CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1144: Mr. Palace's "black" history of self-growth

At that time, the r palace paid too much for her...

The memory of the robot is more intuitive, but such feelings have not been able to move it, and it cannot be changed.

This is probably the difference between a machine and a person.

When Xiao Nian sat there, looking at the picture of a grid, looking at the pictures of himself, the storage of the palace was really amazing.

Later, when Xiao Nian saw some pictures that were not related to her, she let the r palace open, she wants to see the details.

There is only one long road to the picture, no end.

There is no one in the vast world, only it has no big horizon.

Isn't it just looking for memories related to her? How are there still?

When Xiao Nian looked at it strangely, he only heard the weak electronic voice coming, and said some garbled characters she could not understand...

Is the program of the r palace wrong?

She took a look at the time, the last time she was separated from the r palace.

"That is the code called ‘时小念’.”

The low-pitched sound rang behind her.

When Xiaonian looked back, see Gong Ou standing behind her, her hands on the back of the sofa, her body low, her chin lifted slightly, and the black scorpion swept the holographic image in front.

"It just read the code out," he said word by word.

So in the process of searching for memories, this paragraph has also come out.

"What is it talking about?" asked Xiao Nian.

"I don't know." Gong Ou Dao, "But I can probably guess what will happen next, Xiao Nian, can we not watch?"

He said, Xiao Nian, can we not look at it?

He said that his big palm had licked her eyes and blocked her sight.

When Xiao Nian wanted to ask something, the voice from the holographic image made her brow wrinkle up. She pulled down Miyau’s hand and put it in front of her lips, and looked up.

I saw the memory in the r palace, and the three young people in the stream spoke to it.

"Artificial intelligence robot? I know, ne's products, ne dominates the technology of this era!"

"Wow, it's asking us where there is a signal to call, really **** God! I will ask this too."

"It is said that it is very expensive, how good are we to sell?"

"It makes sense, take it away!"

The young people are going to take the r palace, and the r palace starts the self-protection mode to knock down several young people to the ground. Because of the safety considerations for people, the fighting in the self-protection mode is slight.

Soon, the young people found stones and thick trees as weapons to the r palace.

Its line of sight shook again.

They kept snoring and shouted, "Turn it off! Mom, it's a broken machine, turn it off!"

The chaotic shots were soon dark.

When I reappeared, I changed a big head to face the camera. The muscular man sat greedily in front of the r palace, shaking his legs and the humanity next to him. "I checked, this is the first palace of the r palace, ne. Robot, what is the price of the black market?"

"How many?"

"Hey, brother, we don't have to do anything else in this life!"

The man's face is full of words about money. "The value of the palace is completely different from the rest of the robots! We made it! Oh, yg! Look, it wants to escape, it's awesome! It doesn't know its The limbs have been unloaded by me. What can I do with a motherboard? Hey, look, it is like a worm, wriggling, hahahaha!"

The voice of ridicule can't be dissipated in the air.

In the sight of the r palace shaking, she saw the silver limbs in the corner, pulling a long line, one leg is still being dominated and moved, but unable to move freely according to the order.

The man who looked at the picture when he was young, angered and trembled.

How can they treat the palace in this way, how can they...

Miyako held her shoulder from behind.

Holographic image, r Gong began to say a bunch of garbled words mixed with "time and small thoughts", constantly said, constantly said ...

Speaking of the big man who was annoyed, the man picked up the wooden stick on the side and smashed it toward him.

Someone next to him advised, "If you want to take it to the black market, don't ruin your appearance. It's expensive to repair this ten Ferrari!"

"What does it say about it, it's annoying!"

"Who knows, it's okay to turn off the power."

Then it is the memory lock, because of the power off.

When Xiao Nian couldn't stand it anymore, let the r palace fast forward into the back of a grid to show her, each cell has a strange person, they talked about the price in front of them; they insulted it in front of it; They poured red wine on it and tested its performance; they split it into pieces to watch its performance in self-protection mode...

It has been reading a string of code on its own, perhaps in self-healing, maybe it’s really a mess...

When it was asked many times to ask people where there was a signal, and some people said that they were willing to take it, the r palace automatically played a piece of piano that was “unforgettable”.

So cheerful tones...

But once again, it fell into the hands of another black market dealer.

It has no way to contact her, when it is small.

It is being abused, exploited, and dumped to be sold again and again...

The IQ of the robot is completely incompatible with the humanity that the mind is counting.

Looking at it, the line of sight was once again chaotic, and the view of Xiao Nian was so blurred that he could no longer see the picture and the tears fell from his cheeks.

Behind, there is no more memory with her.

She thought, it should be at that time, the r palace no longer asks where the signal is, no longer talks about a bunch of garbled "small thoughts".

r became smart, it cleverly realized that the human beings in front of him only want to control it, and its palace-style character makes it counter-attack...

"It doesn't want to look for me anymore." Shi Xiao Nian raised his hand with difficulty and pointed to the last memory picture. "From this time on."

It doesn't look for her.

Miyag closed her eyes and her hands pressed against her shoulders. This is why he didn't want her to see.

He guessed that the process of self-learning in the palace would not be too good.

"I am not good, Gong Ou, I did not find it, why did we not think that it will be taken to the black market to sell, why?" When the little thoughts were painful, the voice was so sullen, "If we find it earlier, it will not Forced to grow to this way..."

It is also the r palace that belongs only to the time of the small thoughts, just like this.

"I was wrong, when I was young." Gong Ou stood behind her, Shen Sheng said, he actually admit her mistakes.

"It's my fault, I have been relying on it to protect, but I have never protected it." When Xiao Nian looked up to the palace, his eyes were blurred by tears.

R Palace stood there, kept quiet, and said nothing to her tears.

The voice just fell, the door was knocked, and the butler who had surrendered to the rule of the r palace came in, bowed respectfully and took out a stack of thick pieces. "R Palace, all the blackmail letters have been sent out, and now Received thirty-six remittances, the total amount is..."

Listening to the astonishing number of reports, the electronic sound of the r palace was extraordinarily cold. "Not enough. If there is still money in the two hours, the cage will be thrown out from the roof."


When Xiao Nian looked at it, his teeth clenched his lips.

It is just a machine, it can't have the full human emotions, it has changed, and it is hard to change back.

It was too late for her to come.

It was with her when she was in pain, but when she was in pain, she was not there.

And now, it doesn't need her anymore.

"Enough, little thoughts, either you go out, or we go out together!" Gong Ou said.

As long as she is willing, he can let go of the palace, he does not care so much about the life and death of the city.

No matter how she decides, she must leave now.

She can no longer face the r palace, she is facing enough bad enough.


When Xiao Nian trembled with Fu Gong's hand, his arm was firmly guarded by the wristband, and her fingers tried to disassemble along the corners of the wrist.

He was injured by the r palace.

"I am fine."

The voice of Gong Ou sounded on the top of her head.


"No pain." Gong Ou once again said.

"Let me solve it, Gong Ou." When Xiao Nian whispered, the voice was full of distress. "Would you go out and find someone to wrap the wound?"

His hand was so close to her, she smelled the **** smell.

She smelled uncomfortable.

Miyagami instantly understood her decision, her eyes were sharp and her tone was strong. "It is what you said, you just come back to see one side."

Leave the rest to him.

Cruel... Come by him.

r Palace stood still and looked at them silently.

"You will only get hurt when you approach it again, but it is still willing to listen to my voice for the time being." When Xiao Nian held his hand, "Miyao, let me solve it, okay?"

Now I can get close to the r palace, and I can kill it without any injury. Only her...


Gong Ou's tone is absolutely, stubborn like a child.

She will be sad and painful.

"You believe me, Gong Ou." When Xiao Nian sat quietly there, like a teacher, patiently persuaded the stubborn child. "Are you going out? I can do it alone."

Destroying the r palace is a very painful decision for both of them, but at least she will do it... she won't be hurt.


The voice of Gong Ou was ruthless. He did not pull her out immediately. It was the limit of his patience.

Xiao Nian took his hand.

Miyao slammed her wrist from behind, and when she missed it again, the man stood up from the sofa and walked to the front of the r palace, raised his hand stiffly, and tried to touch his face but retreat.

"the host."

r Palace took the initiative to call her.

"Do you hate me?" asked Xiao Nian.

"I am always loyal to the owner, as long as the owner needs, I will be by your side at any time."

This is another sentence.

Touched her many times.

"Sorry, r palace, I don't know if you have been looking for me, I really don't know." When Xiao Nian said, the voice was a meal, his eyes were red. "I am coming now, can I go with me? You are with I am leaving, delete the program to control the city?"

This book is from

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