CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 355: : Goodbye Miyao

Xia Yu followed with a smile. "Then you have a rest and rest in these two days. I will arrange a bunch of activities for you later. You don't know, your current work is selling crazy in China. How many people are looking forward to the president is a paranoid The third part."

"I won't paint this comic again."


Xia Yu stayed.

"I will remit you the money for breach of contract. You can help me to issue a statement. This comic pit, I will not fill it out." Shi Xiaonian said.

"Small thoughts, this cartoon is really crazy, you are not saying that you can't escape."

"I am not escaping, I am disgusting to create this series."

When Xiao Nian hurriedly sent a few bites of lean meat porridge to his mouth, he stood up and said, "Well, I will go to the Port of Heaven to settle the mothers first and find you to eat later."

Said, when Xiao Nian went out.

"Oh, okay."

Xia Yu sat there looking at her back. It seems that Xiao Nian really hates Gong Ou.

Tianzhigang is the most expensive community in the Asian region with first-class security facilities.

In the port of heaven, all the political and business celebrities live, they all bring their own bodyguards.

If the palace wants to grab the children here, it will make a very big move, and it is not easy to get in and out.

The palace said that he would "take over" the children, but after two days passed, there was no movement.

The weather is cool and the sun is mild.

I don't know why, compared with Italy, she still likes China.

When Xiao Nian drove alone on the road, looking at the surrounding scenery, less than a year later, the city built many new buildings, brilliant and prosperous.

The red sports car parked on the parking line on the side of the road, attracting a lot of attention.

When Xiao Nian came down from the car, he looked at the newly opened maternity and baby goods store in front of him and stepped in.

The mall is doing activities, and there is a long maple channel in the hall. The lights are very bright, like diamonds.

The fake maple trees stand on the ground, the distance is three meters away, the branches are designed to be realistic, the vivid maple leaves slowly fall from above, and the yellow of the maple leaves carries a beautiful romance.

The guests passed by and there was an illusion of going into the fall.

A few children played maple leaves in the middle of the passage, which was lovely.

Now the mall is designed to be more and more thoughtful.

When Xiao Nian was in the windbreaker pocket, he looked at the baby products on the shelf with his long hair behind his ear.

Change the **** for Xiao Kui.

She went to a branded area, picked a pacifier inside, and took two in her hand.

She likes everything in two, even if her other son doesn't use it.

As soon as she turned around, she suddenly saw a flash flashing through her eyes.

When Xiao Nian looked up, I saw two women taking pictures of her with her mobile phone. When she saw her, the two men smiled at her with apologetic apology, then turned and fled.


A girl who is too angry, is it necessary to take pictures?

It’s not better to take Lancaster Mona, why bother holding her.

When Xiao Nian thought helplessly, he did not go forward to ask for photos, and he walked on his own.

Since she has a baby, she has become fond of buying a baby's product. It is endless when she wanders around. Mu Qianchu also laughed at her and said that a woman with a child has no self.

Maybe, now she can only really feel happy when she sees Xiao Kui.

Just thinking, the ringing of the phone rings in her bag.

When Xiaonian put the pacifier on a white cargo platform covered with maple leaves, opened the bag, took out the mobile phone from inside, and saw the words "Mu Qianchu". Her face smiled and picked up the phone. "Hey. , Qianchu."

It is a distant phone call.

Mu Qianchu was still in Italy.

"These two days are working, there is no time to call you. How are you still used to the country?" Mu Qianchu's gentle voice rang in her ear.

"Busy is not good, Xia Yu arranged a bunch of trips for me, I still sneak out and go shopping today."

When Xiao Nian looked at the baby clothes on the cargo platform, he chatted with him casually.

"Going to see baby products, you have bought more for Xiaokui." Mu Qianchu said with a smile.

"I can't control it. If I buy it, I will pick it up." The more you look at the small clothes, the more satisfied you are. This little sunflower is sure to wear it.

"I have to be embarrassed, your hands are gone in Italy."

He said, the elegant voice reveals a trace of exhaustion.

When Xiao Nian listened to his voice, he said with concern, "In the early days, have you been tired recently?"

"Well, there is one point." Mu Qianchu said, the voice is low and dumb, and there is especially quiet.

When I was a little bit, I couldn’t bear it. "Although I don't know what the family is doing, I don't know what you are doing, but you should take care of your body, don't be too tired, or I will call. Father said

Mu Qianchu’s body was not very good since childhood, and he should not be too tired.

"No, I just want to hear your voice."

Mu Qianchu said softly.

His voice was very gentle, as if his lips were covered in her ear.


Hearing words, when Xiao Nian was aphasia, some stood uncomfortably there.

Since returning to her home, she has hoped that she and Mu Qianchu will be paired up.

Mu Qianchu also had a feeling of affection for her, but she did not clarify her words. She was so stunned that she could not refuse even her refusal.

But she really didn't want him to put her feelings on her.

She can't afford it.

How clever is the beginning of Mu Qianchu, and when she notices the silence she has had for a long time, she will transfer the topic without revealing her words. "How do you buy something suitable?"

"There are beautiful clothes, I am choosing."

When Xiao Nian followed his words, he shifted the subject and suddenly heard the sound of commotion.

She turned her head and saw that the staff wearing the mall uniforms was talking to the customers, and the customers were taken away from the mall.

When I was thinking, I was looking at the crowd and I was in the air. What happened?

Mu Qianchu heard the sound on the other end of the phone and asked, "What is your voice?"

"I don't know, everyone is invited out of the mall, maybe you need to clean it." Shi Xiaonian said, "I will go and see, the phone hangs first."

"Well, bye, I am careful in my country."

Mu Qianchu said.

Hang up the phone, when Xiao Nian went over there and asked a staff member, "What is the matter?"

When the staff saw her, she immediately showed a respectful smile. "We are asking people to go down and answer the questions. Miss, you will continue to go shopping."


Continue shopping.

Don't you invite her to answer the question?

When Xiao Nian thought secretly, he did not put it in his heart and went back to the cargo platform to check the baby's clothes.

This little rabbit has a good shape and two long ears, which are especially cute.

These little shoes are not bad.

When Xiao Nian stood there and picked it up, he suddenly found that the commotion was gone, and the surroundings were very quiet.

She turned around and could see the direction in the field was empty, quiet, quiet, no sound, the mall was big and empty, and the rows of shelves were empty.

Only she is alone.

When Xiaonian looked around, she finally noticed that something was wrong.

She turned and was about to leave, and her foot suddenly sounded footsteps.

Men's leather shoes step on the ground.

It is clearly a far-reaching voice, but at this moment she is particularly clear.


The little shoes in her hand fell to the ground.

When Xiao Nian stood stiffly in the same place, a soft face became pale, and there was only sluggishness in his eyes.

The footsteps became the only voice in her ear. She couldn’t even hear her breathing, but she could hear the score clearly.

Every sound is like stepping on her heart.

She stood there and stood up as a statue.


Time seems to be solidified.

Some of the light fell on the face of Xiao Nian, her face was pale, her eyelashes twitched, and the black voice moved.

For a long time, she slowly turned her head.

In the sight, it was the maple channel arranged by the mall. A tall and long figure came slowly from the end to her. The black leather shoes stepped on the floor and made a dull sound. The slender legs swayed out of the span and the pants line was straight. A silver-gray shirt was neatly dressed, and the suit lining his perfect figure, the gas field was extremely strong, and the yellow maple leaves fell on him.

He came from the end of Fenglin.

That figure was once thought of her day and night.

Trapped in the early days of the tower, she looked forward every night, maybe he would suddenly come down, suddenly appeared in front of her, took her hand and left there.

She always thinks, he still loves her deeply, he will come to save her.

But she did not wait for him, she waited for the news that he and Mona swore, and she lay on the operating table to give birth to two babies.

From hope to despair, it only takes half a year.

His feelings are also consumed by the time every day, and there is no residue left.


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