CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1125: Hard to clean up

Chapter 1125 is difficult to clean up

When Xiao Nian was stunned, this was obviously not the voice of Gong Ou and Gong Gong. She looked at the two men on the ground, and saw a small player in the hands of Miao Ou.

Still playing is not over.

It is estimated that Miyako has recorded some words for people to record early, but he does not want to think about how his level can win Roche's likes, and his tone is still euphoric.

Sure enough, as soon as I heard this, Roqi laughed and stared at the table full of dishes. "Reward you? Do you still think I should reward you?"

On the long table, everyone is sitting in danger, no one dares to move chopsticks.

Xia Yu looked at this side and found that the person lying on the ground was Gong Ou. When he was just about to talk, he listened to Luo Qi’s cold and cold. "Why, do you think that your birthday party is doing very well?"

The atmosphere is very different.

Xia Yu blinked his eyes and looked at the little thoughts. When she saw her, she did not say anything, so she sat quietly, closed her mouth, and watched the storm.

"We did a very special job and wanted to give my wife a big surprise!"

The sound played by Miyako is still elated.


When Xiao Nian couldn't help but press his own painful head, can the position of Gong Ou's on the ground be inaudible?

"Surprise? It's really a big surprise." Luo Qi sneered, staring at the pink soup in front of him. "In this case, I have to thank you very much, you get up and join us."

Miyako made a tone on the player and gave a voice for a while. "We don't dare."

The hesitation in the middle made Luo Qi more determined to be deliberate.

Luo Qi's face is very ugly. "Don't you dare to eat or dare to eat your own dishes? You have served the palace for generations. I never deliberately blame you, and I never thought about expelling you. You are taking advantage of this." Dare to be arbitrarily, make such a table to fool me?"

In the end, Luo Qi's tone was the ultimate, and even the voice became sharp.

When Xiao Nian looked at the two men who were kneeling on the ground, it was estimated that Gong Ou couldn’t turn over any prepared words.

He didn't expect his table of confidence to get such a negative evaluation.

Long-term silence makes Luo Qi feel more humiliated.

The little chef didn’t answer, she had been treated like this.


Luo Qi cold channel.

"What is the wife's command?" Feng De stood on the side and was sweating.

"All the chefs who will participate in this birthday party will be responsible for the ten whip. Let's go down to the next stop!" Luo Qi was cold and cold.

There is no more rules in this house.


Feng De smashed, playing two young masters and ten whip? How did he start?

"What's wrong with you? Can you really hear the old age?" Luo Qi looked up at Feng De, and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction. "Is this trip so that you have nothing to do with it?"

Luo Qi is really angry.

Before, she clearly said that she likes the atmosphere of the boat.

When Xiao Nian touched her neck, her neck was cold, she wanted to talk but didn't know how to speak.

How do you feel that this birthday party is getting worse?

Luo Qi wants to know that this is her proposal and she is also dissatisfied with her.

"Madam, sorry." Feng De bowed his head.

"Don't you pull it down?"

Luo Qi was cold and indifferent to the order.


Where does Fengde dare to move, standing on the side is not a return, nor is it a retreat.

The scene is deadlocked.

When Xiao Nian frowned, this palace Europe still can't make it clear, and the farce is no longer the righteous father.

She looked at it and saw that Miao Ou was there to touch the player, about to find a sentence to broadcast.

Miyazaki is holding his elbow to hit the palace and want him to be faster.

Gong Ou was not happy, and he slammed back. The palace was almost hit and fell, and turned to his brother, reaching out to grab the player.


When the little thoughts are full of black lines.

The atmosphere on the court was so extreme that no one dared to move chopsticks, no one dared to laugh, and the two players in the field grabbed the game.

Do these two people have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

At this time, I don’t stand up and explain that I have to make a successful performance. It is also impossible to complete it, she will not believe that the palace can find a sentence to cope with the current situation.

Just listening to the "啪", the player fell to the ground between the two disputes.

"Mr. you have too little reward, please reward more!"

A very happy and happy voice sounded.


When I missed the room, I wanted to go back to the room.

Luo Qi also stayed, and then the beautiful face of the uncontrollable anger, people violently turned around, "I don't think the ten whip is playing less? You want to insult you on my birthday!" ”

There is a chef collective in front of you.

Only two young men dressed in chef clothes squatted on the ground, hands entangled together for a fight, and heard that the two raised their heads, and the two handsome faces were familiar to me.

Luo Qi looked at them incredulously, his hand slammed his mouth.

The two men immediately released each other and turned to Roach. "I wish my mother a happy birthday."


Luo Qi sat there and couldn't say a word.


Why didn't you react?

Miyazaki and Miyako looked at each other and wanted to say something more.


This is too shocking for the mother. The elegant and noble person can't cope with such a scene, and she has to give her some buffer time.

When Xiao Nian saw it and Feng De made a look, Feng De was raised and raised his hand.

Everyone followed and stood up and shouted in unison, "Happy birthday to my lady!"

The sound is deafening.

Luo Qi sat there and it seemed that this was the reaction. She slowly turned back and raised her hand and smiled. "Thank you."

I can't say anything without a word.

When Xiao Nian was recently moved, she clearly saw that Luo Qi’s eyes were red.


Toss the next sentence, sorry, Rogi stood up and turned and ran.

It’s really running.

The high heels made a "beep" sound on the ground.

Luo Qi took the long skirt all the way to run away, lost the temperament in the weekdays.

When Xiaonian silently licked his lips, the family members of this palace swept away temperament and were similar to ordinary people. They all had unspeakable wolverines.

Quiet and quiet.

The scene where Lian Gongkui did not speak was so quiet that he could not describe it in words.

The flowers are quietly bloomed on the stage where the 4D oil paintings are arranged.

"Mother's reaction" Gong Yu slowly turned to look at the younger brother on the side, "also within your plan?"


Miyao glanced at him coldly and stood up from the ground, his eyes sweeping.

The crowd bowed very tacitly, pretending that nothing was seen.

His eyes finally fell on the table, and the dishes on the table were almost untouched.

It turned out that no one has ever eaten.

When Xiao Nian walked toward Miyao, he smashed his chef's sleeve. "Are you alright?"

Miyako’s gaze was bleak and she looked at her lowly. “It’s hard to eat?”

Such a lost Gong Ou let the time of the small thoughts into the heart can not bear, these days he did not sleep well for this table, he has always been conceited, how can he think of such a situation

"Of course not." When Xiao Nian decided to throw the conscience and said, seriously, "maybe just that the dishes you made do not meet the mother's appetite, I feel particularly delicious, especially egg fried rice, and others are different. You do the best."


When Feng De looked at it silently, he gave a small look.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou extended her hand to hold her, hold it firmly

Xiao Nian gave him a smile.

Gong Ou took her into her arms and looked back confidently. "I know that it is not my problem. How can I make dishes that are not good? Some people are dragging their legs. Next time I will make a table." ”


Hey, is she giving confidence to Gongao?

As a "someone", the palace is depressed. In cooking, he is not as good as Gongao? What a joke!

Forget it, he is a brother.

Do not care about your brother.

Miyazaki glanced at the dishes on the table and said, "What should I do? The birthday party is like this."

"Mrs. Maybe it's a surprise."

Feng De whispered.

"I was surprised to see it. I didn't see it at all." Miyazaki took the chef's hat on his head. "It's better to take two bottles of red wine directly."

It shouldn't be too much. Before Luo Qi's eyes were red, it wouldn't be because the dishes were hard to eat and cry.

When I thought about it, I said, "I will go see my mother."

"Okay, it is estimated that she will be willing to see you now." Gong Yi nodded and turned to Feng Dedao. "People remove this table."

It’s been a waste of effort in these days.

"Yes, Grand Master."

Feng De should be.

"Don't." When Xiao Nian stopped, "Don't leave, stay here, wait until I have seen my mother."

Miyao’s low-key look at the time, and the brows are raised. “Will she hit you? If you hit you, you will run, I will solve it!”

Now that Luo Qi is in the air, nothing is hard to say.


Xiao Nian smiled and let go of his hand.

Leaving from the banquet hall, Xiao Nian went directly to Luo Qi's room, and the door was hidden. Near, she heard a soft sob.

Luo Qi really cried.


When Xiao Nian bit his lip, he stood in the doorway and looked inside.

I saw Luo Qi lying on her back on the sofa and sobbing softly. The voice was very small and it seemed to be very patient. There was a white photo frame on the cabinet at her hand.

In the photo, there are two big boys and one young boy.

There was no smile on the little face, and he owed him a pile of money.

It is a photo of Miyagami and Miyazaki.

It turned out that Luo Qi brought the photos of Gong Ou's childhood.

When Xiao Nian turned around, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message, then reached for the door.

Three sounds.

The sobs inside suddenly stopped.

"Mother, can I come in?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"Wait." Luo Qi preached a calm voice.

Probably taking care of myself, Luo Qiyang said after a moment, "Little thoughts, come in."

When Xiao Nian pushed the door in, Luo Qi had already sat down to the place facing her. A beautiful face could not see the traces of tears, only the red eyes could not hide.

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