CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 677: : You mean it like we know each other.

Chapter 677: You mean this is like we know each other.

"Do not"

When Xiao Nian firmly shook his head, "I am black today, I will be black all the way."

"Then I have to kill you good luck." Gongou laughed and shoved the chips into the pool. "Red, open the card."

The waiter bent down, opened the card, and read the cards. "Spades 5, Miss Xi won 5 chips in the chip pool."

"Win again."

When Xiao Nianmei looked at the waiter, she pushed her chips over.

"This is impossible" Gongao whispered, no reason, he is good, his memory will not be wrong, the calculation ability is not wrong.


Everyone is looking at Gong Ou, and when they are not sure, they are looking at Gong Ou, "What is impossible?"

It is impossible to be black.

It’s too evil.

The calculation is never wrong.

Gong Ou moved his lips, and the black scorpion stared at her holding a chip of happy looks, and she finally endured it. "Nothing, continue."

Be sure to win.

So many people watched, if he had been losing to his own woman, this face was lost.

Miyao is more careful to listen to the shuffle to see the shuffle, and a pile of calculation formulas emerges in his mind. The result is black, black or black.

His whole person is covered with dark clouds.

"Miyao, I was so lucky."

"Miyao, you said that I should go to buy lottery tickets"

"Miyao, gambling is not right, or we should not play."

"Miyao, we don't gamble, you have never won, this game is not fun, we don't play." When Xiaonian observed the face of Miyau and felt his anger, he said so. .

"carry on"

Gong Ou was angry, and his hand pressed his own ear. It must have been wrong. It was impossible to pass his calculation formula. The small probability black card was hit by the little thought.

There are more and more crowds onlookers, and even everyone is starting to be unbalanced for the black hand of Miyako. When they open the card, they shout, "Red Red"

"Spades 3, Miss Xi won 3 times the chip pool."

"Black plum k, Miss Xi wins the chip pool"

"Black Plum"


For thirty consecutive black cards, Feng De’s chips for Gong Ou’s exchanges have been used almost. When Xiao Nian’s face is dark, he’s silently throwing his chips into the pool. “I’m Choose red."

"Don't choose black"

Miyau Ou, a little thought, is like watching a monster.

"Don't choose, you choose."

When Xiao Nian looked at the chips on his desk, there were only three pitiful ones left. So many people looked at it, and she really didn't want him to come down to Taiwan.

"open card"

Miyao is cold and cold, throwing three chips into the pool.

Everyone held their breath and fixedly stared at the waiter's hand. The waiter's hand moved over and slowly opened the card and read the cards. "Red Square 9, Miss Xi won the chip pool 9 times."

The last three chips of Miyako were also ignored.

When Xiao Nian had a one-handed face, she had never seen anyone who was worse than Gong Ou. She magnified her finger and looked forward. She saw Miyao sitting there, her face was ugly, and she was glaring at her. .

I knew that I wouldn’t gamble.

When Xiao Nian thought secretly, some people around him talked about the "black hand" of Miyau, and couldn't help but laugh with it. It was really unheard of, and it was not seen.

"Are you a thousand?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

When Xiaonian turned his head, he saw a foreign old man with silver hair standing there, holding a glass of champagne in his hand and smiling at her in good faith.

When Xiao Nian returned to smile, he looked at the waiter.

The waiter's face suddenly passed a touch of panic.

The surrounding guests all saw the world, and they all knew what was going on, and pointed out that he shouted loudly, "searching for body search"

The joy of playing cards is a serious problem for everyone.

The waiter is still a young boy. When he sees this scene, he is even more flustered. The silver-haired old man walked to the waiter and said kindly. "I believe that you are not daring to be a thousand, not as good as you, so many of us. It won't be difficult for you to be a young man."

"Yes, sorry, I used to be a magic hand." The waiter untied his sleeve and shook a few cards. "Mr. Gong let me do this, sorry, sorry."

He can't see anyone who knows his hand quickly, but the chance of this continuous blackout is too irritating.


When Xiao Nian looked at the opposite side of the palace, Ou Gong sat there, his face was calm, his lips were tight, and he did not say a word.

"It seems that Mr. Gong wants to laugh at the beautiful people." The old silver-haired man stood there and smiled. The crowd of people watching it reacted. This is the drama of a husband and his wife.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gong to be so interesting."

"We are really unable to compare the romance of young people."

"Mrs. Palace, don't you give your husband a hug? He loves you too much, we can all feel it."

"kiss, kiss, kiss"

Everyone started to squat, and even the music of the singer on the stage suddenly became a romantic love song, which seemed to be a pink bubble in the air.

When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, he smiled and stood up from his seat and walked to the side of Gong Ou.

Gong Ou sat in a silky motion, a calm and calm appearance, and the dawn was so deep that people could guess and guess.

"Dear, thank you for giving me such a big surprise, I have a good time."

When Xiao Nian smiled and said, he leaned down to gently print a kiss on his face, and the thin lips of Gong Ou made a slight arc.

The onlookers applauded, and the level of gossip was not lost to the market.

After the kiss, Shi Xiao Nian and Gong Ou Cai left the place where the words were spoken. When they went out, they found that they had gathered more than half of the guests, resulting in no one on the dance floor or the bar.

When Xiao Nian took the arms of Miyao and went out, the cruise was driving on the sea, the sea was calm, the seabirds were flying, and the little thoughts reached out and pressed on the railing, blowing the breeze on the way.

"It's still a good hair dryer."

When Xiao Nian greeted the wind, he played too tired in front of the gambling table and became hot.

Miyako stood beside her and gave her a low look. "This way, even if I try my best to lose so much money to you, you will kiss or kiss your face."

He wants to kiss his tongue.

"It’s true that you lose money to me. It’s the righteous father who cares about it.” Shi Xiaonian said with a smile. "You, like me, know that he was a righteous father when he knew that the service was born." The right direction is not right"

The righteous father has always guessed the heart of the palace, but he forgot, how strong the palace Europe is, and actually did not let the palace and the European meaning to win two.

"Feng De dare not listen to my words"

Gong Ou did not go over his face, and snorted.

"It used to be impossible in the past, but he lived with me for the past four years, so he is now a **-type housekeeper." Shi Xiaonian said, Feng De must have heard Gong Gong in the back to take her. If you gamble, you have such an idea.


Gong Ou was a cold voice, and his head was even more open. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He turned his head and looked at her. His brow was twisted. “No reason, how do you know that it’s a private opinion?”

How did she know that he did not deliberately please her, he did not do much to please her, and why not believe that he gave the service to the old.

"Because your expression."

When Xiao Nian pointed to him.

"What expression do I have?"

Miyau's brows are tightened tighter.

"When you find out that you have lost enough, the expression is exactly the same as when I usually only cook one serving of food for you." When Xiao Nian refers to his gangster, he said, "When the teeth are bitten, it is collected here." The tightness is the same."


Miyako’s face is dark.

He usually sees the food of one person so angry.

"You are the most unconcealed of the emotions you eat, so when your expression comes out, of course I know that it is not your performance, it is especially true." Shi Xiao Nian said.


"Let me guess, did you want to gamble at the table?"


Miyako has not wanted to talk, he wants to kill her, and a pair of eyes glared at her.

Upon seeing it, Xiao Nian smiled and dropped into his arms and pulled his clothes. "Miyao, you are so cute."

"Can, love, you, sister"

Gong Ou squeezed four years from the teeth.

When Xiao Nian smiled in his arms, he thought it was funny when he watched the cards on the gambling table and listened to the cards. He listened to the shuffle and listened carefully, but he forgot the flop. Seriously, if that is the case, he has already heard it.

"Mr. Gong, Mrs. Gong, two are good."

A gentleman's voice rang behind them.

When Xiao Nian turned around, it was the foreigner who was exposed to the waiter who was the old man. When Xiao Nian turned his head down, "Hello."

"This is Ling, I am here to meet him today."

Miyao gave them an indifference and his face was not completely relieved. Like his current day, he arrived home.

"It turns out that you are Ling, I thought it was Chinese."

When Xiao Nian was somewhat surprised.

"I am a Canadian, I specially gave myself the Chinese name. I also like everyone calling me my Chinese name, Ling Feng." Ling Feng old man reached out to her, gentleman smiled, Chinese speaks very smoothly, can't listen What accent?

"Hello, Ling."

When Xiao Nian reached out and held his hand, "I want to thank you for breaking through the waiter's old bureau today. Otherwise, everyone will think that my husband's hand is really dark, and he will come to him to play cards later."


Ling Feng smiled heartily, holding her hand lightly, and leaning down to kiss her hand.

When Xiao Nian squatted, his hand was directly taken back by Gong Ou, and Gong Ou looked coldly at the silver-haired old man, cold and authentic. "This kind of etiquette is not necessary, her hand is mine."

The sensitivity of her hand is also his

Ling Feng smiled, and there was nothing wrong with it. A pair of deep-eyed eyes looked at the moment and said, "I never read news outside the professional field. I came here today to know that you are Mrs. Gong’s wife."

When Xiao Nian was stunned by his words, he did not react at the moment. "You mean that we know each other."

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