CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 364: : Do you remember Mr Palace?


A businessman is a businessman, and he really remembers it.

When Xiaonian was silent for a moment, when the car accident appeared, the scene that Gong Ou rushed over to her was so desperate.

She licked her lips and made up her mind to raise her face and look at Gong Ou. "Let's talk about it."

She really has questions to ask him to unlock now.

"Do not run"

Miyao looked at her without trust.

"As long as you are willing to talk to me, what am I running."

When he becomes a flood beast, she will run.

Miyao will look at her suspiciously, and her throat is deep. She stretches her hand and presses the gauze on the forehead. She stretches out her legs and slams forward to the front, cold and cold, "stopping by the side"

"Yes, Mr. Gong."

The driver responded respectfully.


When Xiao Nian looked at the front silently, even the car driver she called was a member of Gong Ou.

No holes.

He is not good at hospital, he is thinking about something.

"get off"

Miyao is not very good, and pushes the car to get off.

When Xiao Nian followed the car, Gong Ou walked beside her and reached for her to pull her. When she saw it, she quickly hid to hide.

The meaning of resistance is obvious.

Miyako’s hand was stiff in the air, and she wanted to bring her back in anger. The clean, phalanx fingers caught in the air and finally reluctantly inserted her hand back into the brown trench coat pocket.


Be gentle

He walked two steps forward with some stagnation, and returned, staring at her with a pair of eyes, not willing to ask, "Why don't you come to see me for two days?"

How to get back the problem again.

When Xiao Nian stood by his side and looked at him calmly, "Miyao, if you really want to talk to me well, what do I ask, what do you answer, otherwise our conversation will not go on."

He didn't even know what she really wanted to know.

"You are abandoning me"

Gongou tightened the eyebrows.

"Then, do you want to promise not to promise me to leave."

When Xiao Nian said concisely and clearly.


Gong Ou looked at her, her lips were squatting, some unpleasant, half awkward, he asked in a deep voice, "We will stand on the street and talk"

"Where to talk is the same."

When Xiao Nian did not think there was any difference.

"You are not afraid of being photographed."


You are afraid of being photographed.

When Xiao Nian thought, but also, they found that the two of them would be messed up in the media, and more things would be less common.

When she was about to talk, she saw Miyau's four look down, a pair of black eyes looked around, and finally her eyes fell on her hand. Suddenly grabbed her hand and ran forward, when she was struggling, "You What are you doing?"

"Looking for a quiet place to talk"

Gong Ou Dao, pulling her all the way.

The trees by the road are backing behind them, the trees are mottled, and the fragrance of the leaves is floating in the air.

"I will go by myself."

When Xiao Nian tried to open his hand, but he couldn’t get rid of it, he could only let him pull her.

He is strong in this virtue.

If you have something, you can't say it.

When Xiao Nian wanted to continue to struggle, his eyes fell on his back and saw the lap of gauze on his head. Her twilight was awkward and the struggle was slowly getting smaller.

When Xiaonian was run forward by Gong Ou La, and turned around in a few turns, she suddenly saw a huge hemisphere building, which was a science museum owned by Ne.

They are behind the Science Museum.

Unconsciously, they arrived at this place.

When Xiao Nian looked at the magnificent building in front of her eyes, her breathing was somewhat stagnation, and she had too many memories in this place.

Here, Miyao sent the palace to her, and here they open their lover relationship to the world, where they also issued a breakup statement to the outside world.

From her temptation to the end, it is here.

To be honest, Shi Xiao Nian has some resistance to this place.

She condensed her body back and forth.

Miyao’s low-key look at her, black and deep, “what’s wrong”

"It's nothing."

When the little thoughts are faint.

"Going in" Miyau smashed her wrist and dragged her inside.

"I will go by myself, you let go." Shi Xiaonian said.

"Oh, I know."

Mouth said that Gongao still dragged her in and out.


When Xiao Nian thought how to earn, he struggled and could only be forced to follow him.

The Science and Technology Museum is now open to the public, with a lot of tourists. When Xiaonian was brought in by the palace door from the side door, she ran into two young girls on the head. She immediately turned her head and prevented them from seeing it.

Palace Euler took her to go straight, and the two girls passed by, only to hear two girls screaming in excitement behind them, "Ah, ah, just that is Gongao?"

The next thought was not heard.

Because she has been walked in by Gong Oula.

Miyao stretched out a door and pulled her into the office.

The office turned around and saw that all the people in the palace and the family immediately stood up, and they were all trembled, "Mr. Gong."

Didn’t receive a message saying that Mr. Gong is coming, is this a big deal?

"In ten minutes, close the Science and Technology Museum."

Miyao made a cold speech.

"Yes, Mr. Gong."

The staff member nodded immediately, called on the phone, and went out to dismiss the tourists.

After a while, the lively science museum was quiet.

There is no murmur outside.

When Xiaonian was low, Miyao still grabbed her hand. She struggled twice. Miyau grabbed her hand tighter. The slender fingers covered her hand and gave her a look. move."


When Xiao Nian wanted to talk, he suddenly saw a staff standing not far away, burying his head and secretly looking at them, and looked curious about gossip.

When Xiao Nian licked his lips, he stopped talking.

What she said more will only become the talk of others and the new materials of the gossip. It is better not to say no.

"Mr. Gong, I have closed the Science and Technology Museum. Is there anything else we need to do?" Several staff members hurried over and asked in a panting breath.

When Gong Oula took a small thought, he left, leaving a sentence, "No one can move when staying here."


So all the people stood silently in the wood, some people are yawning, heard, yawning expression is so stiff on the face, hands open, do not dare to move.

When Xiao Nian was forced to pull forward by Gong Ou, he entered a pure white world.

It is the place where the palace robot started its life test. It is a huge laboratory and a living area.

Except for glass, everything is pure white.

It’s dazzling.

Here again, why should she take her to this place of memory, she is not easy to think about it.

"Now you can release your hand."

When Xiao Nian said coldly, how long does he have a man with a fiancee to hold her hand?

"How do you get so bad now?" Gong Ouyi glanced at her, and some of them reluctantly let go.

If she was not afraid that she was too resistant, he could hold her hand until tomorrow.

"Who dares to say that your temper is bad in front of your palace."

"When you are young, you are getting more and more savvy."

Miyao said, picking up a remote control from the side of the cabinet and pressing it down, I saw the holographic image of a robot walking and moving in front of the kitchen guard not far away.


Seeing the familiar image, Xiaoyan’s eyes were a bit sour.

She slowly walked over, raised her hand to touch the palace, and her fingers passed through his tall body, and nothing could be touched. The image was printed on her hand.

This is not a palace, just a holographic image.

Looking at the truth, in fact everything is illusory.

She hasn't seen the palace for a long time. She let Xia Yu pick up the palace for her, but it is no longer there. It should be taken away.

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