CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 343: : Shi Xiaonian painful production

got engaged.

He is getting engaged.

There was a violent pain in my heart, like the sea water pounding heavily on the stone wall, grinding all the toughness of the rock.


Suddenly, I heard a crisp sound.

Everyone looked at the past and saw the water drop on the ground. The water smashed into the ground, the cup shattered, and the debris fell a step.

When Xiaonian sat in the chair, suddenly his face was sore, his hand stroking his stomach and screaming in pain, "pain, sore"

"Miss Time"

Charles looked at her in shock.

When Xiao Nian was so painful that he reached out and grabbed the chair, he could not relieve a little bit of pain. The boundless pain spread over her.

Pain stretches time and every second is suffering.

When Xiaonian’s eyes were a little blurred, she looked up and watched as Charles rushed over and watched a group of doctors rushing over.

Each of their faces is blurred in her eyes.

"Miss, Miss, you cheer up."

Charles said to her.


When I was so sad, I just wanted to scream.

Suddenly, her stomach began to violently pain in a moment, feeling that the whole body seemed to be torn apart.

"When Miss is going to produce, how can it happen suddenly? Before the inspection is still good, hurry into the operating room."

"Come on, get ready for this preparation."

"When you think about it, you have to make a quick hurry, and you are all ready. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the two babies."

"Quick and fast, who is holding a big hug or a few people carrying it, forget it, take the cart."


When Xiao Nian heard countless voices groaning in her ear, she was more painful.

They didn't seem to think that she would produce in advance, and there was some confusion at the time.

"I come."

There is a sound.

After a moment of whirl, the little thoughts were hugged by her. Her face was pale and not half-skinned, sweat dripping, and only a white mask was seen in the line of sight.

Xiao Nian never knew that the pain would be so painful. She felt that she would die at any time, and her body would hurt to crack.

Death is not terrible for her now, but she can't bear children.

She is reluctant.

When Xiao Nian reached out and grabbed the man’s clothes, his lips trembled and pleaded, “Help me, save us.”

Your baby can't have something to do.

In the chaos, she heard a low-pitched voice rang in her ear. "You can rest assured that I will save you."

That sound is familiar

When Xiaonian tried to open his eyes and tried to see clearly, the sweat slammed down and fascinated into her eyes, making her unable to see anything, and the vision was blurred.

A new wave of pain has come over again, and when the little thoughts are screaming, "Ah, it hurts."

Her shouts were sharp and heartbreaking.

She grabbed the man's clothes and perhaps caught the flesh, but at this moment, she couldn't manage that much, just wanting to relieve her pain from somewhere.

She suddenly remembered Miyau, remembering that he was happy for his marriage at the moment, and celebrating that the pain was exacerbated.

Trick or treat.

Palace Europe.

How can he hurt her so much, how can he

This time should be his accompanying her, it should be him, but he does not want her, he does not want her.

He left her alone, and did not ask, to book his marriage.

She hates.

Really hate.

She never thought that falling in love with someone would be like this.

When Xiao Nian was hugged into the operating room, the whole person could not stand it. The obstetrician and gynaecologist came over and checked her for a moment. He said, "No, not yet, I have to wait."

This time, when the little thoughts will wait until the evening.

From the daytime pain until the evening, this process, when the little thoughts do not know how they came over, except for the pain, she has no feeling.

Every inch of the body is madly painful, like countless demons yelling at her.

The doctors are preparing in the operating room.

She was lying there, her pain was already sweating, her face was pale, "It hurts, hurts."

No one cares about her.

Let her lie in pain in the operating room.

When Xiaoshen screamed, lying on the operating table was completely uncontrollable, and the pain in his body surged like sea water, as if he wanted to engulf her.

At that moment, Xiao Nian was so painful that he could live to the moment when the child was born.

The sound in the operating room was not quiet. Due to her sudden situation, the doctors were discussing how to do the best treatment, including some postoperative plans.

When Xiao Nian’s ears were all their chaotic footsteps, and after a while, and the messy voices, she was even more uncomfortable.

In such a chaos, Shi Xiao Nian heard Charles’s low voice drifting in a certain direction. “Is it already informed?”

"Yes, I have used the whispers and the maids around my wife to pass the words." Someone replied.

"What does the lady say?"

Asked Charles.

"The maid said that the lady was at the dinner party, and the oath of the second master and Miss Lancaster was about to begin. Maybe the lady would have been unable to catch up."

The oath began.

When Xiao Nian was full of sweat, she was tortured to death and lived, but she heard Gong Gong and another woman swearing.

Everything seems so ironic and sad.

She wanted to grab something, but she didn't catch anything. The feeling of not catching anything made her pain worse.

When Xiao Nian was lying there, she could only make some painful voices. In addition, she could not do anything, and she could only let her pain spread in her body.

When all the preparations are ready, the little thoughts are still just painful and there are no signs of production.

The doctors waited for the boring, standing on the side and whispering

"If you hear no, the young master of the palace is going to get engaged."

"Unlike the doctor team like you, I have been serving in the palace. I have seen many things in the past. I didn't expect the second master to swear I can't see it."

"A sworn oath is grand?"

"The palace is small and grand, not to mention the marriage with the Lancaster family. You don't know. One year, the second master's birthday, the palace house put a whole night of fireworks, illuminate the whole sky, especially beautiful, then A night of night can't be forgotten in my life."

"Yeah, that night is definitely not a dark night."

"Of course, the second young master is the only heir to the palace family, and it is a strong marriage with the family like Lancaster. I am afraid that the fireworks will be more beautiful this evening." The doctor continued, "The second master will be the most swearing tonight." A day of good spirits, I heard that the big lady of the marriage is a famous beauty."

"Haha, it is estimated that the young master of the palace is also a sleepless night."

Several people spoke, and then smirked at the same time, talking about the gossip in this noble.

"Enough, I have this kind of mind to talk about these, it is better to think about how to help Miss, this is about the next generation of the palace, can not be any late, understand?" Charles's voice came, and then went away.

When Xiao Nian heard the sound of the door being closed, only her and the doctors were left in the operating room.

The doctors waited bored and quickly talked about the palace, guessing how big the scene would be tonight.


When Xiao Nian was lying there, it hurts to hurt every body.

She stared at the strong light above her eyes, which shook her eyes and hurt her tears.

She suddenly saw Miyau and Mona standing in the gorgeous castle. The two men vowed in front of all their relatives and friends that their love was firm and long-lasting.

Everyone blesses them.

In the middle of the light, the applause sounded enthusiastically.

Then she?

She is suffering from never before, but he is sworn on the other side.

How can he do this, all the vows can be forgotten in a flash, all the non-she can not be turned into a ignorance, ignore it.

"I hate you."

When Xiao Nian was lying there, whispering out the three words from his mouth, his lips trembled sharply, his fingers hanging on one side bent, and his nails slammed through the operating table.

"Don't be afraid."

Suddenly there was a hand holding her hand, and the palm of her hand wrapped her hand warmly, and she had already hurt her hand without a warmth.

When Xiao Min’s white face was intertwined with sweat and tears, the warmth touched her and gave her warmth in the boundless pain.

That warmth made her feel better.

She turned her head and the doctor in the surgical gown stood by her operating table, holding her hand and wearing a mask, only showing a pair of eyes and staring at her softly.

A little bit of the eye of the eye reveals a little feminine.

His eyebrows have a little scar.

But he is not the eyebrow doctor, the eyebrow doctor will not have such a look.

When he was staring at him, his eyes were a little fuzzy and stagnant. He couldn’t feel the pain for a while, why he looked so like a person.

This is impossible.

Is he not dead?

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