CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 376: : biting her shoulder in the dead

She has always just dragged her back.

Xi Xi’s affairs let her know that they will go on a road full of thorns.

Knowing that it will go full of blood, you should not go.

"You are introducing me to a woman now," Miyao sneered.

"Miyao, let it pass in the past, we should all have a new life." Shi Xiaonian looked at him and said.

"It’s so easy to say that we passed the past and we have twins."

Miyao said coldly.


When I mentioned two children, Xiao Nian tried to hold her hand harder and finally said, "I thought about it. We are like this. One person, those divorced families generally don't do this."

She does not trust the palace, but if Miyake is willing to take care of her son, she is willing to let go.

"Divorced family." Miyao looked at her tauntingly. "But we haven't even married. As a general rule, should you marry me first?"



Almost they got married.

"Miyao, you have chosen to break up once, I choose to maintain your initial decision, we are even. You can't just allow you to break up, not let me respect the original judgment."

When Xiao Nian looked at him, he said faintly.

Her voice is too light and too light and indifferent.


Gong Ou gnawed his teeth and his face was ugly.

She wants to say that he is overbearing, he can't look back, why should she not let him go back?

"You have been out for a long time, go back to rest. I am gone." She couldn't look at his face again.

She can't hold on.

She is afraid to talk about it again, she will be weak in front of him to cry, she can't cry, at least now, can't.

When Xiao Nian turned and left, he walked out of two steps. The arm was smashed back from the back of the palace. She turned back in a wrong way. Miyau’s black sly glared at her. "When I was even, I told you, There can never be a balance between us."

Said, Gong Ou reached out and pulled the clothes on her shoulders hard, like her previous action, just more arrogant.


When Xiao Nian was stunned and wide-eyed, half of the white shoulders were exposed to the sun.

The next second, Gong Ou lowered her head and bit her shoulders, her teeth deeply stuck.


When Xiaonian’s eyes twitched, her lips trembled and whispered, but she did not struggle, so she stood there and let the palace Europe bite.

Miyao was buried on her shoulders, biting her mouth, not leaving a little affection, venting her heart, and he was like a wild beast, eagerly needing blood to fill his inner emptiness.

Her body has a touch of aroma.

Like a breeze on the tip of his nose, he made him crazy.

He bite down desperately, biting her shoulders and bleeding, and tastes her blood in her lips.

Her blood is sweet.


When Xiao Nian stood there, his body trembled with pain.

Miyao buried her face on her shoulder and smothered the smell of her body and tasted the smell of her blood.

She hated him so much that she didn't lick his blood, but he tasted her.

He tasted, breathing became heavier and heavier, and his thin lips slowly shuddered. One arm wrapped around her body, hugged her hard, and her fingers tried to grab her clothes.

She still does not move, does not struggle, people have been hurt to pale.

She stood like this, letting him do anything, and let him stop.

long time.

When Xiaodeng forgot how long it was, Gong Ou slowly loosened his mouth, raised his face and looked at her, his thin lips stained her blood, and a pair of black eyes licked her pale face, screaming at death. I want to see something from her face.

"Why don't you have tears?"

Miyao asked her, and her slender hands held her face, and the warm thumb was rubbed on her face several times, without a little tear.

They are talking about things that have been separated for a lifetime.

He bit her out of a big wound, but she didn't have a tear.


When Xiao Nian stood stiffly in front of him, he looked at him with both eyes.

"Why didn't there be tears?" Gong Ou-Ji asked, holding her face with both hands. "You won't hurt, do you know that I am hurting so badly now?"

He is very painful.

Why doesn’t she hurt?

When Xiao Nian looked at him, his eyes were so powerful that he said slowly, "Probably, it was my worst time."

She also had it when she was more painful.

Now, it’s not so painful.

"The most painful time" Miyao repeated her words, and her lips were still stained with her blood.

"Yeah. Now we are all in the traces of the other's life, and it doesn't hurt." When Xiaonian nodded, he lifted his hand and pulled down his slender hand. "Miyao, go back to the ward, I am leaving." ”


Miyako stood there, and for the first time she was as stupid as she was, letting her take her hand down.

When Xiao Nian re-drawn the clothes that he had pulled down, his fingertips touched the wound, and it was still painful and numb.

She turned and left the pavilion step by step.

Miyao looked at her back. When she was yelling at her in the mall, he didn't feel too uncomfortable, but this second, her back made him hurt to suffocate.

Maintain the status.

It’s over, everything is over.

"Small thoughts"

Miyako suddenly shouted at her back, and the magnetic voice was filled with a touch of fear.

That fear does not belong to him.


When Xiao Nian stopped.

"When you miss, you know that I have a paranoid personality disorder. I tell you, I don't mention the end, no one can mention it." Gong Ou said, obviously a threat, but with a strong lack of self-confidence.


When Xiao Nian stood there for a few seconds, then he did not return.

The end of the end is always over.

The decision she made was good for each other, they all needed to start again, no more paranoia.

When Xiao Nian came out of the garden, she took a few steps and she stopped.

Not far away, Mona stood under a street lamp and looked at her. There was a strong ripple in the eyes of the sea blue, and there was a clear sorrow.

When Xiao Nian looked at her, she did not go forward and said hello, and the pace left in a hurry.

"When you miss, how do you leave the palace?" Mona's voice came behind her.


When Xiao Nian did not look back, the path left, the hand hanging on the side of the body slightly loosened, and the palm was already a trace of blood.

Mona looked at her back, her face was lonely, and for half a year, I didn't expect that the engagement would not let them give up.

When will she really get the feelings of Miyako?

Mona took back her gaze and glanced at the pavilion, hooking a pair of blond hair behind her ear, then went to the pavilion and walked into the pavilion.

As soon as he entered, Mona squatted down and saw that Miao Ou was sitting on the ground with a pillar on his back. His hand was holding his forehead, his face was pale, his eyes were not shiny, and his lips were stained with blood. It was impossible to imagine that it happened. What happened.

With the time of the small thoughts, Gongao should not be happy, how is this way.

Mona stood there, and the young and beautiful face passed a deep thought, suddenly understood something, and a smile appeared in the blue eyes.

Her nephew turned, then walked toward the palace, and kneeled down beside him, his voice softened. "Xie Dean asked you to check your body and let go."

"I don't check"

Gong Ou opened her hand.

"There is also the company's business. The sealer said that the company has documents waiting to be processed. It is about a series of robots." Mona was next to him, adding accent on the three words of the robot.

She is a psychiatrist and she knows what kind of vibration this series of robots have on Miyako.

Sure enough, when I heard the robot, Miyako put down her hand, and a pair of eyes glanced at her coldly, and the man stood up from the ground and went outside.

"I will hold you."

Mona said softly.

Miyazu opened her hand.

His strength was so great that Mona was almost beaten by him.

Mona stepped forward without hesitation, and carefully tried it. "Miyao, you are fine, are you in a bad mood?"

"Seeing that you are in a good mood is a ghost."

Palace Europe cold channel.

Wen Yan, Mona's face is a bit ugly, she was repeatedly humiliated by him, for him, she is so dispensable, "Miyao, you are the only man who can take my pride into a slag. ”

Gong Ou went forward.

"Why do you have to hurt me like this to me? If you want me to get engaged, I will agree. I have no hesitation. Even if you have tortured me, I will always squat for you, and I will take care of you for your brother." Monet. He walked up to him and looked at him sadly. "I didn't do it well enough. When can you face my existence?"

She is not as good as when she is.

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