CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 742: : Honeymoon Second Station

Chapter 742: Honeymoon Second Station

Miyao stopped, picked up the phone and glanced at it, then pressed a few times on the button on the car to connect the broken phone back.

It is the sound of the outside.

It is the phone of Miyazaki.

When Xiaonian sat on the co-pilot, a slender hand held her over the gear, and the ten fingers were interlocked. When Xiao Nian thought this, his hand was very hot and a little sweaty.

She stunned.

This is the first time she saw Gong Mei driving and sweating. She thought that she had to wait for the first tension in the pregnancy during pregnancy, or did she find a way to calm him down?

Just thinking, I heard the sound of Gong Yi’s voice rang in the car. “Miyao, where are you now, I have an important thing to tell you.”

The voice of the palace is eager.

"what happened"

Miyao asked when the hand of Xiao Nian was coldly held.

"I just got ready to sort out a little more information about Dr. Luo, but let me see something." Miyazaki said over there, "This Dr. Luo had received the favor of the Lancastrian family, against Lan. The Kastel family is highly respected."


When Xiao Nian sat there, if she was drinking water now, she must have spouted out at the moment.

Lancaster, how is it related to Lancaster.

"Are you listening? Our family and the Lancaster family have been tempted from the same year. After Mona’s death, there are two more. The whole world knows that we have two enemies." Miyazaki said, "This When you go to the doctor like this, you must go to the doctor with his arrogant personality."

When Xiao Nian glanced at the face of Miyako, Miyako’s face was calm and her hand was tight.

"But brother, don't you know Dr. Luo?"

When the little thought asked doubtfully.

"I was using the identity of Mr. y to communicate with him. He didn't know that I was the young master of the palace." Gong Yu said.

It turned out to be the case.

When Xiao Nian was hurt by Gong Ou, she looked at Gong Ou, and said softly, "Forget it, Gong Ou, let's go back, I don't think I have any problems with my body."

Miyao was sitting there with a cold face, and she was stunned to her, and she said in a word, "You said that his medical skills are quite brilliant, and almost no failure."

This is what I said to the palace.

Miyazaki paused over there. "This is what I have seen with my own eyes. It is true. His personality is more arrogant and he is addicted to medical skills. It is a genius. But it is useless. When you pass, he recognizes you, I I can guarantee that even if he is willing to rule for you, he will definitely be a black hand, and he will do it."


When Xiao Nian was low, waiting for the return trip, he heard the sound of Gong Ou Ling’s screaming, "If I want him to heal when he is healed,"

Doctors with high medical skills and outstanding achievements in this area are too difficult to find.

Don't just say that you are favored by Lancaster, that is, people in Lancaster, he is also looking for cure.

"This is impossible, unless Dr. Luo can't recognize you." Gong Yi said that he laughed. "This is even more impossible. Who knows the name of your palace?"

Can't recognize them

When Xiaoyan’s long eyelashes trembled, there was a spirit that flew into her mind. She turned around and saw that Miyau also stared at her deeply, and the light was shining.

It seems that they thought of a piece.

"How did you introduce us to Dr. Luo?"

Miyao asked coldly.

"I said that my brother's wife had a dim sum when she was pregnant for the first time. I wanted to ask him to take a look and didn't mention your name." Miyazaki said.

"Okay, I must have this doctor to cure the disease, brother, you will come over immediately, first to drag out Dr. Luo, and then lead us to see."

Miyau hangs up and hangs up the phone. When reminding me to check the seat belt, hold the steering wheel with both hands and step on the throttle to drive in the other direction.

In a strange image design room, the space is spacious, the windows are clear, the facilities are high-end, and the palace stands at the door to send all the customers out.

The uniformed staff all surrounded the palace and the time behind the little thoughts, looking at them from the mirror, each person's face was excited and nervous.

Palace Europe.

They can actually see Miyako in this store, as well as the series of robots he developed, just like dreaming.

On the TV, Obibi has seen a few hundred times more handsome on TV. The eyes are just a stunned look.

When Xiao Nian and Gong Ou were sitting on the leather swivel chair, she looked at the staff behind her from the mirror, not to mention the woman. The men looked at the palace and could not move their eyes, and the pair was stunned. .

As for it.

I have never seen Gong Ou, the guests are on the door, and they are not coming up to ask, what is the meaning of standing there?

Finally, a group of people in the staff group who came out with a manager's sign came out, and went professionally to them. They bowed down respectfully. "Mr. Gong, Mrs. Gong, what kind of image do you need to design?" ”

“It’s not like our own.”

Palace Europe is cold and authentic.


The manager stunned, what is totally different from their own.

When Miyao finished speaking, he was too lazy to say it again. When he was sitting on the side, he added, "This is the case. Recently, when we go out, someone can recognize us. We want to have a honeymoon without worry, so we want to design that. Walking on the street, others can't recognize the image."

"Oh, understand." The manager suddenly realized, "It may take a little longer, we need to make some face-friendly props."

"No, not so much time"

Miyao is cold and cold, and he has so much time to make it easy.

Upon hearing the strong voice of Gongou, the manager couldn't help but bend over. The whole person was buried on the ground, and some trembled and said, "This is the case. Mr. Gong, who wants to walk on the road, is not recognized at all. It is impossible to do it without processing a little."

"I can't do it, I can't do it." Gong Ouhei gave him a cold look. "I only give you an hour."

"How can it be an hour?"

"On an hour" Gong Ou Hei looked at him gloomyly, and his eyes passed a threat. "You can't do it. A person who can't even do what customers can't do. I don't understand what qualifications to be a manager."

"Mr. Gong, Gong Gong"

The manager was weakened by the meaning of his words.

"You don't have to be so nervous." Gong Ou is cold and cold. "I just like to complain more, and my complaints are generally very useful."

Of course, it works. He is Gong Ou, who doesn't want to sell him a face.

When Xiao Nian sat next to a black line and looked at Gong Ou, he was really a threat to the red fruit. She looked at the manager and asked, "Is there really no such fast dressing method?"

This time it is more serious than going to the Burgh Island to dress up. The people on the island have not touched the outside, but Dr. Luo is not living alone, and 100% recognize them.

The manager has already squatted on the ground among them, swallowed his throat, thought about it, and then said, "If you have to change in such a short time, you can’t change from the five senses, then only From the temperament."


When the little thoughts are stunned.

"Yes, the temperament of a person's image will be different, and the temperament will affect the visual effect of the five senses, which is also a way." The manager said.

"This sounds good." When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, "What do you think?"

Miyau Emei, cold and authentic, "Just like this, start right away."

"Okay, start right away," the manager listened to their consent and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, reached out and wiped the sweat, and turned and said, "Let's hurry up, put the wigs and clothing out, we have to design a plan in ten minutes."

When Xiao Nian sat there, watching a group of staff picking up between the costumes and the wigs, the makeup artist ran over and held the powder boxes of various colors on the face of Xiao Nian, preparing. Pick the best one.

"It’s going to be changed again. It feels really wonderful."

When Xiao Nian said, the last time she was a female college student, Gong Ou was a university professor. This time, I don’t know what they want to become.

Miao Ou's brows are twisted. He is now thinking about treating the disease. He has no time to think about the leisure time.

He watched the makeup artist take out a box of powder cakes, and said coldly, "take the best cosmetics, you can't use any harmful elements that penetrate into the skin."

"Yes, Mr. Gong, we will be the most natural kind of cosmetics for Mrs. Palace."

The makeup artist nodded and said, nervously sweating.

"Don't be nervous, we just want the image that others can't recognize, not deliberately looking for it." Shi Xiao Nian understands that these staff members have been threatened by the threat of Gong Ou.

"I understand, Mrs. Gong." The makeup artist stood behind her, touched her chin when she touched her hand, and looked at her edges and how to make up. "Mrs. Nagata, I started, the clothes are not urgent, the first How do you look at the makeup?"


When the little thought nodded.

There was also a makeup artist who walked over to the palace, and looked at the mirror in the palace. I began to think about how to start, and then I picked up the eyebrows. "Mr. Gong, do you mind if I fix your eyebrows?"


Gong Ou is cold and fluent, dressing up and changing, but also eyebrows and illness.

The makeup artist was dumbfounded, and he was very mean. "Mr. Gong, your eyebrows are too sharp, with a strong personal color, not soft enough. Even if you change your clothes and wigs, others can still see it at a glance."

I can see it at a glance.

That won't work.

He wants to treat the little thoughts.

Miyao sat there holding her arms and looking at herself in the mirror coldly. For a long while, he promised, "Repair."

For the sake of time, let’s not fix the eyebrows, but how to scrape the two eyebrows.

"it is good."

The makeup artist started to get started.

Xiao Nian sat quietly there, watching the makeup artist make up for her. She seemed to understand the change in temperament. She saw that the makeup artist was applying all the thick ink to her face.

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