CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 682: : Where was he seven years ago?

Chapter 682: Where was he seven years ago?

Said, Miyako extended his hand and took a glass of water in front of him to take a sip.

When Xiao Nian didn't care, he continued to look at the folder in his hand. He only listened to the sound of "噗". Miyau's mouthful of water spouted out. There was no trace of elegance. His face was instantly ugly, as if someone owed him much. A pair of eyes glared at the front.

"You say it again"

Gongou yelled at the end of the phone.


When Xiao Nian and Feng De looked at each other, they were all inexplicable. They didn’t understand what happened to Gong Ou. She took out a paper towel and wiped her lips for Miyako.

Miyau Ou took hold of her hand and shouted at the phone. "You say it to me again."

When Xiao Nian sat there and looked at him inexplicably, I didn’t know what the palace said at the end. Gong Ou’s face was even more ugly, his face was getting worse and worse, and her hand was getting tighter and tighter. It seems to be pinching off.

When the small thoughts hurt shallow eyebrows.

"Where was he in China seven years ago?" Gong Ou yelled his teeth, and his twilight flashed in the next second. "No, you don't have to say shut up."

Then Mongol took the phone to the sofa and stood up.

"What happened to Gongao?"

When Xiaonian looked at the figure of Gongou, he walked up and ran away, desperately running inside, as if someone was chasing after him.

"What happened to the young master?" Feng De stood up from the sofa.

"I do not know."

I just talked well, what kind of wind suddenly took?

When Xiao Nian looked puzzled at the mobile phone on the sofa, she was still in the call. She immediately picked up the mobile phone and gently "heed" it. The palace was also completely puzzled. "What happened to Xiao Nian? When the call is good, there is a sudden fire, and there is no rule."

"What did you talk about?"

When Xiao Nian asked, she also wanted to know what happened.

"Just, nothing, I just asked when your wedding will be done. I stayed bored at home." Gong Yi said at the end of the phone. "Oh, yes, I just heard you read a name and feel familiar. Just say a few more words."

He didn't do anything.

"cecilia rossi"

When Xiao Nian repeats the name he just heard, what is the name of this name?

"Yeah, I haven't heard of this name for a long time." Miyazaki said, "Your younger brother always took the name and flicked strangers."


When Xiao Nian was shocked, his eyes widened. "You said my brother called this name."

Any thoughts broke into her heart and shattered her soul.

"This kind of feminine name is certainly not his, it is a small friend of hiss. When Xi Xiao is relatively young, he always likes to take this name and sway. According to him, I was the first to let him meet and say yes." This stranger of real name." Gong Yu said.


When Xiao Nian was stunned, it was a little bit unstable. She suddenly realized that Miyao had just asked what the sentence meant seven years ago.

A large cruise ship seven years ago.

People and waiters come and go.

Ling Feng’s moon goddess looks exactly like her.

No way.

This is too exaggerated, can't.

Cecilia rossi, this name is as common as Miyako said, nothing special, even if it is in the middle, maybe the Miss Rossi himself went.

"Yi, righteousness, righteousness." When Xiaonian thought so, the man was completely confused. He turned to look at Fengde and swallowed. "Where is this Rossi, how can someone be invited to the cruise? Up"

"let me see."

Feng De picked up the folder and flipped through a few pages. He carefully checked it and then said, "She is an Italian. She was invited to her father that year. Her father was a political figure. She took her to visit China. When there was no time to vacate, she asked her to play with the invitation. At that time, she was alone on board."


When Xiao Nian’s face was white, he asked with the last impossible hope. “Brother, Xi’s friend will not be an Italian.”

There was no words for a few seconds in the palace. "Xi Wei grew up in Italy. His friends who have been friends since childhood can not be Italian."

The last point of expectation was annihilated by the palace.

"What do you say on board?" The radio of the mobile phone is very good. Gong Yi heard the voice of Feng De. "I guess I said that Rossi and you are talking about one person."

do not talk.

No, you have to say, you have to figure it out, when Xiaonian thought firmly and firmly, "Brother, you said that you have been staring at him for the last few years in Xi’an. He should have never been to the city."

"Come here." Gong Yu said, the tone sank.


When Xiao Nian was suddenly stupid.

"It was that time, let him lose his life." Gong Yu said, the tone was stunned.

Originally, it was the time. Every time I mentioned Xi’s death, Xiaoxin’s heart would be very painful. She bit her lip. “Besides, he has never been to the city.”

The cruise party seven years ago should be the one that rossisg himself went.

This is fine.

This matter can no longer be complicated, otherwise she and Miyagau will be crazy.

"It's okay, brother, let's do it first." When Xiao Nian said that he would hang up the phone, Miyazaki suddenly said there. "Yes, almost forgot, there was another time, he suddenly flew from Italy to s. The city, calculated, is also more than seven years ago."


Without such a big turn.

When Xiao Nian felt that his heart was almost collapsed, "What did he come to China?"

"Why can't I think about it, oh, yes, I was a little bit private at that time, so I didn't go to the city in secret." Miyazaki said, "You don't need me to look up for you."

"Do you have a call from Miss Rossi?"

When the little thought asked neatly.

"The phone should have, there was a while, and I was deceived by the liar. I recorded the contact information of the people I met with." Miyazaki said over there. "So, anyway, I have nothing to do, you tell me to check." What, I will help you check."

"Is Miss Rossi on board the cruise ship seven years ago?"

When Xiao Nian said what he wanted to ask.

"Okay, I am looking for contact information, waiting for my news."

Miyazaki hangs up the phone.

When Xiao Nian stood there, the person has been stunned by the spirit, it must be fake, it can't be true, how the more and more things develop, the more bizarre.

"Small thoughts, what is going on, the young master, you are like this, I am very worried." Feng De stood aside and asked.

When Xiao Nian thought awkwardly, he didn’t know how to open his teeth. “Ting Ling always said that he had seen someone exactly the same as me, dressed up nicely, and still holding my hairpin.”


"Miyao has always insisted that I was in his room after knowing the existence of the hairpin." When Xiao Nian looked at Feng De, "If that night, Ling always sees me not, but My brother's words"


Feng De’s moment was also the expression of the face of the new world. The lips trembled twice. “No, no, it’s too ridiculous, too bizarre, impossible. Many things can’t be explained. The young master is a man, a small thought. Your brother is also a man, the young master is fainted, and he is not even clear when he is dizzy, but it is not possible."

If that is the case, then it is not waiting for the young master to give the younger brother, or the younger brother to give the young master

Feng De felt that he could not think about it anymore.

"I don't know." When Xiaonian was confused, "Wait for the news of the brother, he went to ask, as long as the ship that Miss Rossi himself boarded, everything is just us guessing."

"Yes, yes."

Feng De feels that it is very tiring to accept this kind of thing when he is old.

When Xiao Nian sighed, he suddenly realized one thing, "Miyao?"

"The young master went inside."


When Xiao Nian’s heart was tight, he pulled out and ran inside. Gong Ou had stubbornly thought that the hair clip was in his room, and he proved that she spent the hour with him. Now I know that the hair clip may fall on In the hands of a person who looks exactly like her, that person is still her twin brother.

Miyao will do something about this, she can't imagine it.

"Miyao Palace Europe"

When Xiao Nian and Feng De rushed inside, they ran into the maid all the way and asked, and Gong Kouwen, who was in class, immediately sneaked into the door and looked around.

"The young master seems to go upstairs."

When Xiao Nian did not take the elevator, he ran straight up the stairs and shouted anxiously. "Miyao, Miyao, are you there?"


No one responded to her.

Ask the servant again, the servant does not know.

Feng De immediately launched everyone to find someone, when the little thoughts were anxious, worried, looking around, every room opened and looked again, even the wardrobes were opened one by one, and even under the bed bent down to see.

and many more.

She knows where he might be.

"Father, find a balcony."

When Xiao Nian rushed out of the room, he shouted to Feng De.

Finally, she and Feng De were on a balcony on the third floor. The whole person sat on the armrest and leaned back against the column. There was no love in the face, and there was a crystal clear blue sky in the distance.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, Xiaomian sighed with relief, tiredly reaching for his sweat on his face and walking towards him. "Miyao, you are coming down."

"Don't come over"

Gong Ou turned to look at her.

"It's dangerous to sit there, come down."

When Xiao Nian continued to walk towards him.

"I said don't come over"

Miyao yelled at her angrily, and when she screamed, she said, "You still said that my brain is big. I think your brain is quite big. Now nothing has been confirmed. Don't think about it."

Wen Yan, Gong Ou's face is slightly slow.

Indeed, nothing has been confirmed yet.

Fengde stood there and wanted to persuade two words. The mobile phone suddenly rang. He looked excited and excited. "Young master, the call from the young master, the young master must have found the result."

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