CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 761: : Only you can cure her

Chapter 761: Only you can cure her

He does not even know the real name of the palace.

He has never seen the face of the palace without covering anything.

But he still fell in love.

He spent the most difficult time with the palace, and after he left the palace, he left him with a black box.

When Xiao Nian looked at Luo Lie, I felt a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Lore stood in front of the bookshelf for a while, suddenly turned to look at the time, Xiaoyan, weak and cold, "Well, you know everything now, open your conditions."


When I was young, I didn’t understand what he was saying.

"You don't have to play these tricks, just a little more," said Luo Lie. "Or do you think that knowing my secrets like this, and nothing will be exposed will make my heart soft and cure you?"


When Xiao Nian looked at him silently, his precautions and arrogance were very heavy. No wonder everything left him an inch of space. Even the confession was not chosen when others were awake.

"Say it."

Lorry looked at her.

"We have to go." Xiao Nian faintly.


Luo Lie squatted.

"Dr. Luo, we are really seeking medical treatment. If you don't know that you are under the Lancaster family, we will not play any tricks. We are not deceiving, nor will we resort to cure for illness. "When Xiao Nian said indifferently."

"That's just you." Lorry said coldly. "The one in your family, I see what he did."

After the palace, the big president of ne can change clothes for the treatment of illness, and can be willing to associate with a man. Even this injury is given by the palace.

When I heard the words, I couldn’t help but smile, and then calmly said, "Dr. Luo, it’s not easy for me and Miyao to go to today. He is different from you. He can ignore anything for his love. His life can be no, his face can be avoided. ”


When Lore stood there and looked at Xiao Nian, she saw that she said this in a faint tone.

You can do it, you can't have a face.

Some hilarious literal meanings, but I don't know why, Lore's heart shook, some bravery is not something everyone can do.

"But I am different from Gongao." When Xiaonian looked at the black box, he said, "That is only your personal matter. I will not threaten others for my own illness."

"You really don't need me to cure the disease," Luo Lie asked. "I think you should know that very few doctors specialize in this aspect like me. Others may not be able to do the right medicine."

Although he also misjudged this time.

But he does not believe that there will be others in this field who are better than him.

She said that so much is really not asking him to cure?

"Lancaster has grace for you, but we are not enemies between us. Isn't it true? I came to ask you this. I wanted to make you brave, nothing, when I said nothing." A smile, go back, "Doctor Luo, although we have some unpleasantness in these six days, I am very happy to meet you, goodbye."

When Xiao Nian nodded to him, he turned and left.


Lori stood in the same place, and his eyes were full of mistakes. Did she really go without really treating the disease?

When Xiaonian walked back to the room, Gongou was looking for her. When she saw her, she immediately pulled her to her side and glared at her. "Where are you going, I don't know if I am worried"

He was afraid that she would faint again.

"I'm fine, just go out and see what else to clean up."

When Xiao Nian said, he did not say Luo Lie’s **.

"I am not warning you, I am not allowed to clean up and you will stay in my sight." Gong Ou said.

When Xiao Nian looked at his nervous appearance, he laughed and stood on the right side of the station. He stood on the left and stood up. He took a pair of black and white eyes. "How is this line of sight better?"

Miyako stood in front of her, her eyes moving with her, then she pointed her finger at her eyes. "You have the ability to stand here."

"Then your eyeballs will be exploded."

She is such a big man.

"I am not afraid of 瞎" Gong Ou said, and then I will sneak into my arms, and stare at her deeply, gazing deep, as if to engulf her, her face approaching her face, warm The breath was sprayed thinly on her face, and the voice was hoarse and hoarse.


"You are pregnant now, unlike usual, don't move into my sight, I hear no." Gong Ou said, the slender hand held her back to her chest, and the low voice passed from the chest. Into her ear, "I see you fainting, I really regret it, I regret let you want this child."

When Xiao Nian leaned on his chest, he listened to his heart and beat it vigorously. She stretched out her hands and climbed onto his back. "Miyao, this is just an accident, and there will be no more next time." ”

"You still want to have it next time"

Gong Ouyi glanced at her and glanced at her with one hand and walked out through a suitcase. "Let's go, I have let Fengde collect all the famous doctors' information and I will find a cure for you."

"Do you want to make a big move?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"When the treatment is a big mistake, I will say the last time. If this is the last time, if you have the next night, I will not want this child."

Miyagami said with a scorpion, he would not allow a pregnancy to torture her for nearly ten months, impossible.

"But I want it."

When Xiao Nian frowned, and returned to the topic, the child had not formed in her stomach, and she and Miyao had no need to fight for the child.

"I do not want"

"You obviously want, you want a complete process of being a father." Xiao Nian said.

"I didn't think so. I hate children the most, I am so annoying."

Miyako decisively swallowed all his previous thoughts into his stomach.


When Xiao Nian looked helplessly at Miao Ou, followed him to go forward, Miyao began to scream at her, "Go downstairs and give me a careful walk. Give me a little more care. Take the boat and give me some care. You give me everything, I don’t hear it."

"Miyao, don't talk like this."


"I always feel the next second you will beat me." What are you give me more careful, she heard senseless.


The two said that while going downstairs, Gong Ou carefully took care of the time and thought that she would be like a fragile glass, and she was afraid of falling in the palm of her hand.

In the bedroom opposite the door, Luo Li slowly came out of the room, stood at the door, looked at the back of the two people, his eyes were awkward, and he reached out and touched his lips, with a trace of blood on it.

When Xiao Nian and Gong Ou came out of the Luo Zhai, the palace and the palace had been waiting outside, seeing them out, the palace immediately helped take the box.


Miyazaki said, walking towards the yacht on the shore.

Miyao crossed the yacht in a handsome position, and reached out to hold the hand of Xiao Nian, a pair of black eyes staring at her. "Be careful, don't force, I will pull you over."

She is not so weak and can't help but wind.

Ok, she fainted and he didn't believe this sentence anymore.

When Xiao Nian secretly sighed, handed it to Gong Ou, let Gong Ou Lala himself, a voice came from behind her. "Mr. Gong, Mrs. Gong, our young master, please wait a moment."

When the little thoughts turned around, the palace was standing on the yacht, and a pair of black cockroaches instantly became very cold and looked at the house.

Luo Lie slowly swallowed from the Luo Zhai, the body was a little weak, walked past the two lion sculptures and walked toward them, when Xiao Nian glanced at the palace.

Is it to say goodbye to Gong Gong?

Miyazaki stood behind Miyao and looked at Lorie in a normal way. He couldn’t feel the turbulent waves in Lo’re’s heart.

"Mrs. Palace." Loreley stood by the side of the small thought.

Miyao glared at her coldly, pulling her little thoughts to her side, looking gloomy at Loire. "You should squat before I roll back to my house without changing my mind. Don't show up in my house again." In front of Europe

"Mr. Gong, I can't cure your wife's illness." Lori stood there and said, his voice was cold. "In fact, no doctor can cure your wife's illness."

When Xiao Nian’s eyes are stagnation, what does this mean?

Miyao stood on the yacht, and the hand on the side of the body clenched his fist at once, and slammed into the face of Luo Li’s Qing Gao, almost biting his teeth. "I see that you really don’t want to do it again. I will fulfill you"

He promised that from now on, he will not heal any patient.

"Mr. Gong, whether you believe it or not, your wife's cause is on you. I have never misjudged this point," said Lori.

Miyako’s nephew tightened in an instant, slamming at him, thinning his lips, but not refuting anything.

When Xiao Nian did realize that Luo Li was giving them professional advice, he still had a soft heart.

"Mr. Gong's illness is not treated by Mr. Gong, no doctor can treat it," said Luo Lie, then bowed low toward them. "Three people walk slowly."

After that, Lorry turned and left, his hand pressed the position where the chest was injured, and his brow was wrinkled.

When Xiao Nian looked at his back, she vaguely understood the meaning of Luo Lie. She looked at Gong Ou, and Miyau’s face squinted in the direction of Lore’s departure, pulling her on the yacht without saying a word. The cab went.

He is silent.

Silence makes the time a little panic.

"Miyao, are you okay?"

When Xiao Nian followed behind Gong Ou, Gong Ou entered the cab, reached for a cup of hot water and handed it to her, then went to the console to start operation and drove the yacht out.

The yacht cut through the calm lake and opened a white spray.

"Miyao, what are you thinking?"

When Xiao Nian thought that he was not suitable for such a silent palace, he stretched his sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"Think about things."

Gong Ou Shen Sheng said these three words.

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