CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 438: : Feng De was seriously injured

He still doesn't call her, when will he come back.

When Xiao Nian turned off the address book page, he held the phone in his hand and then continued to throw the goods into the shopping cart.

"Not good, not good, Miss Xi"

Someone wearing a driver’s uniform rushed from the outside, and the black suit on his body was so wet that he rushed over and looked at the eagerness of the face. “Miss Xi, the housekeeper was beaten in the parking lot”


When a small item in the hands of Xiao Nian suddenly fell to the ground, she stared at the driver and then ran out. The bodyguards immediately opened the way for her, guarding her before and after, and not letting anyone approach her.

A group of people rushed to the underground parking lot. The huge parking lot was crowded with an icy car. There was no popularity and no sound.

Quiet and a little surprised.

"Miss Xi, please beware."

The bodyguards walked in front and looked around. The light in the underground parking lot was not good. Suddenly a headlight was lit up to them, and the bodyguards immediately surrounded the small thoughts.

But the car didn't stop, it went straight.


A cry came.

When Xiao Nian and the bodyguards immediately ran to the front, I saw Feng De fell in a pool of blood, full of blood, one hand pressed against the chest, the body had traces of being cut by the knife, the clothes were broken, blood came out, one The pocket watch fell to the side, one point and two.

"Cover housekeeper"

When Xiao Nian was shocked and glared at him, he rushed toward him and dared not move him. He shouted, "When you come over, who knows some medical knowledge, see if it moves, we will send him to the hospital now."

"Miss Xi, the most medical knowledge we have here is the sealer."

The bodyguard said.


When Xiao Nian looked worriedly at Feng De, Feng De fell to the ground, hurting his face and frowning. He spit out a blood from his mouth and said weakly. "When you miss, I am broken. You can fix things with me." Just send me to the hospital. Don't worry."

By this time, Feng De's mouth is still clear.

"Well, I will go to the hospital now."

When Xiao Nian said anxiously, he reached for his face to wipe the blood on his face. "Through the hospital, the hospital is very close to it, nothing, you will be fine."

She hasn't seen Feng De like this, dying, lying there and even breathing a meal, the difficulty is very great, the eyes are scattered.

"Fortunately, it is not a Miss Miss, just fine." Feng De said, the voice is very weak.


When Xiao Nian was staring at him, "You mean, the palace is playing you."

The bodyguard fixed the legs to Feng De on the side. Feng De was lying there and looked at her. He smiled and said with a hard voice. "I am from the palace, doing it for the young master, doing such a thing, being punished, not strange."

The bodyguards lifted Feng De carefully and carried it to the car.

When Xiao Nian stood there, staring blankly at the blood on the ground, and there was a burst of cold on his back.

It’s because she took her away from Miyako’s engagement and put Fengde into this.

How could this be.

This storm is still coming, but she did not expect it to start from Fengde.

Maybe one day the palace lord will compromise to Miyamoto, but he still has to vent this fire, and how many people will be hurt next, she can't imagine.

"You come over." When Xiao Nian called a bodyguard, he looked at him palely. "Go find someone to protect Xia Yu couple, hurry up."

She did not expect that Feng De would be beaten.

"Yes, Miss Xi, I will arrange it right away."

When Xiaonian looked down at the blood on the ground, her legs retreated backwards and softly. She bent down and picked up the pocket watch on the ground. The pocket watch was folded into two halves, and the cracked surface was stained with bright red blood.

These originals should have been taken by her alone. As a result, after an engagement ceremony, not only the palace, but also the people around her.

When Xiao Nian stood there, the hand holding the pocket watch was shaking.

The scheduled ward was not used in the palace, let Fengde meet first.

Feng De was very injured, his leg was broken, his rib was broken, and he had sewed more than 20 needles, which made people feel soft.

In the hospital, when Xiaonian sat in a chair next to the bed and looked at Fengde lying there, Feng De fell asleep after being anesthetized.

"Miss Xi, why don't we send you back?"

Two bodyguards walked in and said.

"I want to stay and take care of the housekeeper." When Xiaonian thought faintly, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked, "Is my friend who has been protected?"

"It is already protected, and their husband and wife are temporarily innocent," said the bodyguard.

"That's good, you too, don't leave in the future, go for a group of people to go, know?"

"Thank you, Miss Xi, care, we will."

The bodyguards gratefully looked at her and nodded.

When Xiaonian sat in the chair, his fingers held his arms tightly and his breathing was unstable.

Miyao, why are you still not coming back?

She missed him.

She wants to see him immediately.

Like hearing her call, a voice came, "Miss Xi, Mr. Gong arrived."

Wen Yan, Shi Xiao Nian immediately stood up from the bed, desperately rushing out, in the corridor, Gong Ouzhen step by step toward this side, the figure is long, handsome and elegant, a pair of black eagle deeply gaze she was.


When Xiao Nian screamed, he rushed into his arms.

Miyao was not stabilized by her, and she stepped back a few steps later. When she was in a panic, she looked at him in a sluggish manner and did not dare to move forward. She stepped back a few steps. "You are hurt."

The weather was dark outside, the rain was continuous, and the light in the corridor was even worse.

Miyaguro stood there to hold his mind, stretched out his loose tie, and his voice was low magnetic. "Nothing, it is so easy to get hurt."


When Xiao Nian turned and ran.

"What are you running?"

Miyau's gaze glimpsed, striding forward to catch up with her footsteps, chasing her to the door of the ward.

The lights in the ward are open and bright.

When Xiao Nian suddenly turned back and looked at Gong Ou, I saw that there was a faint fingerprint on the left side of Gong Ou’s face. The clothes on my chest had a trace of mess. Her hand touched his chest, and Miao’s brow A twist, grabbed her hand, and said nothing, "He likes to beat people, I am used to it, but I was beaten, my chest was smashed, little things."

When Xiao Nian took his hand and tried to untie the button on his shirt, he saw his chest smashed out a print, like a hard-shell book.

Her slender fingers shook very badly.

This is what she is most afraid of when she refuses to reunite with Miyako. She knows that once they are together, they will become his responsibility for her.

She knows, but she can't do anything about it.

"Go check."

When Xiao Nian’s voice shook, the other hand still held his arms, and the long chain hangs down.

"I'm fine, there is something to check." Miyao dismissed the truth and reached out to tie the button.

"Go check, go now."

When Xiao Nian’s voice shouted out loudly, a pair of eyes slammed at him and his eyes were red.

This sound shook a few bodyguards guarded at the door, and looked at the time and thoughts. They hadn’t seen the little thoughts and angers, so the soft and weak woman’s voice was so explosive.

Miyao stood in front of her, the action of the button buckled there, a pair of black eyes staring at her, shaking, half awkward, he should weakly say, "Check and check, what is your voice so big."


The eyeglasses of the bodyguards were all broken, and Mr. Gong was stunned by people.

When Xiao Nian stood there, his headache was cracking and his eyes were uncomfortable. "You hurry to check, hurry up."

"Oh, I know."

Gong Ou turned and left.

When Xiao Nian went to the ground, his hands clasped around himself, leaning his head against his knees, and his body shuddered.

She is most afraid of this, but this day is still coming.

Gong Ou's injury is much lighter than Feng De, as long as you pay attention to not strenuous exercise, unlike Feng De, it is completely ruined.

Going back to the car, when Xiao Nian looked at the pocket watch with blood in his hand, the man was rushed into his arms by Gong Ou, and Miyao squatted at her, black and deep, and the words were strong and cold. "No regrets, no one wants to think about yourself. make a mistake"

"How do you know what I am thinking"

When Xiao Nian stared at the pocket watch in his hand.

"Look at you like that, you can read it with your face. I shouldn't let Gong Ou be injured. I shouldn't let Feng De be injured. It's all my fault. It's all my fault." Gong Ou is cold and authentic.

"I don't think there is anything wrong, but it's undeniable. It's all because of me, you will get hurt."

Xiao Nian whispered, holding the pocket watch hard.

"This is only temporary. When the father's fire has passed, he will compromise if he compromises." Gong Ou said indifferently.

"How long does it take for this time?" Xiao Nian’s tone is full of confusion. "If we are together because we are together, we will be able to seal our stewardship, perhaps more, then we are carrying too much."

"I don't care if I want you"

Miyag Ou said with a slap in the face, she should be with her without any consequences.

When Xiao Nian did not have the paranoia of Miao Ou to the desperate mentality, a relationship should be pure and simple, but now it has pressed so many things on it.

"Mr. Gong, Miss Xi, is here."

The driver parked the car in the parking line.

When Xiao Nian was lifted up in the arms of Miyau, he looked out, and in the rain and fog, a simple and elegant antique watch line was located there.

The bodyguards took the lead to get off the bus and open the umbrella.

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