CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 770: : Shouldn’t you bravely pursue

Chapter 770: Should you bravely pursue

When Xiao Nian thought and walked, and did not go to the door, he heard that Lou Lei’s hesitant voice rang behind her. “Can I tell you?”


When Xiao Nian was stunned, he looked back and looked at Luo Lie. What did you say to her?

"You come over." Luo Lie hesitated in his eyes. There seemed to be a trace of embarrassment. He stood up and sat down in the position where he was sitting, indicating that she was sitting in the doctor's position. "You sit here."


what's the situation

Isn't that the auscultation location where the doctor should sit?

When Xiao Nian walked over, Lori pointed to the position. "You sit down, Mrs. Palace, you sit."

"When Xiao Nian sat down at the table, he looked at Lorie with a puzzled look. "What else is Dr. Luo?"

Luo Lie sat there, his face was a little uncomfortable, reaching out to his lips and coughing a few times, and he sat and turned around several times.

When Xiao Nian did not know him, he looked at him.

what happened to him

She was about to ask her again, and Lori coughed a few times and looked at her seriously. She opened her mouth in a row. "He has been giving me things for a few days."

"Send something, who?"

When Xiao Nian asked inexplicably.

Seeing that she didn’t understand, Lore’s face was a little embarrassing, and the topic could not go on. When she looked at his look like this, she suddenly understood it, “Brother”

"Yeah." Luo Li nodded and coughed a few times. His face was serious and awe-inspiring. His voice maintained a constant cold. "He felt that he had said too much to me before, so I always sent me all kinds of antiques. I forgive him."

He spoke, and there was a faint expectation in his eyes, even though he tried hard to cover it up.

When Xiaonian sat at the table, he looked at Loreley and thought of the words that Miyao said. Those words made her unable to see the possibility of Loire and the palace.

If this is the case, then it is not as good as when everything died.

When Xiao Nian was trying to talk, he was once again robbed by Luo Lie. "He still asked me to talk about it every day, and asked me to play, and said that I would go to the corner to sit down."

As he spoke, Lore’s eyes brought a smile.


When I miss my lips.

"I didn't say anything, but the relationship between us eased a bit, and he regarded me as a friend again." Loely said that he would give it to him.

Will not call him Dr. Luo again.

I will not say anything about a friend’s grace.

"Well, isn't that good?" Xiaoyan said faintly, Lorry looked at her again. "He and his girlfriend are not divided."


When I was young, I stopped.

"I asked him why he didn't bring his girlfriend together. His look was a bit complicated and he said that the man could not come." Lori said, "So I was thinking, he had a conflict with his girlfriend, or divided. ”

It doesn't look like a honey love.

When Xiao Nian shook his head, "You still ask brother about this matter, I am not convenient."

Hearing words, Luo Li’s eyes disappeared with a touch of disappointment.

When Xiao Nian stood up and wanted to go, Luo Li suddenly said, "You said that I should be brave."

When Xiao Nian did not stand up and sat back again, the body was petrified, sitting in a chair and staring at Lore, Lorie looked at her seriously, and made her inexplicably feel a burst of pressure.

If she hadn't talked to Miyao, she would have liked Lori to be brave, but now she is a bit stunned.

"Why ask me this"

When Xiao Nian smiled a little, he asked.

When I heard this, Lore’s expression was somewhat helpless. “The only one who knows my secret is you, who do you think I can talk to?”

It turned out to be the case.

When I was biting my lips, I said, "I don’t dare to make up my mind about the feelings, or you have to think about it yourself, Dr. Luo, I can only be a listener."

"Are you disgusting with someone like me?" Loely asked again, his face was a bit ugly.


He means the same

When Xiao Nian slowly spit out a sigh of relief, he said seriously, "Dr. Luo, I have heard a word, love, between the two souls, has nothing to do with the body."

Luo Lie’s face slowly slowed down, and he sighed softly. “Mrs. Palace, I don’t want you to say that I have never considered this question. I think the failure of the confession is a failure. I don’t want to make a friend. I have nothing to do. But the appearance of you and Mr. Gong changed my mind."


When Xiao Nian looked at her with a blank look, the teeth bite her lips gently.

Why did she and Miyako change him?

"I used to think that love and getting are two different things. I can't get it. I can do it alone. It's just uncomfortable, but at least I have been able to figure it in front of Gong Gong. I still have someone else who said it. Dr. Luo, who is respected," said Luo Lie, the sun was falling on his face with a layer of fluffy light. "But after seeing Mr. Gong, I realized that there is still a feeling like that."


When I miss my lips.

"Mr. Gong can be desperate for you, and you can also interact with men. You can change your personality and change your personality. Let him abandon his pride and self-esteem." Loe said, "I used to think that being too tired, but now I am It seems to be a bit clear."

"Understand what"

When I was young, I didn’t understand.

"Mr. Ai Chenggong may be tired or may not have dignity, but he is very happy," said Luo Lie. The tone is aggravated, and the corner of his lips is a touch of curvature. "I am very envious of Mr. Gong. There are too few people in the world who can do this. ""

For the love of the people to pay, at all costs, it is also a happy death.



Miyao loves so hard and happy, maybe men know more about men.

When Xiaonian sighed, he looked at Luo Lie. "Doctor Luo, you should not change because of Gongao."

"Well, I suddenly want to try it." Loeley understood what she wanted to say and admitted frankly. "You don't mean that you should always pursue one person."

Anyway, his biggest ** she already knows.

Also want to try.

When Xiao Nian suddenly felt a kind of inexplicable pressure, she did not dare to make an idea, because she did not predict the outcome, especially the palace of Miyao could not get out.

"But." When Xiaoneng paused, "But Dr. Luo, have you ever thought about it, you can't be rewarded if you bravely pursue it, and you can't change it in the end."

Wen Yan, Luo Lie’s eyes stunned and smiled bitterly. “It’s also said, I’m saying that I want to learn to learn from the palace, but I can fail again. My dignity, my pride will still plague me. ""


He is a tall man, and such people are hard to accept failure.


"But also, he is still a palace man." Lorry smiled, stood up from the table, his hands in his trouser pockets, said, "I think, I really feel a little impulsive."

Failure, his pride was destroyed.

Success, how can the obstacles between them cross the past.

"Well, think about it again."

When Xiao Nian said.

Lorry looked at her strangely. "Remember that the first time you unveiled my secret, you said that you must bravely pursue, how is today's attitude so conservative?"

When Xiao Nian sat there for a long time, "If you are a moth, you know that it is a life of nine deaths, then you will go to the fire?"

It should be difficult for me to go to the palace. Even Miyau said so. She didn’t know whether she should let Loyle go to the moth.

Upon hearing such a question, Luo Lie’s eyes were completely dimmed and silent.

He went to the window and looked down at the outside and said, "If it is Mr. Gong, he will not hesitate to say it."


Gong Ou is such a person, but does not mean that everyone is ah.

Some injuries are not what everyone is willing to take.

Said, Luo Li suddenly laughed at himself with a laugh, and some despised himself. "How can I hesitate again? I really envy Mr. Gong."

In the eyes of Miyao, there is no dignity, no pride, no life, only one goal, and that is time and thought.

so good.

When can he do this?

When Xiao Nian looked at Lore’s figure, he stood up quietly and walked alone. She thought that Loire needed to be quiet and think about what to do.

As soon as she walked out the door, she heard a melodious piano piece.

It is always a matter of thought.

When Xiao Nian looked forward, he saw the silver body of the palace standing not far away, and the piano sound in the body was very beautiful, and fell into her ear with a bang.

When Xiao Nian couldn’t help but gently pick it up, smiled and walked to the palace, and asked, "Miyao?"

She has been in the consultation room for so long, and Miyagou is not in a hurry.

"Master, please come with me."

The palace said, stretched out and made a gesture.

"Where to go"

When the little thought asked doubtfully.

"Master, please come with me." The palace did not say where to go, only let her go forward, when Xiao Nian shook his head, "Palace, I am pregnant now, can not just walk away, Palace Europe will be anxious."

Although Miyako is not overly nervous now, it is only expressed on the face. She does not want to be too far away from him, making him nervous.

She still has this measure.

"what happened"

When Luo Li came out of the consultation room, he saw a robot and a small dispute in the palace.

When Xiao Nian was on the phone, Liu Mei was screaming. "The palace has always taken me out. I didn't pick up the phone that I played in the palace. I don't know what he is doing."

Why are you not answering the phone?

"Is it Mr. Gong let it come" Luo Li asked.

When Xiao Nian looked at the palace, it did not answer, only bent forward with respect and respect, and said to the young man, "Master, you will know when you wait."

"Where is it going far?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"I want to take a yacht." The palace said, when he heard the words hesitated, it should be that Miyao let it come, and others also commanded the immovable palace.

However, the palace had some autonomy earlier, and she could not understand.

"I will accompany you." Luo Lie said, when he heard the words, he nodded. "That is bothering you, Dr. Luo."

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