CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1115: Palace Ou Dang Street

Chapter 1115, Palace, Ou Dang Street, grab

She has to cure the palace today.

This is her goal!

Looking at the tablet, Miyao began to fry again, and Xiao Nian couldn't help but laugh.

It’s really satisfying. What am she doing now? Usually I am used to being together with Gong Ou, and occasionally I have no time to know what to do.

When Xiao Nian looked up and looked around, the town’s terrain was complex and uneven, the road was curved and slammed up, and even the GPS was not well navigated, so she would choose to rule the palace here, because Easy to find.

If she remembers correctly, this side is up to 135 meters of moonlight rock.

Moonlight Rock is a famous place here.

Anyway, if you are idle, you will climb up and have a look.

When Xiaonian took the tablet in his hand and went up, he picked up the stairs and went up. There were a lot of roads, and the more the trees went up, the more dense the leaves covered the sunlight.

Good fresh air.

When Xiao Nian took a strong breath and went up, the rocks here were mostly made of nature, which caused a lot of chic spectacle. She walked into a cave, and there were drops of water dripping down, a big stone below. It has been recessed into many, like a huge bowl.

Are the water drops worn?

When the little thoughts came down, the fingers touched the edge of the boulder, the fingertips touched the water, the ice was cool, and the boulder was engraved with the words of various countries, all of which were names.

From the introduction of the monument, she realized that the water has been dripping for more than five hundred years and is considered to be a tough symbol of eternal love.

Is there so many people engraved their names?

When Xiao Nian used a fingertip to dipped some water, he wrote the name of Miyau on the dry stone wall, followed by a small thought.

The two names clung tightly together, and the sun fell from the leaves and fell on the two names, letting the little thoughts have a second slap, as if they had seen eternity.

When Xiao Nian turned and walked out of the cave, he continued to climb upwards.

When I walked around, I went to the peak of Yueguangyan, and it took a long time. I had gathered a few tourists on the summit. There were couples and small families, all of whom were taking photos seriously.

When Xiao Nian walked tired, wiped the stone chair on the side and sat down, turning his head and looking out.

The houses of the whole scenic town are all gathered together in a small area. The flower fields in one grid form the most vivid pattern. Farther away, it is the vast sea. The huge cruise ship is quietly parked on it.

It turned out that the scenery on the moonlight rock was so beautiful. If it were not afraid that the palace and the palace will expose their whereabouts prematurely, she would definitely take two children and climb the moonlight rock.

"Auntie, how are you?"

A little boy wearing a football jersey sat next to Xiao Nian and smiled and greeted her. His face was full of sweat from climbing the mountain.

"Hello there."

When Xiao Nian smiled and responded, he handed the water he had just bought.

The little boy looked at her and took the water a little bit. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Xiao Nian smiled and was about to stand up and leave the little boy and suddenly handed out a photo to her. "Auntie, there is nothing else in me, there is a photo of myself, I will give it to you."

Exchanging gifts?

Xiao Nian smiled and took the photo. The little boy in the photo smiled very happy at the camera with a soccer ball. "I will collect your photos."

The little boy smiled even more, and ran all the way to his parents.

The boy’s parents smiled in good faith and took the child down.

When Xiao Nian stayed in the moonlight for an hour, even the last couple left, and she was left alone. It was just one person who dominated an attraction.

It’s boring again.

I don't know which step Miyao is playing now.

When Xiao Nian opened the tablet and called out the surveillance, she sent a lot of people to hide and shoot the palace, and locked the palace in a lot of shots, and enlarged this paragraph.

In the shot, Miyako is staying in a square, and the square displays the paintings she sold before.

Many people are on the lookout.

Miyamoto once said that she would buy all the paintings she sold, because it was painted in the four years he disappeared. He had never seen him, he wanted to hang at home.

The collections of these paintings by the palace were forced to come back by Gong Miao, and some of them were not known. The squares were the private collections of the palaces. Even the palaces did not know, and this time she asked for them.

Seeing that her paintings were exhibited, Miyako naturally wanted to buy it back.

Unfortunately, he can't do it.

Because, how can you put money on the two masters of the palace, who are taking a cruise around the world? Especially after she carefully took all the banknotes in the room.

Sure enough, after seeing these paintings, Gong Ou began to touch the money on the body for less than a minute.

But how can someone send money to him today?

"Wow, you have to change your face."

"I have to jump now."

"Twist your eyebrows, glare, make a fist, jump up! I will say you have to jump!"

When Xiao Nian felt that he was watching a live broadcast, Gongao’s performance was completely in her expectation.

When I saw other people paying for paintings, Gong Ou’s anger was even more out of control. A pair of black scorpions glared at the shopper and kept groaning.

"It's so fierce."

When I was across the screen, I felt the anger from Miyao and shuddered.

The person who bought the painting did not seem to know the character of Gong Ou. It was very stubborn to buy a picture and directly pulled out a stack of banknotes.

When Xiao Nian was staring at the palace in the screen, the whole heart was tense.

If Miyake’s paintings were bought, it is estimated that she has to appease for a few days to smooth out his emotions.

When Xiao Nian thought so, I saw Gong Gong in the picture holding a fist and holding the man to pay for the painting. Suddenly, Gong Ou took some of the paintings on the easel one by one and put them together. Run on the shoulders.

The people in the square are all stunned.

When Xiao Nian also stunned, "Miyao you actually robbed the street..."

Still shameless.

In the lens, Gong Ou disappeared with a gust of wind and disappeared. The people in the entire square were all petrified. It took a long time for the painter to scream and catch up.

"What will be the news of tomorrow? It will definitely be written by the president of the ne, and it will be smeared." When Xiaonian wrinkled his eyebrows with anxiety, he thought about it. "This black history palace will definitely find a way." Eliminate, I can't see such a wonderful picture at that time, I have to save it."

After that, when Xiao Nian quickly finds which one is the save button.

Daddy, there was a shadow shrouded, covering her whole person as if she was in the darkness.

When Xiaonian sat down on the stone chair with her head down, she saw two straight legs standing in front of her. She was shocked, not right, so she chased it so quickly.

It’s over.

When Xiao Nian took the tablet into his arms, he bent up and stood up to get off.

One hand pressed **** her shoulder and pressed her whole person back to force her to sit.


Hey, I will face it sooner or later.

When Xiao Nian slowly raised his head, he laughed twice, "hi, Gongou."

Miyao stood in front of her, her body was tall and slender, her sleeves were rolled over her arms, and only two of them were buckled. The chest was exposed to a large piece, and the clothes were all sweaty. There was no image at all.

Looking up again, Gong Ou's head was short and messy, his face was full of sweat, his forehead was violently violent, and he was screaming at her with hatred. She couldn't wait to eat her, and her thin lips didn't have a trace of blood.

This kind of anger... She hasn't seen it in Miyamoto for a long time.

When Xiao Nian smiled and worked hard, his shoulder was particularly hurt by the palace.

"My black history is eager to save, huh?" Gong Ou took her, repeating what she had said in a word.

"You are not in the square, how come you come here in an instant?"

"Playing my day, when I was young, your courage is getting fatter!" Gong Ou picked up her fingers and held her shoulders hard.


When Xiao Nian’s pain hurts her teeth, it is almost immediately, and the hand on her shoulder is loose.

Still distressed her.

When Xiao Nian’s heart was full of anger, he looked up and looked at Gong Ou. He explained with a smile. “I just rarely see this side of you. I feel very precious, so I have to save it.”

"Is it?" Gong Ou Yin asked with a sullen face.

"How come you sweat so much?" asked Xiaozheng inexplicably, pulling him to sit down beside him.

I didn't ask for it. When I asked Gong's face, it was even more stinky. He yelled at her. "You try to be chased by a group of people and you can't sweat!"

Still carrying such a heavy painting.

“Chasing three streets?” Xiao Nian was shocked. “Then they didn’t protect the bodyguards... Oh, I told them to ignore you.”

"Do you dare to say?" Miyao can't wait to marry her neck. "My palace has no money to pay for the first time in my life. When I grabbed the street, I was chased by three streets. Two police cars followed me! Absolutely only Once, are you satisfied?"

When Xiao Nian was sprayed, he couldn’t sit still, whispered. "I know you will grab things in the eyes of the public."

"That's your painting, the painting I haven't seen before, can I let others buy it?" Gong Ou rushed to her again.

"..." When Xiao Nian shrinks her neck, her heart is guilty and sweet. She secretly looks at the tablet in her hand. "I didn't see this paragraph."

"Is it necessary to save it again?" Gong Ou asked ironically.

"No, I saw that I must go out to pay for you." Shi Xiaonian immediately said that the anger of Gong Ou has already reached its peak, and she can again blow up the moonlight rock against it.


Gong Ouyi Road.

When Xiao Nian quietly spit out his tongue, he looked up and looked at him sincerely. "Really, I will really watch you grab something, right, you are in the square, why did you suddenly come to Moonlight Rock?"

She can't figure it out.

And she also designed a series of routines from surprise to frying, which is now wasted.

"Oh." Miyao sneered with disdain. "George, the old guy wants to use my technique to cure me. I haven't done anything. What do you mean by this little trick? From the twins telling me that after you go to play, the pictures you see are all There is a certain delay."

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