CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 297: : Are you afraid of me crying?

Therefore, now she should take the courage of the time, do not give him a good face, say go and leave.

"So you want to punish me now," Xiao Nian asked. "Because I used to treat you like that, so you have to treat it back."

Punish her

How can he be willing.

He just wants to push her open peacefully, but she doesn't want peace.


Palace Ou Dunton said, black squatting at her, following the scorpion edited by Mona, "I am sick now, I think I have been uncomfortable in the past, I want you to taste too." I tasted what it was like at the time."

"Well, even if you want to avenge me, can you wait for the baby to give birth and say it again?"

When Xiao Nian said.

She used to be bad to him. She recognized that she had hurt him. She recognized, but she still has a baby in her stomach. She can't make her emotions too bad.

She wants to be good.

"Can't" Miyao removed his gaze and said coldly, and found that his hand was still holding her and immediately released, and stood up from the ground.

He can't be near her again.

As soon as he approached, he couldn't control his hand. He couldn't control her attraction to him.

For her, he never has the ability to control himself.

Seeing him stand up, Xiao Nian thought he was going to leave, and quickly grabbed his hand, eager and humble. "Well, I will let you revenge before the baby is born."

As long as they are not at the end, as long as they can still have a home.


Miyao glared at her in shock, like looking at a stranger, whispering out, "When I miss you,"

She actually said that if he retaliated, she was crazy.

Whether she wants to be so humble.

Didn't she always talk about self-respect? Where did her self-esteem go and was eaten by the dog?

"I won't break up with you." When Xiao Nian clung to his finger and said seriously, "I will let you know that everything is over, I really love you, I really want to be with you." together."

She can't cover her humbleness at this moment.

"When you are sick, you are sick. The kind of embarrassment that you used to do with me is now reluctant to revenge me." Gong Ou glared at her.


When Xiao Nian looked at him quietly, his eyes were covered with a layer of wetness.

Because she really fell in love with him, she has no paranoia, she is not sick, she is not taking him as an emotional pet.

So she is going to be jealous now, she just wants to hold on to this relationship.

Seeing her like this, Miyako’s eyes flashed in a panic, "When I miss, I don't want to cry."

When Xiao Nian blinked, he condensed his tears. "Are you afraid of me crying? You are afraid that I will cry, it means that you are not completely disgusted with me, no feelings."

He is still nervous about her, right?


The voice of Miyako is gone, like suddenly becoming dumb.

"You can do whatever you want, even if you don't love me, I want you to fall in love with me again." Shi Xiaonian said, the eyes covered with water are full of stubbornness.


Miyao thinks it is easy to break up with a small moment. In his opinion, she is far less in need of him, and she always needs her.

He did not expect that when he broke up, Xiao Nian would become like this.

"It's too late, go to sleep." When Xiaonian sat on the soft cushion, he barely squeezed a smile.

"how about you"

"I am staying here." Shi Xiaonian said, reaching out and rubbing his eyes.

"You still have to stay here," Miyako glared at her.

When I heard the words, the eyes of Xiao Nian’s eyes lit up. "You worry about me, then you and I go back to sleep in the bedroom."

Don't mention it separately, are they still building a family?

Miyau opened her hand and turned her face away from seeing her long-awaited eyes. "Don't go"

"Oh." When Xiao Nian didn't force him, he continued to sit on the mat, faintly said, "Then go to sleep, I slept."

Miyao was depressed when she listened to her usual tone, and yelled at her, "You give me back to sleep."

How long will she have to go to trouble?

"Isn't that I used to be too embarrassed to you, now I am guarding you." When Xiao Nian sat there and said, wrapped tightly under the quilt, a serious and authentic, "I let you know, I really love you."

"You are still pregnant"

Sleeping on the ground, what a joke.


He also knows that she is pregnant, what is it with her, don’t know that mental stimulation is also irritating?

When Xiao Nian whispered, looked up at him, did not argue with him, only barely smiled and said, "I know, so I took the quilt and took the mat, I will not hurt the baby."

"You still have reason." Gong Ou glared at her with disappointment and snarled in anger. "You don't care if you sleep here."

It doesn't matter if the child is gone, as long as she is okay.

Miyao opened the door and walked into the room, shutting the door heavily, and shutting down the person outside the door.

When Xiao Nian sat there, he looked at the door and slammed it shut. The smile that was barely on his face suddenly fell down, and she leaned against the wall.

She thought that she really regretted it.

From the beginning, she should not let Miyao go to cure the disease, let alone let Mona go to the palace to cure the disease.

It is she who digs the grave and ignites the upper body.


The door suddenly opened again from the inside.

When Xiao Nian raised his face in a wrong way, he saw Miyao standing there, and a pair of eyes glared at her, and wanted to make two holes in her face.

In the next second, Gong Ou picked her up and even picked up the quilt and walked in the direction of the bedroom.


When Xiao Nian was lying in his powerful arms, his heart was a bit awkward.

Perhaps, he is really in the contradiction of healing, and he wants to break up and find all sorts of messy reasons, but he can't completely let go of her.

When Xiao Nian was held back to the bedroom by him, Miyao put her on the bed and yelled at her. "When you read it to me, you dare to climb to my door to sleep, I will take you directly." I will not break up with you peacefully, I will drive you out."


When Xiaonian looked at him silently, "Why do you want to break up peace and break up?"

It is mandatory to break up whoever breaks up.

"Leave me alone"

Miyazaki gave her a look and turned and left.

Peace breaks up. After peace, he can find an excuse to see her. If peace does not mean old and dead.

But now it seems that it is not alright.


When Xiao Nian was lying in bed and looking at his back, she frowned. She didn't stubbornly go up and go to sleep at his door. She turned and looked at the empty position on her side.

Originally, this location should be Mongol.

But now, I don't know when he will be back.

On the following day, Shi Xiaonian sat in a living room watching TV. On the TV was a documentary that the sealer had brought to her. It was a documentary about paranoia.

She sat there and watched it seriously.

In the documentary, a blond boy named Senna is in the middle of the treatment. He has a beloved plush toy that never leaves and will be held wherever he goes.

That plush toy is his emotional pet.

The doctor told him that he had to give up the plush toy to really get out of the paradox.

The boy named Senna is very tangled. He is reluctant to leave and wants to throw away. He knows that the plush rabbit should be thrown away when he is dirty, but he can’t lose it.

Repeatedly, Sonner lost many times.

It was a gray plush rabbit with long ears and two long slabs, very beautiful and very cute.

When the documentary was broadcast to more than half of the time, Sonner finally lost the plush rabbit. He began to play with other teenagers of the same age. The people gradually became more cheerful and smiled.

Sana’s mother was interviewed, a pair of brown eyes with tears. “I’m really happy, Sonna lost the nasty rabbit. The doctor said it’s a big step forward because he doesn’t need to Emotions are pinned on a toy, he will start to communicate with us, he becomes a normal person. Thank God, return my true son."

Real son.

In the documentary, Sonner and everyone are happy to play the game, he will embrace friends, he will laugh, he no longer marries his mother.

The camera suddenly gave the plush rabbit.

The final ending of the plush rabbit was in the trash can, lying there dirty, revealing two large dies in the sun.


When Xiao Nian sat there watching, the background of everyone in the documentary was so happy, the plush rabbit was lying alone in the trash can.

Only throwing an emotional pet is a step closer to normal.

Did anyone ask about the feeling of the plush rabbit? When Sanner needed it, it was accompanied unconditionally, and Sonna didn't need it, it could only lie in the trash can.

If the plush rabbit can talk, what is it thinking?

Maybe, she can communicate with her because she is a human-type emotional pet of Miyako, and she finally realized it until now.

As a pet, the saddest thing is not knowing that you are a pet.

"Miss, the young master is down."

Feng De came over and reported to her.

When Xiao Nian licked his sour eyes, he reached for the remote control and turned off the TV, then stood up and went to the kitchen. "Cut the housekeeper, trouble out the breakfast for me."

"Okay, Miss."

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