CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 405: : Really you!

When Xiao Nian turned his head and looked at Mu Qianchu, who was on the phone, he said faintly, "The port of heaven is impossible to have a strange shape."

Miyao lives here before the engagement ceremony, then those people will not pick it up here.

Therefore, Tianzhigang became a safe haven for Xu Bingxin and Xiaokui. They lived here without any harassment. After the engagement ceremony, Gongou would move away, so she thought about sending her mother back to Italy.

It’s just that Italy is also eyeing, but how to say it is your own place, and the family should be able to protect themselves.

"In this case, why don't you live here too?" Mu Qianchu looked at her and asked.

"I also lived. How can I know what means the other party has prepared?" Always cross the river. There must always be one person who tries to test the depth of the water.

"You are treating yourself as a blind man for the family." Mu Qianchu said, "Get off the bus, you are tired, go back to rest."


When Xiaonian nodded, pushed the car to get off the car, and the hand began to hurt again. She recently signed too much, and the signing was sore.

She turned her wrist and her hand was caught by Mu Qianchu. Mu Qianchu pressed her wrist and wrist for her, and her fingers were moderately gentle. Every time she could soothe her soreness.

"Have you ever studied massage?" Xiao Nian couldn't help but ask, feeling magical.

Her hand pain has been painful for many days, but for the fans still signed a pile of comic books, this is the last little benefit she brought to them, but the hand was sinned, sleep at night, bad pain.

When Mu Qian first walked and pressed her hand, the corner of her lips slid a touch of curvature. "I have been accompanying you around for a while, and nothing happened. I read a book related to massage. You asked, I said that I learned well. ""

"It’s good, it’s too good, the book lends me a look.”

When Xiao Nian said, she learned by herself.

"What do you look at, I will do it for you." Mu Qianchu said, go to the elevator with her.

The eyebrow doctor followed behind them.

Suddenly, a flash of light swept over and hit them.

They didn't care, the brightness increased sharply, and the little thoughts were stabbed and pulled back to cover their eyes.

Not far away, several cars parked there.

A well-dressed driver walked down and pulled the door open. A tall, provocative young woman slowly walked down from the car, Mona.

Mona stood in front of the car, wearing a black and white high-waist skirt, her body was bumpy and sleek, with a little bit of feminine taste. The high-waist design lined the two legs extraordinarily long, and a pair of hate days on her feet made her look Higher.

She draped a long blond hair, noble and beautiful, Mona looked at them, reached out and took off the sunglasses on her face, revealing a pair of sea blue scorpions looking at them with a smile on her lips, the smile with a smile The high and high alienation taste.

"So smart"

Mona laughed.

When Xiao Nian looked at her, she subconsciously crossed her into the car and saw a familiar figure without accident.

Palace Europe.

He was sitting in the car, she couldn't see his face, and he didn't mean to get off.

When Xiao Nian glanced at Mona indifferently, he turned to press the elevator.

Mona walked over to them and stood in front of Mu Qianchu. The voice was a touch of softness. "Mr. Mu is the engagement ceremony for me and Gongou. This is two invitations, please come."

"Sorry, we will leave tomorrow." Mu Qianchu said indifferently, did not accept the invitation.

"is it"

Mona heard the words and thoughts, and the singer was arrogant and smiled. "Small thoughts, I told you earlier that you should leave this place. It seems that you finally figured it out."

When Xiao Nian looked at her coldly, then said, "Congratulations, you finally became the bride of the East."

As a white man and a nobleman, Mona has a natural inexplicable pride. He feels that other races are not as noble as them, but Gongao can be regarded as 90% of the Orientals, not to mention the engagement ceremony. The city is held.

Her words fell, Mona's face sank, and some ugly.

Of course, she does not like to hold her own engagement ceremony in the city of S, but Miyao insists that she has also moved out a lot of high-sounding reasons. She wants the engagement ceremony to go smoothly and only compromise.

I didn’t expect Xiao Nian to take this to stab her.

Mona stared at the cold thoughts coldly, then walked towards her step by step, approaching her.

Mu Qianchu reached out and stopped in front of Mona, watching indifferently.

When Mona approached the time, she looked at her indifferently. "Leave here, go back to your Italy, and you should stink and rot, waiting for decay."

Words and words are cursed.

Silently smelling rotten.

Recalling the various "accidents" that came during this period, when Xiaonian’s eyes narrowed down, she glared at her, "It’s really you."

Not sure before, now she is sure, it is Mora's venting letter, the palace will know so quickly.

"When you miss, fight with me, you lose." Mona stared at her, her posture was high. "You keep, keep me, grab, and grab me."

"You are not afraid that I will ruin your engagement ceremony"

When Xiao Nian was angry, he sneered at Mona.

She had warned before that she thought that Mona was caught by her. Now it seems that Mona is more determined than she imagined.

"Destroy, how are you ruining now, we are engaged in the day after tomorrow, knowing that all the martial law is that a fly wants to fly at the engagement ceremony, it will be immediately killed." Mona is cold and cold, her face is full of confidence Smile.

"So you think you can get rid of me"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"You have been removed by me, aren't you?" Mona sneered, glanced at the two invitations on her hand, then threw it on the floor and turned to the car.

From the beginning to the end, Gong Ou did not get off and take a look.

He doesn't want to see her anymore.

When Xiao Nian looked at them, her lips were tight, and Mona was suggesting that she was already a dead man.

When Xiao Nian’s hand on his side gripped the fist.

It’s really embarrassing and enough.

The cars turned in the direction to stop at the parking space.

"Little thoughts, you are okay," Mu Qianchu looked down and looked at the time.

When Xiao Nian’s face was a little bad, he shook his head. “Let’s go back.”

"it is good."

When Mu Qianchu grabbed the hand of Xiao Nian, she pressed her and waited for the elevator door to open.

Suddenly a strong high beam of light came to them again, and they couldn't open their eyes when they couldn't open their eyes.

The elevator doors opened in front of them, and Xiao Nian hurried into the elevator.

Back home, the maid was packing her bags, and the house was quiet and empty. When Xiao Nian asked, "Mother and Xiaokui"

"They are all sleeping."

The maid said.

When Xiao Nian looked at the time on the watch, he said, "It is very late, you can sleep, there is still time to clean up tomorrow."

"Okay, Missy, good night, good night."

The maid lowered her head and turned back to her bedroom.

"You have just been playing a dumb fan with Mona." Mu Qianchu’s voice rang at the time.

"She is the fuse, it will make this happen." Shi Xiao Nian said coldly, "I really hate her."

She has already retreated.

But Mona is still pressing hard, and she has to push her to the road.

If it wasn’t for her fear of Miyako, and for fear that Miyao would take any harm for herself, Mona thought she could order this marriage?

"Then I will find a chance to deal with it later." Mu Qianchu patted her shoulder and said softly.

"It’s also a big deal to deal with her. She is behind the Lancaster family."

When Xiao Nian smiled.

The size of this world power determines the level of human dignity, and this is always the case.

"Let's talk about it." Mu Qianchu smiled and said nothing. He said to her, "It's too late, you can rest, good night."

Said, Mu Qianchu put her into his arms, hugged, not strong, very gentle one action.

When Xiao Nian was stunned, he did not push open, and faintly, "Well, good night."

Mu Qianchu’s eyes filled with smiles. When he let go, Xiao Nian walked toward his room and walked to the front of the room. He couldn’t help but look back at the direction of the little thoughts. When Xiao Nian was standing in a cupboard. In front, the side is beautiful and beautiful.

Mu Qianchu looked at her, and the corner of her lips was a touch of curvature. He knew that she was slowly becoming his.

Finally, let him wait until this day.

Mu Qianchu pushed the door open and went into the room.

When Xiao Nian stood in front of the cupboard, there was a photo frame on the cabinet with a composite photo inside. In the photo, she and Xi Xi together.

Xi Xi sat in her military uniform, and she stood behind him, her hands on the shoulders of Xi Xi, and her head smiled at the camera.

This is to let Xu Bingxin suffer from some photos that have been specially synthesized. She has also taken such an action. The synthesized photos are always a little bit small, but if they don’t look carefully, they will feel that their sisters are really in the same frame. So close together.

When Xiao Nian picked up the photo frame, the fingers stroked the photo in the sputum, and looked at his eyes, she faintly said, "Reassure, my sister will take care of my father and mother, you must also bless them safely. My sister will take care of myself. You don't have to bless you, lest you get too tired."

Responding to her is a faint smile on the lips.

When Xiaonian put the photo frame back on the cabinet, he went to the study room and packed up his books and materials and put them in a suitcase.

She flipped through her thick stack of paintings. She wore a comic book with a handsome man on the cover and Miyau was turned into a second-person character.

At that time, it was when she had no inspiration. When she heard the Gong Ou, she became a comic book.


When Xiao Nian was in front of the suitcase, he turned the cartoon in his hand and suddenly turned to one of the pages. The male protagonist and his girlfriend were getting ready to get married. The male protagonist picks everything up. It’s not good, it’s not good, and the last marriage is very embarrassing. The girlfriend is still fleeing.

At that time, she was really resentful of Gong Ou, how come ugly.

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