CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 749: : I have been in contact with me for six days.

Chapter 749: Communicating with me for six days

"any request"

Miyao asked without thinking.

"I will stay with you for seven days. You will be in contact with me for six days. On the last day, I will start treating your wife." Lori said, one word and one accent.


When the water in the mouth of Xiaoyan was sprayed out, I couldn’t help it.

The red wine that Gong Gong just drank was also sprayed out, and there was no trace of elegance.

Therefore, Lore’s first look is not because of the time, but because of the palace

The person he looks at is not a small thought, but a palace.

Luo Lie heard the sound turned and turned, and they looked at them with a cold eyes. His expression did not change a bit, as if he had said that the shocking saying was not his.

Miyazaki became accustomed to the etiquette of the nobility. When he saw it, he immediately began to speak. "Sorry, it happened to pass, and happened to pass."

After that, Miyazaki felt that he was embarrassed. His acquaintance was in contact with his married younger brother. He should stop it, or Lorry would be miserable.


Loreley stood there and did not speak.

When Xiao Nian reached out and grabbed his mouth, he looked at Gong Ou in the eyes. He saw that Miyau stood there, and there was no expression on his face. It was like petrochemical. This is probably the first time he was pursued by a man. .

Lorry looked at the time and thought, and the meaning of the challenge was revealed in his eyes. When Xiao Nian thought of his own image, he immediately straightened his back, and his eyes with thick eyeliner were slightly picky, and he did not want to show his weakness to Lore. My heart is already rushing.

What is this?

Going to Burgh Island, Su Yaoyao admired Miyao.

Come to a small Chinatown, and a strange doctor such as Luo Li clearly pursues the palace Europe.

Miyao is also worried that others will catch up with her, and she is now licking her rivals all over the world.

"Since you heard it, I don't want to hide it. Madam, what do you think?"

Lorry looked at the time and asked, and asked honestly.

how to think.

He actually asked her what she thought.

When Xiao Nian’s heart drifted past six points.

Miyao stood behind Lore, a pair of black scorpions screaming at Loire through the lens, and the hand hanging on the side of the body clenched into a fist, almost rushed up.

Seeing Miyau's appearance, Miyazaki immediately pretended to arbitrarily photographed the arm of Xiao Nian, when Xiao Nian glanced at Gong Ou, then looked at Loire with a cold face and raised his chin slightly. "Doctor Luo, you are now Oh my husband, what do you think I will think?"

"You should think that you are very visionary, that your man is good enough to be loved by others." Lorry said seriously.


"I know that you are married, I don't want to break your marriage, I just want to spend six days with him, I can't go to bed." Lori continued, simple and direct.


"Mrs. I don't ask your family name, don't ask your family name. When you leave, we won't meet again." Loe said. "You don't think this is a good deal, you rule. I am sick, your husband is a doctor."

"Doctor Luo, I am sorry, I have a problem." Shi Xiao Nian said.

Lore stood in front of the aquarium, and the light smudged a faint color on his face. He opened his mouth coldly, "What are you asking?"

"Is your three views being eaten by dogs?"

He actually seriously discussed with her to let her take care of her husband.


This time, Luo Li is speechless.

Miyazaki stood by the side of Xiao Nian, and looked at Gong Ou. The face of Gong Ou had turned black from Tie Qing, raised his palm, and almost went down to Luo Lie.

He is fed up

This deadly doctor

When I saw it, I was shocked when I was young, and I quickly went to Luo Lie Road. "Doctor Luo, he is my husband, I will not let you give it, I will not let you even if I am not cured, let alone six days, one second. The clock won't work."

Hurry and stop, he will not save him if he wants to talk about it.

Miyag Ou, the hair is still alive.

When Xiao Nian’s eyes unconsciously moved around Miyao and Lori, watching the palace’s black face squatting down, she closed her eyes subconsciously, and she heard that Luo Li said indifferently. In this case, I am not reluctant to you, you are free, I will not see this disease."

It was said that Gong Ou’s hand was stiff in the air and his face was white.

Miyazaki frowned and said to Lori, "Luo Lie, we are also a acquaintance. You don't think you are so despicable, and run counter to the doctor's professional conduct."

"You don't know me for two or two days. I never do anything about the professional conduct of doctors." Lori was cold and cold, and brazenly admitted his brazenness. He still looked at the time, "I know you guys." The home is what you said, his gentle and unassuming temper will only pamper you as a queen. If you want to cure, you will only have this way."


When Xiao Nian was a little angry, he just wanted to blurt out, "I am not cured." Gong Ou's eyes were one step faster than her words. Gong Ouyi shook her head slightly.

She used to listen to his orders, and she swallowed her words back in a timely manner.

Luo Li thought that she really hesitated, could not help but scream, turned to look at Gong Ou, Gong Ou immediately dropped his hand, Luo Li said, "Look, she is still relatively selfish, but she is very smart, don't To say that this city is a country, even if you look at the whole world, people who can professionally treat pregnant women can hardly find the number of hands, and there are fewer people."


Miyao looked at him silently, and he used his endurance to train and restrained. He asked, "You are really so powerful."

He spoke almost a word, and Xiao Nian knew that if he didn't say so, he would become a word and be full of anger.

"I can guarantee, give me a week, I will cure your wife, so that you can keep a happy heart to meet this child." Lori said, staring straight at Miyao, began to confuse him .


When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, the eyes were full of rejection, hoping that he could see her hope, she would not use this way for the so-called treatment.

He is her and does not belong to others.

Miyaguro black stare at Loire in front of him, and he is taller than him, but because of the image gap, all his sharp edges and corners have been weakened a lot.

He moved his lips, "Why me?"


When Xiao Nian was there, he stared at Gong Ou.

She thought that he was going to refuse. I didn't expect him to say something like this. Is he crazy? Is it really necessary to interact with others for a heart disease that may not exist before?

When Xiaoyan’s eyebrows rushed forward, Gong Yi stood by and pulled her, and her eyes glanced at her, indicating that she would not act rashly.

When Xiao Nian’s brow suddenly became tighter.

"Why are you?" Loely looked at Miyazaki, and a pair of indifferent eyes suddenly felt a little more stunned. After a long time, "Because you and my predecessor are very similar."

“Like how like”

Miyao asked.

“It’s a lot like it.”

Lori said.

"Is it similar in temperament? Why I never heard you mention it." Miyazaki stood there and asked, looking at them with a pair of eyes, because the elegant and weak look of Miyau’s body made Lori think of himself. predecessor

"This kind of thing is not necessary to see people, let's talk about it." Lolie said, turning to look at the palace, "Can you talk to me and two people, can you leave first?"

"You still want me to leave, I won't promise. He is my husband. He won't associate with anyone other than me."

When Xiao Nian looked at this lonely man incredulously, he didn’t feel that he had any problems with his own practice.

Also let her leave.

Really are

"This should be his own choice." Lori did not humble and said, "Do you want to look at the development of the two people in your marriage, so he will not follow your eyes, you I started to make trouble, and because I fell into a heart disease, right?"


It’s all wrong.

To what extent is this, when Xiaoyan’s mouth is about to speak, he will listen to Gong’s side and say, “I was sorry for her during that time, so she would get sick.”

The sound quality of Miyako could not hear his original character. Obviously, he was prepared to disguise it.

"Because you are sorry for her once, she will start riding on your head."

Lorry asked coldly.

"Dr. Luo, you are too ridiculous, I don't want to cure this disease." Shi Xiao Nian said coldly, and was preparing to spread all the words, and was taken by the palace.

"You don't want to be like this, let them have a good chat."

Miyazaki said, he looked at Gong Ou, and it was Gong Ou who gestured to him. He understood that Miyao had a lot of thoughts and thought that he could give birth to this child smoothly, and Miyake would do whatever it takes.


When Xiao Nian frowned, it was too late to say anything, and the person was taken away by the palace.

Only left Miyao and Lori are over there.

Two people stood in front of the aquarium and chatted. The mood of Gongou was always well controlled. There was no sign of fire in front of Luo Lie, but Xiao Nian was very uncomfortable.

She wants to go and is caught by the palace.

"Brother, are you also following the palace?" Xiao Nian couldn't help but say, "You are all crazy, for a heart disease, let the palace and other people associate with the doctor, knowing that we are husbands and wives, whether he has Can this person really cure the disease?"

"I said it earlier, Lore is a strange doctor, and he has never acted."

Miyazaki said.

"Then he can ask the patient's family to come. I can't agree." When Xiao Nian turned and was about to leave, she was once again pulled by the palace, and she opened his hand hard.

"Small thoughts, you calm down." The palace smashed his eyebrows. "You should know how nervous you are in the palace."

In a word, let the little thoughts wrinkle there.

Miyazaki stood by the window and said, "He doesn't sleep all night to find information to cure your heart. I don't know the specific situation. He only told me that his original mistake would make you like this. You gave birth to a twin body that was once bad."

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