrument!” ”

Get TheBee Insect Meter and Steel Bucket Insect Meter!

The meaning of the imitation team is self-evident, that is, he wants Su Tian to kill Dai Baiyun and Dai Siyun, and exchange the two insect instruments in their hands for the secret “You guy” about the insect repellent team!!! ”

Dai Baiyun is okay, the grumpy bald strong man Dai Siyun can’t bear it anymore, after yelling at the imitation Zhou team, he thought of stepping forward to fight with the mimicry Zhou team again, but someone is one step faster than Dai Siyun, it is a white figure, and the person this figure rushes towards is not the mimicry Zhou team, but… Su Tian!

It’s termite aliens!

For Su Tian, termite alien insects always have a trace of fear in their hearts, but just now Su Tian killed so many of her companions, termite aliens are unwilling, the previous battle in the abandoned warehouse, termite alien insects died of many companions, plus more than 100 dead here now, termite alien insects have a trace of hatred for Su Tian that they dare not imagine.

Driven by hatred, the termite alien worm had the idea of sneaking up from Su Tian’s back, so while Su Tian was talking to the mimicry Zhou team, the termite alien worm entered a super-accelerated state and went around behind Su Tian.

However, just as the termite insect attacked, Su Tian’s voice slowly entered her ears: “Under the light of the sun, all the darkness has nowhere to follow!” ”

After the voice fell, Su Tian pressed the buttons on the Kabuto insect instrument in turn!

“One! Two! Three! ”

“Rider! Kick! (Knight kick)”

Lightning-like superluminal particles began to flicker from the Kabuto insect instrument at the knight’s belt, and instantly extended to the single horn of Su Tian’s head armor, and then Su Tian raised his right foot and turned his body backwards at the same time!

The faster-than-light particles quickly swept from the single horn of the head armor to Su Tian’s right foot, and at this time, the attack of the termite alien worm just hit, she faced Su Tian’s roundabout kick, only to see Su Tian’s right foot wrapped in faster-than-light particles kicked heavily on the termite alien insect’s body, and the next second, “Boom!!! ”

As Su Tian’s body rotated back, a huge explosion was generated behind Su Tian!

Termite alien insects! Soldier!

All this actually happened in just a few moments, and the time from the imitation team Zhou just now was very short, and the mimicry team looked at the termite alien insects that had dissipated with the explosion, and fell silent for a while.

And just at this time, Su Tian’s voice sounded from under the Kabuto armor: “You can say it directly now,”

“Or take this secret to hell!”

Hearing this, the mimicry Zhou team looked around, and on the left was before

Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu, who were attacked by termites but were not in danger of life, while on the right are Dai Baiyun and his younger brother Dai Siyun, and on the front is Kabuto, a kamen rider who looks like a sun god! There is nowhere to escape, seeing this scene, the mimicry Zhou team sighed slightly, this sigh was heard by everyone, it seemed to contain helplessness but no one saw, under the Dark Kabuto armor, the slightly raised corners of the mouth of the mimicry Zhou team,

“This secret about the insect repellent team is actually nothing to say…”

“After all, it doesn’t have much to do with me! Since this is the case now, if I continue not to say it,”

“It seems that my life is about to be saved!”

“So, the secret is! The chief captain of the insect repellent team! ”

Speaking of this, the voice of the mimicry Zhou team suddenly increased!

It was so large that not only Su Tian and the others on the side, but even the surviving members of the insect repellent team such as Team Zhou in the distance could hear it.

“Captain of the insect repellent team! Daisu! ”

“He’s actually… Alien!!! ”

“And it’s also the strongest alien insect!”

These last few words, the voice of the imitation Zhou team is unusually loud, I can’t wait for everyone in the world to hear, the voice is loud, and the shock brought by it is not small, Dai Baiyun and Dai Siyun because they are wrapped in TheBee armor and steel bucket armor respectively, so they can’t see the changes in their expressions, but they can clearly see the sluggishness on the faces of the surviving insect repellent team members such as Team Zhou, because the Zhou team and other members who survived under the siege of unmolted alien insects just now, their combat uniforms are almost damaged, The helmet has long disappeared, and at this time they are looking dumbfounded, what do they hear?

The chief captain of their insect repellent team, Dai Su! It turned out to be an alien worm?

“Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could Captain Dai Su be an alien. ”

Some team members immediately retorted loudly after being dumbfounded, but the next second, some team members asked rhetorically: “If not, then why can so many alien insects unknowingly imitate as our teammates?” ”

As soon as this remark came out, Team Zhou and other members of the insect repellent team fell silent, yes! If it weren’t for the existence of a position like the captain, who could unknowingly mimic and kill so many members of the insect repellent team?

Also falling silent were the two deputy captains Dai Baiyun and Dai Siyun, “Brother, is the captain really a foreign worm?” ”


Dai Siyun, a bald strong man who was his younger brother, said in a tone of disbelief, “No wonder Captain Dai Su has become so strange in recent months…”

The gentle and elegant Dai Baiyun did not answer, but murmured in a low voice, as a person around him who helped Dai Su deal with big and small things, he felt the most obvious, since a few months ago, Dai Baiyun felt that Dai Su was a little different from before Now when he hears the words of the mimicry Zhou team, it seems that everything is explained clearly,

“The captain is an alien? Could it be that the clearance mission of this special quest is to kill this alien worm hidden in the insect repellent team? ”

Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu’s hearts had similar thoughts at the same time,

“Special Dungeon” does not provide any information about the clearance dungeon, but an organization that protects humans from alien insects – the insect repellent team, the captain of the team, the person with the most power turned out to be the alien bug!

How does this look like a playthrough copy!

Different from the thoughts of Bai Yanyan and Pi Yu, Su Tian knew that the flower language of the rose represented Kamen Rider Jin Dou, so Su Tian was slightly disappointed in his heart after hearing this so-called secret of the imitation Zhou team, not about the information about Jin Dou!

But not necessarily, being able to be the captain of the captain shows that Dai Su’s strength is still good, who said that Zaisu can’t even be an alien at the same time, but also Kamen Rider Jindou? Su Tian didn’t watch less in his previous life, and the boss of an organization that protects the world is the plot of the big boss.

“Well, my secret has been told!”

“If you don’t believe me, you can go back and ask your captain Dark Kabuto about the upturned corners of the mouth under the armor of the imitation team.”

The arc became larger and larger, and he liked to see such scenes, so he continued: “Tsk…”

“The head of the insect repellent team is actually a foreign worm, what a big news!”

“If ordinary humans know, then the situation of the insect repellent team may be worrying!”

“Shock! The insect repellent team, an organization that protects the world, is actually a foreign worm behind it! ”

“So, the best way is to destroy the alien worm that mimicked and killed your captain first.”

“Then beg the world for forgiveness like I apologized for the mechanical knight incident today!”

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