CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 671: :Bob has an operation (with a reading cake, grab it!)

Chapter 671: Bob has surgery to read the cake, quickly grab

"I hope that bob can get better. No matter what, Tang Yi's mistake should not be added to Bob." Shi Xiaonian said.

"Mrs. Gong Shao, your heart is so good, good heart is usually shit."

Miyao dismissed.


When Xiao Nian went to sit beside him and looked at him, "Miyao, I know that you think I can remember to eat, but I really feel that I am very happy now, I have enough children and children in my life. The memories of negative energy are not suitable for bothering me."

"This is happy."

Miyazu picked up his eyebrows.

"Can still be happier"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"of course."

"How happy"

"Come, I will tell you." Gong Ou smiled evilly, and the black scorpion was stunned. She held her into her arms and pressed it down. She bowed her head to her lips, and her slender hand was mischievous on her.


When Xiao Nian avoided his lips, "I don't mean to come back together at night to pick the honeymoon holy land."

"Go all"


When Xiao Nian wanted to say something, the voice disappeared again in the kiss of Miyao, and her thoughts were a little bit free. Her hands slowly changed from resisting to shirts that grabbed him, sinking in his arms.

In the early morning, the first sunshine slowly sprinkled into the room, when Xiao Nian and Gong Ou sat on the bed, and the two held the book of honeymoon holy land in Fengde.

"It's better to be in Italy. We can also go back to the White Sands and tell our parents that we are married."

When Xiao Nian said.

The pictures selected by Feng De on the booklet are particularly beautiful, so beautiful she has to go anywhere, but this is obviously unrealistic.

"That is called back to my mother's house, what is the honeymoon?" Gong Ou refuted her proposal. "Look for a place you have never been to. The island is not fun. The mountain climbs too tired. There is still no such thing. It is all artificial." The scenery cannot be gone to the place where people are being abused. It is annoying to see."

"You ask so much," Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou. "That is a bad choice today, I will go to breakfast for you."

"Do you want to abandon me now?"

Gong Ouyi is a small thought.

"Why I dare, anyway, your company's business will be too busy for a while, we will slowly provoke." Shi Xiao Nian said, coming down from the bed.

"When you read, how do you not care about our honeymoon?"

Miyako stared at her figure.

"No." When Xiao Nian looked at him, he smiled. "Because for me, as long as I can be with you, I will go everywhere."

The vanity of Miyao was suddenly filled up, and she smiled proudly at her. "Say beautiful."

When Xiao Nian smiled and shouted a long hair and was about to enter the bathroom to wash, a rush of knocking on the door sounded, she turned to the door and opened the door.

Feng De stood anxiously at the door, and when he saw it, he said, "No, Xiao Nian, Bob has another accident."

"what happened"

When the little thoughts are different, how can the good end cause another accident.

"The child probably knows that the welfare home wants to drive him away. He ran away in the early hours of the morning. When others chased him, he committed a heart attack and is still in hospital." Feng De said.


When Xiao Nian was shocked, Tang Yi had not found it yet. Bob had a heart attack. She turned to look at Gong Ou, and Miyag is still turning over the book of the honeymoon holy place.

Half an hour later, they rushed to the hospital. Gongkui didn't know where to know that they were going to see bob, so they clamored to follow along and finally became a family of four.

When they arrived, bob just finished the surgery.

At the door of the emergency room, the doctor said to them, "The operation was very successful. "The patient is not in a big problem now. Take a rest and avoid strenuous exercise and stimulation. ”

"Thank you doctor, can we go in and see him now?"

When Xiao Nian stood next to Gong Ou asked.

"Yes." The doctor said, turned and prepared to leave, suddenly thought of what and again, "Yes, I heard some people from the welfare hospital said something, the patient is moody, emotional, and there are some ridiculous behavior, I am worried that it is not conducive to Postoperative recovery. Please take good care of you and maintain absolute rest for two months after surgery."

"Thank you doctor."

When Xiao Nian said gratefully, he pushed forward the door of the ward.

On the hospital bed, bob lay there, with a tube in his nose receiving oxygen, his eyes closed tightly, and the wound on his face had been dealt with. The small face that had been white was now looking pale and embarrassing.

"My brother is so poor."

Miyako made Feng De pick her up. She looked at the bob on the bed with Feng De’s neck and said sadly, “Why is your brother doing surgery?”

"Because my brother is sick."

Feng De said.

"I think he is very pitiful," Miyako said with emotion.

"What happened to Tang in what to look for?" Gong Ou was cold and cold, and the black scorpion was fierce.

He didn't have any good feelings about this child. A 7- and 8-year-old child couldn't bear the fault of his mother and became his burden. It was simply inexplicable.

"I am looking for it." Feng De said, "It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort. After a few years, Tang Yi must have changed his name."

"Don't find out how to find her, how far it is to take me with this child."

The voice of Gong Ou is chilling.

"That time, please ask a few professional care workers to take good care of bob." Shi Xiaonian said, Wen Yan, Gong Kui immediately picked up, "Xiao Kui to take care of his brother"

Miyako is very concerned about bob.

"Xiaokui, my brother needs professional care." Xiaonian said.

"I can talk to him. He has no friends to play with him. He is very poor." Gongkui was very authentic and turned to look at Gongao. "Dad, you promised to pick up Bob's brother, you promised, Dad, dad, dad."

Miyako was held in his arms by Feng De, and stretched out his hand and grabbed the sleeves of Miyau, and repeatedly pleaded.

"" Gong Ou looked at her coolly.

"Well, dad, you are the best, please, please." Gong Kui squats on the sleeves of Miyau, and his mouth is the same as the honey. "I like dad most, dad, you are the most handsome and handsome in the world." Man, handsomer than holy, handsomeer than Grandpa."


That is natural.

Miyao looked at the child on the bed, his eyes deepened, and he was cold and cold. "You can't take it home. You can come to the hospital to see him occasionally."


Miyako was disappointed, and then she thought about it and was happy again.

When Xiao Nian accompanied the palace to go out, holding his arm, a pair of black and white eyes fixedly watching him, Gong Ou tilted her eyes, "how do you look at me?"

When Xiao Nian smiled, "I found that you are actually very fond of children."

Miyako is so spoiled, and he slaps and flattens.

"You are not saying that the child is my responsibility." Gong Ou Dao, black squatting at her, reaching out and picking her chin, "You should not eat your daughter's vinegar."

"I am not as bored as you are." Xiao Nian laughed.

"You said that I am bored" Miyako's face is green.

"I don't know who can be jealous with my son."

"Who is who?"


The president of Gongda will also rely on the account.

Going to the side of the car, Gong Ou holding her does not let go, "Go, accompany me to the company"

"But the family has not completely cleaned up." Shi Xiao Nian was circled in his arms and said.

"Let Fengde go, so many people at home, you can use it to busy."

"Who asked me to be a housekeeper before."



"When you think about it, give you two choices, one is to follow me, the other is to be taken away by me." Gongao said that she was overbearing.

Feng De hugged the palace to catch up, the palace was walking aside, his face was cold and faint, looking at the parents in front.

"Oh, it’s a show of love." Gong Kui’s little man likes to slap his hand and read in a small moment. "Let's go, I will take care of my little brother, I will take care of my family."

Hey, the adults know that they love all day, and the big and small things in the house really want her to manage.


The palace is small and indifferent.


When Xiao Nian had a black line and quickly broke the arms of Miyao, he was still smashed back by Gong Ou, and was forcibly pushed into the car and taken away.

With Gong Ou's answer, when Miyagawa saw it, she occasionally stayed at home and clamored to go to the hospital. When she was entangled, she had no choice but to take some time to take her.

Bob did not say that the nun was so bad, she went to the hospital several times, bob did not say anything, and did not make any violent actions against them.

This evening, Gong Ou studied the holographic video call system in the study room. When he sipped a little nutritious soup, he arrived at the hospital with his twins.

"Bob brother, let's come again"

Miyako excitedly opened the door and ran to the ward.

There was no light in the ward, black lacquered, only a little moonlight infiltrated into the window, and Xiaoyan raised his hand to open the light switch on the wall.

The ward immediately became bright.

When Xiao Nian looked inside, I saw Bob lying in bed like this, his face was pale, and he looked at the window with a pair of eyes.

The children of this age are lively and innocent, but when Xiao Nian sees only gloomy and desperate in his eyes, he can't see a little light.

That kind of look makes people look hard to move.

When Xiao Nian put the soup in his hand on the bedside table, the palace squatted slowly and came forward. He was intentionally blocked in front of Miyako. Miyako had not so many complicated ideas, and his hands were hanging on the bed with his hands. Big eyes glanced at bob, "bob brother, are you not hurting?"

Bob lay there, as if he hadn't heard it, she ignored her, and her eyes were still looking out.

Miyako is also used to him, standing on the ground and taking out a piece of paper folded from the pocket, with its own sound effect, "Hey, bob brother, this is my gift for you."

Bob did not respond.

"This is what I painted. The teacher also praised me for painting. This is holy. This is you, hey, you are not handsome in my house, but it is also very handsome."

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