CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1108: Two madmen

Chapter 1108 Two lunatics

"What about her?" asked Xiao Nian.

"You will know when you go in."

Feng De said.


When Xiaonian nodded, he lifted his leg and walked forward. He walked a few steps and his hand was slammed by Gong Ou. She turned her head and saw Miao Ou glaring at her angrily.

When Xiaonian laughed and held his hand, "Our president of the palace needs to be held by people at all times, and needs to be watched by people all the time. I understand that I understand."

"..." Miyazaki gave her a look, "The cartoonist is thinking much! Who wants you!"

After that, Miyao took her hand and went to the hospital.

When Xiao Nian smiled very helplessly, he followed Gongao and went forward.

All the way into the hospital, the hospital was extremely deserted, only three or three doctors, on the second floor, a quiet corridor to upload a not unfamiliar voice.

It is Enid's.

When Xiao Nian looked forward, the light sprinkled in from the window at the end of the corridor, and fell on the white wall. The teenager leaned against the wall and wore a suit like a sea color. His hands were rubbed in his pockets, and a short hair was dyed black. He couldn't see his emotions with his eyes low, and his face looked particularly white in the sun.

"Xi Xi." When Xiao Nian unexpectedly said, it was a joy. "When did you come?"

Since the death of the fake death, although Xi Yu did not say anything, but this boy has been completely wounded, went to China, she thought he would not want to come to the UK again.

"Sister." Xi Yan heard his voice and looked up at her. A pair of blue squats were full of fatigue. He came forward, didn't look at the time, and only looked at the cold face of Gong Ou, "Thank you for your mercy. Leave their lives."

They are referring to his parents.

This time his father made such a thing, ruined his family, ruined too many families, and even let the little thoughts die, he knew that he could not kill his father.

Gong Ou... but let it go.

This is really not the style of Miyako.

"I just don't bother to worry about two madmen." Gong Ou snorted coldly.

Two madmen?

When I was young, I heard the voice of Enid, "Bit, son, son..."

It was from the room next to it.

When Xiao Nian went to the door and looked inside, it was a big room with only a single bed inside. The bed was full of colorful marine balls, toy cars, children's clothing, scattered one by one. Ground.

Inid was wearing a gray robes sitting in the middle of the ocean ball. She always put on her wide-brimmed hat and showed a sly face, but the depth of the scar, but the eyes were tender.

She is wearing a brown-haired blue-eyed doll, she is wearing clothes, her lips are smiling, so kind, "Bit, my mother will dress you, don't mess, oh."


When Xiao Nian was shocked to see this scene.

How could this be.

"I don't want to come back, I want them to be disposed of by the palace." Xi Yan stood by the side of Xiao Nian and said that the tone was somewhat stiff.

This is his idea, but he is still here, after knowing what Inid is like.

"At the signing ceremony of the 100-year plan, Master Xi Xiao jumped upstairs and Enid was so excited that it became like this." Feng De stood in the back and explained, "George hid Inid and concentrated on it." Our palace, on the same day, was the young man who strictly checked the manor. He heard the generals from some of the servants who had served on Enid, only to think that George was because Enid had to kill him and kill him."

"Bit, hungry, come, mother feeds you water."

Enid sat in the room, did not notice their existence, picked up a bottle and stuffed it into the doll's mouth, and feeded patiently.

It turned out that Enid was crazy.

No wonder George doesn’t take Enid with her because she’s already out of control and will affect his plan.

No wonder George has to drive her crazy, because he wants to taste the madness of his sweetheart.

No wonder George is convinced of the words she made up, because after the 100-year plan, he didn’t communicate with Enid at all. He hasn’t got her heart for decades.

No wonder George thought that the bit came, and I thought that Enid was normal, because Enid was crazy for his son...

However, George did not recognize the bit of Gong Ou, and in the end, he abused his son for Inid and abused the son completely, and he could not even wear a simple disguise.

"How come there are so many, why don't you drink it?" Enid shook his bottle, wondering, then screwed the bottle and poured the bottle directly onto the doll.

The doll and her own clothes are soaking.

Enid excitedly wiped the clothes on the doll and slammed it. "Is it hot? The baby doesn't hurt, the mother blows you, hey, hey."


When Xiao Nian’s thin eyebrows wrinkled.

In the past, Enid did not care about George’s status and reputation. It’s better to live than to die, and the son is not cared for...

I can see that the bit is "dead", but she is crazy.

In this life, she has not bothered her son wholeheartedly, nor has she been with George Tantan for a day. What is it like to live like this?

When Xiao Nian looked at Enid, she suddenly felt very emotional. Her heart was as uncomfortable as what was suppressed. She looked up at Miyao, and Miyako’s face was indifferent, without any sympathy.

“Be self-sufficient.”

Gong Ou gave a summary of Enid's life.


When Xiaonian silently licked her lips, she turned to look at the side of the seat. She looked at Enid’s stupid movements. After watching it for a long time, he walked forward and kneel down at Enid’s side. Forcibly grabbed it.

"what are you doing!"

Enid yelled excitedly and tried to push the ball. "Don't hurt my child! Return the child to me! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

Xi Xi was pushed down and sat on the ground. There was no expression on the young face, only the lips trembled slightly.

Upon seeing it, Enid immediately took the doll back, held it tightly in his arms, picked up the water bottle next to him, and turned the doll down again. The clothes on his body were also wet.

Enid did not care about himself, only took off the clothes on the doll, and then put on a clean set, then went to bed, singing songs over and over again.

Xi Yan sat on the ground and looked straight at the mother on the bed.

When Xiao Nian stepped forward, he pulled up Xi Xi, and Xi Xi sat without moving. He said, "Sister, I don't really remember the childhood."


"But I know now how I was taken care of when I was young." Ian, who was watching the bed singing, said, "But I still hate."

He is only a teenager, he really does not know how to deal with it.

Is it hate? But now it seems that Enid has loved him. Forgive? He really can't do it.

"..." Xiao Nian kneels down beside him, holding his wrist tightly and whispering, "The broken and forced to make up, will only make up for it."

Xi Yan stayed and looked up at her face.

"You don't have to decide what to do now, let time decide."

When Xiao Nian knew that he was now complicated, the six gods had no ownership.


Xi Yan looked at her, but nodded hard.

"If you say enough, you can let go!" The sound of Gong Ou cold ice came.

When Xiao Nian turned, I saw Gong Ou standing at the door, all the eyes were cozy, this man... What kind of vinegar is all eaten.

She was trying to continue to comfort Xi Xi, and suddenly she heard a sigh of relief from outside. Gong Ou almost immediately rushed over to her, and picked up her hand and walked to the inside. The tall body was in front of her.

When Xiao Nian was somewhat inexplicable, he poked his head behind him.

Then she saw George Lancaster.

He stood neatly in the doorway, his hair combed straight, and it seemed that there was no Enid's wolverine, and it was still well-dressed and tall.

Some doctors in white coats stood behind George and helped him. George shot their hands one by one. "Let's go, I said, don't follow, from today, you don't have to stay in the manor, leave me!"

What is the manor here?

"Yes, sir."

The doctors tried to match George.

George asked coldly, "Is there a palace, is there a door?"


The doctors did not dare to answer the face of Miyako's indifference.

If they dare to cooperate with the answer, they can really leave.

"What's useless, it's so slow to go back!" George took care of his suit and turned to look into the room. His eyes passed from the palace and the time, and they didn't recognize it. On the body of Xi Xi, the brow wrinkled. "Mona, seeing people who are going to marry, how to sit on the ground, there is no etiquette!"


Xi Yan turned his face and didn't look at him.

Enid’s gentle voice attracted George, and George’s eyes were stagnation, staring at the people on the single bed.

Enid lay there on the side, holding the doll tightly in his arms, patted it, and the voice was light and pleasant.

George strode forward, rushed over, grabbed her hand firmly, and excitedly said, "Hello, you are really good! I know, you will not be crazy, you will not be crazy!" ”

"Don't touch me!" Enid opened his hand in shock and held the doll tightly. "Don't scare my baby, the bit is not afraid."

George looked at his open hand and stayed for a long time. "I am George."

"Bit, bit to sleep."

Enid sat up from the bed, as if he hadn’t heard George’s words, he only shook his doll in his arms, and his eyebrows were the mother’s kindness.

"Do you still hate me?" George sat on the edge of the bed, holding her arms in both hands, staring straight at her. "You hate me, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I let you retaliate, you want How can I retaliate?"


When Xiao Nian bites his lip, George is crazy, but he took the words she said as true, thinking that Enid has always hated him.

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