CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1067: Miyako’s means of revenge

Chapter 1067, Revenge of Miyako

When Xiao Nian said, the white cloth stayed in the place below the bit chest, so that the bit can breathe more smoothly, and the ups and downs of the chest can not see much.

However, George does not care at all whether to see if there is still breathing.

When Xiao Nian and Feng De exchanged a look, they continued to stay there and talked with the bit, and the fingers touched the plasma in front of the chest.

It’s so cold, cold and cold.

It’s not like blood just flowing.

It seems that the bit jumped down and was held a lot and did not flow so much blood.

Where does this plasma come from? Is the Palace of Europe difficult to prepare? Is Bit playing a show? No, Bit's emotions are not like acting, too real.

Xiaokui, they have already prepared the gift for you. Waiting for this time, I will show it to you, you will love it.

When Xiao Nian talked to Bitt, it was her memory of the deceased in the eyes of others.

About half an hour later, George obviously waited a little impatient. From time to time, he looked at the direction of the conference room and stood up from the chair. He took two steps in place.

When Xiao Nian saw him stand up, he was worried. He worried that he would come over. As long as he was careful, he would find that the bit still had breathing.

It is obvious that Miyako arranged this purpose to make the bit reborn.

Just like the original palace, everyone thought that he was dead, and he was able to get rid of his identity and truly reborn.

When I think about it, I can’t help but feel a little nervous. The hand holding the handkerchief is very tight.

George walked around and turned to look at the direction of Xiao Nian and Bit, his eyes cold and cold, and did not go over, but turned and walked in the direction of the conference room.

Just taking a step, the meeting room heard the scream of Inid Hughes.


The screams were never heard by Xiao Nian, as if they had exhausted the strength of life, sharp and desperate, and the nerves that screamed underneath were trembled and suppressed.

When Xiao Nian squinted at the big eyes, he didn't understand what happened. He saw George rushing toward the conference room after he heard the arrow.

Father, take the bit to the car, hurry.

When Xiao Nian was afraid of being out of the chaos, she ran to the conference room after saying this.

She rushed to the door, and saw that Miyau's face came out from the inside with no expression. When she saw her, Miyau smashed her lips and her eyes floated with absolute pleasure.

When Xiao Nian looked at him incomprehensibly, George rushed to the front of Miyao. The previous gas field suddenly disappeared. What did you do to her? Miyao, I warn you, don't think that a hundred-year plan can trap me!

So nervous.

It’s a ugly one, and I’m not even interested in touching it.

Miyagou stopped his sneer and sneered around, side by side from George, and walked to the side of Xiao Nian.

George followed and wanted to turn back and heard Enid’s scream coming.

I don't know if it was because of the exhaustion of all the strength, Enid's screams have become very hoar.

When I was looking at the past, I saw that in the large conference room, Enid was kneeling on the ground, his hands twitching and covering his face, crying in pain, and there were countless pieces of paper scattered on the ground beside them. The paper was full of text and chart.

George rushed over and hugged Enid.

When I was thinking about what was written on the paper, people had already been left by Gong Ou La.

What did you say to her?

When I went out of the government building, I couldn’t wait to ask.

How did Enid, who saw his son not screaming in public, suddenly reacted so big.

Did the bit get on the bus? Miyao did not return to her words, but turned to ask the bodyguards beside him, get on the car, and we left immediately.

I have already got on the bus, and the housekeeper has checked him about the body. The situation is not too serious and I can wake up at most one day. The bodyguard answered.

When I heard this answer, Xiaoyan was relieved.

Gong Ou La took her hand and went to the car. When Xiao Nian couldn’t help but ask, did you arrange everything today?

Why, do you think that suicide by jumping off the building is a scene that I directed? In order to make George more embarrassed and arrange a bit jump floor?

Gong Ou turned to her, the twilight became deep, and the thin lips were a little unpleasant.

I don't think so, but I think you must have known that Bit has to commit suicide. Xiao Nian said seriously.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou hooked her lips, took her into her arms, bowed her head on her forehead, and counted you smart, but also you know.

If he is in her mind now, he will do it for the sake of intrigue, and he will do it all.

what happened?

When Xiao Nian asked inexplicably.

Before I left, I saw hate in the eyes of the bit, I have a hunch that he will make something. Miyao squats with her as she walks forward. With his character and what he has done in the past, he can't kill his father and mother, and he only has to commit suicide.

So what do you count?

When Xiao Nian asked.

Just before the blood bag prepared for you is still stocked, people bring two bags for the occasional need, after holding the bit, they created a scene of excessive blood loss. Gong Ou's voice is particularly good.

At the moment of the millennium, Miyao did so many things.

You are amazing.

When I read the black and white eyes, I watched him and worshipped him.

How is his brain constructed? At this time, he has to sign a contract and guard against George. He can also make a fake death by bit.

When the two men walked to the front of the car, Miyao stopped and did not hurry to sit in. Instead, she stared at her and asked, "You just said that I will count on it. Then guess what my purpose is, and for which plan to create a fake plan?"

With the performance of Xiao Nian just now, Gong Ou no longer suspects that she will guess the wrong answer.

Xiao Nian smiled, staring deeply at his eyes, in order to help the bit rebirth, just like the old brother, right?

She guessed it right the first time.

Mong Ou's lips are suddenly raised, and the arc is not falling down. He lifts his chin slightly and looks proud. Is this going to your heart?

He knows what she wants.

Fake and reborn, and the Lancaster family completely rid of the relationship, one hundred.

When Xiao Nian smiled happily, step forward and raise his hands to his neck. It’s rare that President of the Grand Palace would actually do a good job.


Miyako’s face is gloomy in an instant, what is it that will actually do a good job?

When Xiao Nian turned his eyes and quickly changed his way, the president of Gongda had another good thing, which was awesome.

President of Palace University? Miyako is still not satisfied.

Husband, my husband!

Call it again! Miyau's look was a little slow, her hands slammed on her waist, staring at her low-pitched, and her lips raised the arc of evil.

My husband is so powerful, too smart, and kind!

Great? Do you mean under the bed or in bed?

Two people talked about getting into the car, when Xiao Nian took the initiative to stick to the arms of Miyao, Miyao was enjoying her enthusiasm, and her hand was ringing her soft body, constantly asking her husband to scream.

The car started slowly.

When Xiao Nian called the mouth, he finally chose to transfer the topic wisely, Gong Ou, what did you just say to Enid, why did she react so big?

it's wired.

Just before we signed here, Feng De received a piece of material, which detailed how Enid stepped back to help George sit in this position. Almost every step of George's success is indispensable for her advice or endurance. Regression. Miyao said that she had said it, and I opened the material in front of the woman, one by one, and said how great and wisdom she was.

and then?

When you are young, you are confused.

Then I told him that in the case of a man, if you love a woman, you must cherish the child she had born, because the child has her genes and has her appearance. Miyao said, in the end, I asked her again, does George love her or value her intelligence?

When I looked at him with a small sigh, I thought about it for a while. Miyao said that it was an hour to tell Enid that George didn’t love Enid.

For Enid, who owes her son and lost her son, it was indeed a terrible blow, which made her lose everything she believed.

Miyao raised her eyebrows at her, as if to say that you still don't adore me?

How can she believe in you? When Xiao Nian asked, you don't know how much I told her before. She thought that she was right. She thought that she would swear to protect George.

The material sorted out a timeline. Every time George went to find her to love to die, it was a time when George encountered a difficult road on the upper road. These coincidences must not be her unbelief. Gong Ou Dao, plus she thought that the bit was dead, would believe it.

No flaws.

When Xiao Nian heard some letters, she bit her lip, but I saw that George’s eyes were not like a fake. He seemed to really love Enid.

That kind of gaze she saw in the eyes of Miyako, the eyes of Miyako could not be fake.

Is it true that it has anything to do with me? I just want Enid to believe that George just wants to get her hands to help herself, so she won't even care about their son's life. Gong Ou said indifferently.

Yes, it is true or not and what does it have to do with them.

I am afraid this answer is only known to George.

After you say this, George and Inid will have a gap when they are together. When Xiao Nian said, he looked at Gong Ou, and you did it for the sake of bit. You are afraid that after he woke up, he still suffered from hatred. You are retaliating for him.

Sometimes revenge is also a means of solving happiness.

I am in a good mood today, and I will do something good by the way. Miyao does not think it is authentic.

What is the incident, he is really helping the bit, not only saving lives, but also saving the future of Bit.

When Xiao Nian leaned into his arms, he listened to his strong and powerful heartbeat, and suddenly felt particularly warm.

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