CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 641: : Sorry, please stay here.

Chapter 641: Sorry, please stay

"France is pretty."

When Xiao Nian said coldly.

"You seem to have a snack." Miyazaki said to the eyes of the younger thoughts, "Is there anything?"

Upon hearing this, Miyao lifted her leg and slammed her foot on the sofa next to the palace, and smirked at him uncomfortably. "So caring about what my woman does, she is absent-minded, thinking about me."



Gong Yi and Shi Xiao Nian are speechless. Gong Ou does not feel that there is any problem with his own speech, and he began to talk to the palace to talk about something else.

When Xiao Nian sat there, holding the cup in both hands, watching them quietly, the two brothers reunited after more than ten years, the topic is nothing to worry about, even the palace Europe is more than usual.

You can watch both of them, and when you think about it, you will think of the coldness of the study and the fire of Luo Qi.

They talked very much, but they still didn't know that their father had been dead for four years and lay in the cold coffin for four years.

"I am going to open a pasture there and raise more animals. We will be able to hunt together when you come over."

"If you hit you again, you will lose to me."

"This time it was just that I was injured. When I am physically recovering, you may not be my opponent." Gong Yu said and looked at the time and thought that she was still a stranger.

Miyau saw it and slammed it on his sofa. "Look, there is something good-looking letter that I don't believe I have dug out your eyes."

"Letter, you can't do anything," Gong said with a smile.


Knocking at the door, Yuli stood outside and said, "Sir, you can go to the airport."

Wen Yan, Gong Ou’s eyes sank, and when he was holding his hand, he looked at the palace, and his voice was magnetic and authentic. “Tell her about her brother’s business.”

When I heard this, Xiao Nian thought about looking at the palace and looking at the palace.

Miyazaki sat there, a pair of gray eyes looked at the time, the lips moved, but nothing was said.

Lengthy silence.


Miyamoto is impatient.

When Miyazaki looked at the face of Xiao Nian, his face showed a sigh of relief and said, "I can't say what you look at, you are really like him."

How would he look at such a face telling the story of the owner who is exactly the same as this face.

"How come you are so many things," Miyamoto frowned. "Don't look at her, look at me."

Tell a story what to swear.

Miyazaki smiled helplessly, when Xiao Nian picked up his lips, "Nothing, wait until you want to talk about it later, don't delay your time."

When Xiao Nian said, he stood up from the sofa and stretched his hand to Gong Ou’s hand.

"How do you keep your hands so cold today?" Miyau squinted and looked at the time, and the black scorpion stared at her deeply.

"Yes, I didn't think so."

When the little thoughts are faint.

Miyao took the lead and took her hand, and lifted the suitcase on the ground to go out, and the palace was behind them.

After putting all the luggage on the car, it was still time to leave.

"Bon Voyage."

When Xiao Nian smiled and said to the palace.

"Good." Gong Yi nodded happily, reaching out to embrace Miyao, and the palm of his hand patted on his back. "When I arrive, I will call you and take care."


Gong Ou Shen Shen did not say anything.

"Let's go quickly. If you want to do a wedding, go to the city office. Don't stay here, it's not for you two." Gong Yu hugged his brother.

"When the mother's health is better, we will leave. I don't like to stay in the UK."

Miyao said.

When Xiao Nian quietly stood by and looked at them, even if they all left, they left a Luo Qi and a body to support the palace. When Xiao Nian closed his eyes, the whole person was suppressed.

She really shouldn't walk into the study. She shouldn't know about those things. If she doesn't know anything, she won't be bothered like this.

Luo Qi said that it was her relationship with Miyagi that provoked her condition.

It was Gong Ou-Tai who took care of her and let Luo Qi be sick.

It seems as if the responsibility is on her body.

"Well, then you have to work hard to take care of your mother."

The ignorance of the palace 彧 彧 宫 宫 宫 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧 彧"She doesn't have to hug, I don't want to take you to the hospital again."

So crazy.


Miyazaki shrugged, did not go to hug when the little thoughts, turned and opened the door is going up, hey, his action stopped, turned his head and looked at the time behind the palace, and said, "Small thoughts." ”

When Xiao Nian came out from the palace, he looked at the palace silently.

"Small thoughts, I am uncomfortable about your brother's business. I want to tell you a few times that I can't say anything because I am sorry for him." Gong Yi said with a low voice.

When Xiao Nian looked at him, he asked faintly, "Is he forgiving you?"

This is something between him and her brother. If the younger brother forgives, then she can't say anything.

Wen Yan, Gong Yi shook his head, his lips twitched with a bitter smile. "No, little thoughts, he doesn't even know how sorry I am."


When Xiao Nian looked at him silently, he saw a strong blame from his eyes.

He owes a lot of money, and he owes it to the palace, and he owes it to him.

"Like this, Xiao Nian, when can I help you a lot, maybe I can tell you the past and tell you the truth." Gong Yu said, "It is a redemption."

Is redemption so serious?


When the little thoughts nodded, squeezed a smile.

"Well, it’s all said." Miyazaki said, stooping into the car and looking at them. "I am gone, take care of yourself, goodbye, we have time to gather again."


The car slowly drove away from their sight, when Xiao Nian looked up and looked at the palace next to him. He stared at the direction of the car leaving, his face was handsome and perfect, his eyes were dark and deep, and his lips were tight.

Miyao, I am really confused now, I don't know what to do.

Should you push you out?

"The announcement of the death of the master, the wife can be sober, but also let her suffer, only at the same time let the second master told his wife, he is willing to take power in the palace, there are two young masters holding the palace, the wife can get better."

Someone can now hold the palace house wholeheartedly.

But that means that Miyake will give up his career on a large scale and cannot concentrate on what he wants to study.

"Like this, Xiao Nian, when can I help you a lot, maybe I can tell you the past and tell you."

The voice of Gong Yi echoed in the ear of Xiao Nian, like something excited in her mind.

There was a bold thought in her heart.

When Xiao Nian looked at the face of Miyau, one hand rested on Miyau’s arm and unwittingly tightened his sleeve.

Gong Ou lowered her eyes and looked at her. "What happened?"

Twist his sleeve so tightly.


When Xiao Nian looked deeply at the eyes of Miyau, I am sorry, Miyao, she knows that her decision is selfish, sorry.

She slowly loosened her hand and stepped back.

"what are you doing"

Miyao looked at her questioningly.


When Xiao Nian stared at him, he continued to move back, slamming forward and ran forward, desperately chasing the car that was going out.

Miyao watched her rushing all the way, shouting loudly, "When you miss you, why are you coming back?"

When Xiao Nian tried his best to run toward the palace, "parking parking"

"When the little thoughts are **** dangerous"

What to run on the road

**** it.

When Miyau’s legs went to chase the time, Xiao Nian still ran wildly toward the palace’s car, and there was only a thought in her mind. She didn’t want to sacrifice Miyao and didn’t want Mongol to do what he didn’t like. thing.

"When you miss me, come back to me, I will kill you, believe it or not."

Gong Ou shouted behind, relying on, this woman chased another man in front of him.

When Xiao Nian went forward, he ran wildly.

The car in front finally stopped slowly, stopped at the side of the road, the door was opened, and the palace went down from the car, and looked at the little thoughts in a strange way. "What else is there?"

When Xiao Nian ran to him, panting and gasping, bending over, his hands on his knees, looking up at the palace, and being out of breath, "Is not busy, you are willing to help"

Miyazaki remembered what he had just promised. "Yes, what can you do, you think about what I am doing so quickly."

"If it is for you to sacrifice yourself?"

When Xiao Nian continued to ask, he gasped and asked.

"" Miyazaki's face gradually dignified and stared at her. "What is it? I will try my best, I will do my best to help you."

"I want to invite you to stay." Shi Xiao Nian directly opened his mouth. "Since you have appeared, I hope that you will continue to take responsibility for your own belongings."


Miyazaki looked at her and her face was pale.

"What time are you talking about?"

Miyao stopped at the footsteps, standing not far from them, a pair of black squats screaming at the moment, what the woman is saying, people have to leave, what she left.

What can't you tell him?

Miyazaki looked at Miyazaki, and when I looked at Xiaonian, I smiled palely. "Well, it seems that you are not willing to bear these things," I promised you, and when the future will officially inherit the palace, I will come back."

As an eldest son, this should be his responsibility.

Gong Ou will not speak, and the time is also the same. He can't leave his life forever, let his brother bear everything.

"Not the future, it is now." When Xiao Nian said, a pair of eyes looked at the palace, half a sigh, she took a deep sigh, closed her eyes, sad and authentic, "I'm sorry, please stay."


The figure of Miyazaki is stiff there, and I am looking at it.

Two hours later, Hou Xiaonian, Gong Ou, and Gong Yi appeared in the Palace of the Ancient Fort.

When Xiao Nian walked beside Gong Ou, Miyazaki and Feng De followed behind them, wearing sunglasses and masks.

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