CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 660: : She actually dared to marry my daughter!

Chapter 660: She actually dared to marry my daughter

When "Flower Fairy" followed Miyako at the back of the bride, Xiao Nian snorted happily and smiled very happy. "Beautiful."

Said, Gong Kui also sent a small kiss and a kiss.

When Xiaoyan squeezed a smile and was walking away from her daughter, Yorkina heard the movement and glanced back at the palace.

The eyes were dissatisfied and fierce. When it was less than a second, Yorkina’s face resumed her smile, but Miyako was scared and followed.


When Xiao Nian licked her lips, she only heard the unpleasant voice of Gong Ou in her ear. "This ugly woman thinks who she dares to marry my daughter."

"Don't worry about this, how can you solve this trouble after the marriage ceremony?" Xiao Nian asked.

The palace is also a disaster.

What troubles come.


Gong Ou lowered the ground and held her hand. A pair of black scorpions looked at the two who walked the red carpet, and the eyes passed a sharp stroke.

When Xiao Nian thought he was thinking of a way, he had to shut up and wait patiently.

After waiting for a while, when Xiao Nian came to his ear and asked, "How, what did you think of?"


When I thought of something, Xiao Nian asked nervously.

Miyao squatted at the two people in front, the light in his eyes was angry and his voice was sullen. "She actually dared to marry my daughter, her eyes like the bull's eye, why do you marry my daughter?"


When I was small, I was too lazy to ask, and I looked up to see Miyazaki and Yorkina.

This is the end of the matter, nothing can be changed, and the palace can not be taken away directly at the wedding. It is even more troublesome and can only be said after the engagement ceremony.

Fortunately, Luo Qi has changed his mind, and the trouble is much better than the palace to live a life in such a marriage.

When I think about it, I feel a little relieved when I think about it. I just watched them perform the ceremony.

After a long period of red carpet time, Miyazaki and York Lina finally walked to the pastor's desk. The pastor said a bunch of praises on it. The children of the choir whispered gently, the atmosphere was solemn and romantic, the ceremony Go on in an orderly manner.

Gong Ou has been staring at the time, constantly adjusting the garland on her head.

When Xiao Nian pushed his hand away, Miyau’s hand was entangled and continued to play with her garland. When the little thoughts were opened again, Gong Ou was wrapped around.

A few times down, when Xiao Nian was too lazy to care for him, how to play with his garland on his head.

"I am the narcissus in the wilderness, the lily in the valley."

Yorkina stood in front of the priest's desk and held a red book in her chanting, and she recited her feelings very full.

Miyazaki stood aside, whispering at the hard book in his hand, looking at the words and sentences above, his lips snoring silently.

There was a blank of nearly a minute in the church.

The guests all looked at them.

Yorkina dissatisfiedly pushed him with his elbow, and the palace said, "My love is in the girl, like a flower in the thorns."

It’s always impossible to run away.

He was low-eyed, and his gloom was bleak and there was no light.

Yorkina continued to read, "My lover is among the young, like an apple tree in the forest; I love to sit in his shadow, his fruit makes me full of sweetness. He leads me."


The sudden sound of the door knocked Yorklina down.

Everyone looked back, the sun shone glaringly in, and the little thoughts smashed the eyebrows. After the ceremony began, the guests came in from the front door and did not affect the ceremony.

Which guest is still there?

"Wait, still wear it like this."

Miyao did not pay attention to what happened in the church, and was still studying the wreath on the thoughts.

When Xiao Nian casually went to him, he looked up at the newcomer in front of the pastor. I saw that Yorka had wide eyes and was panicked.

But soon, York Lina converges on her own eyes and looks at her parents, as if she is showing something.

When Xiao Nian thought suspiciously, he looked back in the direction of the gate and saw a brown-haired man being stopped by the bodyguard. It was like the age of 35 years old, and the two sides had a dispute.

The man is coming in, the bodyguard pulls him out, the man has to squat, and the door is in a mess.

The guests began to whisper.

"York Lina, do you want to go with me?" The man shouted in the direction of the bride. "You don't go, you can't order today."

what happened.

Will the dog blood movie with him go to marry in the nobility?

When Xiao Nian looked to the front, I saw that York Lina’s father stood up and walked toward the man. Miyao suddenly followed up and turned to look at the direction of Feng De. “Feng De, we are the man, I have not let The woman came forward to solve the problem, you passed."

"Nothing, I am the same."

York’s father smiled a little slyly and walked to the door. Really, the few bodyguards just throw people out, it’s not enough.

After hearing the order, Feng De went straight ahead and followed the father of York.

When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, he couldn’t understand the dullness of his face, and his lips were always shallow, like a smile.

When Xiao Nian faintly understood some, "Miyao, do you still move other hands and feet"

Miyau looked at her and extended her hand to ring her body from behind. The chin rested on her shoulder, and the voice was magnetic. "Come, let's watch the show."


"Good play," said Miyako.

When Xiao Nian turned to look at the door, there was a riot. There was no idea what was said there. The father of York and the brown-haired man quarreled, and the more noisy and excited.

When the man pushes him away, he will break in.

"You are stopping, the invitation in his hand is fake and throwing him out."

The father of York pointed at the bodyguards and shouted excitedly, shouting that the blue veins on his neck would burst.

Wen Yan said that the bodyguards all looked at the Germans subconsciously. Feng De immediately said, "Yes, stop, today is the engagement ceremony of our young master. How can we make people go to our house? There is also He Weixin."

Said, Feng De himself rushed up, the result did not rush to the man, but to the bodyguard, holding the bodyguards both fell, see, the man quickly ran forward.

The guests haven't reacted for a while, and they all looked at them in a wrong way.

The strong arrogance of Yorkina was not in the moment, and immediately leaned to the side of the palace, the palace looked at him blankly, and saw the man stepping forward or the gentleman to take a step forward and protect his fiancee. Who are you"

"I don't look for you." The man is so mad that he points to the woman behind him. "I am looking for her."

At this point, the engagement ceremony is already developing in the direction of the farce.

At this time, Xiao Nian discovered that there were some injuries on the neck and wrists of the man. It was terrible and terrifying. He had a pair of eyes screaming at York Lina.

"What is the matter with your fiancée?"

Miyazaki asked calmly, no joy or no anger on his face, and even a sigh of relief because of this sudden episode.

The "fiancée" man looked at the palace and sneered and smiled. "Your fiancee has played a few children for me."


Yorkina looked out from behind the palace and looked at the man angrily. She said, "I am with you, it is a thing of the past, what are you doing?"

Nobody came up because of the bodyguards who fell into a group.

"The past" is called Adi's man sneer, a pair of eyes coldly glaring at her, "My York Lina, I love you so much, you will tell me a good past, I will ask you again, Do you want to book this marriage if you don’t follow me today?"

The man said it was love, but every word was gnashing, and he wanted to kill, and filled with endless hatred.

When Xiao Nian turned to look at Gong Ou, Gong Ou looked there and smiled.

Needless to say, this is definitely what he did.

When Xiao Nian looked to the front, the church had already rioted, and the bodyguards walked slowly and steadily. Yorkina was hiding behind the palace and her face was extremely rich.

"Don't you go?" said the man named Andy. When he reached out, he pulled out a u disk from his pocket. "I love the Yorkina, since you don't want to go with me."

"Three, two." Gong Ouyin when the countdown to the countdown, black eyes looking at the face of Yorkina, "one."

"I am going with you"

Yorkina suddenly said.


When Xiao Nian was shocked, the palace was shocked and the audience was stunned. Apart from Gongao, he was very comfortable when he was holding a small thought.


Miyazaki turned to look at York Lina, her face full of mistakes.

York Lina threw away the red hard book in her hand, grabbed Andy's hand and held it firmly, trying to grab the u disk, but the man would not let her grab.

She had to look at the palace, and she looked sad and sad. "I'm sorry, Gong Yi, actually I talked about a long time of love, scars, I thought I could forget, but I found that I still can't forget, can't You are engaged."


Miyazaki stood there with a look of stunned look at the two of them, his eyes stagnate, and then said, "If this is the case, I am willing to bless you."

"thank you."

Yorkina raised her foot and kissed him on the face, then took Andy's hand to leave, and the two ran while they were still grabbing the u disk.

There is no sweetness at the end of the marriage.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

"uncle, your bride is running."

Miyako is standing in the mouth of the palace, and the child’s words are screaming, and the people of the York family are outside.

"What the **** is going on?" Xiao Nian sat there and asked Miyao, and he was puzzled. "What did you do?"

"I have a good idea."

Miyao looked at her with a courtesy.


When the little thoughts are speechless.

"I sent someone to scrutinize this ugly woman before, and sent someone to her side. It turned out that she is a sexually addicted person. That Andy is her favorite one in her sexual partner. There is also York Lina in her hand. All the ridiculous videos from sexual addiction," Miyao said.

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