CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 826: : Happy to go back

When I miss my lips.

"No lip bite!"

Gongou twisted the eyebrows, I don't know if he will feel bad? What bite bite!

When Xiao Nian was already burned, his mind was in a mess, and he didn’t know what he was doing at this time. He didn’t know how to resolve the hate of the palace.

She has no action yet, and Miyako has already rushed to the front of the palace and grabbed his arm and shook. "Do you really want to go home?"


Miyazaki stared at the ground.

Charles faintly aware of what, can not help but look at the palace Europe, waiting for the attitude of the palace Europe, Gong Ou looked cold, and the slender five fingers tightly locked the hands of Xiao Nian.

"That, then..." Gong Kui hesitantly looked at the palace, and looked at them when they read them. Finally, "I will go back with you."

"You and me go?"

Miyazaki had some surprises about the performance of Miyako.

"Yeah." Gong Kui said, he put down the hand of Gong Gong, and hurried to the front of Xiao Nian, and put it into her tender embrace, whispered, "mom, don't be sad, I will go back with honey, I will help you educate." Is he good?"

The little adult-like tone made the little thoughts a little gratifying. She looked at her daughter and nodded. "Good."

Miyako and Miyazaki have almost never been separated, and Miyagaki is now deeply rooted, and her sister who is close to her blood will be better at her side.

"Yeah, you are jealous."

Miyakoyuki took a kiss on the face of Xiao Nian, and said goodbye, then looked at the indifferent and gloomy face of Gong Ou, and suddenly chose to turn around in a few seconds.


Miyako's face is a bit ugly.

"Charles butler, let's go."

Miyako went over and took the hand of the palace to go out together.

So the two young children fled home to follow them because they missed them. Now, because they are separated, they choose to go home.

When Xiaonian bowed his head, frustration and sadness rushed up. At the moment when Gongyi and Gongkui walked out of the door, she said, "Miyao, let's go together."

This honeymoon, really do not have to spend.

She has no mood to swim in the mountains.


Miyao interrupted her coldly.


When Xiao Nian looked at him incomprehensibly, the children left, leaving them in such a way, can they still have fun?

Moreover, she is also worried about the palace, even if she hates her again, it will always be better to accompany her.

"I still have things to solve." Gong Ou said coldly, the look in his eyes is unbearable strength. "I choose to stay, you are not allowed to leave."

Must stay to accompany him.

"What else?"

When Xiao Nian did not understand, what is now more important than the palace.

"The heart of the palace can not be solved in a day or two. You didn't find it. He even pointed to Xiaokui." Gong Ou said coldly.

"So I thought about going back with them."

When Xiao Nian said.

Gong Gong is no different from the horns of the horns. He used to let Xiaokui cry before.

"My business has not been solved. I will take you back when I solve it. I will allow you to send them." This is the greatest degree that Miyake can endure.

When Xiao Nian’s eyes on Shanggong’s eyes, there was not much time for her to consider, and it was difficult for her to contend with Gong Ou, which she knew was clear, but it would delay the time.

"I know."

When Xiao Nian was faint, he stood up and went back to the room to prepare things.

At the pier, the cherry trees stood in a row, the petals fell to the ground, and a pink road was laid. Several yachts were parked at the dockside. The bodyguards stood on both sides and waited for orders.

Charles followed the palace and Miyako slowly behind the yacht.

The wind blew through, and a pink petal fell on the shoulder of the palace, and was quickly blown away by the wind. It was as if it had never stopped.

"I haven't played enough yet." Miyako whispered a whisper and turned to look at the face of Gong Gong.

"You don't want to go and go back."

Miyazaki said with a blank expression, the old man looks like a long sister.

"I want to go with you." Gong Kui immediately shook his head. "We have not separated, I will not separate."

Miyazaki looked at her sister and her eyes were darker.


When they were separated, they still had no memory. He was at the palace, and she was at the side of Xiao Nian.


A soft voice rang behind them, with a hint of care.

A group of people turned around and saw a small bag standing there with a large suitcase, wearing a white turtleneck sweater, the color is as warm as the sun, the big sweater is a pair of long legs, stepping on a pair Slippers, have not had time to change shoes.

She stood there, a long black hair rising slightly in the wind, with some red eyes, the young face was particularly beautiful.

When Xiao Nian was moved to the palace, he waved.

Miyazaki stood there indifferently, and Miyako saw the brother pushing forward immediately. "You are going to go."

Gong Yi was pushed two steps and no longer moved.

In the end, Miyako was pushed to the front of Xiao Nian in the whole process of the palace. When Xiao Nian squatted down, although her stomach was still flat, her current movements under her armpits had been somewhat difficult.

She has heard people say that they will exchange respect with their children and they will feel respect and equality.

When Xiao Nian was in front of the palace, he opened the bag next to him and said with a smile. "Mom and Dad have some things not handled on the Langyu Island. I will go back in a few days. I have prepared something for you. Your clothes are exchanged. Diligent, so I am prepared for you more."

When Xiao Nian pointed to the clothes in the bag, the palace looked indifferent.

She took out a box of plums and shook it in front of the palace. "When you eat fruit, you can eat this kind of plum, so I went to buy two boxes. You can also go on the way back, but don't Eat more, it will affect the appetite."

"Wow, mom is good."

Gong Kwai arched the palace beside the arch with his elbow, and the palace looked at the plum in his hand, and he did not move, and his face had no expression.

When Xiaonian put the plum back, and then picked up two toothpastes, no matter what the palace couldn’t hear, he said, "Your teeth don't have the health of a small sunflower, so you can't use the same toothpaste with her. This is what I consulted. A few doctors later set the toothpaste, you will use this later."


Miyagawa Station does not move there.

"And, I also changed the socks for you. This is thinner and it is not easy to sweat."


"Oh, yes, I have also made some food for you, there are bread and water, and some snacks and snacks. Don't worry, it won't be fangs, it's suitable for you to eat." Shi Xiaonian flipped a pile in his bag.

Miyakoji smashed a pile there, pouted his mouth and resentfully said, "All of them like to eat, and no Xiaokui loves to eat."

"What do you like to eat?"

When Xiao Nian asked, the property of Gong Kui’s food was genetically identical.

"Yeah, I love it."

Gongkui realized this, and smiled sillyly. When he looked up, he saw that the palace was still standing there. When did he become so polite, even thank you.

In the face of the indifference of the palace, when the little thoughts bitterly hooked the lips, stood up and handed the bags to Charles, who said, "Charles butler, you will bother to take care of two children along the way."

"This is my responsibility."

Charles bowed his head.

"Hory has a bad sleep these few days, let him drink a cup of milk before going to bed." Shi Xiaoyan said faintly, "And, it is best to let holy and Xiaokui sleep in two rooms."

"Why is that?"

Charles wondered that the two children are still young and don't have to be separated.

"Hyly, the sense of responsibility is too heavy. I always think about giving her a quilt when I sleep with Xiaokui. This is not good for him." Shi Xiaonian said that the palace also needs rest.

I don't know why, obviously no one has forced the palace to blame anything, but the sense of responsibility of the palace is small and scary. Sometimes the little thoughts will doubt whether such a small child is also under pressure.

"Is it?" Charles was shocked. "I don't even know."

"I do not know either."

Miyako is loud and authentic.

Miyazaki stood there, the little hand involuntarily smashed into a fist, lowered his head, and passed a trace of accident in his eyes.

How does she know that he will wake up at night?

She just has a little care about him, just a little bit.

"That little lady, we are gone."

Charles said in a small time.

"Okay." When Xiaonian nodded, and said goodbye to Miyako, she looked at the palace, and her eyes filled with extravagant hopes, "holy, hold me with me?"

The words fell and the surrounding area was quiet.

Everyone is watching them.


Miyazaki stood in front of the small thoughts, black eyes stared at her clean fingertips, eyes narrowed twice, and finally turned blankly and left.

No sound left.

Charles frowned, followed the palace, and a group of people followed.

Only when Xiao Nian stood there, looking at their figure a little bit away, looking at the figure so small, but so cold.

The wind hurt her eyes.

She closed her eyes and the long eyelashes were stained with wetness. It was really too windy and it hurt too much.

Gongyi and Gongkui just left, and Xiaonian stood on the side of the dock for a long time. For a long time, the hair and the shoulders were covered with cherry blossom petals. For a long time, Gongou impatiently urged her to go back.

Xiao Nian did not know how he returned to the small villa. She stood outside and looked at the white villa. The small courtyard parked a sports car, planted flowers and plants, and the windmill on the fence kept turning.

There are two children in each corner.

On the first night, the two children stood in front of them with a stern face, with reluctance and dust, and told her how much they wanted their parents.

Later, Gongao wore a chicken-flying dog every time they wore clothes, and the palace was full of chaos, and the palace was calm, like an old gentleman, sitting there quietly meditating.

Every corner has memories.

Thinking about those, Xiaonian couldn’t help but smile, raised his hand and touched the windmill on the fence. When he touched it, he saw a beautiful little boy standing in front of her, and the voice was pretending to be calm. "Well, I I also think this windmill looks good."

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