CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 777: : Dr. Luo likes you.

Chapter 777: Dr. Luo likes you

"Miyao is still your husband, but you are willing to believe me, he does not want to."

Lorry said coldly.

When I heard this, I was saddened by the inexplicable thoughts. I handled the wound for Lorry simply. "But at that time, it was one o'clock in the morning, why did you wear it like this?"

No one will wear this sleep.

"I don't want to wear it like this, but" Loely said that it was paused here and didn't say anything.

"What is it?"

When Xiaoxuan was puzzled, it was more doubtful that Miyazaki saw Loyre’s neatly dressed dress, and he decided that Lore was the one who betrayed them.

Loreley sat there for a long time, only to say, "but I didn't sleep."

When Xiao Nian listened, the whole person shook the earthquake and looked at him with awkwardness. He suddenly understood. "It’s because you have quarreled during the day, so"

So Loire didn't sleep all night, instead of being dressed like that.

"Oh." Lorry sneered, and laughed at himself. "It is a friend. In fact, I am in his eyes, it is not a stranger."

When something happened, Gong Yi blamed him. When something happened, Gong Yi doubted him.

What is his fault, what is his sin.

"Doctor Luo, brother"

When Xiao Nian wanted to say something, Luo Lie interrupted her words. "It goes without saying, it doesn't matter. I am carrying this pot, but I don't have any use for it now."

Yes, the killer is still outside.

When I was young, I frowned, "Who is the letter to the Lancaster family newspaper?"

"My servants and bodyguards have disappeared overnight. Naturally, some of them have ventilated their letters. Perhaps all of them have been ventilated." Lorry sneered. "I want to know your letter, and the reward is very high." ""

It turned out to be the case.

When I was biting my lip, I looked at the rope on the hand of Luo Lie. "I will help you solve it."

"You don't move"

Lorry’s eyes suddenly became cold.

When "what happened", Xiao Nian's hand shrank back.

"I tied him to me, I don't need anyone to solve it for me." Lorry said coldly, with a stubbornness in his eyes.

This is really completely mad.

Loyre was misunderstood again and again by the palace, and anyone else would be uncomfortable.

"Dr. Luo, it would be nice to misunderstand it." Xiao Nian can only say so.

"Mrs. Palace, this is something between me and him. You don't have to mediate." Lorry said coldly, his voice was like a child, and his eyes were slightly relieved. "Mrs. Palace, you let Mr. Gong." Prepare, my next man betrayed me, Lancaster will not forgive me, and it is even more unlikely to be threatened. Therefore, they will definitely be prepared to attack and will not take care of my life and death. ”

"Well, I will go now."

When Xiao Nian was shocked, he stood up and walked. He heard a gunshot from outside. When the gunshot sounded, Gong Oufei quickly ran back and took her and walked back.

"They started, you advanced to avoid it, I pushed him out."

Miyazaki said, picking up Lorie from the sofa, untied the rope on his knees and pulled him away.

When I saw it, Xiao Nian was busy. "Brother, don't do this. You misunderstood Dr. Luo. He didn't ventilate."

"What did he say to you, you believe him"

Miyazaki said, pushing Loyre to go outside.

"Brother, if you push him out like this, you will only kill him." There was a gunshot from outside, and Xiao Nian stopped in front of the palace without thinking, preventing him from leaving.

"Miyao, manage your woman," the palace looked at the time, "Little thought, I know that your heart is soft, but now is not a soft time"


When Xiao Nian frowned, he still said that he had been interrupted by Luo Lie. He stood there, his hands tied behind him and smiled contemptuously.

"Why are you laughing"

Miyako stood aside, and the black gaze watched Lori, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

"The young master of the palace is wise and unparalleled, I admire it, let's go." Lori said with a cold voice, and did not use the palace to push himself to the door. When he passed by, he lowered his voice. "There is a basement under the desk in my room. If you believe me, take them there and hide."

An hour or two will soon pass.

Xiao Nian looked at him dumbly.

Miyazaki followed behind Lore, followed him to the closed door, and the hand of the palace was put on the door. Now, just open the door and push Luo Lie out.

They can talk to the killers.

Lore stood there, did not resist, and looked down at the palace's hand and slowly explored the door handle. The corner of the lips slid a touch of curvature, and the arc became deeper and deeper.

When Xiao Nian stood there, seeing the palace will open the door, she could not help but shout out, "Brother, you can only open the door now, Dr. Luo is shot by the killer outside."

When the words fell, the action of the palace was stagnant for a second, cold and authentic, "I said, don't believe him."

Lorry has always been eccentric, and it is not surprising to do anything special.

Said, Miyazaki’s hand held the doorknob, and Miyazaki’s thoughts were left when he left, and he was anxious when he was young. “Even if he is cheating on me, then in case, if you open the doctor, you will be killed. Now?"

The killer is not human.

Wen Yan, Gong Yi can not help but look at Luo Lie, Luo Lie's smile on the face of irony is more ironic, to be more glaring, there are more glare, he turned to look at Gong Ou and Shi Xiao Nian.

This is his younger brother, brother-in-law, and his unborn nephew or prostitute. It is the future of the palace. They must have nothing to do.

Lore is now the only trump card they can delay.

Can't be used.

Miyazaki thought, brushing a chill in his eyes, reaching out to open the door, when the anxious voice sounded behind him, "Doctor Luo likes you, how can he harm you?"

Lorry’s figure froze.

The shape of Miyazaki also froze.

The atmosphere became very strange for a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was quiet and dead, and there were intermittent gunshots on the outside. This night was extraordinarily long.

"what did you say"

Miyazaki turned his head and looked at the time and thoughts in an incredible way.

When Xiao Nian was in a hurry, he blurted out his face. Now he saw Luo Li’s face pale, and suddenly he was annoyed with his own mouth. She said, “I mean, Dr. Luo regards you as such a good friend, how could it harm you? ""


Miyao’s cold face stood beside Xiao Nian’s side and was not interested in such things.

The palace was standing stiffly at the door, and one pair of eyes couldn't believe it to Lore. The face of Luo Lie was as white as snow. There was no blood, and there was pride in his eyes.

His hand slipped from the door handle and the man stepped back three steps.

Lori stood there, and Yu Guangzhong saw the palace and the three steps back, and his eyes were gray and lifeless.

Things have been solved.

However, I don’t know if I should be happy or hate my own mouth. She can’t rely on Gong’s body and she is very blamed.

Gong Yi did not introduce Luo Lie again.

They escaped in the basement of Lore, listening to the search for the killer outside, and it was very loud, but no one noticed that there was a basement in the house.

The people of the palace came very quickly, and arrived in an hour. The killer controlled the entire house.

When Xiao Nian, Gong Ou and so on stayed in the basement, the light in the basement was not bright, and everyone was weakly shining.

When Xiaonian was held in his arms by Gong Ou, the two corners of the opposite side stood with Loire and the palace, and the two men did not have a single sentence, and their complex faces were complicated.

"Not your problem"

When Miyau stared at the time, she looked at what she was blaming.

When Xiao Nian snuggled into his arms, he said nothing. The atmosphere in the basement solidified to a very extreme. Lori’s face was very unsightly, like a patient.

The palace is low-pitched, standing silently, with almost no expression on his face.


The sound of tapping came from above the head.

"Young master, little thought, it is us, we can come out."

It is the voice of Feng De.

The reinforcements have arrived, and the danger of this night has been turned over, but

When Xiao Nian could not help but look at the two people, Luo Lie and Gong Yi, how to turn over between them.


When Ms. Ou was at the moment, she stood up and walked up the stone ladder to open the dark space. Feng De stood there with a bunch of bodyguards.

Feng De was dressed as a butler, and his short white hair was pretty good. He had an antique pocket watch hanging from his chest.

Seeing them safe and sound, Feng De sighed. "You are fine."

"Let you worry, righteous father."

When Xiao Nian came forward, he embraced Feng De and comforted him.

"Go and take a break." Feng De said, one turn, hold back, "this is"

When Xiao Nian heard the sound, he saw the palace and Luo Lie coming up from the basement. Luo Li’s hands were still tied behind him, and no one was untied for him.

"Quickly let Dr. Luo untie the rope."

When Xiao Nian said quickly, there is no doubt about it now. If Loire betrayed them, the killers will definitely find the basement to kill them.

"it is good."

Feng De immediately went to Luo Lie, and Luo Li’s pale face was cold. He directly retreated to the side and was cold and cold. “No.”

This knot, he does not let anyone solve.

There is no such thing as Feng Dezhen, and the atmosphere is a bit strange.

When I was young, I couldn’t help but look at the palace. The palace was standing still and standing. The emotions in the eyes could not be read. For a long time, Gong Yi walked toward Luo Li and stood in front of him, word by word. My fault, I am coming, don't you wait for this?"

At the time, Xiao Nian clearly saw that Luo Li’s eyelashes were shaking.

Miyazaki walked behind Lore, bowed his head to solve the rope, and Lore’s wrist was a deep rope.

Throughout the process, Lore almost stopped breathing, leaving only the eyelashes to tremble.

When I was young, I saw it very badly.


The rope fell to the ground.

Lori stood there motionless, his lips moving, hesitating for a long time, he slowly turned his head and looked at the palace, and had not had time to talk, the palace has turned around and left.

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