CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 798: : Gong Ou eyelid jump

The juice is blended and crystal clear, and at first glance it makes people appetite.

"Although this is then, but thank you for your appreciation."

The palace’s silvery head said, handing another cup to Miyao, Miyao sat up from the sofa, took a cup and took a sip, and patted the vacancy around him. “When you sit down, don’t draw”

"it is good."

When Xiao Nian smiled and answered, he sat down beside him and was naturally smashed into his arms. The wind blowing from the sea picked up the hair of Xiao Nian, very elegant.

"Beautiful, how do I like the present life so much?" Miyau stared at her, and reached out and licked her long hair and said proudly.

He is so wise.

This is called honeymoon, what was the mess before.


When Xiao Nian smiled and drank water.

"Palace, don't leave, take pictures of us." Gongou ordered, staring at the time, "When you read, I will sit in my arms."

"it is good."

When Xiaonian adjusts his sitting position, the palace also calls out his own camera system, where he kneels down, scans where they are, and designs the most beautiful composition.

Blue sky and blue sea.

Luxury cruise.

Handsome man.

Everything is as beautiful as a picture. Well, if you can ignore the number of times when her hair hits the face of Miyako in the sea breeze, the final part of the film is dark, and the hair of Xiaonian is dialed over and over again.

After five minutes of shooting, Miyako’s face was beaten ten times by her hair, and her face was hurt.

"Do not shoot"

Miyao decided to give up.

When Xiao Nian smiled, he reached for a hair band and put his own hair together and tied it aside. He lifted his legs and sat down on the sofa, looking at the scenery in the distance, and asked, "Miyao, all at sea. Three days, where are we going?"

This time, the palace was mysterious, and there was no place to tell her about the honeymoon.

"You will know when you arrive."

Miyako continues to be confidential.

"Oh, then can I call the family and ask my brother how the injury has recovered? Ask the twins if they are serious about studying." Xiaonian asked tentatively. After three days, she did not have a phone call. Miyazaki and Miyako passed, she really missed them.

"Not talking to you, there is no signal at sea."

Miyako said, taking advantage of her blowing the sea breeze and drinking juice, life is very healthy.

When Xiao Nian said, "I have asked the palace. It says that there is a signal in the sea."

"Oh, the palace is broken, I will fix it when I go back."

Miyao's face was not mad at her, and she cried to her. When she was listening to a black line, she put the juice aside and leaned against him. Miyau looked at her with a low face.

When Xiao Nian grabbed his clothes, it was rare to be spoiled. "Miyao, I know that you don't want to be disturbed by anyone this time, but I really want twins. We are parents. We don't care about ourselves for three days. Child, how is this like?"

"Why do you want to be like someone?"


When the little thoughts are speechless.

"Moreover, there are so many people in the family, you are afraid to take care of them." Gong Ou does not think that there are any problems with the two children staying at home.

"What if there is something cold?" said Xiao Nian.

"You are cursing your own child"

Gong Ou tilted her eye.

When Xiao Nian was blocked, he couldn’t speak, and he could only sit there with annoyance. The bite bite his lip and Miyau saw her so loose. "Okay, I will let you go to the place." You call home, but when do you want to control, you and me honeymoon, can't think about them forever"

"Good." When Xiao Nian nodded quickly, he asked again, "So you don't want them?"

Since this second pregnancy, she has discovered that Miyako really likes the role of Dad, but he is particularly cold.

"I don't want to" Gong Ou coldly screamed, "I am going to honeymoon"


I don't know who sneaked a person to slap the notes made by the two children one night before leaving, check their progress, and reschedule the care.

Forget it, she is too lazy to expose him.

When I was looking at the sea, "When are we going to the destination?"

"This time tomorrow."

Miyao said.

"That also means that the ship has been open for four days without sleep." When Xiao Nian did not know where he was, he wondered, "Do we have to go to Asia?"

Miyao did not care about her, and continued to blow the sea breeze, enjoying the rare space of two people.

No one bothers to be cool

The next day, the cruise ship finally landed. When Xiaonian took the hand of Miyau and got off the boat, he looked at the pier in front of him. This pier is different from what she usually sees.

Not so much cold cement, but a lot of cherry trees were planted, the pink petals slowly fell, reddish, bringing a warm spring to the pier.

"so beautiful."

When Xiao Nian never saw such a beautiful pier, watching a strange pedestrian walking in the middle is full of poetry.

"Don't see who chose the place." Gong Ou picked up his eyebrows. "Go, take you to see my newly bought villa."

"A honeymoon also buys a villa"

The first reaction of Xiao Nian is to be a waste, not to live in a hotel.

"I have money"

The first reaction of Miyako is also very straightforward.


When Xiao Nian lost, he didn't want to talk to the local tyrants.

She followed the palace and went to the inside, followed by the palace, and several crew members carefully moved down the suitcase and walked down.

Gong Ouyu told them, "Some of you, you can get off the sports car and leave the suitcase."

The "this" crew members looked at each other, one of them said, "Mr. Gong, this suitcase is quite a lot. The palace is afraid that it is too busy to come. It is better for us to help you move back. If we move, we will leave."

When Xiao Nian was surprised to see the crew, these crew members were really good, and they actually took the initiative to help them move things.

Miyao’s brow snorted and looked at the suitcase and answered it. When he was squatting, he walked away and his hand slammed his right eye.

When Xiao Nian looked at him doubtfully, "What happened?"

"The eyelids suddenly jumped up."

Gong Ou Dao, the voice is low.

"It's okay."

When Xiaonian asked with concern, Gong Ou put it down, it doesn't matter, "I'm just jumping, I'm fine, let's go, take you back to the villa."

"it is good."

When Xiaonian nodded and walked with him, a short section of the road, Gong Ou had several eyes, but also blinked and stunned, but still could not stop the eyelids beating.

Seeing that he always cares about his eyes, Xiao Nian said, "If you change your superstition, you have to make a fortune today."

"What do you mean?"

Miyao asked.

"The left eye jumps and the right eye jumps."

The real-time little thoughts don't remember which eye is jumping to make a fortune. She simply wants to let the palace Europe pay so much attention.

"Is it"

Gong Ou asked with an eye.

"Yeah, you have to bow down today, maybe you can save money and get rich."

"Oh." Miyao sneered with disdain. "For me to make a fortune for Miyako, the entire ground of the Langyu Island is full of banknotes, and it has to be so high."


When I was young, I didn’t want to talk to the local tyrant. She just wanted to be quiet.

The two men continued to move forward, and when they looked around, they were surrounded by cherry blossom trees. "This is called Langhuayu."

beautiful place.

Beautiful name.

It is more beautiful than the Honeymoon Holy Land introduced by that.

"Yeah." Gong Ou should have a voice, his hand still squinting, what is going on today, the boat will jump and jump.

"How did you find this place? It is really beautiful here, a lot of cherry trees."

When Xiao Nian walked, the pace became lighter.

"There is a place I can't find," Miyao said in a self-sufficient way.

This man is really

"Why did you choose this place?" Xiao Nian asked, this is the first place that was chosen by Miyagi since the honeymoon.

“Sure enough, there are very few people on the island, no more than 20 households.”

Miyao said that he was the most annoying to disturb them.

When "so little", Xiao Nian asked in a wrong way, Gong Ou put down his hand and jaws. "Well, there are few people here, but there are many beautiful scenery. This cherry tree is not beautiful."

"Sakura is not beautiful, I haven't seen cherry blossoms for a long time."

After floating for four days at sea, I could see so many splendid cherry blossoms in the next place, and the whole person's mood has improved.

"I will take you to see one by one."

Miyao said, suddenly, his hand caught his eyes again, and he looked at him with a sigh of relief. "Why, I started jumping again."

How should eyelid jump be solved?

When I was young, I couldn’t think of it for a while.

"Well. I started to jump when I got off the boat, I was sick of it."

Miyao said that his eyes were always jumping and he was upset.

"Then you will hinder the line of sight, let the crew open the car for us, we should go, it should not be far away," asked Xiao Nian.

There are so few people in Langyu Island, and it should not be big.

"Not far, go over."

Miyao admitted that his current eyes are not suitable for driving, not to mention letting him sit next to him, he does not dare to gamble.

So the two went all the way to the villa, and when they arrived, the crew had already left, and the sports car was parked in the yard.

It was a small white villa that was more beautiful than human imagination.

There is a cherry tree planted in the courtyard, and other flowers are also covered with flowers, and the air is full of flowers and fragrance.

This is a villa that can make a girl's heart burst. She has seen many beautiful houses along the way. I didn't expect the best to be bought by Miyao.

"Awesome, Miyau, or a white fence." When Xiao Nian sighed and walked over, carefully pushed open the fence and stood inside, feeling standing in a fairy tale.

Flowers everywhere.

The white cottages are even rounded with windows, and a windmill is turning next to the fence. Not far from the cherry blossom petals are blown by the wind.

Gong Ou really wants to choose a place.

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