CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 242: The means is too gentle

"You know that she doesn't, but I am too much." Shi Xiaonian said that Madame Gong only asked her at the request of Mrs. Gong's wife, and did not even increase the difficulty.

But in this way, she also climbed the ladder and climbed hard.

"That's not allowed to go to her, but I can't afford you." Miyao said, his brows tightened and he took her hand and went out. "Go, I will take you out for a walk, read books and read silly."


When Xiao Nian was stunned, she was dragged away by Miyao without responding. She struggled with him but could only follow him.

"Young Master, Miss Time"

Feng De stood helplessly looking at their backs, which made him and his wife confess.

There is such a ruthless young master, he is really tired.

Feng De shook his head and turned away.

In the blooming garden, the clusters are clustered, colorful, and the bodyguards stand around.

Two maids stood by the white swing.

Luo Qi sat on the swing bench and gently swayed, dressed in a tulle dress, enchanting, a face in the sun looked beautiful and graceful, holding a book in his hand.


Feng De came over and bowed to Luo Qi.

"Isn't you coming?" Luo Qitou did not lift it. The voice was a touch of alienation. "I am afraid that I will eat his little girlfriend."

"No, the young master took the time to go out and let me go." I didn't touch them."

Feng De turned his head back.

"Okay, my son is temper, I know, you don't need to cover him." Luo Qi's eyes were taken back from the book.

When Xiao Nian was faint, Miyao’s account was counted on her head.


Fengde stood there without saying a word.

Luo Qi put the book together, a pair of beautiful eyes with shallow sorrow, half a sigh. "I have seen it in the past two weeks. Missy does have some advantages, willing to work hard, but also to protect the palace. European temper."

In addition to the palace, Luo Qi has not seen anyone who can let Gong Ou hold his temper, even she has always avoided the possibility of his fire.

But these days, there are times when Gongao is dissatisfied with the actions of the next generation, where things are ignited, and when Xiaonian is only hugged in the past, Gongou slowly calms down.

Like a beast, the animal trainer who tamed himself.

When she saw that scene, Luo Qi was shocked.

Since the death of Gong Yi, the temper of Gong Ou has become more and more bad. The slightest disappointment is the swearing of things. I didn’t expect that a small moment would make Miyao change so much.

"Yeah, since the appearance of Miss, the young master has converged a lot." Feng De stood on the side and said something.

"If I just want to be a lover of Gongao, I will never say half a word." Luo Qi said, sighing, "It is possible to correct her by the palace, how can it be. If she is a famous family, Even without the background of Lancaster, I can go back and persuade the lord to agree, but she is a foster daughter who does not even know her parents."

Also broke off the relationship with the foster father.

The occupation is just a small cartoonist, how to enter the door of the palace.


Fengde stood there and heard the embarrassment.

When Miss thought that she was trying to improve herself and strive to be worthy of the young master, she could change her wife, but she forgot that the rules of the nobility were all passed down rules and could not be changed.

The lady is only using some means to make her retreat, but the young lady is more confident and hard-working.

"It seems that my method is still too gentle, and I must let the young lady take the initiative to quit." Luo Qi thought about it, a beautiful face full of coziness.

Wen Yan, Feng De’s heart was shocked and said, “Mrs.

"How good is my heart?" Luo Qidao, the voice is awkward, "Feng De, you said that it is really the master to deal with this matter, then what?"


Feng De bowed his head and stopped talking.

If the master came out to solve it, I am afraid that the life of the lady is not guaranteed.

Luo Qi said, "Like this, Feng De, you go to explore the style of Miss, if she is willing to retreat to be a little lover of Miyao, I will not force her."

If she can't do it again, her means can't be gentle.

The lord is not a person with good patience, and will not let this matter drag on.

"Yes, ma'am."

Feng De nodded, his brows were slight, and Miss Shi was also a stubborn person. Let her be a lover who is not worthy.

Miyako bought another Koenigsegg.

When Xiao Nian found that Gong Ou liked this sports car very much, he also specially modified it. Anyone who drives out the car will definitely drive this sports car.

The sports car was driving on the road, the convertible was opened, and the wind rushed to the front with a warmth.

When we went there, Xiao Nian asked, some worries, "Is it not really good to see my aunt?"

"I said that I can do it." Gong Ou Zhang was mad, the slender hand held the steering wheel, and the foot stepped on the gas pedal and went forward. "Where do you want to go?"

"Let's just stroll around."

When Xiao Nian said casually, she didn't have any thoughts about shopping, but she had already come out and walked away.

These days she has been trapping herself in the study, studying, studying, and studying. She is a bit stupid.

"After a day of rest, you are too weak, you will lose your bones."

Gong Ou thought for a moment and decided to hold the steering wheel with one hand and two on the phone, then openly and coldly, "Go to a hotel."


There was a voice coming, and then, when Xiao Nian saw it, he followed the bodyguard and drove out one over her face.

When asked why I booked a hotel, I asked in a confused way.

Shouldn't the rest be back to the Imperial Castle?

"Don't let you learn, don't let you see my mother." Gong Ou turned to look at her, black and deep, "When you remember, my parents are really difficult to deal with, but as long as you are by my side, Don't be afraid of them"

"I am not afraid."

When Xiao Nian whispered softly, the eyes turned and his eyes fell down.

She is not afraid, she is just stressful.

"In any case, you remember, it’s okay in the Imperial Castle. You can’t leave me and walk halfway through the door. I heard no,” Miyao warned her.

"When you have to stay together for 24 hours," Xiao Nian asked.


"Okay, I know." Shi Xiaonian has been trained by Gong Ou to not know what private time is.

Miyau took her to a high-end hotel. As soon as she arrived at the hotel entrance, she saw that guests were pulling luggage and carrying them out of the bag.

And the bodyguards of Miyau came over and opened the door for them.

This is a hotel, it is clearly a hotel.

Money is really more capricious.

When Xiao Nian reluctantly thought, untied the seat belt from the car and reached out to press the temple. She was still a little tired and her head was heavy.

"What's wrong, still not comfortable"

Miyao came over and grabbed her body, and the black scorpion stared at her tightly.

When Xiao Nian shook his head and smiled, "No, go in, I just sleep for a while."

These days, she did not have a good night's sleep.


Miyao looked at her and then reached for her to walk inside.

The hotel’s lobby manager brought them directly to the top-level presidential suite and opened the door for them. “Mr. Gong, you don’t need the hotel to arrange maids and housekeepers”

"No, go down"

Miyao was cold and eloquent, letting the manager directly retreat, and then shut the door in front of him without mercy.

When Xiao Nian looked inside, this presidential suite was very luxurious, but I don’t know if she was used to the grand and amazing advanced design of the Imperial Castle. She didn’t feel much about such a presidential suite.

"Miyao, you are not a rebellious escape"

When Xiao Nian went inside, he looked at the strange environment.

"Imperial castle was built by me, I used to escape." Palace Europe snorted.

He just didn't want to see her being tortured by his mother.

He couldn't drive his mother out of the castle, just take her out to rest.

"Then I will go to sleep for a while."

Rarely not to learn, when Xiao Nian suddenly felt particularly comfortable and particularly sleepy, she pushed open a door to find a bedroom.

"Then rest, I am going to take a shower." Gong Ou said.

"it is good."

When Xiao Nian nodded to the bedroom, pushed open the door, looked at the big room, was about to open the quilt, the phone shakes.

She picked up the phone and was the phone call from Feng De.

When Xiao Nian stood in the same place to call, "close the housekeeper, is the aunt angry with me?"

To see her, she ran away.

It is totally disrespect for Madame Gong.

"Mrs. is not very angry." Feng De’s words were mild, "but the lady has a sentence that I want to ask you."


When the little thoughts were stunned, my wife asked her to ask her today.

"The young master is by your side?" Feng De asked cautiously.

When Xiao Nian looked at the empty doorway, "He is in the bathroom, and the sealer has something to say."

"Mrs. said that she has already seen your efforts as a young master. She also appreciates it, but after all, the background is very different. This is how Miss Wang can't keep up with it." Feng De beautified the beauty of Luo Qi's original words.

Wen Yan, when Xiao Nian’s eyes were stagnation, his body was a little stiff. “What does it mean that my efforts during this time are all in vain?”

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