CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 719: : She is the person he is looking for

Chapter 719: She is the person he is looking for

Feng De eventually returned, and the words of Ekra were too fatal for him.

He stood there, turned his head and looked at the altar, and there was a huge crystal above the altar. The sun shone through the top, and the crystal was so beautiful that it should not appear in the human world.

There is a woman in the crystal, a beautiful woman.

She was beautifully dressed, her veil covered her face, her eyes closed, her face thin and pale, and she had no breath of survival.

is her.

Actually it is her.

She is the new goddess, she became a new goddess.


The knife in the hands of Feng De fell to the ground. The whole person suddenly walked like a dead body, could not see the other, only looked at the person in the crystal, "no"

Like a slowing shot, Feng De screamed wildly at the altar.


Gong Ou screamed in anger and could not stop Feng De's footsteps.

When Xiao Nian was shocked to see the figure of Feng De, he couldn’t think too much, and he was subconsciously approaching Miyao. He only listened to Ikra’s thoughts and rushed over, and yelled, “Give me the woman’s”

Irak can see how important this woman is to Miyako.

The words fell, and countless sharp weapons spurred toward the time.

"Don't mess up"

When Xiao Nian immediately went back, Ikra’s hand had not touched her, and Miyao had panicked. When he let go of Berger, he slammed into Ekra, and his tall body was blocked. In front of me, my brows are tight.

The action of Miyako is unthinking and the most wrong decision.

Without Berger, they didn't even have the qualifications for negotiation.

Soon, the guards clasped their weapons at them, surrounded them, and they screamed at them with fierce anger. Berger recovered his breath and quickly licked his neck. He shouted in a desperate manner. "All **** and tied up." ”

Everything happens too fast, they are not instigated, they can only be manipulated.

Palace Ou Hei slammed coldly to Feng De. Feng De did not care what happened here. He was desperately rushing toward the altar. Like a wild beast, his hand touched the altar. At that moment, a guard speared his shoulder with a spear.


When Xiao Nian was worried, he shouted.

Fengde stood there, his body stiffened, his face pale, and he slammed his teeth on the altar, completely ignoring the blood on his shoulders.

When Xiao Nian looked worriedly at Fengde, more than a dozen guards came together. The injured Feng De was pulled from the altar column hard. When he fell to the ground, his hand still reached the crystal. The direction.

In the sun, the light reflected from the crystal is very glaring.

Feng De was dragged to the ground heavily. At that moment, Xiao Nian deeply felt his despair.

Finally, the ceremony of God's will was interrupted, and Ms. Ou, Shi Xiao Nian and his party were tied to their hands and feet and thrown into a cold prison.

Palace Europe sits on the ground against the wall. The ground is cold and cold, and there is a layer of dust. The face of Gong Ou is so ugly that the black face is screaming at the side of the floor, and I can't wait to rush to kill him.

Feng De fell there and couldn’t move. He couldn’t see what he was thinking.

Su Yaoyao sat alone in the corner, soaking hard.

In the quiet prison, when Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, he whispered his name, "Miyao."

Upon hearing her voice, Miyagami’s face slowed down slightly and turned to her deeply. “Are you okay, does the rope hurt you?”

"No." Xiao Nian shook his head and looked at his handsome face, some guilty. "I'm sorry, I can't help you at all. The key moment will only become your weakness. If I will work hard, I will do it." You don't have to worry about me that much."

She was not panicked by others, and she was subconsciously trained to protect her.

She is his weakness.

He is her armor.

"I don't care about you," Miyagami said, he still doesn't blame her for this kind of thing. "You have to learn what Kung Fu is doing, your hand is not used to learn Kung Fu."

Her hands can draw, can cook, but do not have to learn Kung Fu.


When Xiaonian sat quietly there, his hands were tied tightly. Now it’s too late to say anything, waiting for them and still don’t know what it is.

She always asks Gong Ou when she has no clue. What should I do now? I can see the eyebrows that Miao Ou has wrinkled at this moment. She suddenly can’t ask.

This time on the island, he said so casual, so relaxed, saying that it is only for honeymoon, but in fact the most stressful is him.

When Xiao Nian moved to his side, he moved to him.

Gong Ou looked down at her, she looked to the side of Feng De, Feng De fell there, the blood on the shoulders was always flowing, when the small thoughts, "Father, are you okay?"


Feng De did not have any sound.

When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, Gong Ou was cold and cold, "Don't care if he is not enough, and he has more than enough waste."

He had guessed something early, that is, he was worried that Feng De could not help himself. He personally rushed out to clamp down on Berger and took control of the overall situation. He did not listen to the order that eventually listened to him.

Made this way, it’s all the fault of Feng De.

"Miyao." When Xiao Nian whispered to him, he stopped him from speaking in such a tone. She couldn't see the expression of Feng De. "I was a little worried about my righteous father. He was hurt and his emotions were so excited."

"Let him die"

Palace Europe is cold and cold, and there is nowhere to hide.


He can not be afraid of death. At that time, Xiao Nian, for a vegetative person in a crystal, took the time to get so dangerous, damn

When Xiao Nian leaned on Gong Ou's body, looking at Feng De's figure, the black and white eyes were full of worry. After a moment, she asked, "Father, the goddess is Angelina, the tree is to grow at the seaside. Tree, right?"

This is already a good guess.

It was said that Feng De’s figure on the floor trembled, which indicated that he was listening to her. He was still fine, not dead, not coma.

"Why did she become a goddess?"

When Xiao Nian asked himself, he said to himself.

Heavenly daughters, vegetative people, using all the bad means to force a healthy person to become a vegetative person, the process of this cruel can be imagined.

It’s not that you are still alive, it’s actually living in this way.


A cry that couldn’t stop sounding.

When Xiaonian turned his head, I saw Su Yaoyao sitting in the corner and crying. It was probably scared. How could a young girl not be afraid of this?

Gong Ou cold eyes swept over, his eyes swept through the door, his tone instantly cooled down. "For a vegetative person, you will not take the life of a small affair, Feng De, I used to be jealous, you will appoint you as a housekeeper."


When you are missing your eyebrows, don't be worse off at this time.

The righteous father just learned that the person he was looking for was still alive, and he had not yet had time to be happy and knew that the other person was living in a vegetative state. This kind of shock can be heard.

"You don't stop me from doing it." Gong Ouyi glanced at her. "Why can't I say that this old man has completely delayed our life, it is a vegetative person."


Feng De fell to the ground without moving. He knew that he was jealous and did not refute one sentence.

"What a goddess, because she is all here, we are going to die here." Gong Ou gnashed his teeth. "How can she be so big, being persecuted and succeeding in becoming a vegetative person? She should die early and live early."

Upon hearing this, Feng De’s body shuddered and was a little excited.


When Xiao Nian was speechless to Gong Ou, he was already angry and lost his mind. What about the Angelina?

"This kind of woman has no mind, but she is willing to be deceived by you. When she was born, she didn't bring her mind out. It should have died." Gong Ou poisoned her tongue and insulted the goddess who was locked in the crystal.

He is using English.

When Xiao Nian used his body to hit him, Gong Ou still didn't stop. He kept groaning, Su Yaoyao cried more painfully, and Feng De shook even more.

"Enough, young master"

Feng De suddenly sounded, and the voice suppressed the endless pain. He was **** with his hands and feet, and sat **** the ground. A pair of red eyes looked at Gong Ou. "Young master, I know this is my fault, I am It is death that will protect you, but it has nothing to do with Angelina, and has nothing to do with her, please ask the young master to show his affection."

He has heard the poisonous tongue of Miyao numerous times, but this time, he is unbearable.

The fault is him, he has always been just wrong.

"You are damn"

Miyao was cold and cold, and the black scorpion glanced at the door.

"Miyao, don't say it."

When I was thinking about my eyebrows, I don’t have a good mood in this situation. It’s useless to blame.

"I am damn." Feng De was so excited in front of Miyao for the first time. The wrinkles on his face were distorted. The feeling of self-blame almost engulfed him. "Young master, I ask you not to say it again. Damn, whether it’s decades ago or decades later, it’s **** me, I’m the most damn”

"You have no time for it."

An angry voice came.

When Xiao Nian lifted up, Ike, who saw the bear's back, walked in from the outside, glared at them, then walked to the front of Feng De, kneeling down and grabbing his collar and glaring at him. What are you using now, my sister has become a goddess?"

"Sorry, Ikra."

In the face of Ekra, Feng De has only this sentence.

"Do you know how much my sister suffered in the past, because you ran, the old master wanted to bury her, and then disposed of our home, but she told the old master that she volunteered to spend a year to become a goddess. Others were When she was forced to suffer sin, she took the initiative to take the sin." Ekra said, the tone was very excited. "In that year, our family was ridiculed by the people on the island. We can’t close our doors. What we think about every day is nothing else. How to make my sister a goddess."


Feng De was grabbed by his collar and refused to listen. "Don't say, don't say it."

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