CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1069: Honeymoon eighth station

Chapter 1069 Honeymoon Eighth Station


She can imagine how comfortable the future of Xi Xi is, and the name of Bit has disappeared.

Hey! Haven't talked enough!

A dissatisfied voice came.

When Xiao Nian looked toward the lake, I saw Miao Ou sitting there and glanced at them coldly, then slammed the fish in his hand, and his face was green, and there was no fish!


The fish in this lake don't seem to like Miyao. How can I catch it?

When Xiao Nian stepped forward, he walked toward Miyao and walked behind him, not fishing, watching the sunrise.

What catches your eyes!

Miyazaki squatted with the fishing rod in his hand and was still struggling with fishing.

When we came, we were watching the sunrise here. When we left, it was sunrise here. Is it the beginning and the end? When Xiao Nian thought about him, he lowered his head and printed a kiss on his face. Gong Ou, let's go, let's go home.

Miyau squatted with a fishy hand, then threw the fish into the lake, took her hand and stood up, walked, and went home!

The surimi floated pitifully on the lake and sank slightly.

The morning sun gently sprinkled down, and when I missed the arms of Miyau, I walked along the lake.

The bits on the shore are concentrating on the sunrise, and there is no previous sullenness on the body.

The mist of the white shrouded the entire palace, the trees on the water surface, and the farmland in the distance. The farmland in the distance is the most beautiful picture of nature.

In the courtyard, the small pumpkin lies in the shaker and yawns. Miyako is dancing in front of his shaker in a beautiful little skirt. He raises his legs from time to time and clap his hands to win the sight of the little pumpkin.

Can I jump well? I will teach you to dance when you are a little bigger, and jump like a sister. Miyako turned around in a circle and swayed in a small skirt and said happily.

A palace plaque sat on the carpet and played with his own bow and arrow. From time to time, he pulled the bow and tried to force it. He heard that he turned his head and looked at his sister. The little face had no expression. He was a boy and would not like to dance.

Boys also dance. Miyako had a small mouth and said how do you know that he doesn't like to dance, so what does he like?

He likes to eat.


Because he is called a pumpkin.

It makes sense. Miyako put on her chin and put on a meditation. When she thought about it and went to the palace, she nodded frequently. Should I give him more food as a sister?

When the voice just fell, Gongkui stepped on the edge of the carpet, and the man had not planted it. The palace had already quickly put down the bow and arrow in his hand and stood up to hold the palace.

After Miyako, I blinked my eyes, and I was not afraid of it. I laughed awkwardly, you are amazing, and I know that I will fall.

It is induction, you walk well.

Miyazaki released his hand and played with his baby bow.

When Xiaonian sat down on the side of the umbrella, he flipped through the magazine and couldn't help but laugh at this scene.

Looking at the three children, her world is completely filled, and the smile will unconsciously hang on the corners of her mouth.

What are you laughing at, so happy?

A gentle and moving voice came.

When Xiao Nian turned around, I saw Luo Qi walked toward her under the crowd of servants. Luo Qi wore a sapphire cheongsam, which was lined with a body and a complex embroidery technique with a beautiful face. External content.

Luo Qi walked towards her and brought her own light.

Mother. When Xiao Nian stood up from the seat, he said with a smile, the children are just like the living treasure, it is difficult to laugh.

Only we Xiao Kui is a treasure, holy I think he is too unsmiling, like a child. Luo Qi said, in the tone is the unspeakable pet, walked over and hung up with Miyazaki Miyake, and stayed at the side of the little pumpkin, and then came to sit next to Xiao Nian.

When Xiao Nian sat down with his character, as long as it does not affect his normal growth, I don't think I have to interfere too much.

Well, the teachers also said so. Luo Qi smiled and nodded. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the time and thought carefully. Some of them were distressed. You lost a lot and you have to let the kitchen make up for you.

I am a very good mother. When Xiao Nian turned to look at the three children, he reached out and dialed his hair, and the Lancaster family solved the problem. Everyone was relaxed. Me too, I can get back sooner or later.

Luo Qi was teased, well, I just looked at you fat.

When Xiao Nian smiled.

correct. Luo Qi converges a smile, there is something I want to tell you, your recognized brother Xi Xi took the initiative to mention China, to study there while intern in the ne internship, Gong Ou has agreed.

When the little thoughts nodded.

He is afraid that you will not be reluctant, afraid to see you leave uncomfortable, has left an hour ago. Luo Qi said, waiting for her reaction with concern.

When the smile on the face of Xiao Nian disappeared, has it gone?

Ok. Luo Qi responded, and then laughed out, the child was very thoughtful. When he left, he said that he would learn in ne, and he learned the skills of Miyao, and he would create an e to defeat Miyao.

is it? What did Nagase say? When Xiao Nian asked faintly.

He said that young people have a dream to be practical.

It is really the style of Miyako. Xiao Nian said with a smile, laughing a bit bitter, it sounded that Gong Ou personally sent a bit, but she did not know anything.

After the name change, the two people are more intimate and more like a younger brother. She always thinks that if Xi Xi is still alive, then their three brothers and sisters must be as happy as they are with the palace.

Unexpectedly, the bit has gone so quickly, and it is no wonder that she asked her about the big two days before, but it is a kind of temptation.

Is it sad? When Luo Qi took hold of her hand on the table, she looked at her worriedly.

When Xiao Nian smiled and shook his head, his life was of course decided by himself. This is what I most hope to see, but I originally wanted everyone to go to China after traveling and then let him go to China.

The two major families have solved the problem. Mongol and her have not yet returned to China, and they are prepared to come to a family trip.

I didn't expect the bit idea to be big, let go first.

It is a good thing for young people to have faith, and you will go back later. There are times when you meet. Luo Qi comforted her, but it is us, we can ponder where to travel, and when the palace is back, we will leave the family.

Luo Qi hoped that this day has been waiting for a long time.

When I heard the words, when I was young, I went to the different sadness and started my spirit. I have chosen some places in the past two days, just want to ask for your opinion.

After that, the maid behind Xiao Nian took out a blue hard book and handed it to Luo Qi.

When Luo Qi opened it, he was there. It was a travel guide. I saw a lot of photos from various places in the hard book. Each photo was accompanied by comics and simple texts, describing some of the local fun. The content, including the weather, also noticed that it also hit the star level.

The comics are cute and playful.

Even if it is the Gongkui Palace, you can see it at a glance. Luo Qi’s eyes are full of surprises. Looking up at the time, you are too hearty. It’s very hard to draw these.

A full book does not know how much effort it takes.

Since it is a family trip, of course, I would like to ask everyone from the top and bottom, first ask your question, then let the two children pick one. When Xiao Nian said.

When I heard this, Luo Qi had no choice but to listen to Gong Ou. As long as you were there, he still had some scenic spots.


When Xiao Nian was said that his cheeks were slightly warm, what happened to the world, and even Luo Qi took her to tease.

I am coming to choose. Luo Qi licked her lips and smiled. She turned over the hard book and began to choose a place to travel. From time to time, she discussed with the little thoughts. Two people talked and laughed.

For a long time.

A maid gently screamed, madam.

Luo Qi and Shi Xiao Nian looked up at the same time and looked in the direction of the maid. I saw Luo Lie wearing a doctor's robes standing not far away. He put his hands in his coat pocket and squatted back and forth. There is anxiety on his face.

Dr. Luo has been waiting for a long time. The maid said softly, he came to find the lady.

Waiting for a long time?

When I was young, I stopped.

Luo Qi put up the hard book in her hand and stood up. I took this book back and took a good look. Let's talk.

After thinking about it, Luo Qi made a mistake again, yes, don't talk too long, I have no other meaning, just afraid that the furniture will suffer again, my new sofa.

Miyamoto wants to give her a full heartache.


When Xiao Nian was helpless, Luo Qi was joking and she was having fun. Yes, she couldn’t come twice.

Miyako has rarely seen furniture.

When Luo Qi saw that her face was red, she did not say it anymore, only to smile and leave.

Lorez stood there and bowed down to Roche with respect and respect, and then he quickly walked over to the time, and the eyes behind the glasses lost the cold arrogance in the weekdays. They opened their mouths and asked, how could the palace not return? You are not saying that the two major families are reconciled. If things are resolved, will they come back?

When Xiao Nian sat there, frowning, Dr. Luo, sit down first.

Lorry sat down across the floor, her eyes still staring at her, waiting for her answer.

When Xiao Nian bites his lip and doesn't want to lie, he can only tell the truth. Actually, I don't know what is going on. I said that my brother should be back at this time. Maybe there is any delay on the road.

Will it be discovered by George, then George will not

It should not be, the 100-year cooperation plan has been signed, and the abduction of this set of names is not correct, and the current situation of the Lancaster family and Gongoudou can be said to be dead. When Xiao Nian said.

This is what Feng De told her.

Luo Lie's brow was tightly screwed, why didn't the palace be returned?

Don't worry, Palace Europe is busy with this thing for two days, and there should be a reply soon. When Xiao Nian pacified him, maybe we were chatting, and my brother had come back.

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