CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 773: : Loire’s "Girl Heart"

Chapter 773: Loire's "Girl Heart"

"What should I do?"

When Xiao Nian thought of him with a headache, they really had to stay on the Ferris wheel for a night and it was very cold.

"You are waiting for me here, I will go back and take it."

Gong Ou looked at the heavy rain outside, then took off his coat and covered her body, and waited for her to stop turning and rushing out.


When Xiao Nian looked at his back in a wrong way, the heavy rain quickly flushed his whole body. He ran forward in the rain, his figure was long and lean, and he was getting farther and farther, and the rain splashed from his feet.

I don't know why, like being pulled by something, the heart of Xiao Nian was pulled. In the next second, she lifted her coat and rushed into the rain without thinking, and ran towards Miyao.

Upon hearing the footsteps, Miyao turned her back to look at her and yelled at her in anger. "When you miss you, your mother is crazy, you are pregnant."

She still wants to catch a cold.

When I was young, I spit out my tongue. "I forgot, let's go, it's fine to the yacht, nothing."

"Why are you coming out?"

The heavy rain washed the entire Xiaotang Street, and the sound of breaking into the lake was particularly loud. When I was looking at Gong Ou, I said loudly, "I see your back is getting farther and farther, I don't like this feeling."

So she ran out.

"You are this woman"

Miyao glared at her, the rain washed away from his handsome face, too much to say too much, he stretched out the coat she took, and took care of her to run to the side of the yacht, "Hurry up. run"

When Xiao Nian smiled and ran forward, there was rain coming from the face, wet her face, and she suddenly thought of the rotten rain in the idol drama.

It’s clear that the customs have arrived home, but why do you feel that you are so romantic when you experience it once?

"Miyao, it's fun."

Xiao Nian was excited to follow his steps and smiled very happy.

"It’s a fun ghost, if you catch a cold, I will kill you."

Usually, what is the same as what is the case. At the crucial moment, her little rebellious factor at the bottom of the snack jumped out and made a fuss, and actually ran into the rain.

Miyao yelled at her and yelled at her, escorting her all the way forward, a low-pitched, but when she saw her thoughts, she smiled with a smile under her raised coat, her lips bent, her white teeth, her eyes bent. It’s like a round of the moon, and the eyes are full of light.

Rely, really beautiful

By the way, he wants to drink and quench his thirst.

The two men ran back to the yacht all the way, when Xiao Nian was still smiling happily, and did not mind what his shoes were wet. Gongou immediately dragged her into the room, regardless of her own wetness and picked up the bath towel. Wiping her hair, rubbing the side, "I will take off my shoes and change my clothes and get rid of them."


The next time you want romance, you can't be in the rain.

When Xiao Nian opened the shoes on his feet, he looked at his face with a cold face and a bright smile. "Do you not feel fun in Gongao?"

"Your happiness is so easy to get"

Miyao screamed at her face.

When I walked in the rain, I was so happy that I had a sad face before he treated her.

"Yeah, it's so easy, are you not happy? Are you not happy?"

When Xiao Nian asked with a smile.

She smiled very happily, like a child, her teeth were a bit dazzling, and she forced her to say "unhappy" to his lips.

He put a bath towel on her body, and the black scorpion stared at her deeply, with a thin lips and a word, "Happy."

It is enough for her to laugh so happy, and everything is enough.

When Xiaonian once again smiled very brightly, he dropped into his soaked arms and reached out to climb his back and hugged him firmly.

Miyagami’s body was stiff and then she reached out and hugged her.

As long as she wants, he will do her.

His contribution is not to give her pressure, just to make her happier, and Lore is right, he used to be too hard.

Now, it’s good.

When she came back from the rain, Gong Ou gave her two days of **** water. When she was still suffocating, she did not have any signs of catching a cold.

The sun is shining outside.

When Xiaonian stood in the doorway and sunbathed for a while, the voice of Gongouou sounded behind her. "When you read, come over, drink **** water."

"Don't drink, I'm fine."

When Xiao Nian turned to look at Gong Ou.

"Drink last time"

Miyao sternly bowed to her.

Xiao Nian had no choice but to nod. "Okay, drink the last time."

She walked over, Miyao stood in front of her, gently blowing the **** water in the cool bowl, then took a spoon and put a spoonful on her lips to let her drink, some spicy **** water in her mouth Formed a warm current that broke into her stomach.

"Let's drink a little more."

Miyao continues to feed her.

"Hey, I am showing you all the time now." A voice came.

When Xiaonian turned his head, he saw the palace gong coming in from the doorway, dressed in an elegant, tall figure, under the short hair of a micro-volume, still wearing a mask on his face, showing only a pair of gray eyes.


Gong Ou looked up and gave a shot and continued to give medicine to Xiao Nian.

"Brother, how do you still wear a mask?"

It’s been a few days, and my identity has been exposed. How can I still wear a mask?

"I don't want to let Lorie feel uncomfortable. After all, he is still facing Lancaster. I wear a mask so that he only thinks that I am Mr. Y, not the enemy of his benefactor family." Miyazaki said, Gently sighed.

It turned out to be the case.

When Xiao Nian hangs his eyes, he drank the **** water from the spoon.

In fact, Gong Yi is also a person who will think for others.

"Speaking of Loire, I think I have to leave." Miyazaki suddenly turned around and sat down in the chair next to him.

Gong Ou lifted his eyes and gave him a cold look. "What happened?"

"Luo Lie didn't know what happened in the past few days. Before he was treated for treatment, he looked at me with a cold face. The words were very aggressive." Miyazaki said, "Little thought says him. I care about the meaning of our friends, I think so, so I went to apologize and he was still cold-faced, but in the past two days, he suddenly changed his attitude by one hundred and eighty degrees."

"What's up with him"

When Xiao Nian asked a little nervously.

What did Lorry do.

"He will give me gifts in turn." Miyazaki said, "Give a gift in the morning, afternoon, and evening. When you leave, you will leave, and you will not say anything. His temperament has always been like this. I only reconciled it. As a result, he I also asked me to go out to play, I thought that both of you also went, and it turned out that only two of us were found."


When Xiao Nian bites his lip, Lori really starts to act.

"He is about you"

Miyao asked coldly.

"Yeah, I don't want to play anything. I am going to take the Ferris wheel. We two big men go to the Ferris wheel. I don't know that he still likes the girl's heart of the Ferris wheel." Miyazaki shook his head incomprehensibly.


When Xiao Nian almost squirted the **** water in his mouth.

"And, do you know what he sent me? Watches, belts, clothes." Gong Yi sighed and pulled out a delicate box from his pocket. "These are too much. You said what he meant by sending this."

When Xiao Nian and Gong Ou looked at it, it was a pink diamond of no value. It was the same gift that was sent to the day when Miyao gave it to the Ferris wheel.


Palace Europe is silent.


When Xiao Nian is speechless.

Luo Lie really used Gongao as a learning template. Everything was copied. How to send everything exactly the same, and invited Gong Gong to go to the Ferris wheel.

Miyazaki looked at their two silences and continued, "I don't know what he is thinking. I didn't know that he was such a girl's heart, if you know."

"If you know what you are going to," Xiao Nian immediately asked nervously, his hands on his lap clenched his fists, and his nails grinded a little on his fingers.

Miyazaki looked at her strangely. "Little thought, how do you look eager?"

"I don't have it." Shi Xiaonian smiled a little nervously, pretending to relax. "I just didn't expect Dr. Luo to like pink diamonds. Maybe he wants to reconcile and don't know what method to use."

"Maybe." Miyazaki shrugged. "I think he is a big man who likes pink diamonds. I just wondered how our friend is doing this. Our interest concept seems to be a little far away."

Anyway, he doesn't like pink diamonds.

"When I was silent, I asked, "Because you are leaving,"

"I was afraid of the gifts he sent, but it is not because of this. It is mainly because we have been away from home for too long. I will go back to accompany my mother." Miyazaki said, look at them, "Little thoughts are completely different now." It’s a good heart, and it’s great, so I don’t have to stay here.”

When the little thoughts hang down.

Palace is going to go, Naoli

Hey, these are not the ones who can't get involved, she can only watch.

"When are you going?"

Miyao asked.

"After tonight, I will return to the palace tomorrow morning." Miyazaki said that a decision has been made.


There is a crisp sound coming from.

Three people turned their heads and saw that Lore stood there not far away, and looked at the direction of the palace. The absence of the high arrogance of the weekdays, only a stagnation.

At his feet, there is a broken teapot.

"Doctor Luo."

At the time, Xiao Nian looked at him with some mistakes.

"Lorie, when are you coming?"

Miyazaki stood up from the chair and looked at Loire a little slyly. He complained about how much a lot of Loire heard.

Damn it.

How can he chew a friend's gossip like a long tongue woman.

Lori stood, and soon a face was restored to the cold, and the voice was cold, "You have to go."

"Yes." Gong Yu's tone was so bad. "I have been away from home for too long, go back to accompany my mother."


Luo Lie snorted and turned away without expression. His feet stepped on the pieces of the teapot and went upstairs.

When Xiao Nian looked at the figure of Luo Lie, she could not help but feel a little uncomfortable for him. She could understand the feeling of Luo Lie at the moment.

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