CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 765: : I surrendered enough.

Chapter 765: I have surrendered enough

"Yes. Hey."

When Xiao Nian’s lips were blocked again, Gong Ou almost kissed her madly, one hand controlled her two hands, the other hand to caress her face, and then let go again, “Do not want to quarrel"

He kissed her until she quarreled.

"Yes. Um."

When Xiao Nian’s lips were blocked again.

When Gong Ou once again left her lips, her soft lips were already swollen. His eyes were full of emotional confusion. He looked at her with arrogance. "Do not quarrel."

This time, when Xiao Nian said that he was embarrassed, he forced himself to calm down from such a kiss. She said coldly, "You will call me again."

Wen Yan, Gong Ou did not agree with a low smile, bowed his head and kissed her.


When Xiao Nian’s hand slammed his face, it was light and the sound was crisp.

Miyao bent over and stood there, the whole person suddenly stood there, and both eyes fixedly staring at Xiao Nian, when Xiao Nian sat there, his eyes were cold.

The two looked at each other.

Miyao touched his face, his face gradually cooled down, and he stepped back two steps. He stretched out the chair back and pulled the chair out of a curve. The chair feet squeaked on the floor and slammed into the front.

He sat down in front of Xiao Nian, raised a leg, and stared at him when he was staring. "Noisy."


When Xiao Nian looked at his face, the slender fingers seemed to helplessly grabbed two times, and his heart was heavy. She looked at him and asked, "What conditions did you promise to Dr. Luo?"

She does not believe in the falsification of diamonds, she can not deceive herself.


"Miyao I am so stupid in your eyes," Xiao Nian asked, does he think that she would believe this reason?

"No, you are very smart," Miyao said. "But I think you will be better."

It is better.

The answer is more ambiguous.

"But I don't want to lie to myself, what did you promise?" Xiao Nian asked, and then said, "Forget it, I don't ask you what you promised. I hope you promise me, don't do it, don't leave me."

"I didn't want to leave you, I just went out and I will be back soon."

Miyao Shen Sheng said that the fingertips were shaved on his face, clearly that she played so lightly, lightly like no weight, how he felt so painful.

"That brought me together." Xiao Nian said.


Miyau Ou is very arrogant.

"Then you will accompany me, don't go anywhere." Shi Xiaonian insisted.


Palace Europe is still smashed, there is no room for compromise.

When Xiao Nian’s nephew turned around in her eyes, she was sour, she looked at Gong Ou. "You can only choose one of the two roads."

Her tone is also tough.

"I am going to speed back" Miyao said, this is the only thing he can promise. He definitely does not want her to see him apologizing.

"Miyao." When Xiao Nian stood up from the chair, he looked down at his handsome face. "I am not talking to you. I am serious. Take one of them, choose yourself."

"When you miss, when did you become so aggressive?"

"just now."

Xiao Nian said without hesitation.

"I must not go, I will come back as soon as possible, you will stay here to cure the disease," Gong Ouqiang said strongly, completely uncompromising.

When Xiao Nian’s eyes were more sour, he looked at Gong Ou coldly. “Miyao, why are you so overbearing forever, I will always surrender to you”

"This is the way we get along." He didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"But I have surrendered enough, I am fed up."

When Xiao Nian said coldly, she was so noisy, and in front of Miyao, how could she stand up.

"What do you mean?"

Miyao also stood up and stared at her with a low voice. The voice was cold and cold, and what was surrendered enough, that is, I don’t want to surrender.

"Miyao, you don't want to make all the decisions in a wishful way. Can't you let me decide that this is my illness, I have the right to deal with it." Shi Xiaonian said, "Even if it is a terminally ill person, she also has The right time to choose the last time to go happy or to suffer."

Terminally ill patients.

When I heard these four words, Gong Ou’s anger suddenly didn’t hit a place, and I shot it to the table with force. “I can’t help you when I’m not going to tell you, your life is my palace, everything about you is me. I have the right to dispose of it"

He is almost low-lying.

When Xiao Nian stood there, looking at the palace in front of him, a bitter smile, "You must be like this ** is not"

"I will come back immediately, I don't understand what you are angry about."

Miyau is so angry that he can still quarrel with him when he has lunch. He is not for her sake.

"That's because I know that Dr. Luo's conditions are not so simple, even the conditions that make you more painful than dealing with him. Otherwise, how can a doctor who is entrusted to Lancaster be willing to treat me?" Shouted loudly, "But you, still promised."

She didn't know what the conditions were, but she knew that it must be beyond the requirements of the palace's bottom line.


Women, sometimes they don't really need to be so smart.

Gong Ou was shouted by the shouts of Xiao Nian, and his thin lips were tight. He turned his head. "Not what you think."

"Then you will accompany me, don't go anywhere." Shi Xiaoyan said with all his strength.

"I will go back as soon as I go."

"You go, I will leave immediately, never cure."

When Xiao Nian was in a red circle, he said to him.

"When you miss you, you are crazy."

He spent so much effort for what he was like a grandson who was teased by Luo Li for what she said.

"I don't want to cure, no one can force me. You try, I said it."

When Xiao Nian said hard, turned cold and turned away.

"When you miss me, stop standing for me"

Gong Ouyi Road.


When the little thoughts did not return, I let the palace Europe scream behind her. She walked forward and her eyes became more and more red.

Palace Europe.


She didn't mean to beat him, nor did she intentionally irritate him. She just couldn't let him go this way. Isn't he insulted enough for her illness?

She would rather be ten times more painful every time she is sick, and she is not willing to toss it again.

Looking at him like this, she was tired and really tired.

When Xiao Nian went upstairs, a person sat on the balcony and looked at the lake outside and the Ferris wheel in the distance. His eyes were red and his lips were tight.

She sat, but her ears kept listening to the movement downstairs.

Miyao did not come up to stick her, indicating that his will is very firm, he is going to go, she is sitting here, especially afraid to hear the voice of Miyao left, afraid to see the back of Miyao.

She didn't know what Miyamoto promised, but she must not let him go.

A strange footstep came from behind her, and the voice stopped.

A gaze fell on her body.

When Xiao Nian sat there for a long time, he slowly turned his head and looked at the person behind him. It was Lolie. Lorie stood by the door, wearing some scars on his face, looking at her with his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

When I saw Luo Lie, when Xiao Nian’s heart was full of misery, she slowly turned her face and did not look at him.

"How is your eye red?"

Luo Lie asked, his brow slightly picked up.

"What kind of request you made to Miyao" was a little dumb.

It turned out to be for this matter.

Miyau's excuse is not to lie to the palace, but also to lie.

"It's a thing that kills him and doesn't want to do it, but because of you, Mr. Gong promised that he didn't hesitate." Luo Lie put his hands in his trouser pockets, step by step, and walked there, standing there. Looking at the sun on the calm lake.

Sure enough.

"You must do this," Xiaowen asked. "You can't refuse him directly."

How much is rejected directly.

Now, she really does not want to cure, really do not want to cure.

"You think that I can refuse to be the second master of the palace. He is a man. Today, the palace is supported by him alone. I can still stand here and talk to you. Is it my life? Is it not? "Luo Lie said with some irony, pointing to the palace can not be a lifetime.


When Xiao Nian sat there silently, looking into the distance, his eyes widened.

Seeing her silence, Lore’s eyes gradually fell down and looked at her lowly. Her eyes were so red, but no tears fell. The strong support made his chest twist.

"Do you hate me very much and want to shake my unspeakable secret?"

Lore asked.

I hate him, the palace is abhorrent to him, he is such a hateful person, who hates him is not strange, he does not care who likes.

"I know Gongao is because of a misunderstanding." Shi Xiaoyan suddenly said, "At that time he thought that I secretly gave birth to his child, so I imprisoned me, tortured me in various ways, asked me to tell the child. The whereabouts."

Luo Lie stunned. I didn’t expect Xiao Nian to suddenly say this.

When Xiao Nian looked up at him, his eyes were red, "Want to listen?"

Luo looked at her with a sly look. She didn't know what to say. For a long while, he walked down to the lounge chair beside her and his voice was cold. "You say it."

Shi Xiaonian slowly said the process of knowing each other and Gongao, from those things like the age of the family, telling them about their quarrels, telling the paranoia of Miyao and telling the stickiness of Miyako.

Lorry listened in silence.

The outside sun slowly has some coolness.

“At that time, Mona appeared in our sights. As a psychiatrist, she was cheerful and lively, beautiful and generous, as if all good words could be used on her.” Shi Xiaonian said, “until I found that she used the doctor's position to create a separate opportunity to live with Miyako."


Lorry’s gaze was stagnant.

"That can be more than six days. Mona's time between us is very long and long. I can't remember it when I grow up." Xiaoyan said with a bitter smile. "Later, Miao Ou kissed Mona." I was taken away."

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