CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 689: : The prelude to the end

Chapter 689: The Prelude to the End

Miyao looked up and saw that several maids passed through the flowers and shouted loudly. His brows picked up, and soon a small figure entered the eyes of Miyako.

I saw the palace squatting from afar, and rushed directly to the front of Miyao, a beautiful little face was rarely revealed a panic.

"holy young master"

Several maids chased and panted, and when they saw Gongou, they were shocked and quickly bowed their heads. "Young master, sealed housekeeper."

"Running around in front of the young master, there is no rule, how did you tell me when you came in." Fengde stood there and rushed to the maids indifferently.

"Sorry, the housekeeper is the holy master."

"Allow you to push the responsibility to the young master." Feng De interrupted their words. Several maids stood there and did not speak, all of them with their heads low.

Miyazaki looked up and looked at Gong Ou, and turned to run. Miyao extended his hand and grabbed his collar. He lifted him back easily and looked at him coldly and coldly. "What to run?"


Miyazaki lived with his lips and didn't talk. He ran forward desperately, his legs squirming in the air, his hands scribbling in the air, and he struggled to break free.

"Ask you, speak"

Palace Europe is cold and authentic.


Miyazaki still grinned.

Feng De couldn't stand, went forward, pushed a maid, and the maid stood out. "Young master, holy little master is going to find Miss Xiaokui. We told him, Miss Xiaokui was brought by Alisa. Going out to buy a colored pencil, the wife agreed, but the young master is not able to find it, but also said to go out."

Hearing the words, Gong Ou looked down on the palace, "What are you going to do to study?"

"I am going to find Xiao Kui."

Miyazaki said.

"Miss Xiao Kui will be back soon." The maid said helplessly. I really don't know what a young master of the palace is suddenly making troubles. It is not like this.

"You don't understand anything." Gong Yi turned to look at the maids, and there was a sigh of anger on the cold little face. "You don't look for me."

"What reason do you want to find her?"

Miyau asked with his collar, asked coldly.

"The palace is being lifted like a chicken, and the resistance is not allowed. The small mouth moves a few times, and I want to say something and go back."

"Let you talk"

Miyao let go of his collar, and the palace slammed his feet and ran wildly. Miyag Ou's eyebrows, and he took him back again, half a squat down. "You think you can run me, I let you talk." Just talk"

Miyazaki looked at him, his mouth groaning.

"Don't you say that I sent you back to the UK and let my grandmother raise you." Gongou stared at him.

This trick is deadly to the palace. He is now used to living with Xiaonian and Gongkui. He does not want to go back to the UK. He stands in front of Miyao, and his long eyelashes tremble a few times. Say something.

No one heard it.

"speak English"

Miyao is impatient, and the black scorpion stares at him like an eagle.

Miyazaki was caught by Miyagami's gaze, and his teeth were grinded, as if he had made up his mind. He looked at Miyagami and said with a serious statement, "I think Xiaokui is dangerous and want to save her immediately."

He said it was calm and calm.


"I am very uncomfortable here." Miyazaki said that he pointed to his position, and his face was embarrassed, but he quickly recovered. "I have a telepathy with Xiaokui."

No one will believe his statement, and adults will not believe it.

Therefore, he is not as good as he is looking for.

Sure enough, when he heard him, the maids were silently sighing. When Feng De stepped forward, he was going to persuade the palace to not believe in this kind of telepathy, and see the face of Gong Ou suddenly sinking.

"When did it start"

Gong Ou Shen asked.

"Just." Some of the accidents of Miyazaki did not laugh at him, and continued, "I will hurt when she falls, and I will be afraid when she is afraid."

Will he believe it?

Gong Ou Hei was staring at him deeply. He seemed to want to explore something from his face. For a long while, Gong Ou stood up, and the black sly screamed at Feng De. "Call Alisha and ask them to come back." ”

When Xiao Nian said, there is a deep sense between Miyagi and Miyako. Even at a younger age, a cold, another in the UK, will inexplicably catch a cold at the same time.

Shi Xiao Nian has always said that this is a kind of unclear, unclear twin connection. Just like the moment when Xi Xi’s last death, she will not want to live, and feel that the whole person is half cut off.

"The phone went dead."

Feng De called and squatted there, saying that the servant should keep the phone open at all times, but the result is nowhere.

The words fell, Miyao did not say anything, a servant rushed over, like a look of people looking at them, seeing them standing on the small road and then head down, "Young Master, seal the steward."

"What happened to you?"

When Feng De looked at the maid's look, it was not right.

"It is the bob who doesn't know where to go. I am looking for him. I haven't found it for a long time." The maid said.

"When did you see it?" asked Feng De.

"I was one or an hour ago and found out that he was missing."


"Checking the surveillance immediately" Gong Ou came out low, and walked with the palace, and the palace was stunned by his sudden anger, so he had to follow.

Soon, Miyako locked the whole process of things.

Miyako excuses and Alisa out to buy things, bob sneaked into the trunk and followed, and Feng De stood in the monitoring room and looked at the pictures, cautiously said, "Just two children are going out to play, not Something is going on."

Feng De today is like a big bad prophet. Every time he finishes his words, there will always be a worse news.

This time is no exception.

Feng De’s voice just fell, his cell phone rang, he saw Alisha’s call and opened the hands-free, then he heard a crying female voice. “Blocking the housekeeper, not good, bob ran with Miss Xiaokui. The child is terrible, scratching our entire bite."

"Are you a waste? A child of seven or eight years old can't catch it."

Miyao robbed the phone and snarled.

On the side of Gongyi Station, I heard that the small face is already white.

"Sorry, I am sorry, I didn't expect Bob to go crazy suddenly. We have been chasing it all the time, but he ran with Miss Xiaokui wearing a path." Alisa said crying over there.

"Useless things"

Miyag Ouchi slammed the phone on the ground, and the fire did not hit one place.

He stared at the screen with a pair of eyes, and there was a blue vein on his forehead. Feng De stood on the sidelines. "Some of you went to the police to inform Xiao Nian, and several of you went to the scene with me to find Miss Xiaokui."

"Yes, seal the housekeeper."

"Can't tell when you miss"

Miyamoto is now martyrdom.

Everyone was stunned, and Fengde stood by, and he did not know what he was looking at. "Young Master, you don't want to worry about the little thoughts."

Miyao picked up the remote control on the side, slammed it hard, zoomed in on the screen, and fixed the screen in the bob sneaked into the trunk.

The picture is continuously enlarged and enlarged.

Then everyone in the room saw bob's fierce eyes, fierce like a little wolf, full of malicious, full of revenge.

Such a look comes out of the eyes of a child, making people feel uncomfortable.

Miyao violently threw the remote control on the ground. "Can't let the little thoughts know."

When the twins were kidnapped before, the time was almost crazy, and then the palace was held by Mona, she would rather die to protect the palace.

This time, Gong Kui is in the hands of another child, and this child’s eyes are all hatred. It is only more terrible than kidnapping and more than Mona.

The first two times were the palaces, the sons were calm, and the palace was not working. She couldn’t do it like a palace.

Therefore, when you are young, you will only be more anxious and worried.


Can't let her know.

"But we can't find out if we are looking for such a big movement." Feng De stood on the side and said, "How can you hold a small thought at this time?"

"What time is it?"

Miyao asked coldly.

“Mrs. prepare afternoon tea in the kitchen.” The maid on the side replied.

Xiao Nian has been staying in the kitchen, so I have not received any news.

Miyaguro stood there, the black scorpion sank, looked at Fengde slyly, and acted decisively. "Now bring her to the boat and start right away."

"Now everyone has not gathered yet." Feng De lived.

"I can't manage so much. I can't let the little thoughts stay here. I went to find Xiaokui." Miyao said, Feng De frowned. "How long can this drag?"

"I dragged me to find Xiaokui," Miyao yelled at him and said, "I don't understand."

"Yes, young master."

"Go to your business"

Miyagou did not delay any time. After leaving the words, he went out and used his fingers to loosen the neckline. ** His son and daughter were added up and caught three times.

It seems that these bodyguards have to change their blood.

One by one is waste

Miyao strode forward, and the corner of the clothes was suddenly caught. He lowered his head and saw the palace standing next to him, looking up at him. The tender voice was calm. "I am going with you." ""

"What use do you have?"

Gongou asked.

Miyazaki was asked not to feel insulted. He looked at Miyao and calmly said, "I have a telepathy with Xiaokui, I can find her."

He believes in telepathy, right, unlike the maids, he is nonsense.

"It’s good to say you."

Gong Ou directly took him out and walked out.

When I was in the kitchen to prepare afternoon tea, I was very busy. I didn’t notice the discoloration of the outside world. The recent days have been very dull and flat.

She likes such a touch of happiness.

As she did while she was gently humming the song, she decorated the little cherry and put it on the cake. Today, she is in a good mood, and she will do something for Miyato.

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