CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 656: : When you are young, come on.

Chapter 656: Time to read, come on.

When I saw my younger brother, Gong Yi smiled and said gently, "I thought you would not go."

"Go, why not go" Gong Ou squinted at him coldly. "I have no reason to go to your engagement."

"Little thoughts," asked the palace, and looked at the direction of the old castle. When I didn't see it, I missed it. "She doesn't come."

"She will wait."

Palace Europe is cold and authentic.

"Well, let's go first," said Miyagi, pressing his hand on the door. "Go to the manor and go through the process first, time is too late."

"You are very anxious to marry the ugly woman." Gong Ou gave him a look.

"He will be your nephew in the future."

Miyazaki was helpless and sat in the car.

"The only ugly woman is you can't get it."

Miyao quickly followed the car and turned to look at the scenery outside the window. The brow frowned slightly, the black scorpion became deep, and the hand resting on the leg could not help but clench his fist.

When you are young, come on.

This can not be over, it depends on you.

Time passed by, when Xiao Nian walked around in the study room of Miyako, a little white face with a little tension.

She took a deep breath, and the hand hanging on her side was tight, and she was chanting something in her mouth.


She can do it.

When Xiao Nian turned and walked away, he stepped back and shrank back, squatting back and forth, his teeth biting his lip, and thinking about it. She never thought about playing such a big drama in her life.

Can not be deducted, can only be passed over, otherwise the palace will be destroyed in her hands.

When Xiao Nian continued to breathe deeply, thinking about what to say over and over again in her mind, she walked to the door step by step, opened the door, and heard the voice of a maid.

"Mr.'s cloak, hurry up, my wife is on the bus."

Luo Qi has got on the bus.

When Xiao Nian heard the words and rushed out, she couldn't think of it and ran out of the castle. She ran all the way. She changed her dress and dress, and she ran up and skirted. She had to run the skirt.

Luo Qi stood by the car waiting for her cloak, a gorgeous violet long skirt, with a wide hat, a mesh half covered with beautiful Rong Yi, graceful and noble, red lips and gorgeous.

When I saw Xiao Nian, I couldn’t help but frown. "How come in the palace for so long, how to walk is still a hairy one."

The habits of a little nobles are not dyed.

"Mother, you go with me."

When Xiao Nian went forward, he grabbed Luo Qi’s hand.

“What to do” Luo Qi’s glimpse, “The palace’s engagement ceremony is about to begin, and you have to pull me to stop.”

"You will know when you come, I will find something that you will definitely want to know."

When Xiao Nian took her, she ran.

The servants and the bodyguards stood there all the time, and they didn’t know if they should stop.

"Discover something"

Luo Qi was pulled and ran in the middle of the night, the hat covered her sight, and could only run with a little thought.

When I came with me, I was eager to speak, and took her to run the castle. Luo Qi was completely ruined by her, but she was very helpless. "Xi Xiao Nian, you can stop it, don't delay me to get engaged." ”

"Follow me."

When Xiao Nian took Luo Qi to go upstairs, Luo Qi pulled her, and she had to follow her up and frown.

Luo Qi was dragged into the study of Miyau by the time, and Luo Qi stopped to say, "I know that you and Miyagou are not willing to book this marriage, but you think that stopping me can stop the ceremony."

When Xiao Nian also ran a little asthma, she heard that she looked at Luo Qi, and then picked up the log on the table and said, "Mom, I saw something from the log, so I want to solemnly apologize to you."


Luo Qi squatted.

When Xiao Nian did something, this one came out.

"I said that my father never loved you that day, I was wrong." Shi Xiaonian said seriously.

Luo Qi heard that the whole person was shocked and his expression was on his face. "What are you talking about?"

Luo Qi has been pretending to be a husband and wife in front of others, but in fact, she is even less convinced that Meng Jue is affectionate to her than she is, and she is completely stunned when she hears it.

When Xiao Nian saw her so stunned, she asked with a blank face, "What happened to your mother?"

"What the **** are you saying about what you see from the log?" Luo Qi asked inexplicably, and some excitedly rushed through the logs from the time of Xiao Nian's hands, but did not see any clues.

She took the hat on her head too.

"Mother doesn't know?" Xiao Nian said, "I have been holding the log for the past two days, only to find that my father is a person who does not like to say, only use actions to express."

"and then"

Luo Qi asked seriously.

If it wasn't for the night that I heard Luo Qi's almost splitting self-speaking, Xiao Nian didn't know that Luo Qi was really concerned about the view of Gong Jue on her.

“After the mother’s log was brought in by my father, I compared my father’s activities before and after, and found that my father’s time after marriage was much longer than before.”

When Xiao Nian said that he quickly flipped through the log, he was so quick that Luo Qi couldn’t see it. He only looked at her, "just like this."

"There is also the kind of flower that blooms at night. In fact, there is not much growth here." Xiao Nian said.

"How is it possible, I have been planting this flower."

Luo Qi said.

Sure enough, as Charles said, Luo Qi only picks flowers, and has not paid attention to the doorway of planting flowers. This kind of flower is especially rare, and there are very few people who know it. There is no more than one and a half points of information on the Internet, just to make the brain hole of the time open.

"This kind of flower Chinese name is forgotten evil. According to legend, it is a kind of Buddha flower. It is difficult to grow, and it is not easy to flower. So I also let Gongou help me to check it out. The soil here has been changed, and a potion is dripped all the year round. Will this flower bloom." Shi Xiaonian said seriously, "Is the mother not sure?"

When Xiao Nian’s continuous questioning made Luo Qi feel a bit stunned, Luo Qi shook her head. “I don’t know, I have never managed how to plant this flower.”

"That is the same as I guessed. It was the father who made it. The father was so busy with a flower, I don't think men love it." When Xiaonian looked at Luo Qi, he tried to maintain it. Your own calm.

Luo Qi looked at her and said, "The person who liked this flower at the beginning was me. When I first saw him, I had such a fake flower next to me."

She always remembers how beautiful the flower is, and the man standing in front of the flower has a different temperament.

Only one glance, it will be unforgettable.

Thinking about this, Luo Qi pushed away when she was thinking, turned and went out, and Xiaoyan followed her out.

Luo Qi walked into the garden, bent down and grabbed a handful of dirt in the hands of the dirty, and several old gardeners came over here, bowing respectfully. "Was the lady looking for us?"

"How do you usually take care of this flower?"

Luo Qi asked.

"It is just as usual, watering and fertilizing." The old gardener replied.

"Do you want anything?" Luo Qi asked in confusion. The old gardeners shook their heads. Luo Qi frowned and saw the situation. When Xiao Nian quickly went forward, he asked, "Where is the water?"

"The water in the garden is different from the drinking water, and it is shipped from the river in the east of the palace." The old gardener replied.

After 30 minutes, the river was taken to the infirmary to detect materials different from other rivers.

This proves that the soil of the flower buds is different, so the flowers that bloom in the night can bloom so beautifully.

Luo Qi suddenly collapsed, her eyes turned red, and she quickly went out.


Xiao Nian quietly stood by.

She opened a story with her own brains of cartoons, and shaped the palace into an emotionally restrained man. The rest of the things were done in the dark for two days, and the whole bureau was impeccable.

Even if Luo Qi felt that something was wrong in the future, she could not find any leaks.

When Xiao Nian went out, Luo Qi stood outside the medical office, her hands rubbed her face, her eyes were so red that she almost cried out.

When Xiao Nian walked behind her, she stood without talking.

"He said that he liked this flower very coldly. I thought he didn't like it, but it was just perfunctory." Luo Qi said, the voice was very powerful.

The palace is indeed a cold-blooded person, and cold thoughts can't be understood.

But she couldn't help, she couldn't find a better way than to deceive Luo Qi.

"Maybe he is only emotionally restrained, not to express, there are many such people in the world." Shi Xiao Nian stood there and said.

Wen Yan, Luo Qi's tears fell and sat down on the chair outside the medical office.

When Xiao Nian walked over, he looked at her with concern and handed out a paper towel.

Luo Qi looked up at her, her eyes were red, and her beautiful face was shaking and sad. After a few seconds of hesitation, Luo Qi reached out and took a paper towel and wiped it. Suddenly said, "When I met him, the palace did not The current prosperity, he stood out among the noble children, but I think he is different, because there is light in his eyes, he is an ambitious man, I am attracted, I am crazy to use the way I can use Go close to him and be close to him."

Luo Qi tried to restrain her whimper, but the sound was still a little out of tune.

This is the first time Luo Qi has taken the initiative to tell people about her and the palace, even the two sons have not revealed.

Xiao Nian sat down opposite her and listened quietly.

"You are right, for decades, I am not resentful of my husband."

Luo Qi said, "This marriage makes me feel like I am living on a thick ice, but I can only stand and endure. I once thought that this is my retribution, because I was just looking at him and want to be a man." Human ambition and ambition, so I put myself in front of him like a wealth management commodity, then I can get what I can get in addition to being squeezed out of value."

“The father is just not good at words.” Shi Xiaonian said, “If the mother is really just a wealth management commodity for him, but he can have his own private life, but the father has no other sons than you. , isn't it?"

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