CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1089: Weird stage

Chapter 1089: Amazing Stage

She couldn't understand the idea of ​​Miyao and could only stay with him.

The guards outside the theater are considered to be strict, but there is no one inside. It is for the commemoration of the place where the mourning is not destroyed.

The two bodyguards opened a thick credit and respectfully waited for them there.

When Xiaonian was moved to the front by Gong Oula, when he went out, he saw that it could be called a huge stage. She couldn’t help but feel a little emotion. The big family is different. Actually, building such a large theater in his own manor can be with the country. Level comparison.

The light was a little dim, and when I looked down at the edge of the stage, I saw countless seats. The seats were separated by a large distance. Like a space capsule, I felt comfortable and looked at it with a small table. There are some wine-filled utensils on it, and you can imagine how much these nobles know how to enjoy.

Do you like it? Then build one in China and the UK. Miyao looked at her and her tone was as free as buying a cup.

When Xiao Nian immediately shook his head, no need, I don't need these.

Save me money? Gong Ou raised an eyebrow.

Money is no longer a problem for you. When Xiao Nian looked up at him, he smiled and laughed, so if you are willing to line up to buy tickets for me, it will definitely make me happy than building a theater.

When the words fall, Miyao Station stands there and the expression is frozen, waiting in line? Wrap a quilt?

His tone is like she wants him to jump into the sea.

correct. When Xiao Nian couldn’t help but nod.

Before, she gave me a picture of the technology fans waiting to buy ne products. The people inside were waiting for the night. The big winter was lined up with cotton quilts. When I was sleepy, I sat down on the floor. When I was hungry, I sat on the ground. There were countless black eyes. It seems that the picture left a deep impression on Miyao.

Palace Europe is silent.

Xiao Nian looked at him with a funny smile.

The two men looked at each other for nearly a minute. Miyao extended his hand and touched her head in a random way. He turned his head seriously and looked uncomfortable. Why didn’t he turn on the light? Didn't see it so dark here?

Hello, is it so time to queue up to buy a ticket? I didn't even give a finale.

When Xiao Nian looked at the black line and looked at Gongou, he walked forward. The bodyguard found the switch to turn on the lights. At a time, he saw the lights lit one after another, and soon the whole stage was illuminated like a day.

Just as the light is dark, she still can't see everything on the stage. Under this time, the little thoughts can be clearly seen clearly.

Closer to her is a tall, imaginary horse with a sign on it that says Mona, the horse's coat is shiny, like the one she saw in her first photo of Mona. Mona and the horse are both beautiful.

When Xiao Nian walked over and was stopped by a bodyguard, the young lady still did not touch. This horse is a specimen.

Label? When the little thoughts are smashed, the meaning of the specimen does not mean


When Xiao Nian read the whole person back, he stared at the horse in front of him, and a nausea rushed up, almost spit on the spot.

Specimen, even made the horse into a specimen, is to remember Mona?

too crazy.

Miss Ladies, are you okay? Asked the bodyguard.

I am fine. When Xiao Nian was swinging his hand, he looked up and looked forward.

This is a large-scale memorial stage. The atmosphere is serious and sad. Everything is hung with all the words of Mona. There are cellos with various animals.

These animals talked softly to a bird cage hanging in the air, using all their strength.

A bodyguard took the bird cage and examined it. Finally, the animals here should all be specimens.

When I was holding my throat, I felt very uncomfortable. Why did the good thinking place be arranged like this, as if the air was flowing with blood.

Even if the lights are brighter, the arrangement in front of her makes her feel chilling, and she doesn't feel the warmth of a half-hearted mourning.

She looked at Gong Ou, and saw that one person in the palace and Europe ran back and forth on the stage. A pair of black scorpions were unfathomable and did not know what they were thinking.

Several bodyguards also check various objects.

When she insisted on coming, she only wanted to leave. The atmosphere of the memorial stage was that she could not stay for a moment. She stood on the side and met the dummy on the side. She quickly took the dummy.

The dummy is much taller than her, and the costume of the butler is standing politely there, one leg slightly bent, like a kneeling down, the face is vivid, the face is humble, and even the wrinkles on the face are depicted. Be extraordinarily detailed.

When Xiao Nian stabilized the dummy, he was about to retreat to the side, but his eyes stopped on the face of the dummy.

It is just a dummies of the old housekeeper. Why do she think that these eyes are very similar to Miyao, so that she has a feeling of creeping hair.

When Xiao Nian squinted and looked at the past, he didn't feel like it.

She patted her heart, maybe she was shocked by the strange atmosphere here, and she was shocked to see anything.

Second Master, there is nothing special on this stage, we go to the guest area to check. Several bodyguards went to Miyao and said.

Miyao stood in front of a lamp and looked coldly, hearing that he raised his hand and let the bodyguards go down.

When Xiao Nian stared at the dummies' eyes and looked at them, he finally swayed his head and turned to go to the palace to go over, not letting himself think again.

Miyao, although there are some surprises here, there is nothing. What do you want to see? When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou’s hand, he couldn’t help but ask from the edge of the floor lamp.

do not know.

do not know? When you are young, you are confused.

But there must be something here. Miyao is cold and cold, and looks at her, looking at her, and her eyes are full of worries. How do you look so bad?

Just ok.

Some were scared by here. When you are young, you can tell the truth.

Gong Ou screwed her eyebrows and forced her hand. I will accompany you for a while!

It doesn't matter, I will go down and sit for a while, you will continue to check it, I am afraid that the time will come to be discovered. Xiao Nian took his hand.

Gongou eyebrows her eyebrows.

I am really fine.

When Xiaoyan squeezed a smile, he turned around and circumvented a column of art in front, and Yu Guang swept the huge picture in the center of the stage.

The photo was placed in the center, and the ivory frame was wrapped with a good picture. The Mona in the photo smiled gracefully, and the long blond hair was beautiful.

Xiao Nian had to admit that on the stage of this strange atmosphere, Mona’s smile turned out to be the only good.

what happened?

Miyako stood behind her.

When Xiaonian stood in front of a huge photo, he shook his head. Nothing, I went down for a while.

She still didn't move, her shoulders were held down by Miyao, and her mind turned her head. I saw Miyao holding her shoulders and standing there, a pair of black eyes staring at Mona's huge photos, I can't wait to squat on it. Come out with a hole.

When Xiao Nian looked awkward, he wanted to go to the palace and couldn’t move. He could only stand there. She looked at Gong Ou and looked at Mona’s photo.

The frame is entangled in black and white, and the sadness is beautiful.

When Xiao Nian looked at the smile of Mona in the photo, the curved shape of the red lips was beautiful and dazzling.

About two minutes later, when Xiao Nian felt that he was standing numb, Miyao suddenly crossed her and walked to the huge picture, and the slender fingers groped in front of the ivory frame.

what are you doing?

When Xiao Nian looked at him, he asked inexplicably.

Miyao did not answer her, but continued to groped on the ivory frame, only listening to the sound of screaming, the huge photo suddenly fell from the wall and slammed on the floor.

The photo squats down, revealing another huge photo hidden behind, but it is no longer Mona's smile.

Gong Ou turned sharply, and a big hand squatted on the eyes of Xiao Nian. When Xiao Nian stood still, his lips became bloodless, and his eyes were dark, and people were taken into a warm arms.

When Xiao Nian stood there, I wanted to tell Miyao a word: he was late.

She saw it.

There is still a photo hidden behind Mona’s smile. She is a photo of her smiling smile. She has been magnified by countless times and is black and white.

A black and white photo is matched with the memorial arrangement on the whole stage. This memorial will not be like Mona's. It is like the mourning hall of her little thoughts.

When I think of it, the body of Xiao Nian’s body bursts into cold.

Don't be afraid, conspiracy. Miyagami felt her slightly shuddering body, and her hand tightened her tightly.

The low voice of Gong Ou let the heart of Xiao Nian slowly settle down. Yes, there is Gong Ou here, what is she afraid of? She is still alive and not.

When I thought about it, when Xiao Nian was steady and steady, she pulled down the hand of Gong Ou, who lived in her own eyes, and smiled reluctantly. Well, I am not afraid of you here.

As soon as her eyes returned to light, she saw herself in the black and white photo. There were black and white cloths dangling in front of the photos, and Xiao Nian could not help but tighten her hands.

Damn it!

Gong Ou bite his teeth, cursing a low voice, and taking a dagger from his body will **** the photo. When the dagger is only one centimeter away from the photo, his movement suddenly stops, and his eyes squint at the black and white photo.

When Xiao Nian can feel the deep anger in him, he can't wait to destroy everything.

After a long silence, when Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, he took back the dagger in his hand and did not destroy the black and white photos.

Two people walked off the stage and sat down in two places in the center of the guest seat, silently looking at the huge photos on the stage.

When Xiao Nian’s face was a little white, Gong Ou’s face was gloomy.

Is this another set of tricks in their fight? The voice of Xiao Nian was a little dumb. At the last event of the anniversary, the photo suddenly became mine, so that the knot between you and George is getting deeper and deeper.

But this is a hundred times worse than the previous ghost knife, actually replaced her photo with her

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