CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 852: : Obesity, is a problem

"Who has the leisure time to take the name." Gong Ou said coldly, dismissive, is about to leave, as if he thought of something, he turned to look at the time, stared at her deeply, then pointed to the tombstone The direction, said, "This road will be called after the future."

Come to life.

When Xiao Nian’s heart trembled, he looked up and looked at Gong Ou, and Gong Ou also stared at her. The deep squats had absolute favor.

She looked at the long tunnel, her eyes were bitter and somewhat confused.

"Miyao, is there really an afterlife in this world?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

"Lanting tried every means to wait until the flowers covered the entire martyrdom. Is it because he believes that there is an afterlife?" Miyao said indifferently.

This statement will make her feel better.


When Xiao Nian looked at the martyrdom, the thought was also, whether or not, the Lanting family of three believes that there are, perhaps they have gathered in the afterlife to make up for all those regrets.

When Xiao Nian nodded, then said, "Let's be alive, very good."


Gong Ou Dao.


When Xiao Nian went out, did not take a few steps, the palace chased up, with a lollipop in his mouth, a broken doll in one hand, and a small hand in the hand, and looked at her with some worry. .

Gong Yi is still the same as before, ignorant and vocal, noble and courteous, but she has a lot more adhesion to her than before.

When I thought about it, after the station in Langhuayu, even Miyazaki understood how many family relationships should get along.

"Holy young master."

Charles walked behind them and suddenly called the palace.

Miyazaki was observing when Xiao Nian had a frown, whether he was uncomfortable or not. He turned his head and Charles stood there and smiled and looked at him. "Hello, you come over."

When Xiao Nian looked at the past with some doubts, he was left by the palace.

Miyazaki walked over to Charles, bowed politely and alienatedly toward him. Charles was very spirited in the housekeeper's uniform in the sun, and he slowly handed out something from behind.

It is an album.

Miyazaki looked at him inexplicably. Charles smiled. "I haven't ruined this album. I have been carrying it on my body. This is a commitment to your mother. I promised her to be at the right time. The book is handed over to her child."


The palace lived, handed the doll to Charles, took the album from him, and carefully opened a page with a playful and cute picture.

It is a picture of a girl who has a baby.

Some words he knows, some words he does not know.

Charles’s voice continued to sound on his head. “I was thinking about waiting for you to give you back in adulthood, but this time it seems to be somewhat unpleasant. I thought that the young master and the second young master are talented and talented. I will definitely understand how much your mother loves you."


Miyazaki stood there silently, flipping through a page of paintings. Is this page saying that mom and the stomach are talking to them? A lot of words, I can talk to myself.

Looking at it, Gong Yi suddenly laughed, and there was a small cluster of fireworks in the darkness of the darkness.

Charles stood there, some surprised to see the little child in front of him, holy master is also a different kind of palace, quiet, seemingly polite but always a cold face, still young but not even playing I like to play, let alone laugh.

This innocent smile in Charles's impression, this seems to be the first time he saw it.

Charles understood that he was doing the right thing, and it was a lot easier.

When the lady wanted to handle all the past, he still didn't ruin the album. He always thought that when he owed it, he promised a promise and must do it.

"Holy, what are you doing?"

When Xiao Nian went out for a long way, he still didn't feel relieved, and turned back and shouted.


Miyazaki immediately responded, took the doll from Charles's hand, and hugged it in his arms with his photo album. The tone of his speech was flying upwards.


When Xiaonian nodded, she was relieved to see her.

Xiao Qi’s affairs made her guilty, and she also knew how to cherish her. She cherished a home she had finally gotten. Nothing is more important than this.

Before I left, I couldn’t help but look at the martyrdom. The colorful flowers swayed in the sun and watched for a long time, as if the swaying swayed slightly, holding all the sunlight, like opening a Time flies, leading to the next life.

Look again, this flower sea road is still beautiful and thrilling.


Next, because Gong Ou and Shi Xiao Nian are injured in the body, Gong Ou's injury is heavier, when Xiao Nian thought he would not let him go to what honeymoon, and ask him to recuperate.

Miyau’s mouth talked and listened. As a result, she and her twins were brought back to the city. He handled the pressing official affairs while taking care of her mouth.

In this way, once he has finished recuperating, they can go out for a honeymoon again.

When Xiao Nian was not too light, the rest of his mouth and her understanding are not the same thing. She thinks that the honeymoon can stop and the palace is considered a big event.

Half a month after returning to the city from Langhuayu, Xiaonian looked at herself in front of the floor mirror. She wore a pair of white shoes. The slender legs were a comfortable and loose sweater, a black one. Long hair is scattered on the shoulders, and the white face is small but somewhat round.

The face is fat.

When Xiao Nian went back to tighten his sweater, he showed his belly, and the lower abdomen was obviously bigger than before.

She touched her stomach and pinched the flesh of her face. He heard a piano coming from "Time to Miss". She turned and saw the mr palace with a hot drink coming towards her. The silver body was tall and mighty. It is very safe.

After returning to the city, the mr palace was completely repaired, and now it is perfect, and the system has been further upgraded.

Shi Xiao Nian is somewhat worried about the mr palace, because it has some self-conscious behavior before, which is more than the scope of the robot, but this time it was greatly repaired, n.e did not find any abnormality, she thought it should be that she thought more.

"Master, your hot drink, be careful."

The mr palace handed the hot drink to her.

"Thank you." When Xiao Nian took the cup and took a sip, then turned left and turned right in front of the mr palace. "Mr Palace, am I a lot fat now?"

“It’s normal to gain weight during pregnancy.” The electronic sound of the mr palace sounded in front of her, and it carefully stepped back to make sure that her radiation did not reach her.

"When I was pregnant for the first time, I didn't seem to have so much fat, but my stomach was big."

When Xiao Nian holds the cup and can't help but go to see herself in the mirror, maybe because she encountered too many things when she was pregnant for the first time, she didn't get fat. But this time, Gong Ou like pigs. She is raising, she feels she is too fat.

"No, you are still slim and beautiful."

The mr palace compliments her.

"Where, it is really fat."

When Xiao Nian is somewhat entangled.

“How did the owner suddenly start to mind the figure?” mr Palace asked. “You have been standing in front of the mirror for a long time.”


Shi Xiao Nian was somewhat ashamed to say the reason. Yesterday, Gong Ou fights for a wound that has not recovered. She has to hold her. When she picks up, she blurts away. "Well? How did you sink so much?"

Although Miyao followed up with a sentence saying "It really is too long to hold, to hug more", but she is already a little glass heart.

In addition, after returning, some media photographed her photos. Some netizens commented and accused her of having a fat face. She said that she was not worthy of Gong Ou, saying that she had looked at a very pure face and that she had destroyed everything. Said she is all kinds of.

She is even more glass in an instant.

When I saw the little thoughts, I didn’t talk. The mr palace continued to play the song “Come on the Time,” and asked, “Does the owner want to lose weight?”

When Xiao Nian shook his head, "I am pregnant now, I can't control my diet deliberately, I must take the baby first."

"In this case, why is the owner still not happy?"

Asked mr palace.


When Xiao Nian couldn't answer, she knew that weight gain is normal now, but the first pregnancy was not seen when she was pregnant with her big belly. This time she had to look at her big belly and see her getting fat.

She was very worried that Miao Ou stared at her one day and suddenly came up with a sentence: When I was young, how do I see you become ugly?

Then her pregnant woman will collapse in minutes.

"Master, I will dance for you."

When the mr palace sensed that it was not happy, she started the swearing mode and started dancing on the carpet in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was a... square dance.

The silvery limbs flexibly twist the various wonderful postures in the sun.

The exaggerated body movements made it impossible for the little thoughts to hold back and laughed. She went to the sofa on the side and sat down. "Okay, I am not so bad, don't tease me." ”

"Yes, master."

The mr palace obediently corrects the dance of the **.

When Xiao Nian tried to throw the fattening facts behind his head, he said, "Is the ingredients for dinner ready? I will do it for a while."

I have to do what Miyako likes, and I like the palace and Miyako.

In order to complete the backlog of work, Miyao always stayed at the company, and he was still famous. This is also a recuperation. When Xiao Nian persuaded him to have a honeymoon in minutes, she had to give up and work **** his usual diet. Let his injury recover faster.

"Already prepared."

The mr palace replied.

"That's good." When Xiaonian nodded, a man sat on a soft, large sofa, and the man leaned back, holding the cup in one hand, and took a magazine next to him and opened it.

Ok, I flipped over to a recent photo of her, and she was still on her side. She was bowing her head and had a double chin.

Obviously, there is no double chin, and the angle is not good.

When Xiao Nian continued to bow his head, his hand touched his chin, and a cheerful footstep ran over. "mom, mom! Have your letter!"

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