CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 498: : Everyone knows she is waiting for him.

When Xiao Nian did this, it was nothing more than a meaning, she was waiting.

She waited for the young master to come back in the place where the young master was missing.

Feng De couldn't help but look at Xiao Nian, she slept heavily in the back seat, her silhouette was less pure and pure, and more was light and intellectual.

It is not easy for a woman to wait for four years in her life in her twenties.

Those who said that she stayed with the young master for money also closed their mouths. Time was the best way to break through the rumors. She used her waiting to hit a lot of ignorant faces and won more and more admiration.

There are many people who are willing to be Cinderella, but the prince’s whereabouts are unknown, and there are very few Cinderellas who are willing to do everything they look for and wait for.

This gallery is called "home".

But more people call this gallery the Wangfu Gallery.

Occasionally, guests who come to the gallery will rush to say something: you will definitely wait for him.

When you hear this kind of thing, the mood of Xiao Nian will be better than one day, because she thinks that getting blessing is a good thing.

"Little thoughts, it is here."

After Feng De stopped the car, he gently called a small thought.

Xiao Nian was very sleepy. When he heard the sound, he opened his eyes and looked out the window. He had already arrived at the gallery.

The gallery is almost shrouded in the night, and there are only two rows of colored letters on the glass door.

Hello, if you see Miyau or someone similar to him, please contact me.

The word flashed in the night, and it was very eye-catching.

When I was looking at the glass door, no one left a word. Sometimes someone would leave a phone call below. Sometimes someone would write below where they seem to have seen similar people. Every time, she Run in person.

Then return with disappointment.

When Xiao Nian retracted her eyes and looked at the two sleeping children around her, she untied the safety seat and hugged the palace to go inside.

Their car was followed by more than a dozen private cars. They were all sitting on the bodyguards sent by the palace. Luo Qi worried about the safety of the two children.

When I opened the door, I was holding a palace and went in, and there was a faint smell of ink inside.

"Miss Xiao Kui is a good sleeper."

Feng De holding Gong Kwai walked behind her.

"Sleep well enough, dawn is just taking them to play."

Xiao Nian said with a smile, with Feng Dejin going in, placing two children in her bedroom.

She bought the house, in front of the gallery, behind her and Feng De's bedroom, as well as her studio, kitchen restaurant, very simple and clear.

Two children were placed, and Xiao Nian and Feng De came out of the bedroom.

Feng De said to her, "Small thoughts, they took up your room, it is better to go to my room to sleep, I hit the floor."

Xiao Nian smiled and shook his head. "No, it’s rare to get along with them for a week. I can’t wait to sleep with them every day."

She was reluctant to miss a minute and a second.


Feng De understands the mood of Xiao Nian.

When Xiao Nian looked up at the glass door, I saw the bodyguards standing with their hands on their backs and standing in front of the door. Feng De helplessly said, "It seems that the business of these days is affected."

Whoever sees a bunch of bodyguards in front of the gallery will not choose to come in.

"Nothing, just go out for a few days."

The mood of Xiao Nian is very good, not at all.

She reached out and closed the glass door. Just about to lock the door, there was a white photo paper under the door with a few lines of words.

When the little thoughts were confused, I saw that there were a few strange lines in the above.

Hello, today I saw a person at the crossroads of Fengtai Road. I only took a silhouette in a hurry. I don’t know if you are looking for Mr. Gong, I hope I can help you.

It is also the message provided by good people.

When Xiaonian immediately flipped the photo paper over.

It’s a photo of a photo.

All kinds of people walked in the cross street, everyone has a busy face on everyone's face, a car parked on the roadside, the window is open.

A man is sitting in the car, the photo is smeared, and the man's side face is twisted, leaving only his shoulders and the hands on the window are clear, the hand is slender and the bones are distinct.

It is the hand of Miyako.

At least it is a hand that looks a lot like him.

She remembers that his hand is like this, very nice and very slender.

"Father, I am going out."

When Xiao Nian took the photo, he opened the glass door.

"Now, now is the time." Feng De looked at the time and thoughts.

When Xiao Nian raised the picture in his hand, he said happily. "Someone has the news of Gong Ou, I am looking for it."

Said, when Xiao Nian rushed out.

"Little thoughts, you" Feng De wants to stop her, when Xiao Nian has already got on the bus, driving and going.

Feng De stood at the entrance of the gallery and shook his head helplessly, sighing long.

Every time this is the case, as long as there is a little clue, when Xiao Nian will personally go to verify, go forward with enthusiasm, disappointingly back, and several times met the bad guys and lost a lot of money.

Even the old man and the lady were disappointed and frustrated. Every time she saw the news, she could still be excited, as if she could find it this time.

Three in the morning.

How can I find someone at this time?

Forget it, go and go, don't go to her heart will not be fixed.

When Xiao Nian drove away from the gallery alone, the photo was clipped on the side of the clip, and a pair of slender, white hands turned the steering wheel and drove forward.

The road at night is always unobstructed.

Fengtai Road.

When Xiao Nian stopped the car on the side of the road and looked forward, there was a big cross street in front. At this moment it was very quiet. There was no pedestrian on the road. The storefronts on the road were all closed, only the neon lights were flashing. With.

When Xiao Nian pushed the door down, a cold wind blew, and she quickly clung to her clothes.

It’s so cold.

She looked around and took out the photo to compare the scene in front of her. Is this car parked there?

When Xiao Nian went forward and walked to the position in the photo, Gong Ou had been to this place. What did he do here, was passing by, or why didn’t he come to see her?

The light of the street lamp fell on her body, lining up her figure frame.

She turned to look at the surrounding scene, imagining that she and Miyao had appeared in the same scene.

The roadside is a cafe.

When Xiao Nian walked over, looked out from the window, the scorpion turned, would he come here to buy coffee?

She looked up and saw the monitoring equipment in the cafe, which was just where the photo could be taken.



When Xiaonian smiled, he sat down on the steps in front of the cafe, holding the photo in his hands and looking deeply, his lips showing a shallow smile.

"Are you back?"

She asked.

The only thing that answered her was the cold wind.

"Why don't you come to me?" Xiaoyan said to himself, "Is memory loss is threatened or something else, I don't care, you are not allowed to lose memory, or I will kill you."

When Xiao Nian carefully looked at the photos in his hands, the more he saw, the more people above were Miyau.

Will he pass by here in the middle of the night?

She thought about it, sitting quietly in front of the cafe, waiting for dawn.

There are more and more pedestrians on the road.

When Xiao Nian stood in front of the cafe, stepping on the ground, the door of the cafe finally opened in the morning light and opened.

She immediately walked in and walked to the waiters of the white shirt dark blue apron. "Hello, I want to trouble you one thing. I want to watch the surveillance video of the last week."


Suddenly heard such a weird request, the waiters looked at her in a wrong way. Soon, someone recognized her and was excited. "You are the little girl, I know you, are you still looking for your fiancé?"

In China, especially in the s city, Xiao Nian is particularly famous.

This fame comes from her quest for success.

In the past, when others saw her, she said that she was the sister of the big star, the third of the cosmetics kingdom, and the girlfriend of Gongou. Now, the first reaction of others to see her is, ah, the one who is looking for a fiancé. Devil's woman.

Everyone knows that she loves Miyako, she is looking for Miyako.

"Yes, I am still looking for it. This time it is for this matter."

When Xiao Nian lowered his bow, they asked them to turn the surveillance video to her.

The matter was very easy. The waiters asked the manager. When the manager listened to her request, she adjusted the surveillance video for nearly a month and gave it to her, hoping to help her.

"thank you all."

When Xiao Nian thanked them, they turned and left.

Her slim figure disappeared into the cafe, and the waiters with rags and mops stood there and sighed.

"I just watched the video. She waited in the middle of the night in our cafe. She was too busy."

"I really hope that Mr. Gong will come back soon to reunite with her. Where can I find such a long-lasting woman in this society?"

"You said, will she find a heartless madness?"

"I see it. She opened the gallery opposite the ne building. Everyone said that it was not a gallery. It was a stone."

"I remember that the same year that Mr. Gong’s disappearance was also in the New Year’s Day. It’s been for many years, is he dead?”

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