CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 411: : Talk about our trades

Satisfied with the two words, he was accented.

Like a bayonet, it pierced into her heart, and the blood was blurred.

"I thought that your relationship with Mona would be better," she said, her voice shuddering.

"I don't listen to those, I will ask, are you still satisfied, ah," Miyao asked, black eyes staring at her, a look of her answer.

When Xiao Nian never saw him like this, such step-by-step pressing is like asking her, asking a person with a negative heart.

"Miyao, you don't want this."

When Xiao Nian’s lips trembled and said, she just hoped that he would not be hurt. She just thought that he and Mona could have a better life and would not be burdened by her.

She thought he had figured it out.

She thought that he had to go to a new life and return to the right track of his palace.

"When you read, how can you be so annoying, let you say a satisfaction or dissatisfaction, is it so difficult to answer?" Gong Ou has some unpleasant lips.

At this time, she said that dissatisfaction is not touching his arrogance, as he said, the coming comes, the preparation is ready, the arrow is on the string, had to send.

She must let him get engaged, otherwise he will be injured again.

Since you have reached this step, you can't go back.

“Satisfied.” Xiao Nian slowly said that every word is cutting her throat, but she said it is easy. “The engagement ceremony of President Gong Da is the most popular event in the world, and how many people are looking forward to it. How can someone be dissatisfied?"

"Yeah, you are satisfied." Gongou chuckled and stared at her. "You are satisfied, then we can talk about our transaction."


When I was young, I looked at him inexplicably.

Miyako did not rush to answer, and stretched out to pick up the book on the bed and watched the "on" two diamond letters saying, "This booklet is doing well, the cover is designed by myself, do you like it?"

When Xiaonian sat at the end of the bed, he slowly leaned down and untied the leather cord on his foot.

When the leather rope was held in his hand, Xiao Nian discovered that the leather rope was the original Ou to bring his own. She should have discovered early that it was not the palace to kill her. It was the palace to tie her.

“The Beibu Gulf has not been developed before, and it has been developed now, and the scenery has become very beautiful.”

Miyao turned over the book in his hand and said that he really appreciated the booklet for the guests.

Miyao sat there, his hands on the back of the chair, and Xiao Nian just saw the beautiful watch on his wrist. At 8 o'clock in the morning, she couldn't help but say, "You still don't go to the engagement ceremony."

It’s already eight o'clock.

The guests should be there, and he can sit there at that time.

When Xiaonian turned his head, he saw that Feng De stood outside the glass door. His face had an anxious color. One hand kept popping his pocket watch to watch the time and paced in place.

"I didn't talk to you about the deal, how can I go to the ceremony?"

Miyao said that a pair of black eyes looked at her, and the thin lips slid a slap in the arc, not in a hurry.

"What can you do with me, what can I give you?" asked Xiaowen without understanding, she did not know what Miyake was thinking.

Today, she is just an unmarried mother who is struggling on the death line. What can she give him, so she can do anything to do with him, so she doesn't even have the capital.


Miyau stared at her and slowly said the word from the thin lips.

When Xiao Nian looked at him with stunned look, he said in a graceful way, "I don't understand what you mean, you are getting engaged today, do you want me to be your lover?"

One at home.

One outside.

He thinks so

But he clearly promised her to let her free.

"I think you think too much." Miyao sneered with a mocking sneer, and the black scorpion fixedly stared at her, slowly putting the hard book in her hand on her hand, saying in a word, "I It is the bride who wants you to do this engagement ceremony."


When Xiao Nian couldn't catch the booklet, the booklet was heavily slammed on the ground. She looked palely at Miyao, and she couldn't believe it. "What do you say?"

She is a bride

She didn't get it wrong.

"You don't love me anymore, so we can only be considered a trade between us." Gong Ou looked at her and said coldly, "You are my bride, I will protect you and your family, including going back to holy." The auditorium is just 500 meters away from here. As long as you nod, I will take you there now."

When he was too sad, he looked at his handsome face. "Are you kidding?"

This is a marriage between the two great aristocrats. Everything is ready. Everything is planned. Now, he told her that he wants her to be a bride.

"You look like I am just making a joke at the engagement ceremony and changing the bride. It's no big deal."

Gong Ou asked, the magnetic voice is full of a kind of evil that can't be said, and her eyes fixed on her, admiring the increasingly panic expression on her face.

no big deal

This is all chaotic.

Looking at him, the whole head of Xiao Nian’s head was blank. When he stood up from the end of the bed, he wanted to run away. His feet were tied for too long. She stood up and stood still, and she didn’t fall to the ground, and she was embarrassed.

Miyager is still sitting there, staring at her in a sly manner. "You don't like this deal. You should understand that this is good for you."


"The taste of being chased by people has been uncomfortable." Gongou stared at her. "You think that you can keep your life with a thousand years of age, and you can stay home and don't dream."


Xiao Nian looked at him dumbly.

He knew that she was being chased and he always knew her business. That being said, he never really intended to give up her.

"You don't want to let holy and Xiaokui grow together, these Muqian can give you." Gongou mocked and sneered, staring at her sitting on the floor, "You and Mu Qianchu have a light between What can love be used every day to be chased and killed, and to live together and become a problem, what love do you talk about?"

Every word is very ridiculous.


When Xiao Nian looked at him, he felt like he was watching a stranger and watching a strange madman.

"I want you, you have to live, you want to be holy and Xiaokui, I can give you this, understand?"

Miyao slowly said that the tone was arrogant, and the whole body exudes a powerful atmosphere that can completely engulf her.

"Miyao, don't make trouble." Shi Xiaonian shook his head again and again, unable to accept this kind of palace, he sat there, but like a devil, like a devil in the hysteria, called for no reason to fear.

She stood up from the ground and ran out, rushing to the glass door and desperately **** the door handle, how to fight can not open.

When Xiao Nian’s heart panicked even more, sweat continued to emerge from her forehead, and she couldn’t help but say, “Miyao, let me go, my mother is sick, I am going to see her, I don’t trust her, ask You, let me go."

The deepest panic in her heart is not from her own being, but from himself.

She is flustered by him.

"When you think about it, this deal is more of a benefit to you. Maybe you are engaged to me, and good luck will follow. Maybe your mother will wake up." Gong Ou came down from the chair, 蹲Go to the ground and pick up the booklet, reach out and take a shot of the dust that does not exist, and put it back under the TV cabinet.

When Xiao Nian thought how to fight, he couldn’t open the glass door. He turned away, and leaned back against the door. He looked at the palace with a sad look. "You said that I was free, if you want to let go at the beginning. Drop me, then give me any false hopes."

She thought that he was willing to live his life again.

The results were all fake, all lie to her.

"That is that I am hungry." Palace Ou Li said of course, step by step slowly toward her, black sputum more and more deep, "I am hungry, of course, I am looking for you to cook for me. Besides, I don't say so, how can Secure the parties and let this engagement ceremony be held smoothly and smoothly."


When Xiao Nian’s body shuddered.

That being said, from the moment he said that he wanted to let her be free, he decided to change the bride at the engagement ceremony.

This decision is terrible.

What kind of big family is the Lancaster family? What kind of parents are the parents of the palace? He secretly planned these things, don’t you die?

"I don't lie to you, I give you the freedom of choice." Gong Ou said slowly.


When Xiao Nian looked at him completely in confusion, his face continued to sweat.

"Since it is a transaction, of course, it is your wish, I can refuse it." Gong Ou stepped forward to her, slowly lowering her face and approaching her face, staring at her pale face.

"Then I refused"

When Xiao Nian said without thinking.

She certainly refuses.

Today is the engagement ceremony of the two nobles. The news has already spread to the world, how could it become their engagement.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou’s twilight stagnation, suddenly, he laughed, the curvature of the lips was getting deeper and deeper, he said with a smile, "Why do you want to be with Mu Qianchu, not even afraid of death, even two It’s great that a child can ignore your love. I’m so touched.”

He smiled, his eyes suddenly red, and he didn't even notice himself.

When Xiaonian leaned back against the glass door, his lips moved, but nothing could be said, and his eyes were sore.

She is for him, not Mu Qianchu.

For a long time, she found her voice. "Miyao, everything can't be turned back. Everything is settled. The whole world knows that you want to get engaged with Mona. You just regret today, you know you want to How much is the price?"

At that cost, she could not imagine.

"Let's say it for me, not for the sake of the first thousand". Gong Ou's face sank, a pair of scorpions squinting at her, half a sigh, his voice hoarsely, "Since you refused, then let's go." ”

He is not embarrassed about her.

He really wants to let her go to his trade. She really has a choice to refuse.

When Xiao Nian’s breathing was unstable, the pale face was cold and sweaty, and the sound of the waves was faintly heard from a distance.

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