CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 726: : I am here to save you.

Chapter 726: I am here to save you.

Do not.

She still has a save.

She still saved, she can wake up again.

"The righteous father."

When Xiao Nian went all the way to the other side, Gong Gong continued to shoot the gun with the gun and shouted, "Catch the Boller, the bounty will be mentioned by you."

"Xie Da Shaoye"

Upon hearing this, the bodyguards rushed in and rushed into the forest.

The guards suddenly pushed the huge crystals to the side, and then took Berger and smashed them. When Xiaonian ran to the side of Fengde, he reached out to help him. "Father, get up."

"Tree, tree."

Feng Dezhen was on the ground, and there was already a good place in his body. His blood was streaked. He lifted up the mud and the face of the blue, and his eyes looked at the crystal that was pushed aside.

Crystal fell to the ground, and Angelina was also falling down. She couldn't perceive anything, just sleeping silently.

"Father, you must get up first."

When Xiao Nian said, he tried to pull him up.

"Give me back, give it back to me." Feng De opened his cracked lips and murmured, letting the execution of the forest become a mess, he only saw the crystal, and climbed toward the crystal step by step on the ground.

His fingers, which have been trimmed cleanly, have traced them on the ground. Every step of the climb seems to have exhausted the strength of life, and the blood that has been brought up again and again is shocking.

He is climbing towards the crystal.

When Xiao Nian stood there and saw Feng De, he felt uncomfortable immediately, shouting, "Palace, help me."

The palace has been standing by her side, and the words immediately followed the little thoughts and walked over, and the crystals that fell to the ground were lifted up.

Feng De climbed hard toward the crystal step by step, and finally climbed to the side of the crystal. He climbed the crystal with his muddy hand and sat **** the ground. He looked at the beautiful woman in the crystal and pulled his lips. It seems like laughing and laughing, like crying and crying.

"It's okay, I am here to save you. I am here to save you."


When I heard the hoarse voice, Xiaoyan’s eyes couldn’t help but be sour. The righteous father was so cultivated, so the clean-loving person could not become like himself since the righteous father came to the island.

All the memories, owes, anger, self-blame, and affection are all coming together. She has never seen the righteous father like this.

She is very distressed and very distressed.

In the execution, the gunshots of the forest were everywhere. When Xiaonian squatted down the crystal, his hand touched it on the crystal, and his eyes were carefully observed. Finally, she touched a switch.

She turned the switch on and turned the crystal into two halves. Angelina sat inside, motionless, a pale and beautiful face, very low eyebrows, eyes closed, eyelashes hanging down, lips no color .

When I saw the crystal, I opened the crystal. Feng De immediately stood up and took Angelina out, but he couldn’t stand even at the moment. The whole person trembled and shook his hand toward Angeli. Caressed.

The fingertips had not touched Angelina’s face, and the Fengde people suddenly planted it on the ground and passed out.


When Xiao Nian was shocked and widened his eyes.

Not too laborious, with the cooperation of the Ekra guards, the palace family took Berg Island in just one night, and the police also intervened.

Berger was arrested.

The old traditions of Burgh Island will be gone forever.

Gong Ou, Feng De are serious injuries, not suitable for immediate bumps, so they are temporarily staying on the island, when Xiao Nian stayed up all night to take care of Miyao and Feng De.

On the following day, the palace and the spirit of the European Union resumed and they began to manage the island with the palace.

In the room, Feng De was lying in bed and fell asleep. When she was looking at the infusion in the infusion tube, she took a hot towel and wiped her face. She quietly stared at the bed.

The righteous father is so old, even if he has survived this level, I am afraid that the body will not be as good as before.

"The trouble doctor."

When Xiao Nian went to the doctor, he nodded, then walked out of the room and went upstairs. Angelina was lying in the room upstairs. He was also receiving infusion therapy. Su Yaoyao was next to the bed and his face was faint. Sleepy.

When Xiao Nian stood there and looked at the woman on the bed, her brow snorted slightly. The doctor said that Angelina’s old age was too much, the legs were completely paralyzed, and the calves shrank so badly that it should be in the horse. Under the trample into a disability.

The doctor said that I don't know how Angelina survived. It may be that I am a vegetative person.

When Xiao Nian could not help but sigh, the voice woke up Su Yaoyao, Su Yaoyao opened her eyes to see her, her eyes red.

"Are you ok"

When Xiao Nian asked with concern.

Su Yaoyao nodded bitterly, and what information was held in one hand, it should be written by a doctor. When Xiaonian walked over and asked, "Is the doctor's final diagnosis? How can I wake up?"

Wen Yan, Su Yaoyao's eyes are red again, and then handed the information to Xiao Nian.

When Xiao Nian took the information and saw the final diagnosis, the whole person was stunned. Su Yaoyao reached out and wiped away the tears on his face. "The doctor said that after the final observation, the mother's body has been overdrawn to the end, she Maybe not even a month."

"How come." When Xiao Nian was stunned, his face became paler and he was busy. "You don't worry, now the medicine is very developed. There must be a cure. It may be that these doctors can't do it."

"No matter how powerful the doctor is, there is no way to rejuvenate the withered organs." Su Yaoyao said, his voice choked badly.


When Xiao Nian couldn't speak, Su Yaoyao was more clear than she thought.

"If it wasn't for us to come at this time, wouldn't we even see her last side?" Su Yaoyao said to the woman on the bed, her hand sobbing with her lips.

"No, no." When Xiao Nian wrinkled the paper in his hand and threw it aside, he said, "There must be a cure. Your mother is such a strong person. She, now that you and the righteous are waiting for her, she will not be embarrassed."

Upon hearing this, Su Yaoyao cried even more.

"You don't cry, listen to me." Shi Xiaonian said, "Don't tell the righteous father this time."


Su Yaoyao looked at her with wet eyes.

"The father's injury is too heavy, and the mood is too fluctuating. At this time, if you know your mother's condition, I am afraid he can't hold it." When Xiao Nian took Su Yaoyao's arm and looked at her, "I know." You hate the behavior of the righteous father."

"Don't you hate it?" Su Yaoyao asked, "If it weren't for him, how could the mother lie here, how would he take the initiative to be the goddess?"

She suffered too much, because she was a man who abandoned her head and did not return.

"The righteous father is not such a cold-blooded person. I have never believed that he will treat your mother so decisively." Shi Xiaonian stood in front of her and said, "So I went to Yikla, your mother told him that the righteousness. The father actually wanted to take her with him, and even later wanted to stay with him."

"He has thought about staying"

Su Yaoyao can't believe the authenticity.

Feng De just used Angelina, how could it be emotional.

"Yes." When Xiaonian nodded, "I asked, when the righteous father went because his mother was ill, his mother did not want to die in the place where her husband was abused, so she insisted on going out, the righteous father only Be filial."


"If only the righteous father is alone, I can assure you that the righteous father will not leave your mother alone." Shi Xiaonian said, "The righteous father is really a good person. Over the years, he has always been like a biological daughter to me. In general, everything protects me and helps me."


Su Yaoyao stood there, his eyes were a bit stunned and he seemed to be thinking about something.

When Xiao Nian did not understand why she would show such an expression, it was not doubt, not resistance, but stunned, "Miss Su"

Su Yaoyao stunned, then stunned and looked at her, silent.

"Miss Su, please be sure to promise me, don't stimulate the righteous father because of this incident." Shi Xiaonian said, looking down at the daughter on the bed, "She is your biological mother, the father is your father, No?"

She is very afraid that because of Angelina's affairs, Su Yaoyao will anger to the righteous father.

The righteous father can't really take on more blows.

Su Yaoyao stood there. For a long time, she nodded somewhat stiffly. "You can rest assured that I will not deliberately stimulate him. He also saved me."

Today at the beach, if it wasn’t for Feng De’s desperate to jump into the sea to save her, she had already drowned in the sea with the waves.

"You are so good to think so, then you will accompany your mother, I will go down and see. You can rest assured that I will try my best to save your mother." When Xiao Nian said, then turned and went out.

Going to the door, there is something in my mind when I miss it.

She turned her head and looked at Su Yaoyao. Su Yaoyao re-attached to Angelina's bed. When she was soft, her lips moved and wanted to ask, but she did not ask.

When Xiao Nian left to go downstairs, he was very heavy.

It’s hard to get through the weather. I didn’t expect Angelina to have reached the end of her life. How can I accept it?

When Xiao Nian went to his room and didn't go in, he heard the low voice of Gong Ou. "The material that was underground from the execution of the forest was dug out. It should be a small fortune."

"alone swallow"

The voice of the palace was followed.

"Of course, I am so swallowed, I am so hurt, this is very little compensation." Gong Ou said, the tone is very mad.

"You can do it. If you run to find a robot, you can make a fortune. The ability to make money is still no one can get you, and teach me when."

"This you can't learn."


"The appearance problem."


They are already talking about the disposal of Burgh Island.

When Xiao Nian licked his lips and walked forward, Gong Ou and Gong Yizheng were discussing warmly. Miyao sat on the bed with a coat on his body. When he saw it, he was dissatisfied with the tunnel. "Where did you go?" Are you so busy?"

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