CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 833: : I finally saw Miyao

"You just tell me, remember not to remember what I said, can you do it?" Gong Ouhei stared at him gloomyly. "There is no chance to escape once."

Gong Ou's tone is very heavy, he has to be heavy.

This time, Gong Ou really put all the bets on his son who is under six years old.

The failure of Gong Yi’s escape means that Lan Ting will be more comprehensively detained for them, and it is difficult to go to heaven if he wants to run.

Miyazaki fixedly looked at the face in front of him, and he was calmly inexplicably panicked. "Are you going to be killed?"

He ran, and the Lan family would definitely be angry, and angry would hit the palace.

"You can escape, I can live." Gong Ou said coldly, "The palace does not dare to act, not because I am imprisoned, it is because of you."

As long as the palace can escape, Feng De will immediately send someone to rescue him. He has seen these people in the Lan family. He can still survive when he wants to survive.

Just send the untimed bomb of Gong Gong...


Miyazaki stood there dumbly.

"You can't be wrong, hear it?" Gong Ou pressed his head, "My life is over to you!"

Miyazaki stood there, heard the words, and suddenly fell back with some fear, and then retreated to the wall. After retreating, he blurted out. "I am still a child."

It is too serious to say what to give to his life.

If he can't do it, Gong Ou is not waiting to die.

His movements provoked a sneer at Miyako, and Miyako stared at him, and his lips twitched in a circle. "Sure enough, it was a little cute to my son."

Like the little thoughts, he likes it.


Miyazaki couldn't speak, and looked at Miyao with the look of a madman.

Miyao also looked at him and stopped giving him any ideological work, but stepped back.

Miyazaki's eyes widened in horror, Miyao retreated to the door, and then knocked **** the door, cold and cold, "Open the door, I want to talk to you Mr. Lan."

"Mr. Lan does not want to see you!"

The servant outside replied immediately.

"Tell him, I know what he wants to do, maybe, I can help him."

Miyao said coldly, the words fell, and there was a running sound outside, it should be running to find Lanting.

Miyazaki clung to the wall, Miyao looked at him, and then pointed his finger at his brain, "Move your brain."

"I, I can't do it..."

The palace was stuttering, and for the first time he recognized his weakness.

"At that time, your life was in the hands of Mona, I have saved you." Miyao said coldly, "You are the son of my palace, you must do it."


Miyazaki stared at Miyao, and his face was pale. At that moment, he seemed to suddenly understand the feelings of Miyao when he saved him, and he did not seem to understand it.

He is very confused.

He didn't know what to do.

But the sound of the door has been heard outside, and he can't help him think more. He can only do it with his scalp, because Gong Ou wants him to run first and ask him to come.


The night is dark.

Moonlight is lonely.

Lan family stands in the moonlight.

When Xiao Nian bypassed the construction car, he went to the door of the Lan family and rang the doorbell. The waiting time was longer than any time. For a long time, she heard a cautious voice, "Who is this?"

"It's me, I will send flowers to Mr. Lan."

When Xiao Nian stood at the door and said.

"So late to send flowers?"

The servant inside asked some doubts.

"I had a bit of trouble this morning, so I didn't come to send flowers. Plus, Xiaoqi seems to have been a little scared yesterday, so I came over to see it." Shi Xiaoyan said faintly, saying this is also to prevent the servant from taking the flowers and let her Leave people.

Sure enough, the servant heard her words and said, "Then wait, I will ask Mr. Lan."

"it is good."

When Xiao Nian should answer, the double-handed flower basket stood at the door, his lips were tight, and his heart was awkward. I wonder if Lanting would let her in.

At this time, Lanting will definitely not be born outside. If Lan Xiaoqi hears it, she should be asked to come in.

She was thinking, the door was opened from inside, and a servant stood there and said to her, "Please come in."

When I heard the words, Xiao Nian breathed a sigh of relief. The servant smiled slightly and walked in with the flower basket. The sight swept to both sides, and the courtyard under the moonlight was as quiet as ever.

It seems that nothing has happened, as it used to be.

She walked into the hall, the hall was brightly lit, Lanting sat on the sofa, a laptop on her knees, what she was looking at, and Sven's face, like a normal, a rich man.

"Mr. Lan."

When Xiao Nian walked over, he made a sound.

Hearing her voice, Lanting, sitting on the sofa, stiffened and looked up at her, and her eyes were full of embarrassment. "I thought you would not come again."


When Xiao Nian was somewhat inexplicable, he did not understand where his embarrassment came from.

"Yesterday, I am really sorry, the man is Gong Ou, you may not know this person, he is powerful, and it is easy for me to live my life." Lanting put the computer aside and stood up from the sofa. Said, "So, I am really sorry."

It turned out to be for this matter.

That said, Lan Ting really does not know that she is the wife of Miyao, it is also strange enough, as long as I read the news of Miyao, more or less should know her face.

Lanting does not know.

She didn't need to make a reason why she didn't send flowers in the morning. Lanting automatically refused to think that she was bullied by Miyagi.

"Mr. Lan doesn't have to feel sorry, like my flower girl is humble, being bullied is normal."

Xiao Nian said faintly, if she never admits and does not deny that she is a flower girl, it is not a real deception, then at this moment, she began to really mislead Lanting.

It is said that the guilt on Lanting’s face is deeper. “Are you... okay?”

When Xiao Nian stood there, he lowered his eyes and smiled bitterly. "Well, how can you be bullied, being bullied, and how can you find the big man in your mouth to take revenge?"


Lanting frowned.

"I have placed the flower basket here." When Xiao Nian lifted up and looked at him, her eyes were red, which just confirmed her feelings at the moment.

Lanting was even more unwilling to go down and looked at the flower basket in her hand. "Do you still want to send flowers to Xiaoqi at this time?"

"Xiao Qi's personality is not cute enough, but I have really liked her for a few days." Shi Xiaonian said, the voice is a bit low and dumb. "I didn't know what happened yesterday, but I was shocked to see Xiaoqi." I think that these flowers she likes can comfort her."


Lanting’s eyes were stagnation, and the flowers in the basket were fixed. “It’s hard for you to think about Xiaoqi, but I haven’t done anything for you.”

"What can you do again, isn't that a big man?" Xiaoxiao said bitterly. "Probably this is my life."

Lanting looked at her. "Do you hate me?"

"Whether, you don't have the obligation to save me, then, I should hate that person, isn't it?" When Xiaonian looked down, sadness and sadness did not need to be loaded to behave naturally.

She was so pitiful under the light that she could not help but provoke protection.

When Xiaonian put the flower basket on the side of the coffee table, he turned his head slowly and turned his lips, his lips slowly tightened, and his heart was playing drums.

She didn't know how much her role could be played by retreating.

Out of two steps, Lanting called her, "Little thoughts."

He called her a little thought.

When Xiao Nian stopped and did not look back, Lanting stood in the same place and looked at her back. The voice was a bit low. "Do you really hate that person?"

When Xiao Nian closed his eyes and then turned his head, his eyes were reder than before. "Mr. Lan, I am a woman, being bullied so I shouldn't hate it? I can't wait to kill him."

"..." Lanting listened to her words, her eyes deepened, and after a long silence, she made a decision and said, "Small thoughts, you come with me, I let you see you."

It is said that the heart of Xiao Nian’s heart is playing like a drum, and it beats very hard.


She pretends to know nothing.

"You will know when you come."

Lanting said, turning around and going upstairs, Xiaoyan followed him up. Every step was as soft as stepping on cotton. He had no strength at all and sweated on his face.

Now she can only take a step and look at this story.

When Xiao Nian followed Lanting, he went upstairs. There were more than one person upstairs in the upstairs, and some people were dressed in casual clothes. It seemed to be a resident on the Langyu Island.

Everyone here is favored by the great good man of Lanting, and everyone is obeying him.

In front of a certain door, there were a lot of planks falling on the ground, and the door was faintly hidden. What was the sound of the slap, and the face of Xiao Nian was suddenly white.

Lanting walked to the door with a little thought, and looked back at her and said, "Small thoughts, I know that you are just an ordinary flower-picking woman. I am opening the door now, you should not be scared."

"What do you want me to see?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"I don't know if you want to see people now." Lanting said, he went up to open the door.

The door was slowly opened. When you first entered, the two eyes were tied tightly. The shoes on the feet were familiar.

When she bought clothes for the twins that night, she also chose a pair of shoes for Miyao. It was very cheap, but Miyao liked it and kept wearing it.


When Xiao Nian’s breathing was stagnation, the door opened wider and bigger, and then she saw Miyao, who fell to the ground. His hands were tied back, and the whole person fell to the ground, with three servants or a whip. Pump him or kick him.

One foot and one foot.

The sound is loud.

The clothes on Miyau's body were all dirty, and the chest was even pulled apart to open a slit. His face was a bit green, and a blood was hanging from the corner of his mouth. He was biting his teeth and enduring the pain.

Palace Europe.

When Xiao Nian was staring at him, his lips shuddered, not to say that there was a way to escape, not to let her go home and wait.

Is his solution to be abused here?

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