CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 651: : Once the engagement is successful

Chapter 651: Once the engagement is successful

Gong Ou lowered his head and continued to read the book. From time to time, he reached out and held her hand, holding her hand to play, bending her fingers one by one, loosening and bending.


When Xiao Nian was tied to a chair, I don't know if they are so reconciled. This picture looks a bit strange.

It took a long time.

When I was young, "I am numb."

Miyao sat on the ground, put the book on her lap, extended her hand to massage her legs, and slender fingers pressed her ankles all the way up to the roots of the thighs.

When Xiao Nian couldn't help but lift his leg and bowed to him, Gong Ou pressed her foot and blamed, "I am so busy with me."


Where did she and him **, when the little thoughts hurt, "I am not comfortable, you unlock me."

Subsequently, Gong Ou tied her to the bed and let her lie down, but still could not walk.

"Miyao I am hungry."

When I was young.

Gong Ou Ruo’s arrow ran out. After a while, he brought a variety of foods and fed her to eat.

When Xiao Nian knew that he would want to be free for a while, he had no choice but to let him feed himself.

She sat on the bed, and Miyako sat on the edge of the bed, placing an old yellow book on her lap and feeding her while reading.

When Xiao Nian swallowed a shrimp, he said, "You are fighting with your brother now. It’s good to let him go down. If you fight for it, don’t you hurt your mother?"

Luo Qi's state is not good.

The death of Gong Jue allowed her to stay for four years, and she was able to escape the fire. If she knew that Gong Ou was trying to get the palace to leave, the situation would be even worse.

Miyagami’s gaze was taken back from the book, and the black scorpion looked at her deeply. “So grab this position and get it right.”

Grab it, that is, Gong Ou to bear everything in the palace, give up what they like.

"When are you ready to fight?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"Can't fight for too long." Gong Ou feeds a shrimp into the mouth of Xiao Nian, deep and dark.


When Xiao Nian asked inexplicably.

"Once the engagement is successful, it involves another family, and I can't get back to the overall situation of the palace." Gong Ou Shen Sheng said, reaching out and rubbing her mouth, continue to feed her food, asked in a low voice, "I don't care." hot"

So Miyazaki is so anxious to get engaged, and for this reason, he does not want to give Miyao how much time to think about the way to compete.

When Xiao Nian was stunned, he looked at him. "When that day, what will you do?"

"On that day," Miyao gave her a deep look. "I don't know."


When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, he rarely encountered things that Gong Ou said he didn't know. This time he was really upset.

She sat there silently, letting Miyao feed.

The palace was trapped in a dead end, they were all in the game and could not be avoided.

Is there any way to get the palace and the palace to get rid of the bond of the family's destiny, but not let Luo Qi's state deteriorate.

and many more.

Luo Qi

When Xiao Nian’s eyes suddenly brightened, yes, how did she forget Luo Qi?

"Miyao, can we start from the mother" when we look at the palace, the black and white eyes are bright.

"What do you mean?"

Miyamoto feeds her.

"My mother has been in the mental for a four-year period because of her father's business. But recently, because your brother came back to her, the situation is much better." Shi Xiaonian said, "Is it possible to treat her as a breakthrough if she I can understand that my son is more important than the palace’s fame. You and your brother are not so tired."

This is the happy ending.

Rather than having someone pay for a lifetime as a price.


Gong Ou calmed his face.

"Why, I am not right?" Xiao Nian asked, "We have been entangled in who is going to sit in this position, why not want to let the mother change her mind?"

"How to change her has always been to listen to her father's words, her father's life is more important than anything else." Gong Ou Shen Sheng said, if the mother can change her mind so easily, why should Gong Gong follow her.

In the night before his father's coffin, he and his sister-in-law felt that his mother was not right. They also asked the psychiatrist that the mother's current state can only follow and cannot be stimulated.

Now telling her that anything against her father’s fate is stimulating her.

"There will always be a way." Shi Xiaonian seriously said, "Let me think about it, I can definitely think of it."

"First eat the rice and think again."

Miyao ordered her to continue to feed her.

"Can you help me solve it and let me eat it myself?" Xiao Nian was fed awkwardly.

"I think it's fun to feed you like this."


"I have been very annoyed recently, don't deprive me of the only fun."


His only fun is to tie her up and feed her how she feels she is a pet.

Fortunately, Miyako is not very ill, and she let her go after enjoying the fun of feeding, but he stipulated that she must not be more than two meters away from him.

To go to the toilet to take time off, take a bath to take time off, walk is not allowed, it is as simple as that.

With the advent of the day of the engagement date, Mong Ou's irritability is getting heavier and heavier, and Miyazaki's smile has become more and more stubborn, but the palace is full of joy and joy.

In the study, Gong Ou and Gong Yi talked about things, when Xiao Nian sat down and read the life story of the palace, and wanted to find out something from it.

She can find out what she is looking for, and she can’t say it.

Luo Qi's obsession is the palace, she wants to open the breakthrough of Luo Qi, it is necessary to start from the palace, she worked hard to study the deeds of the palace.

When Miyau turned around and saw her, she read the book seriously, and her eyes were all smashed. His brows were twisted and he walked over and pulled up. "Don't look, every day, the eyes are small."

It doesn't make any sense to look at them every day.


When I was young, I had to sit on my body.

"You are still studying the life of your father," Miyao asked. "Even if you let me study it, you can't change anything."

"These deeds are all about the father's achievements, and they really don't have much use."

When Xiao Nian said.

"What do you want to see?"

Gong Wei sat down and looked at her. Only when he was with Miyau and Shih Minh, his smile was slightly more sincere.

"And the mother's wind and snow."

When Xiao Nian said frankly, she felt that these were the most useful.

"You will not be moving your inspiration to the comics to your parents' heads." Gong Yi thought that Xiao Nian was going to draw comics and said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, none of your nobles value this kind of thing."

When I was young.

"I don't know how to find someone to write down." Gong Ou was cold and ruthless, commanding her with arrogance, "close your eyes."

When Xiaonian sat there, he closed his eyes obediently, and Miyao smirked his face and raised his hands to massage her eyes. The palace looked at it for two seconds.

This is the first time he has seen his own younger brother doing such a thing.

Miyao was whispering for the time, and Xiao Nian closed his eyes and groped on the table. He said, "I found that my father really dedicated his life to the palace. He has almost no personal time."

"Father is such a person."

Miyazaki sat there and said.

"The father didn't squeeze out a little time for the mother?" Xiao Nian asked, the husband of a lifetime of marriage did not care about himself, wouldn't Luo Qi complain?

"You really want to see it," Miyao said with a small voice.

"Think." When Xiaon said, "I want to do something more, I want to remedy."

When the palace heard this, I realized that when I was thinking about it, it was also for him. Gong Ou and Shi Xiao Nian were both running for him. It was really two people who were bored.

"I thought you were not obsessed with watching for two days. Since you want to see it, I will look for Charles." Gong Ou is cold and authentic.

When Xiao Nian’s eyes lit up, “What do you mean by that kind of book?”

"Of course not. The butler will record the master's daily life and compile it into a book." Gong Ou said, "close your eyes to me."


Everyday, maybe you can find out something.

"Close your eyes"


Miyao continued to squint around the eyes, and the palace was sitting there and suddenly found that she was superfluous, and stood up. "Okay, you slowly blinked, I went back."

Miyao did not care about him.

Gong Gong went outside and took two steps. He stopped to look at Gong Ou. "Miyao, Xiao Nian, don't do anything for me anymore. The days of engagement are just around the corner. You might as well think about what to wear." ”

Said, Miyazaki left the study room and went outside. A servant came on the head and lowered his head toward him. "The young master, the dress at the engagement ceremony has been delivered, please try it on."

Wen Yan, Gong Yi could not help but laughed at himself.

Just letting Miyao think about what to wear, it is his turn to wear something.

"You don't have to try on it. Which one do you think is good? I am tired and go back to the room to rest." Gong Yi turned and left, thinking about turning back to the maid, "I have already said that I have tried it on my mother's side." ""

"Yes, Grand Master."

The maid nodded.

Miyazaki walked back to the room alone, and there was exhaustion in the eyebrows. He closed the door and took off his coat and threw it on the bed.

The whole room is full of paintings, the walls are, the ground is also, it seems a bit messy.

Only when he stayed in such a room can he feel at ease.

Miyazaki squatted in front of a painting, and the gray eyes looked at the oil painting, reaching out and gently stroking it on the painting.

That is a beautiful oil painting, burning clouds, Xiaguang shines a large piece of red, as if it is a fire that can swallow everything.

"I want to get engaged."

For a long time, he said in a loud voice, the voice was very low.


The room was quiet and no one responded to him.

"Do you blame me?" asked the palace, his eyes stunned. "If you blame me, let me live a little longer. If you don't blame me, let me live a shorter life."


Still no one has responded to him.

Only his voice, so lonely, so sad.

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