CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 394: : Give me the last meal


My daughter has been in the house for more than three months. He only saw the photo for the first time. It is better than her. She has not seen the photos of holy, and the voice of holy has not been heard.

It’s all about imagination.

"Hello you painted"

Miyau stared at the picture on the photo.

She painted honey and Xiaokui too much, unlike brothers and sisters, it was like a sister.


When Xiaonian silently lowered her eyes, every photo she took for Xiaokui would draw a picture next to her and paint her son's existence.

Occasionally, the photo was taken far away and I felt that her twins had never been separated.

"You painted wrong, holy eyes are not as big as small sunflowers, slightly smaller, the color of eyebrows is a little heavier than Xiaokui." Gong Oubian said when he handed the photo to Xiao Nian, "You modify it, I tell you ""

When Xiao Nian looked at the photo in his hand, his lips moved, and some hard said, "I don't want to listen."

Miyao stared at her, and Xiaonian lowered her head, her hands pressed the photo with some force, and her nails were whitened, revealing her little emotions.

Gong Ou discovered that she had a lot of small movements. She used this way to control her emotions.

Before that, she and his every meeting is not the same.

"You never asked me what it looks like." Gong Ou asked in a low voice.

"I do not want to know."

When Xiao Nian said, the voice made a sigh.


Gong Ou asked.

When Xiao Nian closed his closed eyes, he put the photos in his bag and silenced for a long time. "You don't know the mother's obsession with the child. I know too much. I am afraid that I will go to see him and go to win." he."


The baby she had never seen before, she did not do anything for him.

In addition to drawing a little picture on the photo, pretending that he and Xiaokui grew up with her, she couldn't do anything, even now completely gave up on him, and she has the qualification to know his appearance.

"Is it"

Miyao looked at her and asked her. She suddenly turned to the front. "When I miss you, tell me, how have you been in the past half year?"

Wen Yan, when Xiao Nian understands the real reason for his rain last night, Xu Bingxin’s words stabbed him.

"You don't have to care about this, it's already gone."

When Xiao Nian lowered his head and faintly, he tried hard to make it light and light, making it a worthless thing.

"Since it has passed, there is nothing to say, I want to know."

Gong Ou Shen Sheng asked, a gust of wind blew, he coughed, a pigeon snorted on his upper, he was indifferent.


He is still sick.

"Miyao, you are not comfortable to go back to the hospital, ne there are so many things waiting for you to do, you can not be tired."

When Xiao Nian said.

Because looking for her, he has been quiet for half a year, can not be so idle for her.

"You don't say, I won't go."

Palace Europe is paranoid.

When Xiao Nian licked his lips, he silently said for a moment. "There is really nothing. It is the body exhaustion when giving birth to twins. Do you think I am not very good now?"

It’s just like losing your body.

"What else?" asked Miyao.


"In the tower, how did they ask you?"

"They are very good to me. You also know that the palace is for the children in my stomach, so even if you look at the children's sake, you won't take me." Shi Xiao Nian said in an understatement, "Charles Also a good person, he has been taking care of me."

Miyao stared at her, and her throat was deep. "I have to listen to the truth. Cough."

When the wind blows, Gong Ou coughs.

When Xiao Nian listened to his cough, he was very uncomfortable. He frowned tightly, closed his eyes, and finally said truthfully, "I didn't like the feeling of being restrained since I was young. At that time, you abandoned me, I was palace. The house was imprisoned in the tower, and the imprisonment itself was enough to make me miserable."

"and then"

Gong Ou asked, with thin lips squatting.

"In fact, when I was first imprisoned, I thought you would come to save me, but they always revealed it to me intentionally or unintentionally. How good you are, how happy you are with Mona." One, "I blame my ears soft, at that time, I believe. So, I hate you more and more, hate you every day."


Miyao listened to her voice and clasped her hands on her legs.

"Afterwards, I knew that there was no hope of escaping, and I accepted my life. Later on the day of production, the palace deliberately passed on the news of your engagement and oath. I don't know why, I produced it in advance." Yuhe Miyao talked about his own experience for half a year.

"After returning to your home,"

Miyao continued to ask, he actually wanted to know more details, but she deliberately softened.

He believes that she suffers more than that.

"After production in the UK, I was taken away by the early days and brought to Italy. I was very weak. At the beginning, I tried to hide my child from being taken away, but I still know." Said the pigeons looking at the lawn and said, "Since then, my body has been worse. But the family is very caring for me. Please give me the best doctor, with the best medicine. I am recovering very much now. Ok, I can continue working."


Miyao listened in silence, her eyes staring at her, her throat dark and deep, her face cold.

He just looked at her like this.

Every time her physical difference is accompanied by his reasons, the high fever in the country, the early production in the UK, the grief of losing the son in Italy.

Every time, every time is because of him.

For a long while, Miyako is low and dumb. "You hate me, it should be. You should kill me."

He simply ruined her whole person.

When I heard the words, I was faintly acquainted. "Miyao, I don't hate you, really. After going through so many things, I said so much before, I still have some complaints about you. But now, I can understand clearly. Tell you, I don't hate you, Palace, don't hate at all."

She does not hate him, he has suffered a lot, she can not bear to blame him.

She only hopes that he will be safe and healthy in the future, and will not be catastrophic because of her.

"No hate, no love, right?"

Gong Ou whispered, the voice was especially hoarse, and there was such a sad taste in the wind.

He slowly left only the shadow of a stranger in her life.

His voice made the heart of Xiao Nian’s heart tremble.

Miyako sat there, put away her long legs, and said with a hoarse voice, "I will be engaged with Mona next month."

He stated one thing without any fierce tone.

When Xiao Nian raised his face, he greeted him with a deep gaze and looked at him with some mistakes.

After the reunion, they met almost every time they met, and for the first time, they were as calm as today.

For the first time, Miyako was talking to her so calmly.

She couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Seeing her silence, Miyako’s shackles are full of disappointment, “Nothing to say”


"To say congratulations is still free." Gong Ou directly interrupted her words.


When she was biting her lip, she didn’t know what to say for a while. She hanged down, and the voice of Gong Ou sounded above her head. "Look at my eyes and answer me."

His voice is hoarse and his tone is strong.

When Xiao Nian raised his face and looked at him.

Her whole body is bathed in the sun, the little face is white and soft, and the eyes are black and white, especially clear, crystal clear and sad.

"Following Mu Qianchu, is it better than following me?"

Miyao whispered and stared at her.


When Xiao Nian looked at him in shock, how could he ask her this?

"Follow him, is it better than following me?" Gong Ou stared at her, "Answer me."

When Xiao Nian’s long eyelashes trembled, he stared at Gong Ou.

She can explain to anyone that her relationship with Mu Qianchu is innocent, but she can't explain it clearly.

Because she heard a taste of compromise from his words.

It is difficult to make a paranoia compromise.

"I have to think about this question for so long." Gong Ou stared at her and asked, and the voice was hoarse.

When Xiao Nian sat there, her long hair fluttered with the breeze. For a long time, she whispered. "I dare not say how happy I am with Qianchu, but it must be calm."


She just needs to be calm.

Yeah, she can no longer be hurt by him.

"When he saved you from England, you used him."

Miyao said, it is not a question, he has already confirmed.

In such a desperate and painful situation, she hated that he hated it, and that Muqian first saved her, and the disparity in comparison was of course tempting.


He even had a better time than when he was a child, and he, even in this matter, he would like to thank Mu Qianchu.

It was Mu Qianchu who took her out of the place of the tower.

"I am very grateful to him."

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